Journals Orthopaedic Journal of Sports ...

Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Ian S Hong, Anna M Ifarraguerri, Alexander N Berk, David P Trofa, Dana P Piasecki, Bryan M Saltzman
BACKGROUND: A novel hybrid transtibial (HTT) approach to femoral tunnel drilling in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) has been developed that circumvents the need for knee hyperflexion and orients the graft in the most anatomic position without sacrificing the tunnel length or aperture. HYPOTHESIS: Patients who underwent ACLR utilizing the HTT technique would achieve excellent patient-reported outcome scores and experience low rates of graft failure and reoperations...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
William A Marmor, Elizabeth R Dennis, Stephanie S Buza, Simone Gruber, Bennett E Propp, Alissa J Burge, Joseph T Nguyen, Beth E Shubin Stein
BACKGROUND: Cartilage restoration procedures for patellar cartilage defects have produced inconsistent results, and optimal management remains controversial. Particulated juvenile articular cartilage (PJAC) allograft tissue is an increasingly utilized treatment option for chondral defects, with previous studies demonstrating favorable short-term outcomes for patellar chondral defects. PURPOSE: To identify whether there is an association between defect fill on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with functional outcomes in patients with full-thickness patellar cartilage lesions treated with PJAC...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Dinko Nizić
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Kehen Li, Chenyue Xu, Fei Wang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Avanish Yendluri, Eugene I Hrabarchuk, Kyle K Obana, Nikan K Namiri, Kevin D Plancher, David P Trofa, Robert L Parisien
BACKGROUND: While prevention protocols have been implemented, skiing-related musculoskeletal injuries and concussions continue to present to emergency departments in the United States. Previous literature has suggested the pediatric population may constitute up to 40% of skiing-related injuries. PURPOSE: To assess injury trends and the underlying mechanisms of skiing injuries in pediatric patients seen at emergency departments in the United States. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiology study...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Garrett A Thomas, Megan L Bradson, Kaitlin E Riegler, McKenna S Sakamoto, Peter A Arnett
BACKGROUND: There is limited research examining whether mental health problems increase the risk for future concussions, even though these problems are highly prevalent in college-aged populations-including student-athletes. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: To examine whether affective disturbance (ie, depressive and anxiety symptoms) at baseline increases the risk for prospective concussion. It was hypothesized that athletes with co-occurring depressive/anxiety symptoms would incur the greatest risk for injury...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Aren Joe Bizdikian, Joe El Rassi, Elias El-Haddad, Joelle Khadra Eid, Sami Roukoz, Rami El Abiad, Johnny Rayes
BACKGROUND: Glenoid bone loss (GBL) is common in patients with shoulder instability and plays a major role in surgical decision-making. While a plethora of GBL estimation methods exist, all of which present specific challenges, recent studies have developed simple linear formulas estimating GBL based on glenoid height. PURPOSE: To assess the correlation between glenoid height and width, and to develop specific formulas based on age and sex to calculate the native glenoid width in the Lebanese population...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Assem Mohamed Noureldin Zein, Ahmad Fouad AbdElbaki Allam, Alaa Zenhom Mahmoud Hassan, Amr Mohamed Soliman, Mohamed Mohamed Azmy Mohamed
BACKGROUND: Patellar fracture, femoral physis injury, and recurrent instability are concerning complications in medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction (MPFLR) techniques for recurrent patellar dislocation in children and adolescents. PURPOSE: To evaluate the outcomes of an anatomic all-soft tissue fixation technique for reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral complex (MPFC) using a double-bundle quadriceps tendon (QT) autograft for recurrent patellar dislocation in skeletally immature patients...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Manuel F Schubert, Tariq M Awan, Aaron D Sciascia, Emily G Figueroa, Jennifer M DeMink, David M Selak, Corey M Snyder, Joel J Gagnier, Michael T Freehill
BACKGROUND: Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries in youth pitchers continue to be concerning despite the institution of pitch count limits. Flexor-pronator mass fatigue can lead to diminished dynamic stability, resulting in greater stress on the UCL. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: To evaluate fatigue of the flexor-pronator mass by assessing changes in medial elbow laxity; noninvasively characterizing alterations in muscle glycogen; and identifying changes in subjective fatigue, strength, range of motion (ROM), pitching velocity, and accuracy with increasing pitches thrown by youth pitchers to their recommended 75-pitch count limit...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Justin Lau, Edgar Garcia-Lopez, Brian T Feeley, Nirav K Pandya
BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common knee injuries in pediatric patients in the United States. The patient's primary spoken language may affect outcomes after ACL reconstruction (ACLR). PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study was to identify differences in ACLR outcomes between patients whose primary, preferred spoken language was either English or Spanish. It was hypothesized that there would be a difference in retear rates between patients preferring English versus Spanish...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Mohamad K Moussa, Nicolas Lefèvre, Eugénie Valentin, Zeinab Khalaf, Alain Meyer, Olivier Grimaud, Yoann Bohu, Antoinne Gerometta, Frederic Khiami, Alexandre Hardy
