Matthew J Zdilla
The corona of the glans clitoris is a clinically important yet poorly understood anatomical structure. There has been longstanding confusion regarding the prevalence of the corona of the glans clitoris and, moreover, its very existence. Therefore, this anatomical study assesses the prevalence of the corona of the glans clitoris and the gross anatomy of the proximal glans clitoris. Anatomy was assessed in 104 female donor bodies ranging in age from 50 to 102 years with an average age-at-death of 78.1±10...
May 9, 2024: Anatomy & Cell Biology
Shari M Blumenstock, Katarina Hoskins, Justin J Lehmiller
We explored the unique roles that body and genital image play in behavior-specific orgasm consistency, beyond overall sexual self-esteem. US adults (N = 599; 64% women) completed questionnaires online. Hierarchical regression analyses predicted orgasm consistency during receptive oral sex and penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) with additional clitoral stimulation (WAS) and with no additional clitoral stimulation (NAS) for the woman. Body image, genital image, and gender were entered in later steps to assess model improvement above sexual self-esteem...
May 7, 2024: Archives of Sexual Behavior
Rachel L Pan, Tannon L Tople, Shane D Morrison, Adam J Oppenheimer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Global Open
Jill M Krapf, Isabella Kopits, Jessica Holloway, Sylvia Lorenzini, Theodora Mautz, Andrew T Goldstein
BACKGROUND: Keratin pearls are foci of central keratinization within concentric layers of squamous cells that can form under the clitoral prepuce and cause pain (clitorodynia); in-office removal of keratin pearls may reduce clitoral pain and improve sexual function. AIM: This study aims to investigate clitoral pain and sexual function in women with partial clitoral phimosis and keratin pearls before and after in-office lysis of clitoral adhesions with keratin pearl excision (LCA-KPE)...
March 21, 2024: Journal of Sexual Medicine
Julie Alderson, Maia Thornton, Mars Skae, Julie Jones, Nicky Nicoll, Diana Harcourt, Mark Woodward, Elizabeth C Crowne
BACKGROUND: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21HD) can affect the in utero development of the genital anatomy of people with the 46XX karyotype. Health professionals engage parents in decision-making regarding managing genitals with this difference, including genital surgery options and patient communication. AIM: We sought to investigate parental communication with their daughters regarding clitoral size variation related to neonatal CAH...
March 13, 2024: Journal of Sexual Medicine
Michael J Gyorfi, Alaa Abd-Elsayed
BACKGROUND: Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) is a condition characterized by unwanted and potentially painful genital sensations or spontaneous orgasms without stimulation. We present a case of a 55-year-old woman with refractory genital arousal disorder that was treated with serial pudendal nerve blocks. CASE: RW is a 55-year-old woman with chronic pelvic pain, pudendal neuralgia, MDD, SI, GAD, CRPS, and persistent genital arousal disorder for 11 years...
March 10, 2024: Pain Practice: the Official Journal of World Institute of Pain
Marwa Nawar, Marwa Sayed Mohammad, Asmaa Shabaan, Heba Elsedfy
BACKGROUND: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by impaired activity of the enzyme required for cortisol and aldosterone production, resulting in increased adrenal androgen synthesis. Factors affecting fertility in CAH patients include ambiguous genitalia and their complications, excessive androgen secretion, adrenal progesterone hypersecretion, and various psychosocial factors. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) level is used to assess ovarian reserve in women...
March 11, 2024: Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism: JPEM
Agnieszka Dulska, Jakub Bodziony, Marta Janik, Agnieszka Drosdzol-Cop
INTRODUCTION: Vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS) is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the anogenital region, which can manifest in prepubertal or adolescent patients. The prevailing theories point to autoimmune and genetic factors. The primary symptoms of VLS typically include vulvar itching, discomfort, dysuria, and constipation. Physical examination often reveals a characteristic figure 8 pattern, involving the labia minora, clitoral hood, and perianal region. However, these symptoms and the age of onset are nonspecific and require differentiation from autoimmune dermatoses such as bullous diseases, pemphigus diseases, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, and dermatitis herpetiformis...
