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2024: CMAJ Open
Eric De Prophetis, Kinsey Beck, Diana Ridgeway, Junior Chuang, Lucie Richard, Anna Durbin, Maegan Mazereeuw, Geoff Hynes, Keith Denny
BACKGROUND: In 2018, hospitals were mandated to record homelessness using International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Canada (ICD-10-CA code Z59.0). We sought to answer whether the coding mandate affected the volume of patients identified as experiencing homelessness in acute inpatient hospitalizations and if there was any geographic variation. METHODS: We conducted a serial cross-sectional study describing 6 fiscal years (2015/16 to 2020/21) of hospital administrative data from the Hospital Morbidity Database...
2023: CMAJ Open
Matthew E Eagles, Reed F Beall, David Ben-Israel, John H Wong, Michael D Hill, Eldon Spackman
BACKGROUND: Endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) has revolutionized ischemic stroke care. We aimed to assess whether neighbourhood socioeconomic status is predictive of access to EVT after receipt of alteplase for ischemic stroke among patients living in Alberta, Canada, and whether this relation is mediated by the distance a person lives to the nearest comprehensive stroke centre (CSC). METHODS: We performed a retrospective study including all people older than 18 years living in Alberta who were admitted to hospital with an ischemic stroke and who received intravenous alteplase treatment between Jan...
2023: CMAJ Open
Pieter de Jager, Dionne Aleman, Nancy Baxter, Chaim Bell, Merve Bodur, Andrew Calzavara, Robert Campbell, Michael Carter, Scott Emerson, Anna Gagliardi, Jonathan Irish, Danielle Martin, Samantha Lee, Marcy Saxe-Braithwaite, Pardis Seyedi, Julie Takata, Suting Yang, Claudia Zanchetta, David Urbach
BACKGROUND: Equitable access to surgical care has clinical and policy implications. We assess the association between social disadvantage and wait times for elective surgical procedures in Ontario. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis using administrative data sets of adults receiving nonurgent inguinal hernia repair, cholecystectomy, hip arthroplasty, knee arthroplasty, arthroscopy, benign uterine surgery and cataract surgery from April 2013 to December 2019...
2023: CMAJ Open
Nicole Le Saux, Julie Bettinger, Hennady P Shulha, Manish Sadarangani, Doug Coyle, Timothy F Booth, Taj Jadavji, Scott A Halperin
BACKGROUND: Canadian immunization programs for rotavirus started in 2011. We sought to determine their effect on the burden of community-acquired admissions and hospital-acquired rotavirus at pediatric hospitals. METHODS: The Canadian Immunization Monitoring Program Active (IMPACT) network conducted active surveillance for rotavirus-positive hospital admissions between 2005 and 2020 at 12 pediatric hospitals. We used yearly rates of community-acquired rotavirus per 10 000 admissions and hospital-acquired rotavirus infections per 1000 patient-days to determine changes in the pre- and post-vaccine program periods...
2023: CMAJ Open
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: CMAJ Open
Nancy L Young, Marnie M Anderson, Mary Jo Wabano, Trisha Trudeau, Diane Jacko, Ranjeeta Mallick, Franco Momoli, Kednapa Thavorn, Peter Szatmari, Koyo Usuba, Lorrilee McGregor, Brenda Restoule, Annie Roy-Charland, Skye Pamela Barbic, Alison Cudmore, Shanna Peltier, Oxana Mian, Christopher Mushquash, Renee Linklater, Lauren Hawthorne, Katherine Boydell, Debbie Mishibinijima, Linda Kaboni, Jessica Denommee, Natalie Neganegijig, Katarina Djeletovic, Cody Wassengeso, Sylvia Recollet, Melissa Roy
BACKGROUND: First Nations children in Canada experience health inequities. We aimed to determine whether a self-report health app identified children's needs for support earlier in their illness than would typically occur. METHODS: Children (aged 8 to 18 yr) were recruited from a rural First Nation community. Children completed the Aaniish Naa Gegii: the Children's Health and Well-being Measure (ACHWM) and then met with a local mental health worker who determined their risk status...
