Journals Aerospace Medicine and Human P...

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Christopher M Stark, Ian S Sorensen, Matthew Royall, Madeline Dorr, Jill Brown, Nicole Dobson, Sandra Salzman, Apryl Susi, Elizabeth Hisle-Gorman, Brian H Huggins, Cade M Nylund
INTRODUCTION: Military aviation poses unique occupational risks, including exposures to intermittent hypoxia, high gravitational force, and toxic materials, in addition to circadian disruption, cosmic radiation, and ergonomic stressors also present in commercial flight. We sought to investigate whether a military aviation officer's career is associated with adverse maternal or fetal health outcomes. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of female aviation and nonaviation officers in the Military Health System from October 2002 to December 2019...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
David K McKenas
Use of onboard commercial airline defibrillators began in 1997. At first, it was met with resistance but is now present on all planes. The first in-flight resuscitation of a passenger occurred in 1998 and is described here.
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Patathip Thanapaisan, Manoj Plaingam, Sorrapong Manyanont
INTRODUCTION: Pilots are frequently exposed to thrombotic risk as a result of immobility from air travel. As hypoxemia is associated with secondary polycythemia, and polycythemia increases the risk of thrombosis, intermittent exposure to high-altitude hypoxic environments could escalate the risk of thrombosis in pilots. Our objectives were to find the prevalence of polycythemia in airplane pilots (primary outcome) and to assess associated risk factors of polycythemia (secondary outcome). METHODS: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Tovy H Kamine, Margaret Siu, Scott Stegemann, Arthur Formanek, Dana Levin
INTRODUCTION: No current astronauts have surgical training, and medical capabilities for future missions do not account for it. We sought to determine the effect of communication delays and text-based communication on emergency medicine physician (EMP) performance of a simulated surgical procedure and the ideal training paradigm for remote surgery. METHODS: In this study, 12 EMPs performed an appendectomy on a virtual reality laparoscopic simulator after tutorial. EMPs were randomized into two groups: one (bedside) group performing with bedside directing from a surgeon and the second (remote) group performing with text-based communications relayed to the surgeon after a 210-s time delay...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Alessandro Fiorini, Ralph Vermeltfoort, Erwan Dulaurent, Martin Gascón Hove, Mathias Borsch
INTRODUCTION: The European Air Transport Command (EATC) is a seven-nation integrated command. One of its core capabilities is strategic aeromedical evacuation (AE). During the global COVID-19 pandemic and Ukrainian crisis, EATC proved that acting in concert is a valuable, effective, and reliable option. METHODS: By pooling and sharing aircraft and personnel, EATC has privileged access to a diverse fleet and pool of experts. Cooperation is based on a common set of rules and regulations, which ensures that EATC can address any problem with expertise...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Yiyuan Zheng, Yanyu Lu, Yuwen Jie, Shan Fu
INTRODUCTION: The benefits of using head-up displays (HUDs) include reducing head-down time during critical flight phases, enhancing awareness of the external environment, and improving in-flight crew performance. However, the monochromatic nature of HUDs, increased head rotation, and longer gaze movement paths might affect pilots' reactions to different types of alerts. METHODS: Pilot workload and behavior differences were examined between HUD and head-down display (HDD) configurations in three alert scenarios...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Desmond M Connolly, Leigh A Madden, Victoria C Edwards, Vivienne M Lee
INTRODUCTION: Biomarker responses to intensive decompression indicate systemic proinflammatory responses and possible neurological stress. To further investigate responses, 12 additional brain and lung biomarkers were assayed. METHODS: A total of 15 healthy men (20 to 50 yr) undertook consecutive same-day ascents to 25,000 ft (7620 m), following denitrogenation, breathing 100% oxygen. Venous blood was sampled at baseline (T0), after the second ascent (T8), and next morning (T24). Soluble protein markers of brain and lung insult were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with plasma microparticles quantified using flow cytometry...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Leonard Mermel
INTRODUCTION: Human colonization of Mars has captured the imagination of many. However, the challenges posed are immense. In microgravity, changes in human physiology, immune dysregulation, alterations of our microbiome, and enhanced virulence of various microbes are some of the barriers that stand in the way of a successful endeavor. Countermeasures can be brought to bear, but it remains unclear if success of such a mission in the foreseeable future is realistic or fanciful. Mermel L. Human evolution, microgravity, and challenges colonizing Mars...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Fatemeh Mansouri, Morteza Talebian Nia, Rodrigo Villar, Stephen M Cornish, Gordon Grant Giesbrecht
INTRODUCTION: Firefighters operating in hot environments face challenges from protective garments that restrict heat dissipation, resulting in increased core temperature, thermal discomfort, and performance decline. Cooling vests represent a viable solution. The study aim was to compare effectiveness of the same amount of cooling power to the upper body (UB) or whole body (WB) in alleviating thermoregulatory and physiological stress, enhancing cognitive function, and reducing ratings of thermal discomfort and exertion, during 60 min of exercise in a hot environment (40°C, 40% relative humidity) while wearing firefighter turnout gear...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Robert Orford
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Ilana D Breen, Jan Stepanek, Lisa Marks, Katerina Yale, Natasha Mesinkovska, David Swanson
INTRODUCTION: Decompression sickness (DCS) is a medical condition caused by outgassing of dissolved nitrogen following rapid ascent by divers and aviators. Cutaneous DCS, historically termed cutis marmorata (CM), presents as a predominantly truncal reticular violaceous-to-dusky eruption. The prevailing theories for its pathogenesis include: localized cutaneous outgassing, paradoxical embolism across a right-to-left shunt (RLS), and brainstem emboli disrupting autonomic control of cutaneous microcirculation...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
Mike J Miller-Smith, Neil Tucker, Ryan Anderton, Nicol Caplin, Stephen D R Harridge, Peter Hodkinson, Marco Vincenzo Narici, Ross D Pollock, Carmen Possnig, Joern Rittweger, Thomas G Smith, Irene Di Giulio
INTRODUCTION: Accessible spaceflight may seem a distant concept. As part of a diverse European Space Agency funded Topical Team, we are working on the physiological feasibility of space missions being undertaken by people with physical disabilities. Here, the first activity of this team is presented in the form of key lessons learned from aviation to inform new work on space missions. DISCUSSION: The first lesson is agreeing on realistic expectations about impairments, their severity, and the possibility of flying independently...
September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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September 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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August 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 1, 2024: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
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