March 7, 2024: Dermatology and Therapy
Peter A Lee
This patient, now in her 40s, was evaluated because of genital ambiguity and diagnosed with pAIS in infancy based upon elevated testosterone and gonadotropin levels and significantly reduced binding affinity of the androgen receptor. Such reduced binding is consistent with a structural abnormality of the receptor protein precluding expected activity of the androgen receptor. Based on this information and counseling, her parents chose a female sex assignment. She had clitoral recession and testes removal as an infant and neovaginal surgery using a distal ileum segment at age 11 years and was begun on estrogen therapy at age 12 years...
February 29, 2024: Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
Sena Aksel, Amber Derpinghaus, Mei Cao, Yi Li, Gerald Cunha, Laurence Baskin
The human penile and clitoral development begins from a morphologically indifferent genital tubercle. Under the influence of androgen, the genital tubercle forms the penis by forming a tubular urethra within the penile shaft. Without the effect of the androgen, the genital tubercle differentiates into the clitoris, and a lack of formation of the urethra within the clitoris is observed. Even though there are similarities during the development of the glans penis and glans clitoris, the complex canalization occurring along the penile shaft eventually leads to a morphological difference between the penis and clitoris...
February 28, 2024: Journal of Anatomy
Agnieszka Dulska, Jakub Bodziony, Marta Janik, Agnieszka Drosdzol-Cop
INTRODUCTION: Vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS), a chronic inflammatory skin disorder, often coexists with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). VLS presents with subtle symptoms including vulvar itching and discomfort. Clinically, a "Figure 8" pattern involving the labia minora, clitoral hood, and perianal region is often observed. It is prevalent both in pre-pubertal girls and women aged 40-60, and the link between VLS and AITD remains unclear, with proposed causes including autoimmune, hormonal or genetic factors, and environmental triggers...
February 16, 2024: Children
John R Miklos, Robert D Moore, Cristina Sá Oliveira Maron, Ana Cristina Batalha
Female cosmetic genital surgery is becoming increasingly sought after by women who are concerned with the appearance of their vulva. Labiaplasty for the labia minora is undoubtedly the most commonly performed female cosmetic genital surgery. However, an increasing number of patients seen in our clinics in both Brazil and the United States are presenting with clitoral hypertrophy, specifically clitoral elongation. The elongated clitoris will usually protrude beyond the labia minora and majora and from the patient's perspective will give a less feminine appearance as they will often describe the protruding clitoris as feeling like they have a small penis...
February 15, 2024: Surgical Technology International
Marina Kunstreich, Desiree Dunstheimer, Pascal Mier, Paul-Martin Holterhus, Stefan A Wudy, Angela Hübner, Antje Redlich, Michaela Kuhlen
CONTEXT: Adrenocortical carcinomas are very rare malignancies in childhood associated with poor outcome in advanced disease. Most adrenocortical tumours (ACT) are functional causing signs and symptoms of adrenal hormone excess. In most studies, endocrine manifestations were reported 4-6 months prior to diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: We seeked to extend our knowledge on endocrine manifestations with regard to age and sex to facilitate early diagnosis. DESIGN/SETTINGS/PATIENTS: We retrospectively analysed features of adrenal hormone excess in children and adolescents with ACT registered with the GPOH-MET studies between 1997 and 2022...
February 6, 2024: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Emily Huebner, Kate Debiec, Angela Hernandez, Lissa Yu
BACKGROUND: Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder, presenting with pruritis and hypopigmentation of the vulvar and anogenital skin. LS presenting as a peri-clitoral mass has not been previously described. CASE: A 5-year-old patient with vulvar pruritis and ultrasound showing a homogenous mass was referred for suspected clitoromegaly with normal labs. Examination demonstrated a prepubertal patient with a mobile, soft, peri-clitoral mass and surrounding hypopigmentation consistent with LS...