BACKGROUND: The Quality of Patient-Surgeon Relationship (QPASREL) is an 11-item questionnaire developed and validated to assess the relationship between practitioners and patients on recovery and return to work after surgery. PURPOSE: To evaluate the association of patient-surgeon relationship (PSR) and patient-physical therapist relationship (PPR), as measured by QPASREL, with a patient's return to sports (RTS) after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR)...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Ryan W Paul, Sydney Streicher, Matthew Wallingford, Michael P Campbell, Adeeb J Hanna, Sean Bryan, Fotios P Tjoumakaris, Kevin B Freedman
BACKGROUND: Mental and emotional health can affect outcomes after orthopaedic surgery, and patient resilience has been found to be significantly related to postoperative functional outcomes. PURPOSE: To evaluate the relationship between preoperative patient resilience and 2-year postoperative patient-reported outcomes after rotator cuff repair (RCR). It was hypothesized that patients with low preoperative resilience will have worse patient-reported outcomes at 2 years after RCR versus those with high resilience...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Peter N Chalmers, Kathryn Mcelheny, John D'Angelo, Kevin Ma, Dana Rowe, Brandon J Erickson
BACKGROUND: Oblique strains have become a common injury among professional baseball players. The influence of player workload on oblique strains remains unknown. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: To determine whether workload is a risk factor for oblique strains in professional baseball players. We hypothesized that fewer days of rest, more innings pitched/fielded per game, and more batters faced/plate appearances per game would significantly increase a player's risk of sustaining an oblique strain...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Sebastian Oenning, Jens Wermers, Stefanie Taenzler, Philipp A Michel, Michael J Raschke, J Christoph Katthagen
BACKGROUND: The treatment of bony glenoid defects after anteroinferior shoulder dislocation currently depends on the amount of glenoid bone loss (GBL). Recent studies have described the glenoid concavity as an essential factor for glenohumeral stability. The role of glenoid concavity in the presence of soft tissue and muscle forces is still unknown. HYPOTHESIS: Glenoid concavity would have a major impact on glenohumeral stability in an active-assisted biomechanical model including soft tissue and the rotator cuff's compression forces...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Yasmine S Ghattas, Peter Zeblisky, Joshua Cassinat, Matthew Aceto, Kurt P Spindler, Lisa K Cannada
BACKGROUND: Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States, with more than an 11-fold increase in injuries from 2010 to 2019. PURPOSE: To (1) determine the prevalence and demographic variables associated with pickleball-related fractures among patients evaluated at emergency departments in the United States between 2002 and 2022 and (2) identify variables influencing patient disposition status. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiology study...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Julia S Retzky, Guilherme M Palhares, Tyler J Uppstrom, Paige Hinkley, Connor Fletcher, Andreas H Gomoll, Sabrina M Strickland
BACKGROUND: Medial patellar facet lesions have been well-described in the setting of patellar instability. However, relatively little is known about risk factors for atraumatic medial patellar facet lesions. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: To identify clinical and radiographic risk factors for medial patellar facet lesions in patients without a history of trauma or patellar instability. It was hypothesized that a posterior tibial tubercle relative to the trochlear groove would be a risk factor for atraumatic medial patellar facet lesions...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Daniel G Cobian, Zachary R Oppenheim, Tyler J Roehl, Mikel R Joachim, Bryan C Heiderscheit
BACKGROUND: Quadriceps performance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is typically characterized by peak force/torque, but the ability to generate consistent knee extensor torque may be clinically meaningful. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study was to evaluate knee extensor torque steadiness and quadriceps activation variability in collegiate athletes 4 to 12 months after ACLR. It was hypothesized that between-limb asymmetries in torque steadiness and activation variability would be observed and that steadiness would be associated with activation variability and peak knee extensor torque symmetry...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Kyle N Kunze, Ayoosh Pareek, Benedict U Nwachukwu, Anil S Ranawat, Andrew D Pearle, Bryan T Kelly, Answorth A Allen, Riley J Williams
BACKGROUND: Primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair has gained renewed interest in select centers for patients with proximal or midsubstance ACL tears. Therefore, it is important to reassess contemporary clinical outcomes of ACL repair to determine whether a clinical benefit exists over the gold standard of ACL reconstruction (ACLR). PURPOSE: To (1) perform a meta-analysis of comparative trials to determine whether differences in clinical outcomes and adverse events exist between ACL repair versus ACLR and (2) synthesize the midterm outcomes of available trials...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Sandeep Patel, Tarkik Thami, Shivam Gahlaut, Devendra Chouhan, Mandeep Singh Dhillon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Rachel E Cherelstein, Eduardo J Natal-Albelo, Christopher M Kuenze, Andrew J Curley, Blake M Bodendorfer, Mark Hopkins, Christine M Conroy, Caroline M Fryar, David X Wang, Edward S Chang
BACKGROUND: Lower socioeconomic status and public insurance lead to a longer delay to surgery and a higher likelihood of concomitant pathology before undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). However, few studies have examined the influence of community deprivation on ACLR timing and outcomes. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: The primary aim of this study was to define the effect of the area deprivation index (ADI) and insurance classification on access to orthopaedic care after an ACL rupture, and the secondary aim was to determine whether these variables were associated with a second ACL injury after primary ACLR...
June 2024: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
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