Megha O Raj, Jinish Jose, Fredrick Paul, Syam Sreedharan, Nithya Uthaman
INTRODUCTION: Overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome is a chronic disease characterized by urinary urgency with or without urge incontinence, frequency, and nocturia and antimuscarinic drugs such as solifenacin have been the mainstay of treatment. Mirabegron a beta 3 adrenoreceptor agonist has recently gained importance in the management of OAB. The rationale of the study is that mirabegron improves the storage function without affecting voiding which increases the therapeutic effectiveness...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Arunkumar Gondhali, Rakesh Patil, Manoj Dagwar, Ravikant Vishwakarma, Himangi Lubree, Girish Dayma, Anand Kawade, Aditi Apte
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Arun Bhatt
Real-world evidence (RWE) studies are conducted on patient's data primarily collected for monitoring of health status of patients. The use of real-world data to generate evidence in academic research or for regulatory submission raises a variety of ethical issues such as privacy, confidentiality, data protection, data de-identification, data sharing, scientific design of study, and informed consent requirements. The investigators-researchers and sponsors should adhere to current standards of ethics whilst planning and conduct of RWE studies...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Arun Bhatt
Indian biotech startup sector - a rapidly growing business segment focused on the development of innovative products has the potential to make significant contributions to the country's economy. Indian bio-entrepreneurs' optimistic expectation of rapidly moving product development from bench to bedside faces tremendous challenges of the complex Indian regulatory system, which is shaped by a diversity of regulatory authorities, rules, guidelines, and processes. This brief review discusses specific regulatory issues faced by bio-entrepreneurs investing in a variety of innovative products - new drugs, vaccines, medical devices, cell, and gene therapy and suggests approaches which can ease Indian entrepreneur's endeavors...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Yashashri Chandrakant Shetty, Prajakta D Auti, Yashoda Ramachandra Aithal
BACKGROUND: Over the years, Indian regulations have undergone numerous amendments, including stringent reporting deadlines, relatedness requirements, and compensation obligations for serious adverse event (SAE). A historic change, new drugs and trial rules-2019, was proposed on March 19, 2019. The purpose of the study was to ascertain whether various stakeholders were reporting in accordance with the evolving SAE criteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were retrieved after the Ethics Committee's approval between August 2014 and December 2021...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Sabahat Hasan, Ajay Verma, Shoebul Haque, Farah Asif, Rajendra Nath, Surya Kant, Rakesh K Dixit
AIM: The aim of this study was to monitor prescription patterns, clinical outcomes, and adverse drug reactions (ADR) among patients of various interstitial lung diseases (ILDs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in collaboration with the Department of Respiratory Medicine, King George's Medical University, Lucknow, for a period of 12 months (October 2020-September 2021). A total of 77 patients were enrolled after satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Sanish Davis
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Mira Kirankumar Desai
Pharmacovigilance (PV) is a data-driven process to identify medicine safety issues at the earliest by processing suspected adverse event (AE) reports and extraction of health data. The PV case processing cycle starts with data collection, data entry, initial checking completeness and validity, coding, medical assessment for causality, expectedness, severity, and seriousness, subsequently submitting report, quality checking followed by data storage and maintenance. This requires a workforce and technical expertise and therefore, is expensive and time-consuming...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Hunny Sharma, Manisha Ruikar
Chat generative pretrained transformer (ChatGPT) is a conversational language model powered by artificial intelligence (AI). It is a sophisticated language model that employs deep learning methods to generate human-like text outputs to inputs in the natural language. This narrative review aims to shed light on ethical concerns about using AI models like ChatGPT in writing assistance in the health care and medical domains. Currently, all the AI models like ChatGPT are in the infancy stage; there is a risk of inaccuracy of the generated content, lack of contextual understanding, dynamic knowledge gaps, limited discernment, lack of responsibility and accountability, issues of privacy, data security, transparency, and bias, lack of nuance, and originality...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Kaviya Manoharan, Juanna Jinson, Kalaivani Ramesh, Melvin George
PURPOSE: Although the Americas and Europe have historically dominated the global research landscape, emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) have significantly increased their contributions in recent years. This article studies clinical trial trends in the BRICS nations between 2018 and 2022 and compares it with trends in the G7 nations (comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the USA, and the European Union). This will help stakeholders in planning drug development strategies...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Priya Ranganathan, Vishal Deo, C S Pramesh
Calculation of sample size is an essential part of research study design since it affects the reliability and feasibility of the research study. In this article, we look at the principles of sample size calculation for different types of research studies.
