Yunus Oktay Atalay, Bahadir Ciftci, Bahar Tekin, Gamze Ansen, Bayram Ufuk Sakul, Mehmet Akif Cacan, Ibrahim Azboy, Bilge Yilmaz, Haci Ahmet Alici
The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of deep subgluteal block (DSGB) for pain relief after posterolateral-approached total hip replacement. The cadaver study and observational case series assessed the spread and outcomes of ultrasound-guided DSGB. Results showed low postoperative pain scores, minimal opioid requirements, and no complications related to DSGB. Anatomical dissection revealed effective spread of the injected substance. These findings suggest that DSGB could be a promising regional analgesic technique for postoperative pain management after posterolateral-approached total hip replacement...
September 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Micah K de Valle, Cooper Stevenson, Michael Adkison, Christy Delaune, Nicholas Defilippis, Shobana Murugan
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare disorder due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency, causing recurrent swelling. Pregnancy can exacerbate HAE due to estrogen fluctuations alongside peripartum stress and trauma. We present a pregnant patient with HAE who underwent induction of labor and vaginal delivery with neuraxial anesthesia. Management included C1-inhibitor prophylaxis, 48 hours of postpartum monitoring, and a self-treatment plan at discharge. Angioedema prevention involves timely anesthesia consultation, accessible emergency airway equipment, early neuraxial anesthesia, planned vaginal delivery, and 48 to 72 hours of close postpartum monitoring...
September 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Krishna Pokuri, Alexandra Fonseca, Vijay Raj, Reda Tolba, Linda Kollenburg, Peter van der Meer, Fahed Alrowaily, Alan D Kaye, Michael E Schatman, Christopher L Robinson
Dysphagia after anterior cervical spine surgery has a 5% to 15% incidence beyond 1-year postsurgery, often attributed to mechanical factors such as pharyngeal thickening and epiglottis inversion. Despite normal neurological examination and electromyography, nerve distortion related to stretching also remains a possibility in these patients and may cause allodynia resulting in odynophagia and dysphagia. Current treatment options for dysphagia after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion are limited to local intraoperative steroid injections and tracheal traction exercises...
September 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Jordan J Bozer, Katelynn M Helfrich, Gabriella R Seidler, Alexandrea L Garrett, Nasir Hussain
Chiropractic spinal manipulation therapy (CSMT) of the cervical spine has been reported to cause mechanical dural injuries that result in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks. We present a case of symptomatic intracranial hypotension after isolated thoracic CSMT. Initial imaging was unable to definitively localize the CSF leak, but dynamic imaging was able to better identify the defect. Multiple epidural blood patches were attempted, including image-guided approaches and with fibrin sealant, but surgical repair was ultimately required...
September 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Fiona M Patrao, Amanda L Valdez, Siri Kanmanthreddy, Katherine R Gentry, Michael J Collins
An esophageal bronchus is a subtype of congenital bronchopulmonary foregut malformations in which a lobar bronchus arises directly from the esophagus, creating a communication between the esophagus and lung tissue. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent worsening pulmonary sequelae but is challenging due to the rarity of the anomaly and nonspecific respiratory symptoms. We present a child whose esophageal bronchus was identified incidentally during preanesthetic assessment for craniosynostosis repair and discuss the role an anesthesiologist can play in identifying and managing this diagnosis...
September 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Katherine L Zaleski, Gregory S Matte, Monica E Kleinman, Ashwin Prakash, Mary Lyn Stein
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is an ultrarare disorder of segmental premature aging that is associated with the development of advanced atherosclerosis and significant cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Treatment with lonafarnib has improved survival in patients with HGPS; however, in extended longitudinal follow-up, there has been an increase in the prevalence of rapidly progressive calcific aortic stenosis. The evolving course of HGPS has prompted reconsideration of conservative management and led to the development of strategies for anatomic treatment...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Elyana Wohl, Franklin Dexter, Rashmi Mueller, Andrea Vannucci
We evaluated whether a hospital-based anesthesia department can validly use automated intensive care unit (ICU) admission data after elective ambulatory procedures to assess the quality of anesthetic care. Among 13,656 patients, 25 (0.2%) had an unplanned hospital length of stay >1 night and ICU admission. On review, only 1 of the 25 cases (0.007%) had an anesthesia-related complication. The false-positive incidence of anesthetic complications was ≥96% for scheduled ambulatory cases with ICU admission...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Doris K Cope
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Raghuraman M Sethuraman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Yavuz Gürkan, Doğa Şimşek, Buğra Güllü, Mete Manici, Kamil Darçin, Batuhan Yürük, İlker Eren, Mehmet Demirhan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Matthew B Sklar, Tymoteusz J Kajstura, Samantha L Vogt, Christy Gray, John A Ulatowski, Linda M S Resar, Steven M Frank
We report 2 cases of gastrointestinal bleeding and profound anemia in Jehovah's Witness patients (with nadir hemoglobin of 2.1 and 2.8 g/dL), both of whom survived until discharge to home. Management included supportive care, antifibrinolytics, and an aggressive erythropoietic regimen. Despite previous reports of high mortality with hemoglobin concentrations less than 5 to 6 g/dL, these patients illustrate that meticulous care in selected patients with severe anemia can lead to successful outcomes, without transfusion...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Christian Vetter, Carlos Biedermann, Joana Berger-Estilita, Anne Bütikofer
In Switzerland, approximately 32,000 patients are hospitalized annually due to adverse drug reactions (ADRs), representing 2.3% of all hospitalizations. During the perioperative period, the administration of a variety of drugs from different classes over a relatively short period of time increases the risk of ADR. Here, we describe the case of a 32-year-old woman who was administered droperidol to treat nausea in the recovery room after a myomectomy and who subsequently became comatose. Correctable metabolic, respiratory, and cerebrovascular disorders were ruled out...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Yoshiyuki Hiramoto, Shinji Takahashi
Parkinsonism-hyperpyrexia syndrome (PHS) is a rare, fatal complication of Parkinson's disease (PD) that manifests in patients who abruptly discontinue or reduce their antiParkinsonian medication. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a PHS case occurring in a patient undergoing general anesthesia. In the perioperative period of PD patients, it is important for anesthesiologists to prevent PHS as well as monitor patients to enable early detection and prompt response when it occurs.
