Matt Spick, Thomas P M Hancox, Namrata R Chowdhury, Benita Middleton, Debra J Skene, A Jennifer Morton
BACKGROUND: Metabolic abnormalities have long been predicted in Huntington's disease (HD) but remain poorly characterized. Chronobiological dysregulation has been described in HD and may include abnormalities in circadian-driven metabolism. OBJECTIVE: Here we investigated metabolite profiles in the transgenic sheep model of HD (OVT73) at presymptomatic ages. Our goal was to understand changes to the metabolome as well as potential metabolite rhythm changes associated with HD...
January 4, 2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Sonia Podvin, Charles Mosier, William Poon, Enlin Wei, Leigh-Ana Rossotto, Vivian Hook
BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is a genetic neurodegenerative disease caused by trinucleotide repeat CAG expansions in the human HTT gene. Early onset juvenile HD (JHD) in children is the most severe form of the disease caused by high CAG repeat numbers of the HTT gene. OBJECTIVE: To gain understanding of human HD mechanisms hypothesized to involve dysregulated proteomes of brain regions that regulate motor and cognitive functions, this study analyzed the proteomes of human JHD cortex and putamen brain regions compared to age-matched controls...
2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Rosa Willock, Hugh Rickards, Anne E Rosser, Alistair Haw, Cath Stanley, Pushpa Hossain, Idaira Rodríguez-Santana, Maria Doherty, Rachel Blair, Wendy Kane
BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by complex evolving needs that change as the condition progresses. There is limited understanding about the organization of HD clinical services and their resourcing in the United Kingdom (UK). OBJECTIVE: To understand the organization and resourcing of specialist HD services for people with HD (PwHD) in the UKMethods:This cross-sectional study collected quantitative data via on online survey, and qualitative data via telephone semi-structured interviews...
2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Alissa S Higinbotham, Suzanne D DeBrosse, Steven Gunzler
The term "senile chorea" was previously used to describe cases of insidious onset chorea in elderly patients who lacked family history of chorea. However, many of these patients have an identifiable etiology for their chorea. In this article, we discuss a case of generalized, insidious onset chorea in an 89-year-old man and apply a systematic diagnostic approach to chorea in the elderly to arrive at a diagnosis of late-onset Huntington's disease. He is to our knowledge the second oldest case of late-onset Huntington's disease reported in the literature and his case lends support to the expanding phenotype of Huntington's disease...
2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Jeffrey D Long, Emily C Gantman, James A Mills, Jatin G Vaidya, Alexandra Mansbach, Sarah J Tabrizi, Cristina Sampaio
BACKGROUND: The Huntington's Disease Integrated Staging System (HD-ISS) has four stages that characterize disease progression. Classification is based on CAG length as a marker of Huntington's disease (Stage 0), striatum atrophy as a biomarker of pathogenesis (Stage 1), motor or cognitive deficits as HD signs and symptoms (Stage 2), and functional decline (Stage 3). One issue for implementation is the possibility that not all variables are measured in every study, and another issue is that the stages are broad and may benefit from progression subgrouping...
2023: Journal of Huntington's Disease
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 5, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Carlos Estevez-Fraga, Sarah J Tabrizi, Edward J Wild
 In this edition of the Huntington's Disease Clinical Trials Corner, we expand on the PIVOT HD (PTC518), and SIGNAL (pepinemab) trials, and list all currently registered and ongoing clinical trials in Huntington's disease.We also introduce a 'breaking news' section highlighting recent updates about the SELECT HD, uniQure AMT-130, and VIBRANT HD clinical trials.
December 1, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Laura Lynn Chan, Austin Hill, Ge Lu, Jeremy Van Raamsdonk, Randy Gascoyne, Michael R Hayden, Blair R Leavitt
A reduced incidence of various forms of cancer has been reported in Huntington's disease patients and may be due to pro-apoptotic effects of mutant huntingtin. We tested this hypothesis by assessing the effects of huntingtin protein overexpression on survival in two murine cancer models. We generated YAC HD mice containing human huntingtin transgenes with various CAG tract lengths (YAC18, YAC72, YAC128) on either an Msh2 or p53 null background which have increased cancer incidence. In both mouse models of cancer, the overexpression of either mutant or wild-type huntingtin had no significant effect on overall survival...
November 25, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Anne Rosser, Sarah Tabrizi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 3, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Kenneth P Serbin
This article describes how the author, a Huntington's disease (HD) gene expansion carrier and long-time advocate, has helped give voice to the HD community through his blog, At Risk for Huntington's Disease. Since 2005, the 318 articles have helped document the new and harrowing experience of living in the gray zone between a genetic test result and disease onset. At Risk for HD has explored major challenges for the HD community, has become a key reference for HD families, and has chronicled the quest to defeat the disease...