2023: CMAJ Open
John G Taplin, Lea Bill, Ian E Blanchard, Cheryl M Barnabe, Brian R Holroyd, Bonnie Healy, Patrick McLane
BACKGROUND: Prior work has shown that a greater proportion of First Nations patients than non-First Nations patients arrive by ambulance to emergency departments in Alberta. The objective of this study was to understand First Nations perspectives on transitions in care involving paramedics, and paramedic perspectives on serving First Nations communities. METHODS: Participants for this participatory qualitative study were selected by means of purposive sampling through author networks, established relationships and knowledge of the Alberta paramedicine system...
2023: CMAJ Open
James H B Im, Graham E Trope, Yvonne M Buys, Peng Yan, Michael H Brent, Sophia Y Liu, Ya-Ping Jin
BACKGROUND: Diabetes, a leading cause of visual impairment, is on the rise in Canada. We assessed trends in the prevalence of visual impairment among people in Canada with and without diabetes to inform the development of strategies and policies for the management of visual impairment. METHODS: We analyzed self-reported data from respondents aged 45 years and older in 7 cycles of nationwide surveys (National Population Health Survey and Canadian Community Health Survey) from 1994/95 to 2013/14...
2023: CMAJ Open
Elisa Castro Noriega, Harold Siden, M Ruth Lavergne
BACKGROUND: Pediatric palliative care aims to improve quality of life among infants, children, youth and young adults with serious illnesses, sometimes over years, but estimates of infants, children, youth and young adults requiring pediatric palliative care have been highly variable and need refinement. We sought to describe this population in British Columbia and identify clinical instability to inform program planning in pediatric palliative care. METHODS: We conducted a population-based analysis using linked administrative health data from 2012/13 to 2016/17...
2023: CMAJ Open
Benjamin Edwards, Robert Wilson, Gerald McDonald, Peter Daley
BACKGROUND: Data that have been reported on antimicrobial use in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) do not appear to be representative of use at the population level. We sought to use pharmacy network data on prescriptions to describe outpatient antimicrobial use in NL. METHODS: We analyzed all outpatient antimicrobial prescriptions dispensed between June 1, 2017, and June 8, 2021, from the provincial pharmacy network database and translated deidentified data into SPSS...
2023: CMAJ Open
Terrence McDonald, Susan E Schultz, Lee A Green, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Richard H Glazier
BACKGROUND: Five million Canadians lack a family doctor or primary care team. Our goal was to examine trends over time in family physician workforce and service provision in Ontario and Alberta, with a view to informing policy discussions on primary care supply and delivery of services. METHODS: We used cross-sectional analyses in Ontario and Alberta for 2005/06, 2012/13 and 2017/18 to examine family physician provision of service days by provider demographic characteristics and geographic location...
2023: CMAJ Open
John S Moin, Simone N Vigod, Lesley Plumptre, Natalie Troke, Irene Papanicolas, Walter P Wodchis, Geoff Anderson
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic and nonpharmaceutical interventions that reduced the spread of infection had impacts on social interaction, schooling and employment. Concerns have been raised about the impact of these disruptions on the mental health of high-risk groups, including birthing parents of young children. METHODS: This population-based, repeated cross-sectional study used health administrative databases in Ontario, Canada, to link children to birth parents and to measure subsequent mental health visits of birthing parents of younger (age 0-5 yr) and school-aged (6-12 yr) children...
2023: CMAJ Open
Elli Weisbaum, Nicholas Chadi, L Trevor Young
BACKGROUND: Physicians play a critical role across health care delivery systems, yet their own well-being is often overlooked; mindfulness has been widely recommended as a promising modality to support physician wellness. We sought to explore how physicians experience and engage with a 5-week applied mindfulness program and how they perceive its impact on their personal well-being in the context of their daily lives. METHOD: We delivered the Applied Mindfulness Program for Medical Personnel (AMP-MP) at a tertiary care hospital in downtown Toronto, Canada...
