Anna Rudzińska, Marcin Wojnarski, Barbara Gryglewska, Jerzy Gąsowski, Karolina Piotrowicz
PURPOSE: Reduced appetite is a common issue among older adults. However, its formal assessment is rarely undertaken in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to check the frequency of reporting of appetite status in hospitalized older adults and to analyze the terms documented by physicians when reporting reduced appetite. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of hospitalized patients aged 65 and older was conducted. To determine patients' appetite status structured appetite assessment or any references related to appetite were considered...
April 24, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Karen Dennehy, Amy Lynch, Catriona Reddin, Bart Daly, Tim Dukelow, Michelle Canavan, Maria Costello, Robert Murphy
PURPOSE: Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is the cornerstone of high-quality care for older adults. There is no current gold standard to guide what should be included as the baseline measure for CGAs. We examined what metrics are being captured in CGA baseline assessments completed by community based integrated care teams in Ireland. METHODS: CGA's care pathways in Ireland are usually initiated with a written document that establish patients baseline in various assessment areas...
April 22, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
P Braude, F Parry, K Warren, E Mitchell, K McCarthy, R G Khadaroo, B Carter
PURPOSE: Screening for frailty in people admitted with emergency surgical pathology can initiate timely referrals to enhanced perioperative services such as intensive care and geriatric medicine. However, there has been little research exploring surgical healthcare professionals' opinions to frailty assessment, or accuracy in identification. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, behaviour, and attitudes of healthcare professionals to frailty assessment in emergency surgical admissions...
April 18, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Daniel Rosselló-Jiménez, S Docampo, Y Collado, L Cuadra-Llopart, F Riba, M Llonch-Masriera
PURPOSE: The purposes of the study was to describe the degree of agreement between geriatricians with the answers given by an AI tool (ChatGPT) in response to questions related to different areas in geriatrics, to study the differences between specialists and residents in geriatrics in terms of the degree of agreement with ChatGPT, and to analyse the mean scores obtained by areas of knowledge/domains. METHODS: An observational study was conducted involving 126 doctors from 41 geriatric medicine departments in Spain...
April 14, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Yanlan Yang, Ying Zhong
PURPOSE: The ideal method for identifying frailty remains unclear, but the condition is associated with poor prognoses in many illnesses. Despite the availability of studies, the prognostic implications of frailty on older patients with pneumonia remains unexplored. To determine the burden and effect of frailty on selected clinical outcomes among older patients with pneumonia. METHODS: We searched Medline, Google Scholar, and Science Direct databases for articles published in English following the PRISMA framework to guide our review...
April 13, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Kim J Ploegmakers, A J Linn, S Medlock, L J Seppälä, G Bahat, M A Caballero-Mora, B Ilhan, F Landi, T Masud, Y Morrissey, J Ryg, E Topinkova, N van der Velde, J C M van Weert
PURPOSE: Falls are a major and growing health care problem in older adults. A patient portal has the potential to provide older adults with fall-prevention advice to reduce fall-risk. However, to date, the needs and preferences regarding a patient portal in older people who have experienced falls have not been explored. This study assesses content preferences, potential barriers and facilitators with regard to using a patient portal, as perceived by older people who have experienced falls, and explores regional differences between European participants...
April 8, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Takashi Mori, Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Ichiro Fujishima, Risa Narabu, Akio Shimizu, Fumiko Oshima, Masataka Itoda, Sumito Ogawa, Tomohisa Ohno, Minoru Yamada, Kenjiro Kunieda, Takashi Shigematsu, Nami Ogawa, Shinta Nishioka, Kazuki Fukuma, Yukari Ishikawa, Yuto Saito
PURPOSE: Determining the strength and area of the swallowing muscles is important in patients with sarcopenic dysphagia. Although the normative data on the strength of the swallowing muscles have been reported, those of the area of the geniohyoid muscle are poorly investigated. We investigated the cross-sectional area of the geniohyoid muscle in Japanese subjects without dysphagia using ultrasonography to determine the normative and cut-off values. METHODS: 142 subjects without dysphagia were included...
