Satish Kumar Mishra, Saket Davera, G Viswanath, Shalendra Singh
Anesthetic management of extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) neonates is always accompanied by many dilemmas and challenges. Here, we report a case in which 512 g of ELBW newborns underwent exploratory laparotomy for perforation. Anesthesia management of such ELBW infants has not been reported in the literature.
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Mohamed Abada
Conversion disorder (CD) is a rare complication after general anesthesia and can be presented with sensory and or motor deficits. The organic or metabolic cause should be excluded first before considering CD diagnosis. A 62-year-old female was admitted to the high-dependency unit with quadriplegia and disturbed level of consciousness secondary to CD upon emergence from general anesthesia.
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Baby Pegu, Babita Gupta, Arshad Ayub
INTRODUCTION: Spine fixation surgery for traumatic vertebral fractures is associated with severe pain and is often difficult to control. Traditionally systemic opioids have been the mainstay of analgesia for these procedures, which can lead to hyperalgesia, nausea, ileus, sedation, cognitive impairment, dependence, etc., limiting usage of opioids. The Erector spinae plane block (ESPB) is a novel ultrasound-guided procedure with easily identifiable sonoanatomy. We hypothesized that a multimodal approach involving ESPB to a conventional analgesic regimen with local infiltration for patients undergoing major traumatic spine surgeries might provide better perioperative analgesia and reduce the need for postoperative opioid requirements...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Surentharraj Elangobaalan, Priya Rudingwa, Manasa Rengarajan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Monika Kambale, Sammita J Jadhav
BACKGROUND: C-section is usually performed under spinal anesthesia also known as a subarachnoid block (SAB) over general anesthesia. Because of the lesser amount of dose used, there is a lower risk of local anesthetic toxicity and minimal transfer of drugs to the fetus. Obstetric patients have a higher risk of having post-dural puncture headache (PDPH). PDPH occurs due to leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the hole created by a spinal needle. There are many elements affecting the frequency of PDPH, these elements can also consist of age, female sex, needle size, and types, pregnancy, preceding records of PDPH, median-paramedian distinction in approach, a puncture level...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Thrivikrama P Tantry, Vasantha Shetty, Aarti Deepak, Sumesh Murali, Murali S B Golitadka, Shreejith K Menon, Sunil P Shenoy, Dinesh Kadam
The use of intrathecal (IT) dexamethasone during subarachnoid block (SAB) has not been evaluated. There are no pooled data available to decide on the optimal regimen of IT dexamethasone during SAB, irrespective of the type of surgery. There is uncertainty about its dosage, effectiveness, and safety, and a need to establish clear guidelines on its use. Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of use of IT dexamethasone during SAB. We performed a meta-analysis (PROSPERO, CRD42022304944) of trials that included patients who underwent a variety of surgical procedures under SAB...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Rishabh Jaju, Saurabh Varshney, Pooja Bihani, Naveen Paliwal, Habib Md R Karim, Dipak Bhuyan
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anesthesiologists' services extend to many critical areas of any healthcare setup. However, there needs to be more understanding among the public regarding their crucial role. Preanesthesia evaluation (PAE) visits can disseminate information about anesthesiologists and services. We aimed to evaluate patient's knowledge and the impact of interview-based surveys on increasing knowledge about anesthesiologists and anesthesia services. METHODOLOGY: It was a single-center, cross-sectional survey involving 550 patients aged 18-65 undergoing elective surgeries...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Shivam Shekhar, Nishant Goyal, Anissa Atif Mirza, Sanjay Agrawal
BACKGROUND: Goals of anesthesia in neurosurgery include stable cerebral hemodynamics and provide relaxed brain to surgeon. Dexmedetomidine and lignocaine as an adjuvant can fulfill these criteria but literature comparing the two are sparse. We compared the effects of intravenous infusion of dexmedetomidine or lignocaine on stress response, postoperative pain, and recovery in patients undergoing craniotomy for intracranial tumors. METHODS: Approval was obtained from IEC, and the study was prospectively registered (CTRI/2022/11/047434)...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Thomas Cheriyan, Kevin Bai, Shreya Bayyapureddy, Anterpreet Dua, Paramvir Singh, Zhuo Sun, Chhaya Patel, Vikas Kumar
BACKGROUND: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the efficacy of bispectral index (BIS) to reduce intra-operative awareness (IOA) have reported conflicting results. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to consolidate results from RCTs to assess the efficacy of BIS in reducing IOA when compared to controls. Secondary outcomes included time to extubation, time to spontaneous and/or verbal eye opening, PACU discharge time, and utilization of inhaled anesthetics. METHODS: RCTs which reported on one of the primary and/or secondary outcomes were included...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Chandini Kukanti, Sravani Jakkireddy, Prateek Arora
Nerve transfer surgery has emerged as a promising approach to restoring function in paralyzed muscles. The trapezius plane block (TPB) blocks the thoracic branches of the posterior primary rami, providing extended analgesia in nerve transfer surgeries. The case report describes the analgesia profiling of a young man who suffered a traumatic pan-brachial plexus injury and underwent a spinal accessory nerve to the suprascapular nerve transfer. TPB was utilized as a part of multimodal analgesia. TPB represents an advancement in regional anesthesia, providing extended analgesia and reducing opioid consumption...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Poonam Kumari, Amarjeet Kumar, Athira Ramesh, Chandni Sinha, Ajeet Kumar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Amarjeet Kumar, Shruti Shrey, Narayan Manjunath, Chandni Sinha, Prabhat Agrawal
