Mei Lu, Enrico Speri, A Lauks, Charles Leibson, Satish C Rao
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among health care providers (HCPs), neurologists have one of the highest rates of burnout in the United States, compromising the quality and accessibility of patient care. Patients with refractory epilepsy are especially challenging to treat. This study aims to understand the burnout level in neurologists treating patients with refractory epilepsy and identify key contributing factors. METHODS: US board-certified pediatric/adult neurologists who devote ≥50% of their time to clinical practice and treat ≥10 unique patients with refractory epilepsy annually were invited to take a noninterventional quantitative survey, designed to capture key elements of the HCP's background, burnout level, current practice, burden domains, and satisfaction with current antiseizure medications (ASMs)...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Salman S Ikramuddin, John A Coburn, Solmaz Ramezani, Christopher Streib
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Occlusion of the artery of Percheron (AOP) produces bilateral thalamic infarction classically leading to deficits of arousal. This nonspecific presentation complicates the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke. We sought to describe the spectrum of clinical presentation, diagnostic neuroimaging findings, and outcomes in AOP infarction (AOPi). METHODS: We conducted a keyword search of our health system's neuroimaging database from 2014 to 2022 to identify patients with AOPi...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
John P Ney, Marc R Nuwer, Lawrence J Hirsch, Mark Burdelle, Kellee Trice, Josef Parvizi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: High costs associated with after-hour electroencephalography (EEG) constitute a barrier for financially constrained hospitals to provide this neurodiagnostic procedure outside regular working hours. Our study aims to deepen our understanding of the cost elements involved in delivering EEG services during after-hours. METHODS: We accessed publicly available data sets and created a cost model depending on 3 most commonly seen staffing scenarios: (1) technologist on-site, (2) technologist on-call from home, and (3) a hybrid of the two...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Neel Fotedar, Aybuke Acar, Suhailah Hakami, Kulsatree Praditukrit, Alla Morris, Mark Dela Vega, Guadalupe Fernandez-BacaVaca, Hans O Lüders
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Clonic seizures are currently defined as repetitive and rhythmic myoclonic contractions of a specific body part, producing twitching movements at a frequency of 0.2-5 Hz. There are few studies in the literature that have reported a detailed analysis of the semiology, neurophysiology, and lateralizing value of clonic seizures. In this article, we aim to report our findings from a retrospective review of 39 patients. METHODS: We identified 39 patients (48 seizures) from our center who had been admitted with clonic seizures between 2016 and 2022...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Joseph S Miller, Folake Oladele, Darrian McAfee, Christopher O Adereti, William H Theodore, Elizabeth O Akinsoji
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Currently, an estimated 3.4 million people in the United States live with epilepsy. Previous studies have identified health disparities associated with race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), sex, insurance status, and age in this population. However, there has been a dearth of research addressing these disparities. We performed a literature review of articles published between 2010 and 2020 pertaining to health disparities in people with epilepsy (PWE), identified key factors that contribute to gaps in their care, and discussed possible solutions...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Ines M Vigil, Martha Sylvia
BACKGROUND: With more than 30% of global data originating from health care, deriving usable insights that improve health requires population health analytics. In neurology, data-driven approaches have grown in significance because of digital health records and advanced analytics. A vital aspect of this evolution is adopting a population health data strategy (PHDS). RECENT FINDINGS: Crafting a tailored PHDS for neurology involves cataloging data points and measures spanning demographics, clinical history, genetics, and social determinants...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Edith L Graham, Riley Bove, Kathleen Costello, Heidi Crayton, Dina A Jacobs, Suma Shah, Francesca Sorrell, Sharon S Stoll, Maria K Houtchens
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Lack of consistent data and guidance have led to variations between clinicians in the management of pregnancy in women with multiple sclerosis (MS). Pregnant and/or lactating women are often excluded from clinical trials conducted in MS, and thus, the labeling for most disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) excludes use during pregnancy. This has led to heterogeneity in interpretation and labeling regarding the safety of DMTs during pregnancy and lactation and the required preconception washout periods...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Florian Volz, Katharina Wolf, Christian Fung, Ian Carroll, Claas Lahmann, Niklas Lützen, Horst Urbach, Jan-Helge Klingler, Jürgen Beck, Amir El Rahal
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) caused by a spinal CSF leak is a multisymptom syndrome, which can dramatically affect physical and mental health. However, systematic data on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and mental health are scarce. We hypothesized that surgical treatment leads to significant and sustained improvements in HRQoL and mental health in patients with SIH. METHODS: In this single-center cohort study, we prospectively collected HRQoL and mental health data in patients undergoing surgical closure of a spinal CSF leak from September 2020 to November 2022...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
(no author information available yet)
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1212/CPJ.0000000000200197.].
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
(no author information available yet)
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1212/CPJ.0000000000200225.].
