Journals Robotic Surgery : Research and...

Robotic Surgery : Research and Reviews
Benjamin T Carpenter, Chandru P Sundaram
CONTEXT: Robotic surgery has been used with rapidly increasing frequency within urology and across many other surgical specialties. A standardized curriculum for the training and credentialing of robotic surgeons has unfortunately trailed far behind the adoption of this surgical technology. OBJECTIVE: To review the current available surgical skills training models, assessments, and curricula for the purpose of training resident, fellow, and practicing surgeons in an effort to promote surgical skill proficiency and mastery and to minimize the risk of patient harm...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Thomas E J Ind, Chris Marshall, Matthew Hacking, Selina Chiu, Michelle Harris, Marielle Nobbenhuis
The aim of this study was to compare the financial and clinical outcomes in robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery for primary endometrial cancer between obese and nonobese women. The hospital finance department assessed the total admission costs for robotic surgery for endometrial cancer in 54 women. This included a subanalysis for costs over nine areas (ward and clinics, drugs and pharmacy, medical staff, theaters, blood products, imaging, pathology, rehabilitation therapy, and high dependency costs). Furthermore, a prospective collection of morbidity and surgical outcome data was performed...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Enes Taylan, Kutluk H Oktay
Robotic technology is one of the most promising and rapidly developing advancements of the twenty-first century with a potential to make significant contributions to reproductive surgery and preservation of fertility. Along with the major advances in cancer therapy, the number of female cancer survivors of reproductive age has dramatically increased. As a consequence, fertility preservation has gained more emphasis in reproductive science in the last few decades. A broad range of surgical procedures such as tubal reanastomosis, ovarian transposition, radical trachelectomy, and ovarian transplantation has been introduced to restore or preserve fertility in selected patients...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Sara E Arian, Jessian L Munoz, Suejin Kim, Tommaso Falcone
Robotic-assisted surgery has seen a rapid development and integration in the field of gynecology. Since the approval of the use of robot for gynecological surgery and considering its several advantages over conventional laparoscopy, it has been widely incorporated especially in the field of reproductive surgery. Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors of the female reproductive tract. Many reproductive-aged women with this condition demand uterine-sparing surgery to preserve their fertility. Myomectomy, the surgical excision of uterine fibroids, remains the only surgical management option for fibroids that entails preservation of fertility...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Mrinal Pahwa
Laparoscopy has established itself as the procedure of choice for performing adrenalectomy in benign adrenal disorders. Although laparoscopy scores heavily over open approach in terms of lesser blood loss, pain, shorter hospital stay and better cosmesis, it is riddled with certain shortcomings such as the need of dexterity, two-dimensional vision, dependence on an assistant for camera, etc. Robotic surgery promises to overcome these limitations. Multiple series have established that robotic adrenalectomy is a safe and effective procedure as conventional laparoscopy...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Craig A Lehocky, Wendy Fellows-Mayle, Johnathan A Engh, Cameron N Riviere
Background: Current practice in neurosurgical needle insertion is limited by the straight trajectories inherent with rigid probes. One technique allowing curvilinear trajectories involves flexible bevel-tipped needles, which bend during insertion due to their asymmetry. In the brain, safety will require avoidance of the sharp tips often used in laboratory studies, in favor of a more rounded profile. Steering performance, on the other hand, requires maximal asymmetry. Design of safe bevel-tipped brain needles thus involves management of this tradeoff by adjusting needle gauge, bevel angle, and fillet (or tip) radius to arrive at a design that is suitably asymmetrical while producing strain, strain rate, and stress below the levels that would damage brain tissue...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Dwight A Meglan, Wener Lv, Richard J Cohen, Cameron N Riviere
BACKGROUND: Present treatments for ventricular tachycardia have significant drawbacks. To ameliorate these drawbacks, it may be advantageous to employ an epicardial robotic walker that performs mapping and ablation with precise control of needle insertion depth. This paper examines the feasibility of such a system. METHODS: This paper describes techniques for epicardial mapping and depth-controlled ablation with the robotic walker. The mapping technique developed for the current form of the system uses a single equivalent moving dipole model combined with the navigation capability of the walker...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Brian M Shinder, Nicholas J Farber, Robert E Weiss, Thomas L Jang, Isaac Y Kim, Eric A Singer, Sammy E Elsamra
This article aimed to assess the burden of scheduling major urologic oncology procedures if all cases were performed robotically and to determine whether this would increase the time a patient would have to wait for surgery. We retrospectively determined the number of prostatectomies, radical nephrectomies, partial nephrectomies, and cystectomies at a single institution for one calendar year. A hypothetical situation was then constructed where all procedures were performed robotically. Using the allotted number of days that each surgeon was able to schedule robotic procedures, we analyzed the amount of time it would take to schedule and complete all cases...
