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International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Andrew P Golden, Kathleen K Hogan, Jamie B Morris, Bryan B Pickens
BACKGROUND: Lower extremity bone stress injuries (BSI) are common injuries among athletes and military members. Typical management involves a period of restricted weightbearing which can have rapid detrimental effects upon both muscle and bone physiology. Few studies have investigated the effect of blood flow restriction (BFR) training on bone in the rehabilitative setting. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of lower extremity exercise with the addition of BFR upon bone mineral density, bone mineral content, and lean body mass in military members with tibial BSIs...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Yuki Muramoto, Hironobu Kuruma
BACKGROUND: A landing error scoring system (LESS) is widely used to evaluate landing maneuvers. Poor landing maneuvers, such as lateral bending of the trunk, are thought to be associated with a risk of lower-extremity injury. However, no studies have examined the association between landing and trunk muscle function, which is associated with a high risk of lower-extremity injury. HYPOTHESIS/PURPOSE: This study examined whether an association exists between landing movements and a high risk of lower-extremity injury and trunk muscle function...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Zane Thompson, Joseph G Wasser, Kevin R Vincent, Heather K Vincent
BACKGROUND: Unlike other sports, the relationship between performance deficits and pain/injury in lacrosse players has not been well-investigated. PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to: 1) determine whether age and sex differences exist in dynamic physical function tests and drop jump performance among lacrosse players, and 2) determine whether pre-seasonal physical function scores predict onset of either lower extremity or low back pain over time. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective observational study...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Lars Berglund, Fredrik Öhberg, Edit Strömbäck, Daniel Papacosta
BACKGROUND: Resistance training with the barbell back squat (BBS) exercise is practiced in sports, recreation, and rehabilitation. Although extensively debated, it is commonly believed and recommended that maintaining a neutral lumbopelvic alignment during BBS is an important technical aspect that might reduce the risk of injury. There is limited knowledge of how objectively measurable factors affect the extent to which the lumbopelvic region moves into flexion during a BBS. PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate the association among anthropometric measurements, range of motion in the hips and ankle joints, lumbopelvic movement control tests, and flexion of the lumbopelvic region during execution of the BBS...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Justin M Losciale, Linda K Truong, Patrick Ward, Gary S Collins, Garrett S Bullock
BACKGROUND: Athlete injury risk assessment and management is an important, yet challenging task for sport and exercise medicine professionals. A common approach to injury risk screening is to stratify athletes into risk groups based on their performance on a test relative to a cut-off threshold. However, one potential reason for ineffective injury prevention efforts is the over-reliance on identifying these 'at-risk' groups using arbitrary cut-offs for these tests and measures. The purpose of this commentary is to discuss the conceptual and technical issues related to the use of a cut-off in both research and clinical practice...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Kamilla Arp, Thomas Frydendal, Troels Kjeldsen, Ulrik Dalgas, Signe Timm, Bjarke Viberg, Kim Ingwersen, Claus Varnum
BACKGROUND: Restoring maximal muscle strength of the knee extensors (KE) and knee flexors (KF) following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and ACL reconstruction is of great importance to reduce the re-injury rate after ACL reconstruction and to reduce the risk of knee osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is essential that clinicians and healthcare providers use valid and reliable measures to assess knee muscle strength to ensure a safe return to sport. PURPOSE: To evaluate the reliability (test-retest reliability, inter-tester reliability and test-retest agreement) and validity (concurrent validity, convergent validity and ForceFrame (FF) vs...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Betsy Myers, June Hanks
BACKGROUND: While a high incidence of pickleball-related falls is reported, little is known regarding factors differentiating persons with and without a fall history during play. PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine differences between recreational pickleball players who fell while playing and those who did not. Additional aims were to determine reasons for falling and to investigate associations among assessed factors. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Emily R Cross, Sloane M Lynch, Patricia E Miller, Danielle L Hunt, Cynthia J Stein
BACKGROUND: Fencing is a unique and increasingly popular sport, but limited data exist regarding related injuries. PURPOSE: To examine the types of injuries incurred by fencing athletes, and to analyze associations between age, sex, and hand dominance with type and location of injury. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional. METHODS: Retrospective chart reviews were performed to evaluate fencing related injuries in athletes evaluated in the sports medicine and orthopedic clinics of a large teaching hospital...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Kira Eimiller, Emma Stoddard, Briana Janes, Mason Smith, Andrew Vincek
BACKGROUND: The modified Thomas test (MTT) is commonly used to assess the flexibility of hip musculature, including the iliopsoas, rectus femoris, and tensor fascia latae. This measurement is important to include in a comprehensive musculoskeletal examination. However, existing research shows conflicting results regarding its reliability, particularly due to variations in controlling pelvic tilt during testing, which may lead to inaccurate measurements of hip extension when quantifying the test outcomes...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Takaki Imai, Takashi Nagamatsu, Yushin Yoshizato, Kodai Miyara, Megumi Sumizono, Masatoshi Nakamura
BACKGROUND: Interventions using vibration stimulation have been recognized for their potential for increasing range of motion (ROM) without compromising muscle strength. Handheld vibration massagers can efficiently deliver vibration therapy to the shoulder joint and may be a potential treatment. PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of vibration massage using a handheld device on the soft tissues of the posterior shoulder joint, particularly on internal rotation (IR) passive ROM and external rotation (ER) muscle strength...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Annemieke D Corbitt, William D Bandy
