Kelly Ann Schmidtke, Laura Kudrna, Laura Quinn, Paul Bird, Karla Hemming, Zoe Venable, Richard Lilford
BACKGROUND: The way that data are presented can influence quality and safety initiatives. Time-series charts highlight changes but do not clarify whether data lie outside expected variation. Statistical process control (SPC) charts make this distinction and have been demonstrated to be effective in supporting hospital initiatives. To improve the uptake of the SPC methodology by hospitals in England, a training intervention was created. The current study evaluates the effectiveness of that training against the background of a wider national initiative to encourage the adoption of SPC charts...
September 4, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Caitríona Cox, Thea Hatfield, Zoë Fritz
BACKGROUND: Safety-netting is intended to protect against harm from uncertainty in diagnosis/disease trajectory. Despite recommendations to communicate diagnostic uncertainty when safety-netting, this is not always done. AIMS: To explore how and why doctors safety-netted in response to several clinical scenarios, within the broader context of exploring how doctors communicate diagnostic uncertainty. METHODS: Doctors working in internal medical specialties (n=36) from five hospitals were given vignettes in a randomised order (all depicting different clinical scenarios involving diagnostic uncertainty)...
September 4, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Gijs Hesselink, Rutger Verhage, Brigitte Westerhof, Eva Verweij, Malaika Fuchs, Inge Janssen, Catrien van der Meer, Iwan C C van der Horst, Paul de Jong, Johannes G van der Hoeven, Marieke Zegers
BACKGROUND: The number of quality indicators for which clinicians need to record data is increasing. For many indicators, there are concerns about their efficacy. This study aimed to determine whether working with only a consensus-based core set of quality indicators in the intensive care unit (ICU) reduces the time spent on documenting performance data and administrative burden of ICU professionals, and if this is associated with more joy in work without impacting the quality of ICU care...
August 30, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Andrew Husband, Anna Robinson-Barella
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 30, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Bethan Page, Dulcie Irving, Jane Carthey, John Welch, Helen Higham, Charles Vincent
BACKGROUND: Healthcare systems are operating under substantial pressures. Clinicians and managers are constantly having to make adaptations, which are typically improvised, highly variable and not coordinated across teams. This study aimed to identify and describe the types of everyday pressures in intensive care and the adaptive strategies staff use to respond, with the longer-term aim of developing practical and coordinated strategies for managing under pressure. METHODS: We conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with 20 senior multidisciplinary healthcare professionals from intensive care units (ICUs) in 4 major hospitals in the UK...
August 23, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Siri Wiig, Catherine Jane Calderwood, Bent Høie, Jeffrey Braithwaite
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 23, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Yan Xiao, Yea-Jen Hsu, Susan M Hannum, Ephrem Abebe, Melinda E Kantsiper, Ivonne Marie Pena, Andrea M Wessell, Sydney M Dy, Eric E Howell, Ayse P Gurses
OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate measures of patient work system factors in medication management that may be modifiable for improvement during the care transition from hospital to home among older adults. DESIGN, SETTINGS AND PARTICIPANTS: Measures were developed and evaluated in a multisite prospective observational study of older adults (≥65 years) discharged home from medical units of two US hospitals from August 2018 to July 2019. MAIN MEASURES: Patient work system factors for managing medications were assessed during hospital stays using six capacity indicators, four task indicators and three medication management practice indicators...
August 23, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Persijn Honkoop
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 22, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Danielle M Muscat, Erin Cvejic, Jenna Smith, Rachel Thompson, Edward Chang, Marguerite Tracy, Joshua Zadro, Robyn Linder, Kirsten McCaffery
OBJECTIVE: To (a) examine whether the effect of the Choosing Wisely consumer questions on question-asking and shared decision-making (SDM) outcomes differs based on individuals' health literacy and (b) explore the relationship between health literacy, question-asking and other decision-making outcomes in the context of low value care. METHODS: Preplanned analysis of randomised trial data comparing: the Choosing Wisely questions, a SDM video, both interventions or control (no intervention)...
August 22, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Yudai Honda, Jung-Ho Shin, Susumu Kunisawa, Kiyohide Fushimi, Yuichi Imanaka
BACKGROUND: Early mobilisation of intensive care unit (ICU) patients has been recommended in clinical practice guidelines. Therefore, the Japanese universal health insurance system introduced an additional fee for early mobilisation and/or rehabilitation, which can be claimed by hospitals when starting rehabilitation of ICU patients within 48 hours after their ICU admission. However, the effect of this fee is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To measure the proportion of ICU patients who received early rehabilitation and the impact on length of ICU stay, the length of hospital stay and discharged to home after the introduction of the financial incentive (additional fee for early mobilisation and/or rehabilitation)...
August 22, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Jose M Valderas, Ian Porter, Jimmy Martin-Delgado, Mieke Rijken, Judith de Jong, Oliver Groene, Janika Bloemeke-Cammin, Rosa Sunol, Rachel Williams, Marta Ballester, Katherine de Bienassis, Candan Kendir, Frederico Guanais, Dolf de Boer, Michael van den Berg
UNLABELLED: BackgroundThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Patient-Reported Indicator Surveys (PaRIS) initiative aims to support countries in improving care for people living with chronic conditions by collecting information on how people experience the quality and performance of primary and (generalist) ambulatory care services. This paper presents the development of the conceptual framework that underpins the rationale for and the instrumentation of the PaRIS survey...