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Michele Philip, Shivam Patel, Faraz Chaudhry, Salvatore Napoli, Shridevi Pandya Shah
Infants with Pierre Robin sequence present with difficult airways due to their triad of micrognathia, glossoptosis, and cleft palate. This creates a difficult airway to intubate and ventilate. Typically, with various interventions and the growth of the mandible with age, the airway gets easier to manage into adulthood. Surgeries, such as coronoidectomy, have been found to ease the difficulty of intubation in pediatric patients, but the results are not always permanent. We present an adult with Pierre Robin sequence who continued to have a difficult airway, suggesting that airway management does not necessarily improve with age...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Anna Bovill Shapiro, Michael A Smith, Christine T Moshe, Gregory T Frey, Ryan M Chadha
Remimazolam is an ultrashort acting intravenous sedative-hypnotic approved for procedural sedation. We report a series of 8 cases of radiographically placed gastrostomy tubes using remimazolam as the sole anesthetic agent. Interventional radiology (IR) gastrostomy tube placement entails anesthetizing often complex patients in a nonoperating room environment. All 8 patients reported here underwent successful gastrostomy tube placement without the need for conversion to general anesthesia. Remimazolam is a feasible option to sedate patients for gastrostomy tube placement in the IR suite...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Fatih Balci, Muhammed Nail Tekcan, Oğuz Gündoğdu, Onur Avci
Effective pain management is crucial for modified radical mastectomy (MRM) surgeries. The Serratus Posterior Superior Intercostal Plane Block (SPSIPB), introduced in 2023, shows promise for postoperative analgesia. This study was designed to demonstrate the analgesic efficacy of the SPSIPB in MRM surgeries. SPSIPB was administered to 7 patients who underwent MRM for postoperative analgesia. NRS scores of patients were ≤4 and total tramadol consumption was 0 mg in 3 of 7 patients. In conclusion, SPSIPB appears to be an effective, safe, and easily applicable option for analgesia...
August 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Kaori Matsumura, Takuma Maeda, Akiyuki Kotoku, Yoshihiko Onishi
Iatrogenic inferior vena cava (IVC)-left atrium (LA) shunt is a rare complication in atrial septal defect (ASD) surgery, caused by mistaking the Eustachian valve for the lower margin of the ASD. In this report, we describe the case of a 45-year-old woman who experienced circulatory collapse at termination of cardiopulmonary bypass during surgical IVC-LA shunt repair. Transesophageal echocardiography helped identify stenosis between the IVC and the right atrium, caused by a residual original incorrectly placed ASD patch...
July 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Jacqueline A Quinn, Monika Nanda
A 71-year-old woman with coronary artery disease presented for carotid artery revascularization. After general anesthesia, the patient arrived in stable condition to the postanesthesia care unit. While awaiting transfer to her inpatient room, telemetry alarms alerted her nurse, who found the patient unresponsive, cyanotic, and pulseless. Advanced cardiovascular life support was initiated, with return of spontaneous circulation obtained after 1 round of chest compressions. On oropharyngeal examination, food particles were observed and suctioned...
July 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Krishna Prasad Kalla Gourav, Alisha Goel, Rupesh Kumar, Waseem Ahmad Khan, Kulbhushan Saini
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 1, 2024: A&A Practice
Christopher Allen, Daniel C Zagunis, Stephen D Weston, Linda L Liu
The anesthesia gas scavenging system (AGSS) removes waste gases from the anesthesia machine. Within the AGSS, safety features prevent excessive pressures from affecting ventilation. Although the literature contains reports describing failures of the AGSS, we found no reports of positive-pressure relief valve (PPRV) malfunctions. We encountered 2 cases of extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) resulting from a malfunctioning PPRV. Both cases suffered delayed identification intraoperatively but patients did not experience postoperative complications...
July 1, 2024: A&A Practice
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