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury is a common elbow injury among overhead athletes, particularly baseball pitchers. However, limited research exists for non-throwing athletes, especially regarding rehabilitation. The purpose of this case report is to illustrate the use of early weight-bearing activities into the rehabilitation protocol for non-operative management of athletes with a UCL injury. CASE DESCRIPTION: The subject was a 17-year-old female competitive cheerleader...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Paul Kuwik, Erin Florkiewicz, Timothy Benedict, John Mason, Jamie Morris, Michael Crowell
BACKGROUND: Limitations exist with current ACLR functional testing assessments that may be mitigated by including single-leg multi-directional testing. HYPOTHESIS/PURPOSE: To compare Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Return to Sport after Injury Scale (ACL-RSI) scores, limb symmetry index (LSI) of the single-leg vertical jump (SLVJ), single-leg medial rotation hop (SLMRH), single-leg lateral hop (SLLH), and isokinetic quadriceps strength between participants with an ACLR and healthy controls and assess predictors of quadriceps strength asymmetry...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Brian D Stirling, Jonathan C Sum, Lisa Baek, Lori A Michener, Adam J Barrack, Angela R Tate
BACKGROUND: There are 2.8 million youth competitive swimmers in the United States (US), and shoulder pain is the most common complaint among swimmers. PURPOSE: To determine prevalence of shoulder pain, disability, and dissatisfaction in youth competitive swimmers. A secondary purpose was to determine influence of age, competitive swimming experience, and previous history of shoulder pain or injury on shoulder pain, disability, and dissatisfaction, and finally to determine if sex, geographic area, and participation in a second sport relate to shoulder pain, disability, and dissatisfaction...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Matthew Bush, Jon Umlauf, Bryan Pickens
BACKGROUND: Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is a common injury with incidence rates reported at 7.2 per 1000 person-years. Physical examination strategies provide limited information to guide rehabilitation that can maximize clinical outcomes. Early and accurate diagnostic information using ultrasound imaging enables individualized care and the ability to monitor healing along with its response to activity and rehabilitation. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe and observe the outcomes associated with Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) guided early management of acute and sub-acute lateral ankle sprains...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Rachel Selman, Kate S Early
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Recent changes to medical recommendations for exercise in pregnancy and postpartum have expanded to include recreational athletes. While women are transitioning into motherhood at the height of their athletic careers, there is limited guidance on musculoskeletal training from pregnancy through safe return to activity. The lack of education and support in this population may lead to increased prevalence of symptoms and delay of treatment, ultimately hindering athletic performance...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Ayrton Moiroux-Sahraoui, Florian Forelli, Jean Mazeas, Alexandre Jm Rambaud, Andreas Bjerregaard, Jérôme Riera
Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition (AMI) is a phenomenon observed in individuals with joint injury or pathology, characterized by a reflexive inhibition of surrounding musculature, altered neuromuscular control, and compromised functional performance. After anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) one of the most obvious consequences of AMI is the lack of quadriceps activation and strength. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of AMI is crucial for developing effective therapeutic interventions. The surgical procedure needed to reconstruct the ACL has biochemical et physiological consequences such as inflammation, pain, and altered proprioception...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Conor Smith, Dustin R Grooms, Helen Bradley
UNLABELLED: Alpine skiing poses significant risks for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury at both recreational and professional levels, which is compounded by high rates of re-injury. Despite the existence of return to sport (RTS) and return to snow protocols, the frequency of ACL re-injury has not been mitigated, raising doubts about protocol effectiveness. Current RTS protocols primarily focus on biomechanical and neuromuscular factors in isolation, neglecting the important perceptual-motor-cognitive changes associated with ACL injuries and the high cognitive demands of skiing...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Giorgio Zeppieri, Micheal S Smith, Ryan P Roach
INTRODUCTION: Adductor-related groin pain involves an injury to the common aponeurosis connecting the rectus abdominus and adductor longus to the pubis. It commonly occurs in sports that require cutting and pivoting and can result in significant loss of playing time. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is often indicated for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and may represent an alternative treatment for patients with adductor-related groin pain. The purpose of this case report is to describe the non-surgical management of adductor-related groin pain in a competitive soccer player with a with an ultrasound (US)-guided PRP injection and physical therapy management...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Zacharias Flore, Karen Hambly, Kyra De Coninck, Götz Welsch
Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is one of the most common types of injury in professional football (soccer) players with high risk of recurrence. The rehabilitation after LAS in professional football players is often still time-based and relies on anecdotal experience of clinicans. There is still a lack of utilization of criteria-based rehabilitation concepts after LAS in professional football. The aims of this clinical commentary are (1) to critically discuss the need for criteria-based rehabilitation concepts after LAS in professional football players, (2) to highlight the current lack of these approaches and (3) to present a novel clinical guideline-based rehabilitation algorithm...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
Robert C Manske, Michael Voight, Chris Wolfe, Phil Page
The rotator cuff, comprising the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the glenohumeral joint by securing the head of the humerus within the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The tendinous insertions of these muscles generate tension within the capsule, enhancing joint stability during muscular activity. The rotator cuff is susceptible to damage from disease, injury, or trauma, which can result in tears or ruptures of one or more tendons. The evaluation of the infraspinatus muscle and tendon is vital for diagnosing and managing various shoulder pathologies...
2024: International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
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