2017: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Hadley Narins, Teresa L Danforth
Abdominal sacrocolpopexy is considered the gold standard treatment for symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Since its introduction, robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy has emerged as a popular minimally invasive alternative to open repair. Epidemiologic data suggest that the number of women seeking surgical treatment for POP will increase to ~50% by 2050, and many of these women will be elderly. Advanced age should not preclude elective POP surgery. Substantial data suggest that medical comorbidities and other preoperative markers may be more important than age in predicting adverse surgical outcomes...
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Giuseppe Marulli, Giovanni M Comacchio, Francesca Stocca, Davide Zampieri, Paola Romanello, Francesca Calabrese, Alessandro Rebusso, Federico Rea
Thymectomy is the cornerstone in the treatment of thymic tumors and an accepted option for the management of myasthenia gravis. Different surgical approaches have been described, but the gold standard is represented by median sternotomy. In the last two decades, the development of minimally invasive surgery has led to an increased acceptance of thymectomy, especially for benign diseases. Robotic thymectomy seems a further step in the development and evolution of minimally invasive approaches. Since its introduction, different authors described their experience with robotic thymectomy, both for nonthymomatous myasthenia gravis and for thymic tumors...
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Emad S Rajih, Mohammed F Alotaibi, Waleed K Alkhudair
Renal artery pseudoaneurysm is an uncommonly recognized complication following partial nephrectomy. It is more common with trauma and percutaneous renal intervention. Furthermore, it is rarely reported with minimally invasive laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Herein, we report the first case to our knowledge of renal artery pseudoaneurysm following a robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy.
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Xin Ling Teo, Sey Kiat Lim
Robot-assisted surgery was just a medical curiosity until the development of the da Vinci robotic system, and since then, it has become a widely accepted surgical treatment for many urological conditions such as prostate carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma. With the increase in the number of urologists using the robot and the improvement in surgeon experience, the use of the robot has been expanded to include performing radical nephroureterectomy (NU) for the treatment of primary upper tract urothelial carcinoma...
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Marco Ramera, Isacco Damoli, Alessandro Giardino, Claudio Bassi, Giovanni Butturini
Pancreatic surgery represents one of the most challenging fields in general surgery. Its complexity is related to the severity of the disease and the technical skills required for surgical approach. Given this, most pancreatic resections are performed through classic open surgery. Minimally invasive approaches are gradually gaining widespread popularity also in this specific setting, as for distal resections and enucleations. The robotic platform, due to its 3-dimensional vision and articulated movements, represents the natural progress of laparoscopic surgery overcoming the technical defaults and opening up the possibility to perform major pancreatic resections as pancreaticoduodenectomies...
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Mahalakshmi Rangabashyam, Wenjie Huang, Ying Hao, Hong Juan Han, Shaun Loh, Song Tar Toh
Objective: To review the existing literature on the role of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for tongue base reduction in the management of adult obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Methods: We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, and Scopus databases from the first literature report of this surgical technique to July 30, 2015 for studies investigating the use of TORS for tongue base reduction in treating adult OSAHS. Our primary outcome measures were Apnea- Hypopnea Index (AHI), lowest oxygen saturation (LSAT), Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS), and the rates of surgical cure (AHI<5) and success (50% reduction in AHI accompanied by a postoperative AHI<20)...
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
Manuela Hiess, Christian Seitz
This paper examines the current role of robot-assisted renal surgery as complex and partial nephrectomies, including vena cava thrombus, combined nephroureterectomies, living donor nephrectomy, autotransplantation, and difficult anatomy as in patients with obesity or adhesions. Indications for robot-assisted renal surgery are comparable to those of conventional laparoscopic approaches. A reduction in the learning curve leads to a stabilization of the procedure and further increases the number of minimally invasive procedures performed...
2016: Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews
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