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Prajnananda Haloi, Rahul Biswas, Ananta K Bora
Anesthesia in patients with emphysematous giant bulla undergoing non-thoracic surgery is challenging and can cause serious complications. We report a successful case of lip mass resection in a 65-year-old male with paraseptal emphysema and giant bullae under regional anesthesia using a mental nerve block. The patient presented with a slow-growing ulcerative mass on his lower lip and had a history of non-compliant COPD management. An excisional biopsy was planned. Preoperative workup revealed extensive lung pathology with giant bullae...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Abdulaziz E Ahmed, Abdulaziz F Alaqaili, Ahmed S Elbashary, Abdullah F Bin Muammar, Adel AlQarni, Nada T Yamani, Abdelazeem A Eldawlatly
BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgery in Saudi Arabia has become one of the most performed surgical procedures for weight loss surgery (WLS). The aim of this survey is to highlight the importance of education and training in bariatric anesthesia (BA). METHODS: An Internet-based cross-sectional survey was conducted to examine the percentages of general anesthesiologists among respondents who supported the need for formal structured training in BA as the primary outcome. A 41 items questionnaire on different aspects of BA included in this survey...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Nadine El Hadi, Jad Hosri, Tamam Tulimat, Usamah Hadi
The authors have conducted a retrospective analysis based on two cases of patients with intra-tracheal pathologies who received treatment from the same surgeon at a tertiary referral center. The effective management of airways in patients with intra-tracheal lesions necessitates close collaboration between surgeons and anesthesiologists. Factors such as the size, location, rigidity of the tumor, and the remaining tracheal lumen space should be carefully considered. In situations where there is near complete obstruction of the trachea and a substantial risk of worsened respiratory function, resorting to cardiopulmonary bypass or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is advisable...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Umairah Esa, Navkiran G Singh, Hazama Mohamad, Rhendra H M Zaini
Acquired subglottic stenosis is a common complication of endotracheal intubation in infants. The risk increases in trisomy 21, patients undergoing bypass surgery, and having gastroesophageal reflux disease. Less invasive endoscopic balloon dilatation of subglottic stenosis has become a more common treatment modality compared to open surgical technique. Airway-related surgery needs meticulous preparation and good communication between the anesthetist, surgeon, and staff. More precaution and more effective preparation and communication are needed in neonatal airway surgery as it is physiologically easier to desaturate and develop hypoxemia compared to adults...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Sugandhi Nemani, Shilpa Goyal, Ankur Sharma, Nikhil Kothari
Artificial intelligence is an ever-growing modality revolutionizing the field of medical science. It utilizes various computational models and algorithms and helps out in different sectors of healthcare. Here, in this scoping review, we are trying to evaluate the use of Artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of pediatric anesthesia, specifically in the more challenging domain, the pediatric airway. Different components within the domain of AI include machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, robotics, and computer vision...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Narjes S Alotaibi, Mansour Aqil, Yasser Sabr, Jumana Baaj, Reem Alsafar
The ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) is a rare surgical procedure performed in cases of expected postpartum fetal airway obstruction. This procedure technique lies in a safe establishment of a patent airway during labor in anticipation of a critical respiratory event, without the interruption of maternal-fetal circulation. Anesthetic management in the EXIT procedure is substantially different from that of the standard cesarean delivery and its main goals include uterine relaxation, fetal anesthesia, and placental blood flow preservation...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
Merin Varghese, Reshma B Muniyappa, S S Harsoor, Gangisetty Sri Madhuri
Restricted mouth opening is a challenging airway in pediatric patients with temperomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis. The fiber-optic bronchoscopic nasotracheal intubation technique continues to be the gold standard for difficult airway, among the techniques available such as submandibular intubation, retrograde intubation, and tracheostomy. However, awake fiber-optic bronchoscopy (FOB) is difficult to achieve in pediatric patients. Prior planning of the anesthetic method and effective collaboration with the surgeon are crucial for excellent outcomes in such challenging airway cases...
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
R Pulitanò, Marco Giudice, Enrico Di Sabatino, Francesca La Verde
The GlideScope® is a videolaryngoscope manufactured by Verathon Medical (Bothell, WA, USA), now widely used to manage planned or unexpected difficult orotracheal intubation situations. According to the current literature, GlideScope® has been used for surgical procedures involving the tongue base, such as biopsies and radiofrequency treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. We describe a case of dual use of GlideScope for pointed foreign body removal in an emergency department.
2024: Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia
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