Lieke Koornneef, Maarten W Paul, Adriaan B Houtsmuller, Willy M Baarends, Johan A Slotman
During the first meiotic prophase in mouse, repair of SPO11-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), facilitating homologous chromosome synapsis, is essential to successfully complete the first meiotic cell division. Recombinases RAD51 and DMC1 play an important role in homology search, but their mechanistic contribution to this process is not fully understood. Super-resolution, single-molecule imaging of RAD51 and DMC1 provides detailed information on recombinase accumulation on DSBs during meiotic prophase...
July 20, 2023: Bio-protocol
He Song, Guangzhou Ding, Chunlei Zhao, Yanli Li
The B-box (BBX) protein, which is a zinc-finger protein containing one or two B-box domains, plays a crucial role in the growth and development of plants. Plant B-box genes are generally involved in morphogenesis, the growth of floral organs, and various life activities in response to stress. In this study, the sugar beet B-box genes (hereafter referred to as BvBBXs ) were identified by searching the homologous sequences of the Arabidopsis thaliana B-box gene family. The gene structure, protein physicochemical properties, and phylogenetic analysis of these genes were systematically analyzed...
June 10, 2023: Genes
Sudha Bhattacharya
Entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of amoebiasis. DNA replication studies in E. histolytica first started with the ribosomal RNA genes located on episomal circles. Unlike most plasmids, Entamoeba histolytica rDNA circles lacked a fixed origin. Replication initiated from multiple sites on the episome, and these were preferentially used under different growth conditions. In synchronized cells the early origins mapped within the rDNA transcription unit, while at later times an origin in the promoter-proximal upstream intergenic spacer was activated...
2023: Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
Oliver P Stuart, Rohan Cleave, Michael J L Magrath, Sasha Mikheyev
We present a chromosome scale genome assembly for Dryococelus australis, a critically endangered Australian phasmid. The assembly, constructed with Pacific Biosciences continuous long reads and chromatin conformation capture (Omni-C) data, is 3.42 Gbp in length with a scaffold N50 of 262.27 Mbp and L50 of 5. Over 99% of the assembly is contained in 17 major scaffolds which corresponds to the species' karyotype. The assembly contains 96.3% of insect BUSCO genes in single copy. A custom repeat library identified 63...
June 3, 2023: Genome Biology and Evolution
April L Jelinek, Jan Futas, Pamela A Burger, Petr Horin
BACKGROUND: The mammalian Leukocyte Receptor Complex (LRC) chromosomal region may contain gene families for the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and/or leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILR) collections as well as various framing genes. This complex region is well described in humans, mice, and some domestic animals. Although single KIR genes are known in some Carnivora, their complements of LILR genes remain largely unknown due to obstacles in the assembly of regions of high homology in short-read based genomes...
2023: Frontiers in Immunology
Hongli He, M James C Crabbe, Zhumei Ren
BACKGROUND: The Rhus gall aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis specially uses the only species Rhus chinensis and certain moss species (Mniaceae) as its primary host plant and secondary host plants, respectively. Rhus galls are formed on the primary host by the sucking of aphids, and used in traditional medicine as well as other various areas due to their high tannin contents. Chemoreception is critical for insect behaviors such as host searching, location and identification of mates and reproductive behavior...
April 28, 2023: BMC Genomics
Daniel A Schwartz, Josué A Rodríguez-Ramos, Michael Shaffer, Rory M Flynn, Rebecca A Daly, Kelly C Wrighton, Jay T Lennon
Spore-forming bacteria are prevalent in mammalian guts and have implications for host health and nutrition. The production of dormant spores is thought to play an important role in the colonization, persistence, and transmission of these bacteria. Spore formation also modifies interactions among microorganisms such as infection by phages. Recent studies suggest that phages may counter dormancy-mediated defense through the expression of phage-carried sporulation genes during infection, which can alter the transitions between active and inactive states...
April 12, 2023: MBio
Jiri Forejt, Petr Jansa
Hybrid sterility (HS) is an early postzygotic reproductive isolation mechanism observed in all sexually reproducing species. Infertility of hybrids prevents gene flow between incipient species and leads to speciation. While Drosophila studies have focused almost exclusively on the genic control of HS, two other model species, Mus musculus and budding yeast provided the first experimental evidence of hybrid sterility governed by the nongenic effects of DNA sequence divergence. Here, we propose that the nongenic effect of increasing DNA divergence between closely related species may impair mutual recognition of homologous chromosomes and disrupt their synapsis...
