Lukas Goertz, Marco Timmer, David Zopfs, Kenan Kaya, Carsten Gietzen, Jonathan Kottlors, Lenhard Pennig, Marc Schlamann, Roland Goldbrunner, Gerrit Brinker, Christoph Kabbasch
PURPOSE: Multi-sac aneurysms (MSAs) are not uncommon, but studies on their management are scarce. This study aims to evaluate and compare the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of MSAs treated with either clipping or coiling after interdisciplinary case discussion at our center. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed MSAs treated by microsurgical clipping, coiling, or stent-assisted coiling (SAC). Treatment modalities, complications, angiographic results, and clinical outcomes were evaluated...
June 17, 2024: Neurointervention