Journals Clinical Diabetes : a Publicat...

Clinical Diabetes : a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Shanzay Haider, Carolina Gonzalez-Lopez, Jennifer Clark, Derek L Gravholt, Maggie Breslin, Kasey R Boehmer, Sandra A Hartasanchez, Brianna Sanchez, Victor M Montori, Kasia J Lipska
This article reports on a study to assess the feasibility of research procedures and acceptability of QBSAFE, a set of conversation cards focused on quality of life, treatment burden, safety, and avoidance of future events in people with type 2 diabetes. The study enrolled 84 patients and 7 clinicians. Of the 58 patients who completed questionnaires, 64% agreed that the QBSAFE agenda-setting kit (ASK) helped them discuss their situation, 78% agreed that others could benefit from it, and 38% said they would use it again...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Jennifer D Goldman, Robert Busch, Eden Miller
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Andrew Pugh, Marilyn D Ritholz, Elizabeth A Beverly
This qualitative study examined adults' recollections of their reactions to their diabetes diagnosis and explored the similarities and differences among those diagnosed with type 1 versus type 2 diabetes. Based on semistructured interviews, the authors identified three themes: 1 ) shared emotional reactions of fear, sadness, confusion, and worry; 2 ) perceived differences in expressing concerns for diabetes complications; and 3 ) differences in perceiving the diagnosis as a surprise versus an inevitability...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Mary E Lacy, Katherine E Lee, Omer Atac, Kory Heier, John Fowlkes, Anna Kucharska-Newton, Daniela C Moga
Prior studies suggest that only ∼30% of patients with type 1 diabetes use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), but most studies to date focused on children and young adults seen by endocrinologists or in academic centers. This study examined national trends in CGM utilization among commercially insured children and adults with type 1 diabetes. Overall, CGM utilization was 20.12% in 2010-2013 and 49.78% in 2016-2019, reflecting a 2.5-fold increase in utilization within a period of <10 years. Identifying populations with low CGM use is a necessary first step in developing targeted interventions to increase CGM uptake...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Hana Kahleova, Tatiana Znayenko-Miller, Karen Smith, Cyrus Khambatta, Robby Barbaro, Macy Sutton, Danielle N Holtz, Mark Sklar, Desiree Pineda, Richard Holubkov, Neal D Barnard
This study compared the effects of a low-fat vegan diet to those of a portion-controlled diet in people with type 1 diabetes. Over 12 weeks, the average total daily dose of insulin decreased significantly and insulin sensitivity increased significantly in the vegan group, while no significant changes were observed in the group receiving the portion-controlled diet. Total and LDL cholesterol decreased in the vegan group, as did the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine. A1C decreased in both groups. These findings suggest that a low-fat vegan diet may yield improvements in insulin sensitivity, insulin requirements, glycemic control, and markers of cardiovascular and renal health compared with a portion-controlled diet in people with type 1 diabetes...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Eden Miller, Kevin Miller
The term "prediabetes" has been used to identify the state of abnormal glucose homeostasis (dysglycemia) that often leads to the development of clinical type 2 diabetes. However, this term does not describe the cellular changes that are already taking place in individuals with elevated glucose levels. This article describes our approach to detecting early dysglycemia using continuous glucose monitoring and explains how this approach can be integrated into clinical practice settings.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Nay Linn Aung
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Stephen A Brunton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
(no author information available yet)
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.2337/cd24-a016.].
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Matthew Nelson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Hannah E Moore, Viva Zaya, Carly V Burns, Helen D Berlie
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Mayer B Davidson, S Joshua Davidson, Petra Duran
This article describes a program through which interactions every 2-3 weeks between patients and primary care clinicians (PCCs), with recommendations based on analysis of remote glucose monitoring by computerized insulin dose adjustment algorithms, significantly improved diabetes control. Insulin doses increased by 30% in the majority of patients. A sizeable minority (36%) had a decrease or no increase in insulin doses, but still showed an improvement in diabetes control. Frequent interactions allowed PCCs the opportunity to recognize and address medication nonadherence...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Ian R Blumer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Valerie S Leonard
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Elizabeth H Golembiewski, Andrea E Garcia Bautista, Eric Polley, Guillermo E Umpierrez, Rodolfo J Galindo, Juan P Brito, Victor M Montori, Janet P Gockerman, Michael Tesulov, Bertina Labatte, Mindy M Mickelson, Rozalina G McCoy
This mixed-methods study sought to identify pharmacotherapy preferences among 40 noninsulin-treated adults with type 2 diabetes receiving care at two U.S. health care systems. Participants ranked by relative importance various health outcomes and medication attributes and then contextualized their rankings. Most participants ranked blindness (63%), death (60%), heart attack (48%), and heart failure (48%) as the most important health outcomes and glucose-lowering efficacy (68%) as the most important medication attribute, followed by oral administration (45%) and lack of gastrointestinal side effects (38%)...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Morgan P Stewart, Roxanne Powers, Kathryn Litten
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Nay Linn Aung
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Autumn Stewart-Lynch, Rebekah Meyers, Dina Sidig, Sea-Oh McConville, Lindsay Heiple
The American Diabetes Association advises clinicians of the potential for insulin overbasalization in the management of type 2 diabetes. Described as the titration of basal insulin beyond an appropriate dose, overbasalization increases risks for adverse effects such as hypoglycemia and weight gain without achieving the glycemic targets needed to optimally manage the disease. There is a need to determine the prevalence of and clinical factors that can lead to overbasalization. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of and characterize the patient variables associated with overbasalization in a family medicine practice...
2024: Clinical Diabetes: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
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