November 3, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Toloo Taghian, Jillian Gallagher, Erin Batcho, Caitlin Pullan, Tim Kuchel, Thomas Denney, Raj Perumal, Shamika Moore, Robb Muirhead, Paul Herde, Daniel Johns, Chris Christou, Amanda Taylor, Thomas Passler, Sanjana Pulaparthi, Erin Hall, Sundeep Chandra, Charles A O'Neill, Heather Gray-Edwards
BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative autosomal dominant disorder with prevalence of 1 : 20000 that has no effective treatment to date. Translatability of candidate therapeutics could be enhanced by additional testing in large animal models because of similarities in brain anatomy, size, and immunophysiology. These features enable realistic pre-clinical studies of biodistribution, efficacy, and toxicity. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Here we non-invasively characterized alterations in brain white matter microstructure, neurochemistry, neurological status, and mutant Huntingtin protein (mHTT) levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of aged OVT73 HD sheep...
September 29, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Nora E Fritz, Deb Kegelmeyer, Ashwini K Rao, Lori Quinn, Anne Kloos
BACKGROUND: In 2020, our group published physical therapy clinical practice guidelines (CPG) for people with Huntington's disease (HD). The guideline recommendations were categorized according to six primary movement impairment classifications. OBJECTIVE: To facilitate implementation of this CPG, we have developed guideline-based algorithms for physical therapy assessments and interventions and recommendations for therapists to overcome barriers to CPG implementation for people with HD...
September 19, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Kelly Carroll, Natasha Hudek, Angèle Bénard, Justin Presseau, Dawn P Richards, Marlin Susan, Dean A Fergusson, Ian D Graham, Tiago A Mestre, Jamie C Brehaut
BACKGROUND: Under-recruitment regularly impedes clinical trials, leading to wasted resources and opportunity costs. Methods for designing trial participation strategies rarely consider behavior change theory. OBJECTIVE: Informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework, we identified factors important to participating in Huntington's disease research and provide examples of how such a theory-informed approach can make specific suggestions about how to design targeted recruitment strategies...
September 19, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Xiao-Yan Li, Yu-Feng Bao, Juan-Juan Xie, Shu-Xia Qian, Bin Gao, Miao Xu, Yi Dong, Jean-Marc Burgunder, Zhi-Ying Wu
BACKGROUND: The Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) is a universal scale assessing disease severity of Huntington's disease (HD). However, the English version cannot be widely used in China, and the reliability and validity of the Chinese UHDRS have not yet been confirmed. OBJECTIVE: To test the reliability and validity of Chinse UHDRS in patients with HD. METHODS: Between August 2013 and August 2021, 159 HD patients, 40 premanifest HD, and 64 healthy controls were consecutively recruited from two medical centers in China and assessed by Chinese UHDRS...
September 12, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Diksha Mohanty, Philipp Schmitt, Laura Dixon, Victoria Holiday, Peter Hedera
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus pandemic saw technology evolve as outpatient clinics faced restriction of in-person visits. Reliance on telemedicine using two-way audio-video communication significantly increased. Telemedicine was observed to be convenient, cost-effective, reduced no-show rates, and fostered sustained engagement. Enhanced flexibility from short notice scheduling benefitted patients and their caregivers. Greater time value was perceived by patients, and reduced reliance on caregivers...
August 10, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Rebecca K Hendel, Marie N N Hellem, Lena E Hjermind, Jrgen E Nielsen, Asmus Vogel
BACKGROUND: Autonomy describes a psychological state of self-regulation of motivation and action, which is a central characteristic of healthy functioning. In neurodegenerative diseases measures of self-perception have been found to be affected by the disease. However, it has never been investigated whether measures of self-perception, like autonomy, is affected in Huntington's disease. OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether autonomy is affected in Huntington's disease and if the degree of autonomy is associated with motor function, neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognitive impairments, and apathy...
August 6, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Valentina Fodale, Roberta Pintauro, Manuel Daldin, Maria Carolina Spiezia, Douglas Macdonald, Alberto Bresciani
BACKGROUND: The use of biomarkers has become a major component of clinical trial design. In Huntington's disease (HD), quantifying the amount of huntingtin protein (HTT) in patient cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has served as a pharmacodynamic readout for HTT-lowering therapeutic approaches and is a potential disease progression biomarker. To date, an ultrasensitive immunoassay to quantify mutant HTT protein (mHTT) has been used, but additional assays are needed to measure other forms of HTT protein...
August 4, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
Srinivasa Subramaniam
The CAG/CAA expansion encoding polyQ huntingtin (mutant huntingtin [mHTT]) causes Huntington's disease (HD), which is characterized by atrophy and loss of striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs), which are preceded by neuropathological alterations in the cortex. Previous studies have shown that mHTT can spread in the brain, but the mechanisms involved in the stereotyped degeneration and dysfunction of the neurons from the striatum to the cortex remain unclear. In this study, we found that the mHTT expression initially restricted in the striatum later spread to the cortical regions in mouse brains...
July 18, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease
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