Nancy L Young, Marnie M Anderson, Mary Jo Wabano, Trisha Trudeau, Diane Jacko, Ranjeeta Mallick, Franco Momoli, Kednapa Thavorn, Peter Szatmari, Koyo Usuba, Lorrilee McGregor, Brenda Restoule, Annie Roy-Charland, Skye Pamela Barbic, Alison Cudmore, Shanna Peltier, Oxana Mian, Christopher Mushquash, Renee Linklater, Lauren Hawthorne, Katherine Boydell, Debbie Mishibinijima, Linda Kaboni, Jessica Denommee, Natalie Neganegijig, Katarina Djeletovic, Cody Wassengeso, Sylvia Recollet, Melissa Roy
BACKGROUND: First Nations children in Canada experience health inequities. We aimed to determine whether a self-report health app identified children's needs for support earlier in their illness than would typically occur. METHODS: Children (aged 8 to 18 yr) were recruited from a rural First Nation community. Children completed the Aaniish Naa Gegii: the Children's Health and Well-being Measure (ACHWM) and then met with a local mental health worker who determined their risk status...
2023: CMAJ Open