Ana Martinez, Sophie Binks, Martí Pumarola, Alexandros Hardas, Alistair Easton, Leticia Campo, Molly Browne, Susana Martins, Laurent S Garosi, Francesco Di Dona, Anna Tauro
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Gliosarcoma, a rare cerebral neoplasm, has not been linked to hippocampal changes in cats. We report a case of complex partial seizures with orofacial involvement, revealing gliosarcoma concurrent with bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. ABSTRACT: A 16-year-old neutered female domestic shorthair cat presented with acute inappetence, ataxia, disorientation, and vacant staring. Brain MRI revealed an ill-defined, round, intra-axial mass in the right piriform lobe, showing hyperintensity on T2W, T2-FLAIR, and T2*W, and hypointensity on T1W images...
September 2024: Clinical Case Reports