January 24, 2024: Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Xianzhen Wei, Shan Li, Yu He
RATIONALE: Disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) include a diverse group of congenital conditions in which the development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is discordant. It involves several variant genes, and one of them is NR5A1. NR5A1 encodes a signal transduction regulator in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway, and pathogenic mutation in this gene is a cause of 46,XY DSD. PATIENT CONCERNS: A 12-year-old individual raised as a girl was admitted to the hospital due to hirsutism and a deep voice that began at 11 years old...
December 29, 2023: Medicine (Baltimore)
Lina Triana, B S Harini, Esteban Liscano
INTRODUCTION: Hoodplasties and labia minora reductions are some of the most requested operative procedures by women distressed with the appearance of their vulvar region. In the majority of cases, a concomitant hoodplasty (HP) is performed to achieve a better aesthetic appearance. Various surgical methods have been described for the removal of excess tissue within the clitoris hood area. MATERIALS AND METHOD: This study aims to describe a single surgeon's preference and results in her private practise in 630 patients who underwent labiaplasty mainly because of dissatisfaction with the aesthetic appearance...
January 10, 2024: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Mohamed Ferhi, Nadia Marwen, Chourouk Alouen
Clitoral abscess is a rare gynecological condition with limited literature reports. This case report aimed to contribute to the understanding and management of clitoral abscesses, particularly in cases without identifiable causes. A 26-year-old sexually active woman with no significant medical history presented with severe perineal pain originating specifically in the clitoral region. The onset of symptoms, characterized by pulsatile perineal pain worsening over several days, was localized to the clitoris. Clinical examination indicated a clitoral abscess, confirmed through surgical incision and drainage...
December 2023: Curēus
Michele Fascelli, Blair R Peters, Geolani W Dy, Daniel D Dugi
OBJECTIVE: To present 2 clitoroplasty techniques-the preputial skin and urethral flap-and describe our rationale for using each technique to construct the clitoro-urethral complex in gender-affirming vaginoplasty. METHODS: For uncircumcised patients or circumcised patients with greater than 2 cm of inner preputial skin and at least 8 cm of shaft skin proximal to the circumcision scar, we use the preputial skin clitoroplasty, a modification of the Ghent style clitoroplasty...
January 2024: Urology
Hatim Alrashed, Norah H Alsultan, May H AlQahtani, Reem F Bahakeem, Dorar Alharbi, Norah Alabdullatif, Lubna Aloufi, Enas Z Bedaiwi, Albagir M Hassan
Introduction Vulvoplasty, or female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS), refers to any surgical alteration of the vaginal or labial anatomy for aesthetic or medical reasons. It aims to restore or enhance the female genitals and can involve multiple procedures such as labiaplasty, clitoral unhooding, monsplasty, vaginoplasty, hymenoplasty, G-spot augmentation, frenuloplasty, perineoplasty, fat injections, or a combination of these. Labiaplasty is currently the most popular procedure among patients. Since the public is exploring FGCS benefits in the media, it can be foreseen that it will soon gain popularity among the population of Saudi Arabia...
November 2023: Curēus
Özgür Şahin, Erol Nadi Varlı, Abdirahman Omar Moallim, Harun Egemen Tolunay
Female genital mutilation (FGM) was seen in 30 countries, especially in Africa and also in Asia and the Middle East. According to WHO data, Somalia is where FGM is performed most frequently. Our study aimed to evaluate the recordings of patients with FGM who were diagnosed with a traumatic clitoral cyst. We identified the clitoral cyst cases between February 2015 and August 2020. We collected clinical, surgical, sociodemographic, and histopathological details such as age, marital status, patient resume, age at which FGM was performed, complaints, size of the cyst consultation reasons, FGM procedural long-term complications, sexual function, husband polygamic relationship status, and histological findings...
2023: Pan African Medical Journal
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