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Urvashi Gupta, Ashwin Kamath, Priyanka Kamath
AIM: Studies show the presence of a mismatch between drug research and disease burden. A study conducted in the European Union found that new drug development was restricted to certain diseases. A study of biosimilar approvals in India found that 87% of drugs were for treating noncommunicable diseases. This study aimed to determine the new drugs approved in India from 2017 to 2021 and the top ten causes of morbidity and mortality and detect the presence of any discordance between these...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Priya Ranganathan, Sally Hunsberger
Missing data are an inevitable part of research and lead to a decrease in the size of the analyzable population, and biased and imprecise estimates. In this article, we discuss the types of missing data, methods to handle missing data and suggest ways in which missing data can be minimized.
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Ganesh N Dakhale, Mrunalini Vinay Kalikar, Akhil Bhagwan Giradkar
BACKGROUND: Ethics Committee accreditation is a process to assess the performance against a set of standards. Very few studies have shown that process of accreditation results in the improvement of the overall functioning of ECs. in terms of quality and governance. Hence, the present study was planned to evaluate the impact of accreditation on registered EC in terms of quality and governance and to compare functioning of accredited versus non accredited EC in terms of quality and governance...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Snehalata Vijayanand Gajbhiye, Ganesh Natthuji Dakhale, Chaitali Ashish Chindhalore, Ashish Vijay Gupta, E Tamil Selvi
BACKGROUND: Academic trials are essential in investigating health research questions relevant to the society. Only a few leading research institutions in India have been engaged in academic trials. Thus, there is a need to understand what factors dampen the spirit of the academician in conducting academic clinical trials. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to evaluate the investigator's perception of obstacles to carrying out academic trials and to identify factors that will motivate investigators in conducting academic trials...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Raakhi K Tripathi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Priyansh Nathani, Shreya Goyal, Yash Junnarkar, Khushi Prajapati
The importance of undergraduate medical research has been undermined in Indian medical education. Various studies show there is a drastic difference between the research output of Indian medical graduates in comparison to Western counterparts. With all the challenges identified, a student-oriented research committee was formed -Guidance, Education, Networking, and Empowerment-based Smart Initiative for Students (GENESIS) research in health care - A research modeling experience from a newly established medical college...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Urwashi Indrakumar Parmar, Pranali Puradkar, Kranti Kadam, Firoz Tadavi, Snehalata Gajbhiye, Shirish Joshi, Amitoj Sohal
AIMS: Due to the paucity of studies in and out of India that dealt with treatment awareness of major depressive disorder (MDD), we decided to assess the awareness of MDD patients, and since adherence and awareness are linked to each other, we assessed adherence too. Prescription pattern studies identify changes in prescriptions due to poor initial response or adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which may result in dose reduction or switching medications and delay remission. Therefore, the study assessed the ADR pattern...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Pooja Sharma, Subhrojyoti Bhowmick, Kedar Nayak, Soma Bhattacharjee, Sandeep Lahiry
There is a need to transition from conventional (on-site) clinical trials (CTs) to trials conducted within the comfort of a patient's home or community (decentralized CT) through e-consent, remote data monitoring, and telemedicine consults. This shift in trial procedures will positively impact recruitment rates, compliance and participant retention, protocol deviations, and delays or missed visits. Home nursing in CTs (HNCTs) will be an important component of this decentralization effort. A few limitations may impact the implementation of HNCT in India...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
Oki Nugraha Putra, Yulistiani Yulistiani, Soedarsono Soedarsono, Susi Subay
BACKGROUND: Bedaquiline and delamanid have been included in the individualized treatment regimen (ITR) to treat patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of sputum culture conversion and the safety of ITR containing bedaquiline and delamanid. METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively from medical records of DR-TB patients who received ITR between January 2020 and December 2021...
2024: Perspectives in Clinical Research
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