Journals European Journal of Preventive...

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Fabian Schwendinger, Denis Infanger, Eric Lichtenstein, Timo Hinrichs, Raphael Knaier, Alex V Rowlands, Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss
AIMS: To investigate how physical activity (PA) volume, intensity, duration, and fragmentation are associated with the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. To produce centile curves for PA volume and intensity representative of US adults. METHODS: This study is based on the observational 2011-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Adults (age ≥20) with valid accelerometer, covariate, and mortality data were included...
September 14, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Bryan Chong, Jayanth Jayabaskaran, Silingga Metta Jauhari, Siew Pang Chan, Rachel Goh, Martin Tze Wah Kueh, Henry Li, Yip Han Chin, Gwyneth Kong, Vickram Vijay Anand, Jiong-Wei Wang, Mark Muthiah, Vardhmaan Jain, Anurag Mehta, Shir Lynn Lim, Roger Foo, Gemma A Figtree, Stephen J Nicholls, Mamas A Mamas, James L Januzzi, Nicholas W S Chew, A Mark Richards, Mark Y Chan
AIMS: The prediction of future trends in cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and their risk factors can assist policy-makers in healthcare planning. This study aims to project geospatial trends in CVDs and their underlying risk factors from 2025 to 2050. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using historical data on mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 study, encompassing the period of 1990 to 2019, Poisson regression was performed to model mortality and DALYs associated with CVD and its associated risk factors from 2025 to 2050...
September 13, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Gal Tsaban, Victor Aboyans
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September 13, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Ukachukwu O Abaraogu, Philippa Dall, Chris Seenan, Sarah Rhodes, Trish Gorely, Joanna McParland, Julie Brittenden, Ebuka M Anieto, Lorna Booth, Cathy Gormal, Jeremy Dearling, Candida Fenton, Sarah Audsley, Kimberley Fairer, Lindsay Bearne, Dawn A Skelton
AIMS: The study aimed to synthesize evidence of daily physical activity (PA) following Behavior-change technique (BCT)-based interventions compared to any control in individuals with peripheral arterial disease/intermittent claudication (PAD/IC); and examine the relationship between BCTs and daily PA. METHODS: Systematic search of 11 databases from inception to 30/11/2022 was conducted, plus weekly email alerts of new literature until 31/8/2023. Studies comparing BCT-based interventions with any control were included...
September 12, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Nicole M Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, Juliette C van Hattum, Florian E Beerman, André L M Verbeek, René J Goedkoop, Arjan Malekzadeh, Ron J G Peters, Harald T Jørstad
AIMS: To quantitatively analyse exercise-induced cardiac remodeling (EICR) data in female athletes. METHODS: This scoping review included from the databases Medline, Embase, and Google Scholar, peer-reviewed original English-language articles on female athlete-populations aged ≥18 years containing data on electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography or cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), and excluded athletes with cardiovascular conditions. From the extracted ECG data, we calculated prevalence percentages, and from the imaging data we compared the results with the upper reference limits of the general female population (URL)...
September 10, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Ian M Graham
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September 10, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Jon Magne Letnes, Bjarne Martens Nes, Øyvind Sandbakk, Arnt Erik Tjønna, Thomas Fremo, Christian Moldjord, Morten Høydal, Ulrik Wisløff, Håvard Dalen
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September 9, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Priyanka Satish, Victor Aboyans
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September 6, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Isaac A Chavez-Guevara
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September 6, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Dina Abushanab, Daoud Al-Badriyeh, Clara Marquina, Jedidiah I Morton, Melanie Lloyd, Ella Zomer, Stella Talic, Danny Liew, Zanfina Ademi
AIMS: To quantify the productivity burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in type 2 diabetes and the potential benefits of improved CVD risk factor control. METHODS: We designed models to quantify the productivity burden (using the productivity-adjusted life-year; PALY) of CVD in Australians with type 2 diabetes aged 40-69 years from 2023-2032. PALYs were ascribed a financial value equivalent to gross domestic product (GDP) per full-time worker (AU$204,167 (€124,542))...
