Shirley Parraga, Melisa Pasli, Hayley Behm, Breann Zeches, Revanth Reddy
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common types of cancer. More focus is being placed on clinical presentations of distant metastasis from HCC. Head masses should be investigated even when no concerning symptoms are found in patients with prior history of alcohol abuse and liver comorbidities.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Wei Qiang, Fei Yang, Ling Liu, Ruiqing Dong, Yushi Sun, Ahona Mondal, Hui Guo
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: High-dose acarbose may increase the risk of diabetic ketosis/diabetic ketoacidosis in Asian patients on sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors. Healthcare providers and patients should be cautious to avoid this combination. ABSTRACT: Low-calorie diets should be avoided in patients receiving sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors to decrease the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). High-dose acarbose can decelerate carbohydrate absorption...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Fahimeh Zeinalkhani, Peyman Kamali Hakim, Mahdiyeh Movahedi, Fatemeh Zare Bozorgabadi, Maryam Movahedi
Gas-containing renal stones are a rare condition. There is an association between renal stones containing gas, urinary tract infection, and renal fusion anomalies, so it is essential to know the radiographic features for prompt diagnosis and treatment.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Nabaa Al-Zubaidi, Mohsin Al-Zubaidi, Nasim Gholizadeh, Shirin Zaresharifi
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection can present atypically in immunosuppressed patients, such as renal transplant recipients, often mimicking conditions like condyloma acuminata. This case report of a 39-year-old male renal transplant recipient underscores the importance of maintaining a high level of clinical suspicion and employing thorough diagnostic techniques, including skin biopsy and polymerase chain reaction, to accurately diagnose chronic lesions and those not responding to initial therapies in these patients...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Ying Chen, Wenxuan Zhang, Junqiang Cai, Min Zhong
The occurrences of rhabdomyolysis after endoscopic submucosal dissection surgery were rarely reported. This is a case involving rhabdomyolysis affecting the muscles of the left buttocks and left hip following a prolonged endoscopic submucosal surgery.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Kalpa Jayanatha, Irfan Idrus, Mark Sapsford, Viliami Tutone, Michael Lam
Tumoral calcinosis (TC) is a rare condition characterized by dystrophic calcinosis. TC in end stage kidney disease is associated with severe hyperparathyroidism. It is radiologically characterized by multilobulated cystic calcifications in periarticular regions without erosive arthropathy or osseus destruction. Secondary TC may necessitate medical or surgical parathyroidectomy for symptom control.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Ana Martinez, Sophie Binks, Martí Pumarola, Alexandros Hardas, Alistair Easton, Leticia Campo, Molly Browne, Susana Martins, Laurent S Garosi, Francesco Di Dona, Anna Tauro
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Gliosarcoma, a rare cerebral neoplasm, has not been linked to hippocampal changes in cats. We report a case of complex partial seizures with orofacial involvement, revealing gliosarcoma concurrent with bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. ABSTRACT: A 16-year-old neutered female domestic shorthair cat presented with acute inappetence, ataxia, disorientation, and vacant staring. Brain MRI revealed an ill-defined, round, intra-axial mass in the right piriform lobe, showing hyperintensity on T2W, T2-FLAIR, and T2*W, and hypointensity on T1W images...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Sutthinun Wichyanrat
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Embedded earrings in adults have been reported to be a possible cause of erosive oral lichen planus. ABSTRACT: Erosive lichen planus is rare and its cause cannot be determined. Embedded earring in the earlobes is rare clinical presentation in adult. The concurrent nature of these two conditions has not been previously, described in the published literature. Unexpectedly, we removed the earring from the earlobe and successfully treated erosive oral lichen planus...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Swotantra Gautam, Aakash Neupane, Ivonne De La Hoz Molina, Jhonny Bonilla Villarreal, Weiying Li, Tasnuva Anindita H Mahmud
MDMA and cocaine can result in acute onset rhabdomyolysis. However, delayed onset rhabdomyolysis and its pathophysiology is of concern Early therapeutic intervention improves prognosis. Such cases should be promptly referred and managed in centers equipped with critical care and renal replacement therapy.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Bisma Shaikh, Areeba Gul, Ajeet Singh, Hamza Irfan, Tooba Ali, Riyan Karamat, Aymar Akilimali
