Audrey Geoffroy, Luc Samison, Fidiniaina Randriatsarafara, Haja Randriantsara, Z A Randriamanantany, Christophe Vanhecke
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 12, 2024: Lancet HIV
David A Wohl, Christoph D Spinner, Jason Flamm, C Bradley Hare, Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, Peter J Ruane, Jean-Michel Molina, Anthony Mills, Cynthia Brinson, Moti Ramgopal, Amanda Clarke, Gordon Crofoot, Claudia Martorell, Christoph Carter, Stephanie Cox, J Carlo Hojilla, Yongwu Shao, Moupali Das, Alexander Kintu, Jared M Baeten, Robert M Grant, Karam Mounzer, Kenneth Mayer
BACKGROUND: Data characterising the long-term use and safety of emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate as daily oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) are scarce and there are uncertainties regarding the value of routine HIV-1 RNA testing during oral PrEP follow-up. METHODS: The DISCOVER trial was a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial in which cisgender men and transgender women aged 18 years and older with a high likelihood of acquiring HIV were recruited from 94 clinics in Europe and North America and randomly assigned to receive either emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (200/25 mg) tablets daily, with matched placebo tablets, or emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide (200/300 mg) tablets daily, with matched placebo tablets, for at least 96 weeks...
July 12, 2024: Lancet HIV
Romain Silhol, Mathieu Maheu-Giroux, Nirali Soni, Arlette Simo Fotso, Nicolas Rouveau, Anthony Vautier, Clémence Doumenc-Aïdara, Olivier Geoffroy, Kouassi Noel N'Guessan, Younoussa Sidibé, Odé Kanku Kabemba, Papa Alioune Gueye, Pauline Dama Ndeye, Christinah Mukandavire, Peter Vickerman, Abdelaye Keita, Cheikh Tidiane Ndour, Joseph Larmarange, Marie-Claude Boily
BACKGROUND: During 2019-21, the AutoTest VIH, Libre d'accéder à la connaissance de son Statut (ATLAS) programme distributed around 380 000 HIV self-testing kits to key populations, including female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and their partners, in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal. We aimed to estimate the effects of the ATLAS programme and national scale-up of HIV self-test distribution on HIV diagnosis, HIV treatment coverage, HIV incidence, and HIV-related mortality...
July 8, 2024: Lancet HIV
Iuri da Costa Leite, Daniel Savignon Marinho
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July 5, 2024: Lancet HIV
Monica Gandhi, David V Glidden, Deepalika Chakravarty, Guohong Wang, Charlene Biwott, Peter Mogere, Gakuo Maina, Irene Njeru, Catherine Kiptinness, Phelix Okello, Matthew A Spinelli, Purba Chatterjee, Jennifer Velloza, Vallery Ogello, Andrew Medina-Marino, Hideaki Okochi, Nelly R Mugo, Kenneth Ngure
BACKGROUND: Adherence challenges with oral tenofovir-based pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) are common. We developed a point-of-care assay to objectively assess tenofovir in urine and conducted a pilot trial examining the impact of counselling informed by use of this urine assay on long-term PrEP adherence. METHODS: This randomised trial enrolled women not in serodiscordant partnerships 3 months after PrEP initiation at the Kenya Medical Research Institute to compare standard-of-care adherence counselling versus counselling informed by the urine assay (urine-test counselling group) every 3 months for 12 months...
July 5, 2024: Lancet HIV
Juan M Pericàs, Anish K Arora, Carlotta Riebensahm, Alba Jiménez-Masip, Adrià Ramírez Mena, Trenton M White, Nikos Dedes, Giovanni Guaraldi, Annalisa Berzigotti, Gilles Wandeler, Meena B Bansal, Jordi Navarro, Jeffrey V Lazarus
People living with HIV are particularly susceptible to developing metabolic disorders, including metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease and other forms of SLD. However, people living with HIV have been historically excluded from clinical trials and large cohort studies of SLD. Therefore, our understanding of the risk factors and natural history of SLD in this population is poor. Moreover, relevant knowledge gaps on the epidemiology and barriers for adequate health care, such as stigma, hamper adequate responses to the ongoing HIV and SLD syndemic...
