Journals Australian Journal of General ...

Australian Journal of General Practice
Kate Johnston, Joan Cassimatis, Laetitia Hattingh
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Transition from hospital to community care is well established as a high-risk time for patients. Inadequate clinical handover to general practice puts patients at risk of medical error, adverse events and rehospitalisation. We sought to understand the effects on general practitioners (GPs) of poor clinical handover from the inpatient, outpatient and emergency department settings. METHOD: Qualitative methodology was used through conducting semi-structured interviews with purposively selected GPs...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Michael Bentley, Parker Magin, Lena Sanci, Lawrie McArthur, Harriet Hiscock, Neil Spike, Claire Mahoney, Ian R Williams, Karen Lamb, Colleen Bradford, Rebecca Irwin
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The burden of disease for Australian children from non-acute conditions is growing; however, little is known about how well prevocational training experiences prepare trainee doctors. This study examines the confidence of general practice registrars in managing paediatric consultations in primary care and whether confidence varies by prevocational training type. METHOD: This was a cross-sectional national survey of Australian general practice registrars that measured confidence in managing paediatric primary care presentations...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Michael A Roberts, Chris Wall
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Fang Joe Chen, Jae Hong Park
BACKGROUND: Globus pharyngeus, or globus, is characterised by the sensation of a lump or tightness in the throat. Symptoms can be persistent, difficult to treat and often reoccur. Globus is a common issue in the community, with lifetime prevalence occurring in up to 45% of the population. OBJECTIVE: This article aims to provide a narrative review of potential causes of globus, as well as a suggested guideline for work-up and management in the primary care setting...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Marita Jones
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
(no author information available yet)
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August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
David Wilkinson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Leesa Walker, Joshua Eaton, Jessica Feeney, Tori Dopheide, Jessica Beattie, Rizwan Jaipurwala, Lara Fuller
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: General practitioners excise many suspected skin cancers using local anaesthetics such as lignocaine, but the relationships between the dose and volume of the local anaesthetic and wound complications are unclear. This pilot study considers an association between the dose and volume and complications. METHOD: An audit was conducted of patient records from two time periods: one before and one after an education intervention. Data extracted included lignocaine (volume and dose), wound complications (dehiscence and infection) and the demographics of patients and clinicians...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Leah Jones, Karen Koch, Amanda Oakley
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the healthcare sector. In addition, healthcare contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Virtual consultations are a growing tool to assess patients. The carbon emissions from virtual consultations have the potential to be much smaller than in-person consultations, predominantly through reduced transportation. This study assesses the carbon footprint of general practitioner referrals for skin lesions evaluated by a store-and-forward teledermatology service compared to an estimated equivalent in-person review...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Charles Ayesa
BACKGROUND: Australian general practice patients commonly have significant solar damage. This can lead to the manifestation of actinic keratoses (AKs) as discreet lesions or as field disease, with these lesions potentially giving rise to keratinocyte cancers (KCs). Therefore, a pragmatic approach is needed to assess and manage these higher-risk patients. OBJECTIVE: This article discusses an approach to managing patients with significant solar damage from a primary care perspective, focusing on the assessment and treatment of AKs as individual lesions and within a field...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Simon P Clark, Olivia Mm Clark, Cliff O Rosendahl
BACKGROUND: Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer globally. Early detection and treatment of skin cancer is critical for positive patient outcomes. General practitioners (GPs) play a central role in skin cancer management in Australia. OBJECTIVE: Collaboration between GPs and pathologists can improve the accuracy of skin cancer diagnosis. However, for improvement to occur, clear communication and high-quality specimens are essential. DISCUSSION: Inadequate clinical information and suboptimal biopsy specimens can hinder diagnosis...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Simon P Clark, Olivia Mm Clark, Denis H Moir
BACKGROUND: Skin cancer specimen handling in Australian histopathology laboratories, while largely standardised, exhibits significant variations that affect clinical decision-making and patient outcomes. OBJECTIVE: This article provides clinicians with an understanding of histopathological processes to enhance diagnostic precision, inform surgical margin evaluations and refine management approaches. DISCUSSION: Understanding specimen handling and protocols is vital for accurate interpretation of pathology reports and management of skin cancers...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Gabriela Gonzalez Matheus, Jim Muir
BACKGROUND: Australia has the world's highest melanoma incidence. Diagnostic aids improve melanoma diagnosis, but most lesions excised on suspicion of being melanoma are benign. Reliance on formal ellipse is common. OBJECTIVE: We explore the utility of shave procedures in melanoma management. DISCUSSION: The topic of shave procedures in the management of melanoma is controversial and attracts strongly held views both for and against. The available data shows that shaves can be employed safely and produce an acceptable cosmetic outcome with low financial costs while also being a time-efficient procedure both for the patient and the clinician alike...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Tony Dicker
BACKGROUND: Most skin cancers diagnosed in Australia, including melanomas, are identified and managed in a primary care setting. Most skin cancers have the diagnosis confirmed by histopathology, and surgical excision is the most common form of treatment. Therefore, it is important that all primary care doctors in Australia are competent and confident in the diagnostic sampling and surgical management of skin cancers. OBJECTIVE: This article considers the process of performing biopsies and excisions from the skin to diagnose or treat skin cancers...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
John O'Bryen, Leith Banney, Marjia Johns, Rachel Neale
BACKGROUND: Australia and New Zealand have the greatest burden of skin cancer in the world. General Practitioners (GPs) are the first interaction for most patients with skin cancer concerns and are well placed to provide information regarding primary and secondary skin cancer prevention. OBJECTIVE: This article aims to discuss primary and secondary prevention of skin cancer in Australia. DISCUSSION: GPs can help reduce the incidence of skin cancer by identifying high-risk individuals in primary care clinics, enrolling them in a surveillance program and tailoring skin cancer prevention advice...
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
David Wilkinson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Afif Nurul Hidayati, Sawitri, Amalia Rositawati, Putri Hendria Wardhani, Lunardi Bintanjoyo
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There were 82.4 million new gonorrhoea cases worldwide in 2020. Dual treatment with ceftriaxone or cefixime and azithromycin or doxycycline is currently recommended for gonorrhoea in Indonesia. However, reduced susceptibility and resistance to cephalosporins and azithromycin are increasing. We evaluated the susceptibility pattern of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to cefixime, ceftriaxone, azithromycin and doxycycline. METHOD: N. gonorrhoeae isolates were obtained from 19 male participants with clinically and laboratory-confirmed gonorrhoea...
July 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Atifur Rahman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Joshua Meyerov, Catherine Guo, Leon Tan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
Norma B Bulamu, Alline Beleigoli, Danny Haydon, Ken Kamau Wanguhu, Lemlem G Gebremichael, Sarah Powell, Billingsley Kaambwa, Robyn A Clark
BACKGROUND: Approximately 70% of Australians do not attend cardiac rehabilitation (CR). A potential solution is integrating CR into primary care OBJECTIVE: To propose a business model for primary care providers to implement CR using current Medicare items. DISCUSSION: Using the chronic disease management plan, general practitioners (GPs) complete four clinical assessments at 1-2 weeks, 8-12 weeks, and 6 and 12 months after discharge. The net benefit of applying this model, compared with claiming the most used standard consultation Item 23, in Phase II CR is up to $505 per patient and $543 in Phase III CR...
July 2024: Australian Journal of General Practice
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