Journals Journal of Plastic Surgery and...

Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Baochuang Qi, Minzheng Guo, Chen Meng, Teng Wang, Chuan Li, Yongqing Xu
PURPOSE: Exploring the therapeutic effects of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy four-corner arthrodesis concentrator (NT-FCAC) in treating scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) and providing a decade-long follow-up report. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-six patients with SNAC underwent scaphoidectomy, along with four-corner arthrodesis fusion involving the capitate, lunate, triquetrum, and hamate, using NT-MFCAC. Grip strength was measured using a Jamar dynamometer, while wrist joint mobility was assessed using a goniometer...
August 29, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Numan Atilgan
INTRODUCTION: The main objective of the current study is to investigate variations in postoperative outcomes that follow digital nerve repair in Zone 1 and Zone 2, respectively. We hope that by carrying out this investigation, we will be able to identify which zone has better sensation recovery and patient-reported outcomes, allowing us to identify the best way of conducting surgery for specific types of injuries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in patients with digital nerve injuries treated in a designated hand surgery clinic between January 2021 and December 2023...
July 26, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Silvia Gogg, Annika Nerstedt, Ulf Smith, Emma Hansson
BACKGROUND: Breast hypertrophy seems to be a risk factor for breast cancer and the amount and characteristics of breast adipose tissue may play important roles. The main aim of this study was to investigate associations between breast volume in normal weight women and hypertrophic adipose tissue and inflammation. METHODS: Fifteen non-obese women undergoing breast reduction surgery were examined. Breast volume was measured with plastic cups and surgery was indicated if the breast was 800 ml or larger according to Swedish guidelines...
July 5, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Richard Chan, Justine Goursat, Mathilde Payen, Matthieu Lalevée, Kamel Guelmi
BACKGROUND: Four-corner arthrodesis with scaphoid excision (FCA) and proximal row carpal resection (PRC) are frequently performed in wrists with post-traumatic Scaphoid Non- Union Advanced Collapse (SNAC)/Scapho-Lunate Advanced Collapse (SLAC) osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes of these two procedures. METHODS: This single-center, retrospective cohort study included all patients who had PRC or FCA between January 1st, 2009 and January 1st, 2019 and who were followed up...
May 20, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Yue Zhang, Kai Guo, Chenyang Tian, Ling Tong, Dahai Hu, Yunchuan Wang
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this article is to introduce a method that combines limited debridement and ReCell® autologous cell regeneration techniques for the treatment of deep second-degree burn wounds. METHOD: A total of 20 patients suffered with deep second-degree burns less than 10% of total body surface area (TBSA) who were admitted to our department, from June 2019 to June 2021, participated in this study. These patients first underwent limited debridement with an electric/pneumatic dermatome, followed by the ReCell® technique for secondary wounds...
May 20, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Anna Lindegren, Inkeri Schultz, Åsa Edsander-Nord, Jacinth Yan, Marie Wickman
Radiotherapy is important in breast cancer treatment. A side effect of the treatment is fibrosis that decreases the possibility for a successful breast reconstruction with expanders and with high patient satisfaction with the result. The most common option for mastectomized, irradiated women wishing for a breast reconstruction is autologous tissue transplantation. However, some patients are not suitable for flap surgery. Fifty mastectomized and irradiated women were included in a randomized controlled trial...
May 20, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Emma Hansson, Camilla Larsson, Alexandra Uusimäki, Karolina Svensson, Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Anna Paganini
BACKGROUND: For preference sensitive treatments, such as breast reconstructions, there are barriers to conducting randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The primary aims of this systematic review were to investigate what type of research questions are explored by RCTs in breast reconstruction, where have they been performed and where have they been published, and to thematise the research questions and thus create an overview of the state of the research field. METHODS: Randomised controlled trials investigating any aspect of breast reconstructions were included...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Emilia Gryska, Katleen Libberecht, Charlotte Stor Swinkels, Peter Axelsson, Per Fredrikson, Anders Björkman
Standard volar plates often do not fit the surface of the malunited distal radius after osteotomy, necessitating an offset angle for accurate volar tilt correction. The correction can be achieved if the plate is held at the correct angle when the distal screws are locked. With the advantage of 3D surgical planning and patient-specific instruments, we developed a shim instrument to assist the surgeon in securing the plate at the intended angle when locking the distal screws, and evaluated radiological results...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Maria Zander, Allan Ibsen-Sörensen, Anders Nilsson, Anders Björkman
AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical, patient rated and radiological outcome of the scaphoid trapezium pyrocarbon implant (STPI) at a minimum of three years follow-up. METHODS: Consecutive patients operated with the STPI due to scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal (STT) arthritis between 2012 and 2019 were included. Patients were evaluated preoperatively and annually after surgery for range of motion, grip strength, key pinch, quick-DASH, pain, and satisfaction...
April 2, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Junsheng Xu, Yu Zhao
Facial fat grafting is a popular cosmetic procedure, and experts are increasingly endorsing the use of high-density fat with adipose stem cell glue for better results. This study aims to explore the effect of high-density fat combined with adipose stem cell glue on the success rate of facial filling and its clinical value. We conducted a randomized trial with 100 patients who underwent facial fat transplantation between August 2020 and August 2022. They were divided into two groups: a control group receiving traditional Coleman fat transplantation and an observation group receiving high-density fat with adipose stem cells...
March 13, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Haifeng Shi, Yongjing Huang, Yong Shen, Ke Wu, Zhihai Zhang, Qian Li
PURPOSE: This review was performed to systematically compare the effectiveness and safety of the first dorsal metacarpal artery flaps (FDMAF) and reverse homodigital dorsal flaps (RHDF) for thumb reconstruction. METHODS: All literatures, which compared FDMAF versus RHDF for thumb reconstruction, were acquired through a comprehensive search in multiple databases from inception until 31st August 2022. A meta-analysis was performed using the Cochrane Collaboration's RevMan 5...
