Journals Psychology Research and Behavi...

Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Yan Jin, Yiju Wang, Shusen Liu, Sifang Niu, Hao Sun, Yan Liu, Ning Liu
AIM: Stressful life events have a significant impact on the mental health of college students. Depression, as a prevalent psychological issue, has garnered attention in the field of college student mental health and is closely linked to it. Additionally, parenting style is identified as an important factor influencing the development of college students' mental health. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between these three factors. METHODS: A total of 8079 first-year college students from two medical universities in Shandong Province, China were surveyed...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Lichen Tang, Zheng Lin
BACKGROUND: Stigma is assumed to lead to negative illness identity in one who got chronic illness, and there is a lack of understanding regarding the underly mechanisms. However, no research has examined the extent to which stigma was associated with illness identity in people with IBD. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between stigma and illness identity, specifically to examine whether resilience mediated or moderated the relationship. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed among patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease from three tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu Province, China...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Mengyue Zhang, Xiaoxian Zhang, Yingrui Yang, Yun Weng, Xiaojun Chen, Yanyan Chen, Yinghui Shi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Pawan Kumar Mishra, Martina Rašticová
The revolution in technology has impacted the work and personal lives of human beings greatly. While it has introduced the mankind to a more comfortable life, it has brought in the stress too in the form of technostress, the situation where a person fails to cope up with the ever-advancing technology and experiences stress symptoms. The increasing intensity of technostress calls for more research on technostress diving deeper into the causes and coping mechanisms. However, technostress research requires successful and reliable assessment of stress...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Ting-Yu Lin, Hao-Chien Cheng, Hung-Wen Liu, Tsung-Min Hung
OBJECTIVE: Given the recognized benefits of resistance exercise on both physical and cognitive domains, elucidating how to maximize its benefit is pivotal. This study aims to evaluate these effects in terms of their timing and intensity on cognitive performance. METHODS: This was a four-arm, crossover randomized controlled trial. Healthy college-aged male adults with recreational resistance training experience participated in this study. Participants completed three separate sessions of circuit barbell resistance exercises, including back squat, press, and deadlift...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
(no author information available yet)
[This retracts the article DOI: 10.2147/PRBM.S430936.].
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Lixia Wang, Yilai Pei, Yuanfei Zhu, Haiying Long, Weiguo Pang
INTRODUCTION: The schizotypy-creativity link has been studied from different perspectives over the past few decades, yet the results of this relationship are inconsistent in the literature. Previous studies have suggested that two basic motivational systems-Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS, avoidance motivation) and Behavioral Activation System (BAS, approach motivation)-underlie the relationship between schizotypy and creativity. Few empirical studies, however, have examined how the relationship interacts with other variables...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Fang Zhai, Fulei Han, Qiulin Wang
PURPOSE: The continuous spread of the epidemic has inflicted serious harm upon individual's mental well-being, and effective coping mechanisms are associated with positive mental health outcomes. Prosocial behavior and a sense of meaning in life can enhance individuals' subjective well-being, which can subsequently positively impact their mental health. Thus, in the context of epidemic prevention and control, this study investigates the relationship between the meaning in life, prosocial behavior, and coping styles of outstanding physical education students and the impact on their mental health...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Fangmin Gong, Zhuliu Gong, Haimeng Liu, Pei Yi, Yuhan Jia, Jingwen Zhuang, Jilin Shu, Xincheng Huang, Yibo Wu
PURPOSE: To explore the relationship between adolescents' problematic Internet use and loneliness and the mediating roles of social support and family communication. METHODS: A questionnaire survey of 2483 adolescents aged 12-17 years in 148 cities in China was conducted using the Problematic Internet Use Scale, the Collaborative Social Support Scale, the Family Communication Scale, and the Loneliness Scale. The data were statistically analyzed by SPSS 26.0 and validated by AMOS 28...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Lie Zhao
BACKGROUND: With the rapid changes in the social environment, adolescents are facing increasing academic pressure and challenges to their physical and mental development in the socialization process. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence mechanisms of parental participation on adolescent behavioral development (learning persistence, expressive language ability and knowledge absorption ability), revealing the mediation role of adolescent positive and negative peer interactions between parental participation and behavioral development, and whether differences in parents and children's educational expectations moderate this process...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Lihua Zhou, Kun Zhang, Juanjuan Guo, Jianbo Liu, Suhong Wang, Jingbo Gong
BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to investigate the potential role of perceived stress, impulsivity trait, executive dysfunction in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) thoughts among college students, as well as the gender differences. METHODS: A sample of 890 university students completed self-report measures of NSSI thoughts in the past month, the level of perceived stress, impulsivity traits, and executive dysfunction. RESULTS: Compared to those with low level of perceived stress, participants with high level of perceived stress reported significant higher levels of impulsivity trait and executive dysfunction, and higher frequency of NSSI thoughts, and there were no gender differences...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Fernanda Loureiro, Sofronia M Ringold, Lisa Aziz-Zadeh
While exteroceptive sensory processing is a hallmark of autism spectrum disorder, how interoceptive processing may impact and contribute to symptomatology remains unclear. In this comprehensive narrative review on interoception in autism, we discuss: 1) difficulties with assessing interoception; 2) potential interoceptive differences; 3) interactions between neural systems for interoception, attention, sensorimotor processing, and cognition; and 4) potential differences in neural circuits involved in interoception...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Dian-Jeng Li, Agata Chudzicka-Czupała, Mateusz Paliga, Nadiya Hapon, Liudmyla Karamushka, Marta Żywiołek-Szeja, Roger S McIntyre, Soon-Kiat Chiang, Yi-Lung Chen, Cheng-Fang Yen, Roger Ho Chun Man
BACKGROUND: The Russo-Ukrainian War has resulted in massive social, economic, and psychological burdens worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the associations between time spent on the war-related news and psychological distress, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the mediating effects of rumination on the associations in people residing in Poland and Ukraine. METHODS: This cross-sectional study recruited 1438 internet users in Poland and Ukraine, and collected data on levels of rumination, psychological distress, and the amount of time spent on and sources of the news of the Russo-Ukrainian War...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Chenlu Ma, Wen Zhang, Shu Da, Huan Zhang, Xichao Zhang
PURPOSE: Environmental uncertainty has reached unprecedented levels in recent years. While there is substantial knowledge about the connection between environmental uncertainty and organizational outcomes, limited attention has been devoted to investigating its impact on employees' depression and anxiety symptoms. Grounded in job demands-resources theory, this study aims to explore the relationship between environmental uncertainty and employees' depression and anxiety symptoms, and it further investigates the mediating role of work pressure and the moderating role of union practices...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Cuiyu Lan, Tianshu Zhou, Yuchang Bao, Ruizhe Wang, Xinying Weng, Jie Su, Yinlin Li, Peijing Qiao, Danfeng Guo
PURPOSE: This study aims to translate and validate the Learned Helplessness Scale (LHS) for use in the educational context and specifically among Chinese law school students. Understanding learned helplessness in the context of Chinese law students can provide unique insights into the interaction of legal education, psychological health, and cultural influences, thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of learned helplessness. METHODS: A total of 711 Chinese college students from two law schools participated in this study...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Luxia Xiao, Meilin Yao, Hongrui Liu
PURPOSE: Drawing upon the cognitive-behavioral model of pathological Internet use (PIU) and tunnel effect, this study aimed to construct a moderated mediation model from the perspective of social ecology. Specifically, the model investigated the relationship between perceived social mobility and smartphone dependence, with a focus on the mediating role of hope and the moderating effect of family socioeconomic status (SES) underlying this relationship. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 718 Chinese university students ( M age = 19...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Ruipeng Wu, Qiong Niu, Yingting Wang, Yundan Dawa, Zixuan Guang, Dongji Song, Bei Xue, Ciyong Lu, Shaokang Wang
BACKGROUND: Sleep disorders are a significant health issue that urgently needs to be addressed among undergraduate students, and one of the potential underlying problems could be problematic smartphone use (PSU). This study aimed to clarify the relationship between PSU and poor sleep quality by investigating the independent and serial mediating roles of anxiety and depressive symptoms in a population of university students in Tibet, China. METHODS: A total of 2993 Tibetan college students completed three waves of data surveys, with all participants completing questionnaires on PSU, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and sleep quality (Time 1 (T1) -Time 3 (T3))...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Huaguo Zhang, Song Wang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Yu Gao, Haiyan Liu, Yuechi Sun
BACKGROUND: In the digital age, people's attitudes and psychological security towards public health emergencies will be shared. Similar or identical psychological security states are prone to clustering and differentiation, while differentiated group psychological security is more prone to polarization, leading to group psychological security risks and then posing a threat to social stability and national security. However, existing studies mostly use qualitative analysis methods to study group emotional risks...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Zhihui Wu, Junyao Song, Xiyou Chen, Daoqun Ding, Xiangyi Zhang
PURPOSE: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have been associated with various aspects of morality, but their precise impact on moral decision-making remains unclear. This study aims to explore how ACEs influence moral decision-making in sacrificial dilemmas. METHODS: Study 1 employed traditional dilemma analysis to quantify utilitarian responses and compare them among groups with no, low, and high ACEs. Study 2 utilized the CNI model to quantify three determinants of moral decision-making: sensitivity to consequences (C parameter), sensitivity to norms (N parameter), and general action tendencies (I parameter)...
2024: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
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