Fiona Salter, Urvashnee Singh, Deborah Kerr, Yun Zhao, Emily Jeffery
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 21, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Ryan H Kirkpatrick, Linda Booij, Heidi C Riek, Jeff Huang, Isabell C Pitigoi, Donald C Brien, Brian C Coe, Jennifer Couturier, Sarosh Khalid-Khan, Douglas P Munoz
BACKGROUND: The oculomotor circuit spans many cortical and subcortical areas that have been implicated in psychiatric disease. This, combined with previous findings, suggests that eye tracking may be a useful method to investigate eating disorders. Therefore, this study aimed to assess oculomotor behaviors in youth with and without an eating disorder. METHODS: Female youth with and without an eating disorder completed a structured task involving randomly interleaved pro-saccade (toward at a stimulus) and anti-saccade (away from stimulus) trials with video-based eye tracking...
August 21, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
See Heng Yim, Ulrike Schmidt
INTRODUCTION: Although there have been qualitative meta-syntheses on experiences of eating disorders treatments, there is a paucity of syntheses specifically examining the perspectives and experiences of eating disorders treatments (ED) in East Asia (EA). Such synthesis could facilitate a better understanding of culture-specific perspectives and experiences. This review complements a quantitative scoping review published on ED treatments in EA (Yim & Schmidt, 2023), where most interventions reviewed focused on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and internet interventions...
August 20, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Yunan Zhao, Alvin Tran, Heather Mattie
BACKGROUND: Unhealthy weight control behaviors (UWCBs) involve weight control strategies to reduce or maintain weight, such as fasting, taking diet pills, and vomiting or taking laxatives. UWCBs in teenagers can escalate into severe health issues such as eating disorders. Understanding the trends of UWCBs and their association with risk behaviors in teenagers is crucial, as early intervention and prevention strategies are pivotal. METHODS: This study utilized eight waves of the youth risk behavior surveillance system (YRBSS) data from 1999 to 2013...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Amy Kaplan, Anastasia Hutchinson, Suzie Hooper, Karen Gwee, Damien Khaw, Lola Valent, Jane C Willcox
BACKGROUND: General mental health inpatient units hold a valuable place in the stepped system of care, and for identification and treatment of people with eating disorders (EDs) or disordered eating behaviours (DEBs). This study aimed to pragmatically evaluate an evidence-informed screening and care pathway, alongside a staff education program, implemented to improve identification and treatment access for consumers with EDs and DEBs, with co-occurring psychiatric conditions, on a general mental health ward...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Tiffany Lussier, Jon Harald Quindao Tangen, Trine Tetlie Eik-Nes, Håvard R Karlsen, Kjersti Hognes Berg, Charlotte Fiskum
BACKGROUND: Individuals with higher weight (overweight or obesity) may experience social stigma due to their weight. Weight stigma can be internalized with adverse health effects. Internalized weight stigma is relevant across different weight categories, but no validated weight-neutral measure of internalized weight bias currently exists in Norway. The current study aimed to examine the validity of a Norwegian translation of the Modified Weight Bias Internalization Scale. METHODS: A Norwegian translation of the Modified Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS-M) was administered in an adult Norwegian sample (N = 315, of which 251 women) ranging from self-reported "very underweight" to "very overweight"...
August 15, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Pamela Fantozzi, Lucia Billeci, Pietro Muratori, Sandra Maestro, Filippo Muratori, Bhismadev Chakrabarti, Sara Calderoni
BACKGROUND: Despite their apparent dissimilarity, Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) share many features, especially in terms of social and emotional difficulties. In recent years, empathic abilities in AN have been frequently assessed using self-report measures. Otherwise, the director task (DT) has been used to investigate the ability to take the visual perspective of another individual in a communicative context, using eye-tracking technology. The aim of the current study was to test the presence of autism-relevant features in AN, through: (i) comparing self-reported autistic traits and empathic abilities in a group of young inpatients with AN and age/gender matched healthy controls (HC); (ii) comparing performance on the director paradigm...
August 14, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Hannah Webb, Maria Griffiths, Ulrike Schmidt
BACKGROUND: Eating disorders are complex difficulties that impact the individual, their supporters and society. Increasing numbers are being admitted to intensive treatment settings (e.g., for inpatient treatment, day-patient treatment or acute medical treatment). The lived experience perspectives of what helps and hinders eating disorder recovery during intensive treatment is an emerging area of interest. This review aims to explore patients' perspectives of what helps and hinders recovery in these contexts...
August 14, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Emily T Troscianko, Rocío Riestra-Camacho, James Carney
BACKGROUND: Narratives (including memoirs and novels) about eating disorders (EDs) are typically published with the intention to benefit readers, but survey evidence suggests that reading such narratives with an active ED may more often be harmful than helpful. To reduce the probability of inadvertent harm and learn more about how narrative reading and EDs interact, a pre-publication study was designed to determine whether or not a recovery memoir should be published. METHODS: 64 participants with a self-reported ED read either the experimental text (The Hungry Anorexic [HA]) or a control text (Ten Zen Questions [TZ]) over a roughly two-week period...
August 12, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Emy Nimbley, Ellen Maloney, Kyle Buchan, Michelle Sader, Karri Gillespie-Smith, Fiona Duffy
BACKGROUND: Co-production is the collaboration between researchers and the lived experience community in designing, conducting and sharing research. The importance of co-production is increasingly advocated in both the autism and eating disorder fields. Despite this, there remains a lack of clarity at how to define, apply and conduct ethical co-production. Understanding common challenges and what we can do to overcome these challenges are integral to ensuring ethical and meaningful research with Autistic people with an eating disorder...