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Margarethe E Goetz, Cassie B Ford, Melissa A Greiner, Amy Clark, Kim G Johnson, Brystana G Kaufman, Sneha Mantri, Ying Xian, Richard J O'Brien, Emily C O'Brien, Jay B Lusk
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are racial disparities in health care services received by patients with neurodegenerative diseases, but little is known about disparities in the last year of life, specifically in high-value and low-value care utilization. This study evaluated racial disparities in the utilization of high-value and low-value care in the last year of life among Medicare beneficiaries with dementia or Parkinson disease. METHODS: This was a retrospective, population-based cohort analysis using data from North and South Carolina fee-for-service Medicare claims between 2013 and 2017...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Sara Adducchio, Ethan D Grant, Laura D Fonseca, Abiodun Omoloja, Gogi Kumar
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Medication reconciliation errors are a common problem in health care, particularly during transitions of care. Discharge medication reconciliation (DMR) errors in a pediatric setting can range from 26% to 42.2%. We conducted a quality improvement project to decrease DMR error rate at Dayton Children's Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. METHODS: We conducted 2 interventions, each with 3 Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles from September 2021 through February 2023...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Thara R Bala
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Physicians strive to provide high-quality clinical care, yet after-visit patient telephone calls create extra demands on a clinician's time. Pediatric neurologists are particularly affected by this challenge given the number of patients with chronic illnesses they serve and the volume of worried parents they support. Added workload coupled with a busy office practice increases the likelihood of early physician burnout, which can have downstream effects on the quality of patient care and patient satisfaction...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Mandy Miller, Lola Cook, Jennifer Verbrugge, Priscila D Hodges, Katharine J Head, Martha A Nance
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The PD GENEration (PD GENE) study (NCT04057794) is an interventional clinical trial offering genetic testing with result disclosure and genetic counseling to individuals with Parkinson disease (PD). In general, experiences of those providing PD genetic testing and counseling in a research or clinical setting have not been extensively evaluated. In this study, providers' experiences when providing research result disclosure and genetic counseling to people with PD were explored with the goal of improving PD genetics services...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Umer Akbar, Sandhya Seshadri, Megan Dini, Peggy Auinger, Sally A Norton, Jodi S Holtrop, Benzi M Kluger
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To assess the current structures, knowledge, and readiness to integrate palliative care (PC) into Parkinson disease (PD) care at Parkinson's Foundation Centers of Excellence (COE) in the United States. METHODS: Three unique surveys were administered to health care professionals/staff at COEs to assess PC (1) resources, (2) knowledge and comfort, (3) clinical experience and processes, (4) barriers, and (5) readiness for implementation. RESULTS: Response rates for the 3 surveys were 97%, 98%, and 56%...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Brianna Starkey, Godfrey D Pearlson, Dale Bond, Cathy Glaser, Aakash Bhargava, Brian M Grosberg, Allison Verhaak
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Research suggests a potential role for cannabinoids in the etiology and treatment of migraine. However, there is a paucity of research on usage patterns and perceived benefits of cannabis use in clinical headache patient populations. METHODS: Patients from a tertiary headache center completed a 1-time online survey regarding cannabis use patterns and perceived benefits of cannabis-based products in treating migraine symptoms, clinical features, and risk factors (e...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Sarah J Banks, Eukyung Yhang, Yorghos Tripodis, Yi Su, Hillary Protas, Charles H Adler, Laura J Balcer, Charles Bernick, Jesse B Mez, Joseph Palmisano, William B Barr, Jennifer V Wethe, David W Dodick, Michael D Mcclean, Brett Martin, Kaitlin Hartlage, Arlener Turner, Robert W Turner, Atul Malhotra, Michael Colman, Ofer Pasternak, Alexander P Lin, Inga K Koerte, Sylvain Bouix, Jeffrey L Cummings, Martha E Shenton, Eric M Reiman, Robert A Stern, Michael L Alosco
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (SA) is common in older men and a contributor to negative cognitive, psychiatric, and brain health outcomes. Little is known about SA in those who played contact sports and are at increased risk of neurodegenerative disease(s) and other neuropathologies associated with repetitive head impacts (RHI). In this study, we investigated the frequency of diagnosed and witnessed SA and its contribution to clinical symptoms and tau pathology using PET imaging among male former college and former professional American football players...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Ihika Rampalli, Valory N Pavlik, Melissa M Yu, Jeffrey Bishop, Chi-Ying R Lin
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The Baylor Profound Mental Status Examination (BPMSE) was developed to assess cognitive function in the profound stage of dementia. The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale has been widely used in measuring functional performance in dementia. We aimed to determine whether cognitive function is related to overall functional impairment in profound dementia. METHODS: We selected 864 patients with probable Alzheimer disease (AD) and 25 patients with possible dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) cases with profound dementia by Mini-Mental Status Examination or/and clinical global impression...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Narinder Kapur, Steven Kemp
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
Wesley T Kerr, Elissa H Patterson, Isabel M O'Sullivan, Faith J Horbatch, Kyle A Darpel, Palak S Patel, Najda Robinson-Mayer, Gerald S Winder, Nicholas J Beimer
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of patients in the United States referred to a multidisciplinary clinic for treatment of functional seizures. METHODS: We identified patients who had or had not died based on automated retrospective review of electronic health records from a registry of patients referred to a single-center multidisciplinary functional seizures treatment clinic. We calculated an SMR by comparing the number of observed deaths with the expected number of deaths in an age-matched, sex-matched, and race-matched population within the same state, and year records were available...
April 2024: Neurology. Clinical Practice
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