April 8, 2023: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Phoebe A Rice
Mobile genetic elements can encode a wide variety of genes that support their own stability and mobility as well as genes that provide accessory functions to their hosts. Such genes can be adopted from host chromosomes and can be exchanged with other mobile elements. Due to their accessory nature, the evolutionary trajectories of these genes can differ from those of essential host genes. The mobilome therefore provides a rich source of genetic innovation. We previously described a new type of primase encoded by S...
2023: Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
Bingru Liu, Xiaoyu Zhao, Ziyin Wang, Huili Liu, Xueshuang Huang, Peng Yang
Tetraena mongolica is an endangered xerophytic shrub with high ecological value for the restoration of desert vegetation because of its high tolerance to drought and heat stress. Here, we generated a high-quality chromosome-level reference genome of T. mongolica by combining PacBio HiFi data and Hi-C sequencing technologies, which was approximately 1.12 Gb (contig N50 of 25.5 Mb) in size and contained 61,888 protein-coding genes; repetitive sequences comprised 44.8% of the genome. This genome of T. mongolica is the first published genome sequence of a member of the order Zygophyllales...
March 31, 2023: DNA Research: An International Journal for Rapid Publication of Reports on Genes and Genomes
Hanqi Liu, Yanqing Huang, Shanshan Lu, Didi Yuan, Junwen Liu
N6-methyladenosine (m6 A) is a representative of RNA methylation modification, which plays a critical role in the epigenetic modification process of regulating human diseases. As a key protein for m6 A, methyltransferase 3 (METTL3) had been identified to be associated with a variety of diseases. The publications related to METTL3 were searched in the Web of Science Core Collection from the earliest mention to July 1st, 2022. Being screened by the retrieval strategy, a total of 1,738 articles related to METTL3 were retrieved...
2023: Open Life Sciences
Avishag Mytlis, Karine Levy, Yaniv M Elkouby
Meiotic chromosomal pairing is facilitated by a conserved cytoskeletal organization. Telomeres associate with perinuclear microtubules via Sun/KASH complexes on the nuclear envelope (NE) and dynein. Telomere sliding on perinuclear microtubules contributes to chromosome homology searches and is essential for meiosis. Telomeres ultimately cluster on the NE, facing the centrosome, in a configuration called the chromosomal bouquet. Here, we discuss novel components and functions of the bouquet microtubule organizing center (MTOC) in meiosis, but also broadly in gamete development...
March 11, 2023: Current Opinion in Cell Biology
Youbin Xiang, Dai Tsuchiya, Fengli Guo, Jennifer Gardner, Scott McCroskey, Andrew Price, Eelco C Tromer, James R Walters, Cathleen M Lake, R Scott Hawley
Meiosis is usually described as four essential and sequential processes: (1) homolog pairing; (2) synapsis, mediated by the synaptonemal complex (SC); (3) crossing over; and (4) segregation. In this canonical model, the maturation of crossovers into chiasmata plays a vital role in holding homologs together and ensuring their segregation at the first meiotic division. However, Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) undergo three distinct meiotic processes, only one of which is canonical. Lepidoptera males utilize two meiotic processes: canonical meiosis that produces nucleated fertile sperm, and a noncanonical meiosis that produces anucleated nonfertile sperm which are nonetheless essential for reproduction...
March 13, 2023: G3: Genes—Genomes—Genetics
Marina Martinez-Garcia, Pedro Robles Naharro, Marnie W Skinner, Kerstin A Baran, Laura I Lascarez-Lagunas, Saravanapriah Nadarajan, Nara Shin, Carlos G Silva-García, Takamune T Saito, Sara Beese-Sims, Brianna N Diaz-Pacheco, Elizaveta Berson, Ana B Castañer, Sarai Pacheco, Enrique Martinez-Perez, Philip W Jordan, Monica P Colaiácovo
Chromosome movements and licensing of synapsis must be tightly regulated during early meiosis to ensure accurate chromosome segregation and avoid aneuploidy, although how these steps are coordinated is not fully understood. Here we show that GRAS-1, the worm homolog of mammalian GRASP/Tamalin and CYTIP, coordinates early meiotic events with cytoskeletal forces outside the nucleus. GRAS-1 localizes close to the nuclear envelope (NE) in early prophase I and interacts with NE and cytoskeleton proteins. Delayed homologous chromosome pairing, synaptonemal complex (SC) assembly, and DNA double-strand break repair progression are partially rescued by the expression of human CYTIP in gras-1 mutants, supporting functional conservation...
