Sascha Nehr, Regina M B O Duarte, Antoine S Almeida, Lukas Baus, Karl-Christian Bergmann
Airborne pollen allergens-a relevant component of bioaerosols and, therefore, of airborne particulate matter-are considered an important metric in air quality assessments. Although the measurement of airborne pollen allergen concentrations in outdoor environments (namely, in urban areas) has been recognized as a key environmental health indicator, no such obligation exists for indoor environments (dwellings or occupational settings). However, people spend most of their daily time (80-90%) indoors, where the majority of their exposure to air pollution, including pollen allergens, occurs...
June 13, 2023: Allergo Journal International
Natalie Anasiewicz, Corsin Seeli, Marie-Charlotte Brüggen, Matthias Möhrenschlager
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 1, 2023: Allergo Journal International
Natalie Anasiewicz, Corsin Seeli, Marie-Charlotte Brüggen, Matthias Möhrenschlager
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November 28, 2022: Allergo Journal International
Joana Miranda, José Luís Plácido, Luís Amaral
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September 27, 2022: Allergo Journal International
Anna Gschwend, Arthur Helbling, Laurence Feldmeyer, Ulrich Mani-Weber, Cordula Meincke, Kristine Heidemeyer, Simon Bossart, Lukas Jörg
PURPOSE: Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a severe delayed drug hypersensitivity reaction with exanthema, eosinophilia, and organ manifestations. After culprit drug withdrawal, systemic corticosteroids (CS) are the most widely used treatment, often requiring high doses for months. Blocking the IL-5/IL‑5 receptor axis with mepolizumab, reslizumab, and benralizumab is a promising targeted treatment with a good safety profile and no immunosuppressive effect...
August 23, 2022: Allergo Journal International
Harris K S Hui, Tin Sum Li, Whitney L W Lo, Andy K C Kan, Shi Yeung Ho, Winnie Y W Yeung, Jane C Y Wong, Valerie Chiang, Birgitta Y H Wong, Philip H Li
PURPOSE: House dust mite (HDM) is the predominant cause of allergic rhinitis (AR) in Hong Kong but remains under-diagnosed and -treated. The association between patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and nasoendoscopy findings for AR have also not been investigated. This study investigated the demographics, sensitisation patterns, quality of life, use of sublingual immunotherapy and the association of PROMs and nasoendoscopy findings in AR patients through the first allergist-otorhinolaryngologists AR joint (ARJ) clinic in Hong Kong...
July 7, 2022: Allergo Journal International
Ludger Klimek, Jan Hagemann, Julia Döge, Laura Freudelsperger, Mandy Cuevas, Felix Klimek, Thomas Hummel
Loss of olfaction is one of the symptoms most commonly reported by patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Although the spontaneous recovery rate is high, recent studies have shown that up to 7% of patients remain anosmic for more than 12 months after the onset of infection, leaving millions of people worldwide suffering from severe olfactory impairment. Olfactory training remains the first recommended treatment. With the continued lack of approved drug treatments, new therapeutic options are being explored...
June 20, 2022: Allergo Journal International
Dan Suan, Adrian Y S Lee
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 7, 2022: Allergo Journal International
Vera Mahler, Ann-Christine Junker
Anaphylaxis in connection with the administration of vaccines occurs only very rarely. Triggers of immunoglobulin IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated anaphylaxis-in addition to the active ingredient itself-may be excipients contained in the vaccine due to their special properties. Some of the excipients in medicinal products are the same compounds used as additives in food. Furthermore, residues from the manufacturing process (e.g., chicken egg white, casein, antibiotics, formaldehyde) or contaminants (e.g., from the primary packaging material) may be potential triggers of anaphylaxis in vaccines...
2022: Allergo Journal International
Daria Luschkova, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, Alika Ludwig
The climate crisis poses a major challenge to human health as well as the healthcare system and threatens to jeopardize the medical progress made in recent decades. However, addressing climate change may also be the greatest opportunity for global health in the 21st century. The climate crisis and its consequences, such as rising temperatures, forest fires, floods, droughts, and changes in the quality and quantity of food and water, directly and indirectly affect human physical and mental health. More intense and frequent heat waves and declining air quality have been shown to increase all-cause mortality, especially among the most vulnerable...
2022: Allergo Journal International
Wolfgang Pfützner
In addition to the therapeutic agent, drugs contain excipients such as stabilizers, preservatives, solubilizers, or dyes, some of which are identical to additives in foods. Anaphylaxis to these excipients is probably an underestimated problem. After the first descriptions of anaphylactic reactions to drug excipients appeared more than 30 years ago, the number of corresponding reports has increased significantly over the years. However, a diagnostic gap exists in the clarification of drug allergic reactions when the index product is not known and/or is not available for testing...