September 6, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Taufiq Salahuddin, Eugene Yang
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September 5, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Hiroshi Saito, Daichi Maeda, Nobuyuki Kagiyama, Tsutomu Sunayama, Taishi Dotare, Yudai Fujimoto, Taisuke Nakade, Kentaro Jujo, Kazuya Saito, Kentaro Kamiya, Yuki Ogasahara, Emi Maekawa, Masaaki Konishi, Takeshi Kitai, Kentaro Iwata, Hiroshi Wada, Takatoshi Kasai, Hirofumi Nagamatsu, Shin-Ichi Momomura, Yuya Matsue
AIMS: The six-minute walk test (6MWT) is a widely accepted tool for evaluating exercise tolerance and physical capacity, and the six-minute walk distance (6MWD) is an established prognostic factor in patients with heart failure (HF). However, the prognostic implications of post-6MWT dyspnoea remain unknown. We aimed to investigate the prognostic value of Borg scores after the 6MWT in patients with HF. METHODS: Patients hospitalized for HF who underwent the 6MWT before discharge were included...
September 5, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Yoriko Heianza, Qi Sun, Xuan Wang, Saumya Tiwari, Jeramie D Watrous, Kathryn M Rexrode, Mona Alotaibi, Mohit Jain, Samia Mora, Walter C Willett, Lu Qi, JoAnn E Manson
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Erythritol, a sugar alcohol (polyol), has recently been linked to the risks of major adverse cardiovascular events. We investigated whether plasma erythritol and other polyols (mannitol/sorbitol) were associated with the risk of incident coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: This prospective nested case-control study included 762 incident cases of CHD and 762 controls from the Nurses' Health Study. Plasma concentrations of polyols were measured at baseline (1989-90 or 2000-02)...
September 4, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Konstantinos C Koskinas, Emeline M Van Craenenbroeck, Charalambos Antoniades, Matthias Blüher, Thomas M Gorter, Henner Hanssen, Nikolaus Marx, Theresa A McDonagh, Geltrude Mingrone, Annika Rosengren, Eva B Prescott
The global prevalence of obesity has more than doubled over the past four decades, currently affecting more than a billion individuals. Beyond its recognition as a high-risk condition that is causally linked to many chronic illnesses, obesity has been declared a disease per se that results in impaired quality of life and reduced life expectancy. Notably, two-thirds of obesity-related excess mortality is attributable to cardiovascular disease. Despite the increasingly appreciated link between obesity and a broad range of cardiovascular disease manifestations including atherosclerotic disease, heart failure, thromboembolic disease, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death, obesity has been underrecognized and sub-optimally addressed compared with other modifiable cardiovascular risk factors...
August 30, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Laurence Salle, Federico Guerra
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August 30, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Mercedes Sotos-Prieto, Rosario Ortolá, Javier Maroto-Rodriguez, Adrián Carballo-Casla, Stefanos N Kales, Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo
BACKGROUND: The Planetary Health Diet index (PHDI) prioritizes the well-being of both individuals and the planet but has yielded mixed results on cardiovascular disease (CVD). Our aim was to assess the association between the PHDI and risk of CVD. METHODS: A cohort of 118,469 individuals aged 40-69 years from the UK Biobank, who were free of CVD at 2009-2012 and followed-up to 2021. The PHDI was calculated using at least two 24-h dietary assessments and included 14 food groups, with a possible range from 0 to130 points...
August 29, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Héctor Bueno
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August 28, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
(no author information available yet)
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August 27, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Jian Zhou, Ying Hu, Rui Tang, Minghao Kou, Xuan Wang, Hao Ma, Xiang Li, Yoriko Heianza, Lu Qi
AIMS: Although smoking is a well-known risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF), the association of smoking timing with AF risk remains unclear. This study aimed to prospectively investigate the association of smoking timing with risk of incident AF, and test the modification effect of genetic susceptibility. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 305,627 participants with detailed information for time from waking to first cigarette were enrolled from UK Biobank database...
August 23, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Dong-Yi Chen, Shu-Hao Chang, Wen-Kuan Huang, I Chang Hsieh, Lai-Chu See
AIMS: Cold temperatures are known to affect heart failure (HF) hospitalizations, but the dynamic status of multi-morbidity of HF was rarely incorporated. We investigated the relationship between temperature and new-onset HF by risk strata. METHODS AND RESULTS: This nationwide cohort study analysed daily data on ambient temperature, the dynamic status of risk factors (age, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and atrial fibrillation), and new-onset HF among the Taiwan population from 2012 to 2019...
August 23, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
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