April 8, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Christina Sandlund, Linda Sandberg, Sebastian Lindblom, Nathalie Frisendahl, Anne-Marie Boström, Anna-Karin Welmer
PURPOSE: After hospitalization, older persons may face a decline in physical function and daily independence. In-hospital exercise interventions can mitigate this decline, and continued support from primary healthcare post-discharge may enhance sustainability. This study aimed to explore home rehabilitation therapists' experiences of supporting physical exercise after acute hospitalization, including exercise programs initiated during hospital stay. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted alongside a randomized-controlled trial to investigate prerequisites for a transitional care intervention...
April 6, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Chiara Ceolin, Mario Virgilio Papa, Laura Scagnellato, Andrea Doria, Giuseppe Sergi, Roberta Ramonda
PURPOSE: Sarcopenia is a condition defined as loss of muscle mass and strength, associated with poor functional performance and disability. Sarcopenia can be exacerbated or worsened in presence of inflammation, sedentary lifestyle and cytokine imbalance, thus it frequently occurs in people affected by rheumatic diseases. This systematic literature review aims to explore the association between sarcopenia and spondyloarthritis (SpA) and its most frequent manifestation, i.e. ankylosing spondylitis (AS)...
April 3, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Esra Cataltepe, Ayse Fadiloglu, Eda Ceker, Nermin Karakurt, Hacer Dogan Varan
PURPOSE: There is a need for an easily measurable and reliable surrogate marker for physical frailty. This study aims to investigate the predictive capacity of adductor pollicis muscle thickness (AMPT), which can be easily measured externally and minimally influenced by subcutaneous adipose tissue, for physical frailty. METHODS: A total of 589 patients (16.3% physically frail, 54.7% pre-frail, 29% robust) were included. Comprehensive geriatric assessments and anthropometric measurements of the patients were performed...
March 28, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
S O Long, S V Hope
INTRODUCTION: The need to develop and evaluate frailty-related interventions is increasingly important, and inclusion of patient-reported outcomes is vital. Patient-reported outcomes can be defined as measures of health, quality of life or functional status reported directly by patients with no clinician interpretation. Numerous validated questionnaires can thus be considered patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). This review aimed to identify existing PROMs currently used in quantitative research that may be suitable for older people with frailty...
March 26, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Tao Li, Yinli Shen, Yingjie Leng, You Zeng, Long Li, Zijiang Yang, Siyu Wang, Yunlan Jiang
BACKGROUND: In recent years, oral frailty was proposed as a new concept regarding dental and oral health in older adults. Poor oral health is linked to preserving general health and has become a geriatric public health problem that deeply affects healthy aging. While in present, evidence on the prevalence associated with oral frailty in older adults remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To systematically evaluate the prevalence of oral frailty among older adults, stratified by relevant factors such as gender, source, study design, region, and the evaluation scales for oral frailty and provide an evidence-based foundation for healthcare professionals and policymakers to formulate relevant measures...
March 25, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Francesco Lapi, Pierangelo Lora Aprile, Iacopo Cricelli, Davide Liborio Vetrano, Claudio Cricelli
PURPOSE: This study explores correlations of sarcopenia and its proxies, such as history of falls, asthenia, and ambulation issues, with frailty levels among older adults in primary care. METHODS: In a cohort of 546,590 patients aged 60 years or older, "definite" sarcopenia cases were operationally defined through the use of non-specific diagnostic codes coupled with inspection of free-texts. Proxies of sarcopenia, such as falls history, asthenia, and ambulation issues were considered as well...
March 25, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Hiroya Honda, Ryota Ashizawa, Yuto Kameyama, Tatsuya Hirase, Shinichi Arizono, Yoshinobu Yoshimoto
PURPOSE: Previous studies have shown an association between chronic pain and the occurrence of falls in community-dwelling older adults; however, the association between chronic pain and fall-related injuries in older adults with disabilities is unclear. This study aimed to determine the association between chronic pain and fall-related injuries in older adults with disabilities. METHODS: This 24-month prospective cohort study included older adults aged 65 years or older using Japanese long-term care insurance services...