2022: Allergo Journal International
Johannes Ring, Kirsten Beyer, Tilo Biedermann, Andreas Bircher, Matthias Fischer, Thomas Fuchs, Axel Heller, Florian Hoffmann, Isidor Huttegger, Thilo Jakob, Ludger Klimek, Matthias V Kopp, Claudia Kugler, Lars Lange, Oliver Pfaar, Ernst Rietschel, Franziska Rueff, Sabine Schnadt, Roland Seifert, Britta Stöcker, Regina Treudler, Christian Vogelberg, Thomas Werfel, Margitta Worm, Helmut Sitter, Knut Brockow
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September 27, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Karl-Christian Bergmann, Sebastian Kugler, Torsten Zuberbier, Sylvia Becker
Background: Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the population in Germany has been asked to wear face masks in public areas. The masks are accepted by the public. People with a pollen allergy have an interest in knowing whether masks can also provide protection against pollen and thus prevent symptoms even without medication. Method: In order to evaluate the potential 'antipollen effect' of face masks, 14 adults with confirmed grass pollen-induced allergic rhinoconjunctivitis were exposed to grass pollen for a period of two hours following a standardised protocol...
July 14, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Sabine Altrichter, Stefan Wöhrl, Fritz Horak, Marco Idzko, Galateja Jordakieva, Eva Untersmayr, Zsolt Szepfalusi, Petra Zieglmayer, Erika Jensen-Jarolim, Ursula Wiedermann, Alexander Rosenkranz, Wolfram Hötzenecker
Background: Along with the newly approved vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), first reports of allergic or intolerance reactions were published. Subsequently, questions arose whether these vaccines pose an increased risk for intolerance reactions and whether allergic patients may be at higher risk for this. Results: Allergic reactions following COVID-19 vaccinations have been reported, but mostly of mild severity and at normal (Moderna®) or only slightly increased frequency (BioNTech/Pfizer®) compared to established conventional vaccines...
July 14, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Eva Untersmayr, Elisabeth Förster-Waldl, Michael Bonelli, Kaan Boztug, Patrick M Brunner, Thomas Eiwegger, Kathrin Eller, Lisa Göschl, Katharina Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, Wolfram Hötzenecker, Galateja Jordakieva, Alexander R Moschen, Birgit Pfaller, Winfried Pickl, Walter Reinisch, Ursula Wiedermann, Ludger Klimek, Karl-Christian Bergmann, Randolf Brehler, Wolfgang Pfützner, Natalija Novak, Hans Merk, Uta Rabe, Wolfgang Schlenter, Johannes Ring, Wolfgang Wehrmann, Norbert Mülleneisen, Holger Wrede, Thomas Fuchs, Erika Jensen-Jarolim
Background: The vaccines against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) approved in the European Union represent a decisive step in the fight against the pandemic. The application of these available vaccines to patients with pre-existing immunological conditions leads to a multitude of questions regarding efficacy, side effects and the necessary patient information. Results: This review article provides insight into mechanisms of action of the currently available severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines and summarises the current state of science as well as expert recommendations regarding tolerability of the vaccines...
June 18, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Stephanie Dramburg, Paolo Maria Matricardi, Ingrid Casper, Ludger Klimek
Background: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to both inpatient and outpatient care. In order to maintain good care under necessary contact restrictions, especially in the outpatient sector, the use of telemedical applications was demanded and promoted. The exploratory survey among members of the Association of German Allergists (AeDA) was intended to show how these were received among allergists in private practice...
June 11, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Stefanie Gilles, Athanasios Damialis, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 9, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Stephanie Dramburg, Uso Walter, Sven Becker, Ingrid Casper, Stefani Röseler, Astrid Schareina, Holger Wrede, Ludger Klimek
Since spring 2020, the wide-ranging contact restriction measures in the context of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic have also led to a reduction in physician-patient contacts in the ambulatory care setting. Telemedicine applications will increasingly provide a way to efficiently deliver patient care under infection control measures. In allergology, telemedical as well as digital applications can also significantly facilitate everyday clinical practice. However, the technical and legal hurdles associated with the implementation of digital strategies must be overcome for this to happen...
February 22, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Giorgio Ciprandi
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January 11, 2021: Allergo Journal International
Lars Lange, Ludger Klimek, Kirsten Beyer, Katharina Blümchen, Natalija Novak, Eckard Hamelmann, Andrea Bauer, Hans Merk, Uta Rabe, Kirsten Jung, Wolfgang Schlenter, Johannes Ring, Adam Chaker, Wolfgang Wehrmann, Sven Becker, Norbert Mülleneisen, Katja Nemat, Wolfgang Czech, Holger Wrede, Randolf Brehler, Thomas Fuchs, Thilo Jakob, Tobias Ankermann, Sebastian M Schmidt, Michael Gerstlauer, Torsten Zuberbier, Thomas Spindler, Christian Vogelberg
Peanuts are Leguminosae, commonly known as the legume or pea family, and peanut allergy is among the most common food allergies and the most common cause of fatal food reactions and anaphylaxis. The prevalence of peanut allergy increased 3.5-fold over the past two decades reaching 1.4-2% in Europe and the United States. The reasons for this increase in prevalence are likely multifaceted. Sensitization via the skin appears to be associated with the development of peanut allergy and atopic eczema in infancy is associated with a high risk of developing peanut allergy...
2021: Allergo Journal International
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