Brandon A Kohrt, Gloria A Pedersen, Alison Schafer, Kenneth Carswell, Fiamma Rupp, Mark J D Jordans, Elise West, Josephine Akellot, Pamela Y Collins, Carmen Contreras, Jerome T Galea, Frezgi Gebrekristos, Muthoni Mathai, Kristina Metz, Naser Morina, Mwamba Mwila Mwenge, Frederik Steen, Ann Willhoite, Mark van Ommeren, James Underhill
Globally, there has not been a standardised approach to ensure that the growing number of people who are not licensed clinicians but are delivering psychological interventions and mental health services have the competencies to deliver those interventions and services safely. Therefore, WHO and UNICEF developed Ensuring Quality in Psychosocial and Mental Health Care (EQUIP). EQUIP is a free resource with a digital platform that can be used to guide competency assessment. We describe EQUIP's 5-year development (2018-23) and the rationale supporting its contents and use...
September 6, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Vardan Nersesjan, Rune H B Christensen, Elisabeth Wreford Andersen, Daniel Kondziella, Michael E Benros
BACKGROUND: Infection risk and mortality are increased in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, which was corroborated during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, evidence is lacking regarding the additional impact of antipsychotic drugs, and the highly debated safety of clozapine treatment during large-scale infection outbreaks. Therefore, we aimed to investigate risk of COVID-19 and non-COVID respiratory infections during exposure to antipsychotics. METHODS: We used several nationwide Danish registers (National Prescription Registry, National Hospital Registry, Psychiatric Research Register, Microbiology Database, Vaccination Registry, Cause of Death Registry, and Database for Labour market Research) to investigate all individuals aged 18 years or older with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (ICD-10: F20-F29) living in Denmark between Jan 1 and March 1, 2020...
September 3, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Sadaf Arefi Milani, Yong-Fang Kuo, Mukaila Raji
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 3, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Maxime Taquet
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September 3, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Hao Luo, Yi Chai, Sijia Li, Wallis C Y Lau, Carmen Olga Torre, Joseph Hayes, Ivan C H Lam, Xiaoyu Lin, Can Yin, Stephen Fortin, Dave M Kern, Dong Yun Lee, Rae Woong Park, Jae-Won Jang, Celine S L Chui, Jing Li, Sarah Seager, Kenneth K C Man, Ian C K Wong
BACKGROUND: People with mental health conditions were potentially more vulnerable than others to the neuropsychiatric effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global efforts taken to contain it. The aim of this multinational study was to examine the changes in psychotropic drug prescribing during the pandemic among people with depressive and anxiety disorders. METHODS: This study included electronic medical records and claims data from nine databases in six countries (France, Germany, Italy, the UK, South Korea, and the USA) of patients with a diagnosis of depressive or anxiety disorders between 2016 and 2021...
September 3, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Johanna Keller, Moritz Herle, William Mandy, Virginia Carter Leno
The focus of mental health research in emerging fields should be driven by the priorities of people with relevant lived experience. Autism and ADHD are childhood-onset neurodevelopmental conditions that are associated with a range of health inequalities, including increased risk for eating disorders. The evidence base for how best to support neurodivergent individuals who experience disordered eating is still in its infancy, but research suggests that existing clinical approaches are not currently fit for purpose...
August 14, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Wolfgang Söllner
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 6, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Astrid Moell, Maria Smitmanis Lyle, Alexander Rozental, Niklas Långström
Reducing the use of coercive measures in inpatient child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) requires an understanding of current rates and associated factors. We conducted a systematic review of research published between Jan 1, 2010, and Jan 10, 2024, addressing rates and risk factors for mechanical, physical, or pharmacological restraint, seclusion, or forced tube feeding in inpatient CAMHS. We identified 30 studies (including 39 027 patients or admissions) with low risk of bias. Median prevalence was 17·5% for any coercive measure, 27·7% for any restraint, and 6·0% for seclusion...
August 6, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Tracy D Vannorsdall, Esther S Oh, Ann M Parker
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 31, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Maxime Taquet, Zuzanna Skorniewska, Thomas De Deyn, Adam Hampshire, William R Trender, Peter J Hellyer, James D Chalmers, Ling-Pei Ho, Alex Horsley, Michael Marks, Krisnah Poinasamy, Betty Raman, Olivia C Leavy, Matthew Richardson, Omer Elneima, Hamish J C McAuley, Aarti Shikotra, Amisha Singapuri, Marco Sereno, Ruth M Saunders, Victoria C Harris, Natalie Rogers, Linzy Houchen-Wolloff, Neil J Greening, Parisa Mansoori, Ewen M Harrison, Annemarie B Docherty, Nazir I Lone, Jennifer Quint, Christopher E Brightling, Louise V Wain, Rachael A Evans, John R Geddes, Paul J Harrison
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 is known to be associated with increased risks of cognitive and psychiatric outcomes after the acute phase of disease. We aimed to assess whether these symptoms can emerge or persist more than 1 year after hospitalisation for COVID-19, to identify which early aspects of COVID-19 illness predict longer-term symptoms, and to establish how these symptoms relate to occupational functioning. METHODS: The Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study (PHOSP-COVID) is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study of adults (aged ≥18 years) who were hospitalised with a clinical diagnosis of COVID-19 at participating National Health Service hospitals across the UK...
July 31, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 31, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Kenneth Carswell, Pim Cuijpers, Brandon Gray, Dévora Kestel, Aiysha Malik, Inka Weissbecker, Mark van Ommeren
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 24, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Falk Leichsenring, Allan Abbass, Peter Fonagy, Kenneth N Levy, Peter Lilliengren, Patrick Luyten, Nick Midgley, Barbara Milrod, Christiane Steinert
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 24, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Lifeng Xiao, Qishuo Zhang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 10, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Muhammad Kamruzzaman Mozumder
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 10, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Florence Butlen-Ducuing, Francisca Silva, Ivana Silva, Pavel Balabanov, Steffen Thirstrup
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 4, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Hui-Min Chuang, Lin-Chieh Meng, Chih-Wan Lin, Wen-Wen Chen, Yi-Yung Chen, Chi-Yung Shang, Liang-Kung Chen, Fei-Yuan Hsiao
BACKGROUND: Despite the frequent co-administration of antidepressants and benzodiazepines, the association between such concomitant use during pregnancy and the risk of congenital malformations remains inadequately explored. This study aims to examine the association between concomitant use of antidepressants and benzodiazepines during the first trimester and organ-specific congenital malformations. METHODS: We conducted a population-based cohort study using Taiwan's National Birth Certificate Application database, the Maternal and Child Health database, and Taiwan's National Health Insurance database...
July 2, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
Yasin Hasan Balcioglu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 27, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
John Tully, Jonathan Hafferty, Daniel Whiting, Kimberlie Dean, Seena Fazel
Forensic mental health services provide crucial interventions for society. Such services provide care for people with mental disorders who commit violent and other serious crimes, and they have a key role in the protection of the public. To achieve these goals, these services are necessarily expensive, but they have been criticised for a high-cost, low-volume approach, for lacking consistent standards of care, and for neglecting human rights and other ethical considerations. A key concern is an insufficient evidence base to justify common practices, such as restricting leave from hospital and detaining patients for long periods...
June 27, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 25, 2024: Lancet Psychiatry
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