Toloo Taghian, Jillian Gallagher, Erin Batcho, Caitlin Pullan, Tim Kuchel, Thomas Denney, Raj Perumal, Shamika Moore, Robb Muirhead, Paul Herde, Daniel Johns, Chris Christou, Amanda Taylor, Thomas Passler, Sanjana Pulaparthi, Erin Hall, Sundeep Chandra, Charles A O'Neill, Heather Gray-Edwards
BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative autosomal dominant disorder with prevalence of 1 : 20000 that has no effective treatment to date. Translatability of candidate therapeutics could be enhanced by additional testing in large animal models because of similarities in brain anatomy, size, and immunophysiology. These features enable realistic pre-clinical studies of biodistribution, efficacy, and toxicity. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Here we non-invasively characterized alterations in brain white matter microstructure, neurochemistry, neurological status, and mutant Huntingtin protein (mHTT) levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of aged OVT73 HD sheep...
September 29, 2022: Journal of Huntington's Disease