2023: CMAJ Open
Mireille Guay, Aubrey Maquiling, Ruoke Chen, Valérie Lavergne, Donalyne-Joy Baysac, Ève Dubé, Shannon E MacDonald, S Michelle Driedger, Nicolas L Gilbert
BACKGROUND: Racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 vaccination coverage have been observed in Canada and in other countries. We aimed to compare vaccination coverage for at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine between First Nations people living off reserve and Métis, Black, Arab, Chinese, South Asian and White people. METHODS: We used data collected between June 2021 and June 2022 by Statistics Canada's Canadian Community Health Survey, a large, nationally representative cross-sectional study...
2023: CMAJ Open
Paul Kurdyak, Michael Lebenbaum, Aditi Patrikar, Laura Rivera, Hong Lu, Damon C Scales, Astrid Guttmann
BACKGROUND: Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been concern about the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection among individuals with mental illnesses. We analyzed the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination status of Ontarians with and without a history of mental illness. METHODS: We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study of all community-dwelling Ontario residents aged 19 years and older as of Sept. 17, 2021. We used health administrative data to categorize Ontario residents with a mental disorder (anxiety, mood, substance use, psychotic or other disorder) within the previous 5 years...
2023: CMAJ Open
Fanny Hersson-Edery, Janie Morissette, Perle Feldman, Kathleen Rice
BACKGROUND: Little is known about physicians' birth experiences and the perceived relation between physicians' professional status and their birth outcomes, particularly in nonsurgical specialties. This study aimed to explore the birth experiences of physicians in Canada and to determine their perception of the relation between their profession, and their birth experiences and obstetric outcomes. METHODS: We undertook a qualitative descriptive study consisting of in-depth interviews with practising physician birthing parents, all members of the Canadian Physician Mothers Group (online Facebook community) who had deliveries between 2016 and 2021...
2023: CMAJ Open
Rachael Mountain, Dexter Kim, Kate M Johnson
BACKGROUND: An estimated 70% of Canadians with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have not received a diagnosis, creating a barrier to early intervention, and there is growing interest in the value of primary care-based opportunistic case detection for COPD. We sought to build on a previous cost-effectiveness analysis by evaluating the budget impact of adopting COPD case detection in the Canadian general population. METHODS: We used a validated discrete-event microsimulation model of COPD in the Canadian general population aged 40 years and older to assess the costs of implementing 8 primary care-based case detection strategies over 5 years (2022-2026) from the health care payer perspective...
2023: CMAJ Open
Katie N Dainty, M Bianca Seaton, Braden O'Neill, Rohit Mohindra
BACKGROUND: Most Canadians diagnosed with COVID-19 have had mild symptoms not requiring hospitalization. We sought to understand the patient experience of care while being isolated at home after testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: We conducted a phenomenologically informed qualitative descriptive study using in-depth semistructured interviews to identify common themes of experience for patients sent home from hospital with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis...
2023: CMAJ Open
Adrian R Levy, David Stock, J Michael Paterson, Hala Tamim, Dan Chateau, Jacqueline Quail, Paul E Ronksley, Greg Carney, Pauline Reynier, Laura Targownik
BACKGROUND: Ranitidine was the most prescribed histamine-2 receptor antagonist (H2 RA) in Canada when recalled in 2019 because of potential carcinogenicity. We sought to compare geographic and temporal patterns in use of prescription ranitidine and 3 other HRAs and estimated population exposure to ranitidine in 6 provinces between 1996 and 2019. METHODS: This population-based serial cross-sectional study used prescription claims for H2 RAs dispensed from community pharmacies in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia...
2023: CMAJ Open
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