July 4, 2024: Lancet HIV
Ed Holt
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June 28, 2024: Lancet HIV
Ed Holt
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June 28, 2024: Lancet HIV
Patrick G A Oomen, Ferdinand W N M Wit, Kees Brinkman, Saskia M E Vrouenraets, Tania Mudrikova, Berend J van Welzen, Marc van der Valk
BACKGROUND: Currently, real-world data on doravirine are scarce. In a national prospective cohort, we assessed the effectiveness and tolerability of switching to doravirine-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) in people with HIV. METHODS: We did a nationwide, matched, prospective cohort study of people with HIV without previous virological failure and stable for at least 12 months on non-doravirine-containing triple or dual ART switching to doravirine before Sept 1, 2020 (exposed group)...
September 2024: Lancet HIV
Peter Hayward
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September 2024: Lancet HIV
Marie Marcelle Deschamps, Mongoljin Bat-Erdene, Ann Duerr, Jean William Pape
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September 2024: Lancet HIV
Phumla Sinxadi, Gary Maartens
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2024: Lancet HIV
The Lancet Hiv
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September 2024: Lancet HIV
Josep M Llibre, Boris Revollo, Jordi Aceiton, Yesika Díaz, Pere Domingo, Joaquim Burgos, Patricia Sorni, Maria Saumoy, Hernando Knobel, Marta Navarro, Elena Leon, Amat Orti, Laia Arbonés, Arantxa Mera, Elisabet Deig, Guillem Sirera, Josep M Miró, Jordi Casabona, Raquel Martin-Iguacel
BACKGROUND: People with HIV have a substantially higher risk of anal cancer than the general population. We aimed to identify risk factors associated with the development of anal cancer among people with HIV to implement more effective and targeted screening strategies. METHODS: We conducted a multicentre retrospective cohort study in 16 hospitals across Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Spain, between Jan 1, 1998, and Dec 31, 2022. Treatment-naive people with HIV nested in the PISCIS cohort aged 16 years and older with biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma of the anus or anal canal were eligible for inclusion...
September 2024: Lancet HIV
P J Smith, H Thirumurthy
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September 2024: Lancet HIV
Prosper F Njau, Emmanuel Katabaro, Solis Winters, Amon Sabasaba, Kassim Hassan, Babuu Joseph, Hamza Maila, Janeth Msasa, Carolyn A Fahey, Laura Packel, William H Dow, Nicholas P Jewell, Nzovu Ulenga, Natalino Mwenda, Sandra I McCoy
BACKGROUND: Small incentives could improve engagement in HIV care. We evaluated the short-term and longer-term effects of financial incentives for visit attendance on viral suppression among adults initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Tanzania. METHODS: In a type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation study, we randomised (1:1) 32 primary care HIV clinics in four Tanzanian regions to usual care (control group) or the intervention (usual care plus ≤6 monthly incentives [22 500 Tanzanian Shillings, about US$10, each], conditional on visit attendance)...
September 2024: Lancet HIV
The Lancet Hiv
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August 2024: Lancet HIV
Nomathemba Chandiwana, Jennifer Manne-Goehler, Lobna Gaayeb, Alexandra Calmy, Willem D F Venter
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August 2024: Lancet HIV
Deborah Goldstein, Jepchirchir Kiplagat, Charlotte Taderera, Erin R Whitehouse, Cleophas Chimbetete, Sylvester Kimaiyo, Sarah Urasa, Stella-Maria Paddick, Catherine Godfrey
More than a fifth of people living with HIV in the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief-supported programmes are older individuals, defined as aged 50 years and older, yet optimal person-centred models of care for older adults with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, including screening and treatment for geriatric syndromes and common comorbidities associated with ageing, remain undefined. This Position Paper explores the disproportionate burden of comorbidities and geriatric syndromes faced by older adults with HIV, with a special focus on women...
August 2024: Lancet HIV
Karin Hatzold, Yasmin Dunkley
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Lancet HIV
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