Mirela Bojan, Maria Constanza Basto Duarte, Vanessa Lopez Lopez, Laurent Tourneur, Philippe Pouard, Pascal Vouhé
Miniaturized bypass circuits, including the Kids D100 oxygenator and the D130 arterial filter, were specially designed to reduce blood transfusions in small infants undergoing cardiac surgery. This study compared the number of blood product transfusions and short-term outcome between patients younger than 1 year undergoing cardiac surgery with a conventional and a miniaturized bypass circuit, after controlling for baseline characteristics and surgical complexity by 1:1 matching. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals for exposure to transfusions and to any additional transfusion were estimated from binary and polytomous regression models...
November 2011: ASAIO Journal: a Peer-reviewed Journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
P K Minifee, C W Daeschner, M P Griffin, P L Allison, J B Zwischenberger
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been successful treatment (80% survival) in over 2,000 neonates with severe respiratory failure (80% predicted mortality without ECMO). Neonates on ECMO require frequent blood product replacement, which increases donor exposure (DE) and the risk of transfusion related complications. Successful, widespread usage of ECMO in neonatal respiratory failure is placing increased numbers of surviving infants at risk for acute and long-term transfusion related problems. We assessed DE rates in 21 consecutive neonatal ECMO survivors...
January 1990: Journal of Pediatric Surgery
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