Journals International Journal of Trich...

International Journal of Trichology
Kiran Godse, Abhishek De, Maya Vedamurthy, D S Krupa Shankar, Bela Shah, Mukesh Girdhar, Ramesh Bhat, Anil Ganjoo, Sushil Tahiliani, Anant Patil
Alopecia is a highly prevalent condition worldwide including in India. There are different types of alopecia with differing etiology, presentation, and hence treatment. Androgenetic alopecia represents the most common form of hair loss affecting male as well as female population termed as male and female pattern hair loss, respectively. Several treatment options are available for the treatment of alopecia with often unsatisfactory results resulting in psychological distress among such patients. Topical minoxidil is known to be effective in the treatment of alopecia...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Ralph Michel Trüeb, Aida Gadzhigoroeva, Daisy Kopera, Ngoc-Nhi Catharina Luu, Angelina Dmitriev
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels exposed a pattern of societal conduct they chose to name capitalistic bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie created a common language of communication through collaboration, gathered in circles such as free academies, scientific academies, literary circles, and the media, that provided forums for the emerging bourgeoisie to conceive of new social orders. One aspect of bourgeoisie culture is conspicuous consumption, central to which, is a culture of prestige through material consumption...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Amit Bharat Shah
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Pooja Agarwal, Krishna M Gajjar, Ashish Jagati, Snehal V Chaudhari, Santoshdev P Rathod
INTRODUCTION: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is defined as progressive, patterned hair loss that occurs as a result of androgen-mediated conversion of terminal hairs to vellus hairs. By the age of 60 years, 45% of men and 35% of women develop AGA. The Hamilton-Norwood scale is used to assess the extent and severity of AGA and classify the stages of male pattern hair loss in men, whereas the Ludwig scale is preferred for women. Currently, U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatments for AGA include oral finasteride and topical minoxidil...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Nitika Wagh
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2023: International Journal of Trichology
Ralph Michel Trüeb
BACKGROUND: Androgenetic alopecia leads to progressive hair loss in susceptible individuals if left untreated. Topical minoxidil represents an evidence-based treatment for female androgenetic alopecia, though with variable success. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Treatment of minoxidil non-responders remains challenging, as does treatment of patients with propylene glycol sensitivity or irritable scalp syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Single-center, retrospective cohort of 50 female patients with androgenetic alopecia failing to respond to a minimum of 6 months of standard 5% topical minoxidil solution either once daily or b...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Leila Asfour, David Rutkowski, Iskander H Chaudhry, Matthew J Harries
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized cancer therapies. Their mechanism promotes a cytotoxic T-cell activation against the tumor cells, but as a consequence, immune-mediated toxicities are increasingly being identified. Cutaneous immune-mediated adverse events (AE) occur in 32% of patients, with possible higher grade AEs seen with anti-programmed cell death protein 1, such as nivolumab. A 67-year-old woman with metastatic melanoma, previously treated for 2 years on dual ICI (ipilimumab and nivolumab), had her treatment interrupted due to grade-3 hepatitis...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Ralph Michel Trüeb, Ngoc-Nhi Catharina Luu, Hudson Dutra Rezende
Folliculitis decalvans (FD) represents a chronic and recurrent pustulofollicular scalp inflammation resulting in scarring alopecia. The presence of a bacterial bioflilm at the interface of the hair shaft may provide an explanation for the chronicity and high relapse rate of FD, even after prolonged systemic antibiotic treatments. We originally read with enthusiasm Melián-Olivera et al .'s retrospective study of patients with FD treated with topical dapsone published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Ralph Michel Trüeb
A quasi-scientific interest in hair loss and hair care originated in a London barbershop, and became known as trichology, with the Institute of Trichologists being founded. Other corporations successively followed, offering paid courses by home-study for training of initiates who desire more knowledge about hair. Trichologists are not medically qualified but are taught the practice of care and treatment of the hair and scalp in health and disease within their restricted but specialized role. With the advent of opportunities in the social media, and of epiluminiscence microscopy, a procedure practiced by the guild of trichologists long before its nominal introduction as trichoscopy into dermatologic practice, representatives of the medical profession are following the example of the trichologists in offering online courses, though with a better understanding of clinical-pathological correlations based on their academic learning...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Heena Singdia, Puneet Bhargava, Shivi Nijhawan, Deepak Kumar Mathur
CONTEXT: Alopecia areata (AA) is the most common cause of inflammatory, nonscarring hair loss, involving hair-bearing areas of the body. The etiology of AA still remains uncertain; however, genetic, environmental, and autoimmunity play a role. Newer theories such as oxidative theory, HPA axis activation, and finally, the role of increased inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL1), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma, IL-2 IL-4, and MIF are suggested to contribute to both AA and metabolic syndrome (MS)...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Michaela Rose Rand, Katerina Yale, Brian Satoshi Kato, Dong Joo Kim, Suzanne Birmingham, Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska
Complete scalp hair loss can be a source of distress for affected children and their families. In addition to infectious and trauma-related causes of hair loss, infants and children may present with total scalp alopecia arising from a range of genetic predispositions. Our objective with this review was to identify the common genetic conditions in children with complete scalp alopecia. The PubMed Database was reviewed for all articles from 1962 to 2019 containing the search terms related to genetic alopecia...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Bianca Maria Piraccini, Francesca Comito, Barbara Melotti, Ignazio Stanganelli, Metelda Medri, Francesco Savoia
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Rattapon Thuangtong, Pichanee Chaweekulrat, Kanchalit Thanomkitti, Daranporn Triwongwaranat, Chuda Rujitharanawong
BACKGROUND: Hair graft preservation is an important factor that influences graft survival in hair transplantation. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the benefits of adding platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and the effect of different storage solutions and temperatures on hair follicle preservation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This randomized-controlled study included 10 androgenetic alopecia patients who underwent hair transplantation. Forty-five hair grafts were collected from each patient and then randomized to 8 different culture conditions for 7 days...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Yeon Seok Lee, June Hyunkyung Lee, Tae Young Han, Jae Eun Choi
Acquired hypertrichosis can occur in local inflammation. Erythema nodosum (EN) is a hypersensitivity reaction to various underlying antigenic stimuli including Mycobacterium tuberculosis , which causes inflammation in the septa of subcutaneous fat. There were several case reports that describe the association of localized hypertrichosis (LH) with traumatic panniculitis and lupus panniculitis. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of acquired LH associated with EN. Thus, EN can be added to the list of causes of localized hypertrichosis...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Jisha Pillai, Nilesh Goyal
Segmental vitiligo (SV) has been identified as a type of vitiligo starting early on in life with a rapidly progressive depigmentation in the affected area. Surgical modalities have shown better outcomes in SV compared with medical therapies. Perifollicular repigmentation being the mode of pigment spread after surgical treatments, follicular unit extraction graft surgery has shown complete repigmentation with minimal postoperative scarring. We present a case of SV where hair transplant surgery was done using scalp hair and pubic hair grafts at different times achieving complete repigmentation with photochemotherapy...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Apoorva V Bharadwaj, Vibhu Mendiratta, Harmeet Singh Rehan, Smita Tripathi
BACKGROUND: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause of hair loss in males which remains a therapeutic challenge. OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy of topical 5% minoxidil and 0.25% finasteride combination (MNF) over 5% minoxidil (MNX) or 0.25% finasteride (FNS) alone by assessing hair count, physician assessment score (PAS), and patient satisfaction score (PSS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pilot randomized open-label study where 60 male patients with AGA ≥ III grade were randomized into three treatment groups and evaluated over 24 weeks...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Alba Gomez-Zubiaur, Juan Jose Andres-Lencina, Víctor Cabezas, Cristina Corredera, Fabio di Brisco, Blanca Ferrer, Ana Rodriguez-Villa, Daniela Subiabre-Ferrer, Cristian Valenzuela, David Vega Diez, Jose Maria Ricart
Bicalutamide is a selective androgen receptor antagonist. To date, it has been used orally with good efficacy results, but not in mesotherapy. In our center, we assessed whether patients undergoing bicalutamide mesotherapy showed positive responses and tolerated the local administration of bicalutamide. Six premenopausal women, with a mean age of 35.7 years and clinical diagnosis of Olsen Grade II or III female androgenetic alopecia accompanied by significant seborrhea were treated with 1 ml bicalutamide 0...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Yazid Bourezane, Ines Bourezane
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Satish Udare, Anita Baruah, Anurag Mathur, T R Dayananda, Kapil Jain, Manas Ranjan Puhan, Pawan Bajaj, Richa Sharma, Sanjay Ramanbhai Gamit, V Ramesh, V Venugopal, Vignesh Karthik, Monil Yogesh Neena Gala, Snehal Muchhala, Amey Mane
Topical minoxidil is used for treating different hair disorders. Even though it is an effective therapy, many patients show poor compliance due to the cost, side effects, and duration of treatment. Topical minoxidil is the mainstay treatment for androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Recently, low alcohol or alcohol-free topical minoxidil formulation has proven to be an alternative for patients suffering from AGA, including those with poor compliance with other therapies. Thus, the current article provides the positioning of low alcohol or alcohol-free topical minoxidil to manage AGA in Indian clinical practice...
2023: International Journal of Trichology
Karan Malhotra, Bhushan Madke
Alopecia areata (AA) is a dermatological disease that causes nonscarring hair loss. It can occur at any age and has an unpredictable and variable evolution in individuals. The aim of this review is to provide an update on the novel therapies currently being used, as well as upcoming therapeutic options in the treatment of AA.
2023: International Journal of Trichology
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