August 9, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Samantha L Hahn, Caroline Bornstein, C Blair Burnette, Katie A Loth, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
BACKGROUND: Weight-related self-monitoring (WRSM) apps are used by millions, but the effects of their use remain unclear. This study examined longitudinal relationships between WRSM and disordered eating among a population-based sample of emerging adults. METHODS: Participants (n = 138) were recruited from EAT 2010-2018 (Eating and Activity over Time study) to participate in a mixed-methods (quantitative and qualitative) longitudinal study to understand the impacts of WRSM...
August 7, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
F Marcolini, G Arnone, C Weston, S Tempia Valenta, A Zini, D De Ronchi, A R Atti
INTRODUCTION: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a complex psychiatric illness, characterized by a high risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Given the high risk of vascular diseases in patients with AN, we can assume that patients with severe AN have a high risk of developing ischemic stroke. However, to the best of our knowledge, no reports of patients with AN presenting with ischemic stroke have been published, other than a report of the development of IS during refeeding therapy in patients with severe AN...
August 6, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Sam L Sharpe
The eating and feeding disorder section of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) is organized by a diagnostic algorithm that limits the contemporaneous assignment of multiple eating disorder diagnoses. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a disturbance in food intake typically associated with lack of interest in food, food avoidance based on sensory characteristics, and/or fear of aversive consequences from eating. According to the DSM-5-TR, an ARFID diagnosis cannot be made when weight or shape disturbances are present, and ARFID cannot be co-diagnosed with other eating disorders characterized by these disturbances...
August 5, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Federico Brusa, Federica Scarpina, Ilaria Bastoni, Valentina Villa, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuela Apicella, Sandra Savino, Leonardo Mendolicchio
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 5, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Catherine Sarginson, Juliana Nicoletta, Thalia Charlebois, Sarah Enouy, Nassim Tabri
BACKGROUND: Theory and research indicate that an appearance focused self-concept (i.e., placing overriding importance on physical appearance for self-definition and self-worth) plays a role in the etiology and maintenance of disordered eating and eating disorders. Although the consequences of an appearance focused self-concept are palpable, less is known about its correlates. Accordingly, we examined a range of factors that may characterize appearance focused people, including personality traits (perfectionism, impulsivity, sensation-seeking, hopelessness, and anxiety sensitivity), self-concept (global self-esteem and self-concept clarity), sociocultural (thin-ideal, muscular-ideal, general attractiveness internalizations, and perceived pressure to be thin), and early life experiences (adverse childhood experiences, attachment styles) factors...
August 2, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Megan M Knedgen, Rachel A Starr
BACKGROUND: Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is characterized as a pattern of restrictive eating leading to significant medical and/or psychosocial impairment (American Psychiatric Association in Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C., 2013). Most existing research on ARFID utilizes quantitative methodologies to study children and adolescents. As a result, the experiences of adults with ARFID have been underrepresented in research...
August 2, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Sneha Vidyasagar, Alison Griffin, Helen d'Emden, Christel Hendrieckx, Neisha D'Silva
BACKGROUND: Higher prevalence of disordered eating in young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) culminates in higher levels of morbidity and mortality. In addition to validated questionnaires for diabetes distress, depression/anxiety symptoms and emotional well-being, the Diabetes Psychosocial Assessment Tool (DPAT) includes three questions about comfort with weight, body shape and eating pattern (WSE), which were derived from literature and multidisciplinary team consensus. Recognising individuals with low comfort with WSE, is the first step towards identifying those who may be at risk of developing eating disorders...
July 30, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Meryem Kaşak, Hakan Öğütlü, Uğur Doğan, Hana F Zickgraf, Mehmet Hakan Türkçapar
BACKGROUND: This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Nine-Item Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Screen (NIAS) in a population of Turkish adolescents. METHOD: The NIAS, designed to screen for ARFID symptoms, including picky eating, fear-related eating behaviors, and low appetite, was administered to secondary school students between 13 and 18 ages in Muğla, Turkiye. RESULTS: Based on a sample of 268 adolescents, the NIAS's reliability and validity in this demographic are supported...
July 25, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Sophie Cripps, Lucy Serpell, Matthew Pugh
OBJECTIVE: To synthesise young person and family member perspectives on processes of change in family therapy for anorexia nervosa (AN), including systemic family therapy and manualised family-based treatments, to obtain an understanding of what helps and hinders positive change. METHOD: A systematic search of the literature was conducted to identify qualitative studies focussing on experiences of therapeutic change within family therapies for AN from the perspectives of young people and their families...
July 25, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
Julian Baudinet, Ivan Eisler, Michelle Roddy, Jasmin Turner, Mima Simic, Ulrike Schmidt
BACKGROUND: Multi-family Therapy (MFT) is being increasingly used in specialist eating disorder services internationally. Despite evidence of its efficacy, little is understood about the treatment mechanisms and what specifically promotes change. This study aimed to understand clinician perspectives on how change occurs during MFT. METHODS: Clinicians with (a) 5 or more years' experience facilitating MFT and (b) who had facilitated a minimum of two MFT groups were eligible for this study...
July 24, 2024: Journal of Eating Disorders
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