February 21, 2023: PLoS Genetics
Alexey K Mazur, Eugene Gladyshev
Recombination-independent homologous pairing represents a prominent yet largely enigmatic feature of chromosome biology. As suggested by studies in the fungus Neurospora crassa, this process may be based on the direct pairing of homologous DNA molecules. Theoretical search for the DNA structures consistent with those genetic results has led to an all-atom model in which the B-DNA conformation of the paired double helices is strongly shifted toward C-DNA. Coincidentally, C-DNA also features a very shallow major groove that could permit initial homologous contacts without atom-atom clashes...
February 15, 2023: Trends in Genetics: TIG
Calum H G Johnston, Rachel Hope, Anne-Lise Soulet, Marie Dewailly, David De Lemos, Patrice Polard
Homologous recombination (HR) is a crucial mechanism of DNA strand exchange that promotes genetic repair and diversity in all kingdoms of life. Bacterial HR is driven by the universal recombinase RecA, assisted in the early steps by dedicated mediators that promote its polymerization on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). In bacteria, natural transformation is a prominent HR-driven mechanism of horizontal gene transfer specifically dependent on the conserved DprA recombination mediator. Transformation involves internalization of exogenous DNA as ssDNA, followed by its integration into the chromosome by RecA-directed HR...
February 21, 2023: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Laura E van Rooijen, Eelco C Tromer, Jolien J E van Hooff, Geert J P L Kops, Berend Snel
Kinetochores connect chromosomes to spindle microtubules to ensure their correct segregation during cell division. Kinetochores of human and yeasts are largely homologous, their ability to track depolymerizing microtubules however is carried out by the non-homologous complexes Ska1-C and Dam1-C, respectively. We previously reported the unique anti-correlating phylogenetic profiles of Dam1-C and Ska-C found amongst a wide variety of eukaryotes. Based on these profiles and the limited presence of Dam1-C, we speculated that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) could have played a role in the evolutionary history of Dam1-C...
February 15, 2023: Genome Biology and Evolution
Victor A Albert, Trevor J Krabbenhoft
The CoGe software suite at hosts a number of tools that facilitate genomic research on plant and animal whole-genome multiplication-polyploidy. SynMap permits analysis and visualization of two-way syntenic dotplot alignments of genomes, includes many options and data/graphics download possibilities, and even permits three-genome synteny maps and interactive views. FractBias is a tool that operates within SynMap that permits calculation and graphic display of genome fragments (such as chromosomes) of one species mapped to another, displaying both blockwise homology depths and the extent of syntenic gene (syntelog) loss following polyploidy events...
2023: Methods in Molecular Biology
U Pirithiraj, M Murugan, M Jayakanthan, N Manikanda Boopathi, V Balasubramani, N Premalatha, S Hari Ramakrishnan, S Selva Babu
Nucleotide Binding Site - Leucine Rich Repeat (NBS-LRR) genes play a significant role in plant defense against biotic stresses and are an integral part of signal transduction pathways. Vat gene has been well reported for their role in resistance to Aphis gossypii and viruses transmitted by them. Despite their importance, Vat like NBS-LRR resistance genes have not yet been identified and studied in cotton species. This study report hundreds of orthologous Vat like NBS-LRR genes from the genomes of 18 cotton species through homology searches and the distribution of those identified genes were tend to be clustered on different chromosome...
January 30, 2023: Genetica
Elena Damm, Linda Odenthal-Hesse
Recent discoveries have advanced our understanding of recombination initiation beyond the placement of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) from germline replication timing to the dynamic reorganization of chromatin, and defined critical players of recombination initiation. This article focuses on recombination initiation in mammals utilizing the PRDM9 protein to orchestrate crucial stages of meiotic recombination initiation by interacting with the local DNA environment and several protein complexes. The Pioneer Complex with the SNF2-type chromatin remodeling enzyme HELLS, exposes PRDM9-bound DNA...
2023: Current Topics in Developmental Biology
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