March 21, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
P A L Nelleke Seghers, Siri Rostoft, Shane O'Hanlon, Anita O'Donovan, Karlijn Schulkes, Isacco Montroni, Johanneke E A Portielje, Hans Wildiers, Pierre Soubeyran, Marije E Hamaker
PURPOSE: A substantial proportion of patients with cancer are older and experience multimorbidity. As the population is ageing, the management of older patients with multimorbidity including cancer will represent a significant challenge to current clinical practice. METHODS: This study aimed to (1) identify which chronic health conditions may cause change in oncologic decision-making and care in older patients and (2) provide guidance on how to incorporate these in decision-making and care provision of older patients with cancer...
March 20, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Maria Beatrice Zazzara, Alice Margherita Ornago, Camilla Cocchi, Elisabetta Serafini, Giuseppe Bellelli, Graziano Onder
PURPOSE: Delirium has been recognized as an atypical presenting feature of COVID-19 in older adults and is independently associated with mortality. We aimed to perform an updated systematic review of the literature and proportional meta-analysis to assess prevalence and incidence of delirium in older adults with COVID-19, addressing differences according to sex, frailty status, and settings. METHODS: We searched databases for English-language articles on prevalence and incidence of delirium in older adults with COVID-19, published between March 2020 and January 2023...
March 18, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Elisângela Cristina Ramos Hernandes, Márlon Juliano Romero Aliberti, Ricardo Oliveira Guerra, Eduardo Ferriolli, Monica Rodrigues Perracini
PURPOSE: Monitoring intrinsic capacity (IC) in community-dwelling older people can be potentially used to alert for adverse health outcomes. However, whether there is an association between IC and hospitalization has yet to be fully explored. This study aimed to investigate the association of the IC composite measure and its 5 domains with hospitalization in the previous year and length of hospital stay. METHODS: We conducted cross-sectional analyses using data from a representative sample of community-dwelling adults (≥ 65 years)...
March 15, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Ga Yang Shim, Hak Chul Jang, Ki-Woong Kim, Jae-Young Lim
PURPOSE: There is increasing evidence that promoting physical activity can prevent sarcopenia. However, physical activity (PA) decreases with age, and the impact of PA intensity on health is unclear. This study investigated the relationship between the level of PA and sarcopenia, and the association between PA levels and mortality in patients with and without sarcopenia. METHODS: Data were derived from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging. PA was classified as sedentary behavior, light PA, or moderate-to-vigorous PA...
March 14, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Konstantinos Prokopidis, Jordi Morwani-Mangnani, Garry McDowell, Gregory Y H Lip, Massimo Venturelli, Rajiv Sankaranarayanan, Masoud Isanejad
AIMS: Sarcopenia is linked to impaired physical function and exercise tolerance. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the association of sarcopenia and low appendicular skeletal muscle (ASM) with biomarkers of cardiac function, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and its N-terminal fragment (NT-proBNP), in patients with heart failure (HF). METHODS AND RESULTS: From inception until May 2023, a systematic literature search of observational studies was undertaken utilizing the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane Library databases...
March 8, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
Yating Peng, Liangchuan Zhang, Yuan Kong, Xue Zhang, Zetian Li, Hong Jia
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this analysis was to determine the diagnostic efficacy of the Ishii test, SarSA-Mod, SARC-F, SARC-Calf, SARC-F+AC, and SARC-Calf+AC for screening for sarcopenia among rural community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: The AWGS 2019 diagnostic criteria was a diagnostic reference for sarcopenia. There were six screening tools whose accuracy was determined through the use of metrics, including specificity, sensitivity, negative and positive predictive values, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve...
March 7, 2024: European Geriatric Medicine
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