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Primary signet-ring cell carcinoma of the anal canal and rectum is an extremely rare and aggressive malignancy. The present case underscores the importance of considering primary signet-ring cell carcinoma in differential diagnoses for young patients with chronic anorectal symptoms. It highlights the need for a multidisciplinary treatment approach (including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy) and comprehensive follow-up for managing this challenging condition and improving long-term patient outcomes...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Zhihan Liu, Zhihao Wei, Shuying Ye, Shicheng Su, Yiwen Lu
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Abscess at a previous surgical site induced by an insect bite has rarely been reported. Here we report a case of abscess at the breast surgical site, which occurred 7 years after mastectomy following an ant bite. ABSTRACT: Surgical site abscess generally occurs following operation within 30 days. However, surgical site abscess induced by an insect bite, which occurs several years after surgery, has rarely been reported. Here, we report a 65-year-old female patient with a history of breast cancer presenting with an abscess at the site of her mastectomy and ipsilateral arm lymphedema...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Eleftherios Anastasakis, Anastasios Anastasakis, Athina A Samara, Antonios Koutras, Zacharias Fasoulakis, Athanasios Zikopoulos, Chara Skentou, Sotirios Sotiriou
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Herein, we report a rare case of nyctalopia diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy due to vitamin A deficiency as a result of a bariatric gastrectomy. Low serum vitamin A levels establish the diagnosis and the patient was treated with oral vitamin A supplements. Moreover, due to the teratogenic effects of exceed Vitamin A levels in early pregnancy, supplements' dosages should be prescribed with respect to the safe limits. Our case aims to highlight the importance of checking micronutricients and vitamins levels before and during pregnancy in women that had a previous bariatric surgery...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Faten Limaiem, Mohamed Amine Gharbi, Ramzi Bouzidi
The differential diagnoses of popliteal ganglion cysts include Baker's cysts, popliteal artery aneurysms, popliteal tendinitis, popliteal lymphadenopathy, lipomas, and synovial sarcoma.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Mizuki Mishima, Tomohisa Yabe, Takaya Kondo, Keiji Fujimoto, Ryoji Takata, Hitoshi Yokoyama, Yo Niida, Tatsuro Tanaka, Katsuhito Miyazawa, Kengo Furuichi
CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 are the most abundant and important enzymes of the CYP3A subfamily, distributed in the liver, intestinal mucosa and kidney, and involved in tacrolimus metabolism. Here, we report a case of tacrolimus dosage refractoriness due to a genetic polymorphism of CYP3A5.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Akram Sardari, Akram Nakhaee, Farnoosh Larti, Maryam Roozitalab
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Rudimentary left atrial appendage (LAA) is an extremely rare condition with an unclear association with cerebrovascular events. This case report discusses a patient with an unexplained cerebrovascular accident (CVA), where the diagnosis of rudimentary LAA was made using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and subsequently confirmed by computed tomography angiography (CTA). ABSTRACT: Rudimentary left atrial appendage (LAA) is extremely rare...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
(no author information available yet)
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.9136.].
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Liming Xu, Dong Dong Huang, Jinghan Wang, Qihan You, Fang Yu
We report a rare case of thyroid diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with a BRAF V600E mutation, which mimics poorly differentiated thyroid cancer in fine needle aspiration cytology.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Marina Vasilj, Tanja Zovko, Kristina Galic, Marija Goluza Sesar, Natasa Pejanovic Skobic, Katica Pavlovic
The diagnosis of extensive pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in young people, should take into account the possibility of an associated systemic autoimmune disease. Infections remain an important cause of morbidity and mortalityin systemic lupus erythematosus. This case illustrates the importance of recognizing the association of systemic autoimmune diseases and infections and the need for a multidisciplinary approach.
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Da Teng, Yue Xu, Qingsong Yang, Wenjun Zhang
Cholecystolithiasis combined with choledocholithiasis represents a prevalent disease. At present, regarding the management of the common bile duct (CBD), T-tube drainage (TTD) and primary duct closure (PDC) emerge as two prominent approaches for biliary tract repair after laparoscopic CBD exploration (LCBDE). Here, retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical records of 157 patients who underwent LCBDE at our hospital between January 2019 and January 2022. All patients were categorized into the PDC group or the TTD group based on the chosen CBD treatment approach...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports
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