August 22, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Facundo Jorro-Baron, Cecilia Inés Loudet, Wanda Cornistein, Inés Suarez-Anzorena, Pilar Arias-Lopez, Carina Balasini, Laura Cabana, Eleonora Cunto, Pablo Rodrigo Jorge Corral, Luz Gibbons, Marina Guglielmino, Gabriela Izzo, Marianela Lescano, Claudia Meregalli, Cristina Orlandi, Fernando Perre, Maria Elena Ratto, Mariano Rivet, Ana Paula Rodriguez, Viviana Monica Rodriguez, Jacqueline Vilca Becerra, Paula Romina Villegas, Emilse Vitar, Javier Roberti, Ezequiel García-Elorrio, Viviana Rodriguez
BACKGROUND: There is limited evidence from antimicrobial stewardship programmes in less-resourced settings. This study aimed to improve the quality of antibacterial prescriptions by mitigating overuse and promoting the use of narrow-spectrum agents in intensive care units (ICUs) in a middle-income country. METHODS: We established a quality improvement collaborative (QIC) model involving nine Argentine ICUs over 11 months with a 16-week baseline period (BP) and a 32-week implementation period (IP)...
August 15, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Jacqui Prieto, Jennie Wilson, Alison Tingle, Emily Cooper, Melanie Handley, Jo Rycroft Malone, Jennifer Bostock, Heather Loveday
BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most diagnosed infection in older people living in care homes. OBJECTIVE: To identify interventions for recognising and preventing UTI in older people living in care homes in the UK and explain the mechanisms by which they work, for whom and under what circumstances. METHODS: A realist synthesis of evidence was undertaken to develop programme theory underlying strategies to recognise and prevent UTI...
August 8, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Sarah Hampton, Jenni Murray, Rebecca Lawton, Laura Sheard
INTRODUCTION: 'Hybrid' interventions in which some intervention components are fixed across sites and others are flexible (locally created) are thought to allow for adaptation to the local context while maintaining fidelity. However, there is little evidence regarding the challenges and facilitators of implementing hybrid interventions. This paper reports on a process evaluation of a patient safety hybrid intervention called Your Care Needs You (YCNY). YCNY was tested in the Partners at Care Transitions (PACT) randomised controlled trial and aimed to enhance older patients and their families' involvement in their care in order to achieve safer transitions from hospital to home...
August 6, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Tristan Price, Ellie Reynolds, Tim O'Brien, Thomas Gale, Oliver Quick, Marie Bryce
BACKGROUND: The raison d'etre of healthcare profession regulators across the globe is to protect patients and the public from the risk of harm. In cases of serious misconduct, remediation is deemed to be an important factor when considering the risk of harm from a practitioner under investigation. Yet, we know very little about how regulators account for remediation in their decision-making, and whether it is consistent with the aim of risk reduction. This paper explores the role of remediation in decision-making in cases of serious misconduct before UK healthcare regulators...
August 6, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Meagan M Ladell, Sarah Yale, Brett J Bordini, Matthew C Scanlon, Nancy Jacobson, Elizabeth Lerner Papautsky
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 3, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Olga Kostopoulou
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 31, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Neetu Bansal, Christopher J Armitage, Rhiannon E Hawkes, Sarah Tinsley, Li-Chia Chen, Darren M Ashcroft
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: METHODS: A structured search strategy encompassing databases including MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL Plus, PsycINFO and Cochrane Library was implemented from inception to October 2023. Included studies focused on interventions targeting opioid reduction in adults following major surgeries. The risk of bias was evaluated using Cochrane risk-of-bias tool V.2 (RoB 2) and non-randomised studies of interventions (ROBINS-I) tools, and Cohen's d effect sizes were calculated...
July 29, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Kristin Hestmann Vinjerui, Andreas Asheim, Kjartan Sarheim Anthun, Fredrik Carlsen, Bente Prytz Mjølstad, Sara Marie Nilsen, Kristine Pape, Johan Håkon Bjørngaard
BACKGROUND: Continuity in the general practitioner (GP)-patient relationship is associated with better healthcare outcomes. However, few studies have examined the impact of permanent discontinuities on all listed patients when a GP retires or relocates. AIM: To investigate changes in the Norwegian population's overall healthcare use and mortality after discontinuity due to Regular GPs retiring or relocating. METHODS: Linking national registers, we compared days with healthcare use and mortality for matched individuals affiliated with Regular GPs who retired or relocated versus continued...
July 26, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
Michael D Howell
The capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have accelerated over the past year, and they are beginning to impact healthcare in a significant way. Could this new technology help address issues that have been difficult and recalcitrant problems for quality and safety for decades? While we are early in the journey, it is clear that we are in the midst of a fundamental shift in AI capabilities. It is also clear these capabilities have direct applicability to healthcare and to improving quality and patient safety, even as they introduce new complexities and risks...
July 24, 2024: BMJ Quality & Safety
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