Salvador Rodriguez Franco, Sumaya Abdul Ghaffar, Ying Jin, Reed Weiss, Mona Hamermesh, Andrii Khomiak, Toshitaka Sugawara, Oskar Franklin, Alexis D Leal, Christopher H Lieu, Richard D Schulick, Marco Del Chiaro, Steven Ahrendt, Martin D McCarter, Ana L Gleisner
This study aimed to evaluate the role of pathological features beyond tumor size in the risk of lymph node metastasis in appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors. Analyzing data from the national cancer database, we found that among 5353 cases, 18.8% had lymph node metastasis. Focusing on tumors smaller than 2 cm, a subject of considerable debate in treatment strategies, we identified lymphovascular invasion as one of the strongest predictors of lymph node disease. Interestingly, extension into the subserosa and beyond, a current factor in the staging system, was not a strong predictor...
August 22, 2024: Cancers