February 26, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Qi Wang, Jiang Peng, Aiyuan Wang, Wenjing Xu, Jinshu Tang, Jinshu Tang
AIM: To investigate surgical treatment, postoperative rehabilitation and prevention of heterotopic ossification (HO) in patients with post-traumatic elbow stiffness. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of patients with post-traumatic elbow stiffness combined with HO between 2007 and 2021. This study was performed on a total of 15 patients (18 elbows) admitted to our hospital, consisting of 12 males and 3 females, with post-traumatic stiffness of the elbow combined with HO, where elbow function could not be recovered by rehabilitation and orthosis treatment...
February 4, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Yener Yoğun, Uğur Bezirgan, Tülin Şen Esmer, Sırrı Sinan Bilgin, Mehmet Armangil
INTRODUCTION: Median nerve injuries occur in approximately 3% of pediatric elbow fracture dislocations. These rare injuries can be difficult to diagnose, and the results are poor in delay cases. Surgical timing is one of the most important prognostic factors. We aimed to present three patients with median nerve palsy who were referred to our clinic late, and according to these cases, we emphasized the expected time frame for exploration based on our anatomical cadaver study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 2008 and 2010, three patients were referred to our clinic because of median nerve paralysis after a treated elbow dislocation...
January 18, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Emma Hansson, Fredrik Brorson, Jonas Löfstrand, Anna Elander, Mikael Svensson
BACKGROUND: There are several techniques for reconstructing breasts after mastectomy, but little scientific evidence for which technique is superior. The aim of this systematic review was to compare the cost-effectiveness of implant-based and autologous reconstruction and to evaluate the overall certainty of evidence, as well as the quality of reporting of the included studies. METHODS: Studies investigating the cost-effectiveness of breast reconstruction with a deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap compared to implant-based reconstruction, meeting criteria defined in a PICO (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome), were included...
January 8, 2024: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Satoshi Onoda, Kahori Tsukura, Toshihiko Satake
In this report, we describe a super microsurgical technique that enables rapid and accurate anastomosis while adjusting for caliber differences when anastomosing a small-caliber lymphatic vessel and a vein with a larger caliber, which is frequently encountered in surgeries such as lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA).  The suture size adjustment technique was performed in 30 anastomoses of lymphatic vessels and veins, whose diameter of lymph duct was at least two times smaller than that of the vein. The type of lymphedema, caliber of lymphatic vessels and veins anastomosed, caliber ratio, vein wall thickness, modified caliber ratio after vein wall thickness subtracted, presence of additional anastomosis, and anastomosis time were examined...
December 22, 2023: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Christina Havstam, Karin Brunnegård, Emilie Hagberg, Cecilia Nelli, Åsa Okhiria, Kristina Klintö
The aim of this study was to report longitudinal speech results in consecutively selected children from each of the six cleft centres in Sweden and to compare the results between centres. The children were born with a non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate, and results from the same cohort at 5 years of age have previously been reported. Background data on medical care in terms of surgery, speech therapy, and hearing between 5 and 10 years of age were collected. Speech recordings of 56 children at 7 years and 54 at 10 years of age were blindly and independently assessed by four speech-language pathologists experienced in cleft palate speech...
December 18, 2023: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Hailin Yang, Hao Wang, Qi Wang
BACKGROUND: Many patients suffered from serious pain after breast augmentation, but the analgesic efficacy of pectoral nerve block for these patients was not well established. Thus, this meta-analysis was intended to study the analgesic efficacy of pectoral nerve block for breast augmentation. METHODS: Several databases including PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science, EBSCO, and Cochrane library databases were searched, and we included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) regarding the analgesic efficacy of pectoral nerve block for breast augmentation...
December 14, 2023: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Måns Cornefjord, Kristina Arnebrant, Henrik Guné, Jan Holst, Kristina Klintö, Mia Stiernman, Henry Svensson, Anna-Paulina Wiedel, Magnus Becker
The aim of this systematic review was to determine whether one-stage palatoplasty for children born with cleft lip and palate shows overall advantages in outcome compared with two-stage palatoplasty. The included studies were controlled studies of syndromic and non-syndromic children born with unilateral cleft lip and palate, bilateral cleft lip and palate, or isolated cleft palate. The interventions studied were one-stage palatoplasty and two-stage palatoplasty starting with the soft palate. The outcomes were facial growth, speech, hearing, presence of fistulae, other complications related to surgery, health-related quality of life, and health economics...
December 14, 2023: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Christian Jepsen, Anna Paganini, Emma Hansson
BACKGROUND: Normative data for interpreting the BREAST-Q reconstruction module are currently limited to four populations. The primary aim of this study was to create Swedish normative values for the BREAST-Q reconstruction domains. The secondary aim was to describe what aspects of the breasts and potential donor sites that women of the general population are generally satisfied or dissatisfied with. METHODS: The BREAST-Q reconstruction module was sent to a random sample of 400 women currently living in Region Västra Götaland...
November 15, 2023: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Yong Zhang, Yingluo Gu, Jupu Zhou, Jiaju Zhao, Bo Jiang
BACKGROUND: The management of old bony mallet fingers is complicated. The purpose of this study was to describe direct fixation of fracture fragment with modified double Kirschner wires (K-wires) for treatment of old bony mallet finger, and to evaluate the functional outcomes during long-term follow-up. METHODS: Forty-nine patients with old bony mallet finger were enrolled and underwent surgical treatment from August 2014 to January 2021 in our hospital. Patients were divided into two groups according to whether they had undergone triple K-wires fixation or modified double K-wires with a dorsal brace fixation...
September 29, 2023: Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
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