Journals Journal of Emergencies, Trauma...

Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Suhattaya Boonmak, Thapanawong Mitsungnern, Pimmada Boonmak, Polpun Boonmak
INTRODUCTION: Bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) reduces mortality from cardiac arrest. The willingness to perform CPR (W-CPR) is also critical. Uncertain effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on W-CPR were reported. Our objectives aim to examine W-CPR during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the influence of the bystander-victim relationship, bystander characteristics, and CPR background on the W-CPR of laypeople and healthcare providers (HCPs)...
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Youichi Yanagawa, Hiroki Nagasawa, Marika Nunotani, Ikuto Takeuchi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Ee Lyn Chan, Aleix Rovira
Head-and-neck cancer (HNC) can present with life.threatening symptoms in the emergency department. Patients can sometimes be misdiagnosed with pulmonary disease due to similar signs and symptoms, ultimately leading to delayed diagnosis and potentially devastating consequences. Reasons for this include lack of awareness of patient risk factors and knowledge of the myriad of presenting complaints in the disease process among physicians working in primary care and in the emergency department. This article explores the contemporary risk factors and common presenting symptoms and discusses initial management for a patient with potential head-and-neck malignancy...
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Hritika Sharma, Ajit Baviskar, Anant D Patil
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2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Daher K Rabadi, Sami A Almasarweh, Ahmad K Abubaker, Nedal Shawaqfeh, Salem R Alsalman, Zaid Madain
In this case report, we describe two difficult intubations in which an endotracheal tube was threaded over a fiberoptic bronchoscope that was acting as a bougie. Our patients initially presented with limited neck extension, narrow mouth opening, and restricted view of the glottic region. A fiberoptic bronchoscope was guided through while the patient was oxygenated through a laryngeal mask. After the scope provided an unrestricted view of the vocal cords, the digital module was removed by cutting the fiberoptic thread, and an endotracheal tube was passed through...
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Neurinda Permata Kusumastuti, Teddy Ontoseno, Anang Endaryanto
INTRODUCTION: Septic shock, the most severe form of sepsis, has high morbidity and mortality rates among children. In patients with septic shock, impaired microcirculatory perfusion is associated with the severity of organ failure and the likelihood of death. Because near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can assess microcirculation status and peripheral tissue oxygenation directly and noninvasively, provides real-time results, and can be performed at the patient's bedside. This study aimed to determine the prognostic value of renal oxygen saturation (rRSO2) measured by NIRS in septic shock among children...
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Bahey, Talat Chughtai, Ayman El-Menyar, Vishwajit Verma, Gustav Strandvik, Mohammad Asim, Rafael Consunji, Basil Younis, Ashok Parchani, Sandro Rizoli, Hassan Al-Thani
INTRODUCTION: Phenytoin is one of the commonly used anti.seizure medications in nontraumatic seizures. However, its utility and safety in young patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) for the prevention of early-onset seizures (EOS) are debatable. We sought to explore the use of phenytoin as a seizure prophylaxis following TBI. We hypothesized that administering phenytoin is not effective in preventing EOS after TBI. METHODS: This was a retrospective observational study conducted on adult TBI patients...
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Ezhilkugan Ganessane, Anas Mohammed Muthanikkatt, S Manu Ayyan
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2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Tarun Sharma, Dhanashree Kelkar, Steve Kamm
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2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
H S Varun, Kushal Pandya, M Muniraju
Bottle gourd, popularly known as "Lauki" is a commonly used vegetable throughout the world including India. Its juice is considered a "health tonic" for chronic ailments by practitioners of alternate therapy and nutritionist. It is essential for emergency physicians to be aware of this toxicity, especially in tropical countries like India, where alternate therapy practices are prevalent. We present the case of a 35-year-old man who consumed concentrated bottle gourd juice and subsequently experienced multiple episodes of vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and giddiness...
2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Youichi Yanagawa, Ikuto Takeuchi, Hiroki Nagasawa, Kan Kajimoto
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2024: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Pankaj Kumar, Thakur Prashant Singh, Amita Aggarwal, Praveer Rai, Amit Goel
Hypogammaglobulinemia commonly presents with chronic diarrhea. Unfortunately, these patients require intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) transfusions of 400-800 mg/kg every 3-4 weeks as a standard treatment for hypogammaglobulinemia. Repeated transfusion of IVIG is costly, and many patients may not be able to afford it. We report the case of a young male with chronic small intestinal diarrhea who was later diagnosed with hypogammaglobulinemia. We treated the patient with fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) and the patient responded favorably...
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Vidushi Kulshrestha, Saloni Kamboj, Nilanchali Singh
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2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Valerie Hoerster, Derek Tang, Marlee Milkis, Stephanie Litzenberger, Jill Stoltzfus, Holly Stankewicz
INTRODUCTION: To date, there is limited literature to guide emergency providers (EPs) on the proper dosing of prescription opioids. Our study aims to assess the self-reported opioid use, storage, and disposal practices of patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with acute pain. METHODS: This prospective cohort study employed a validated, cross-sectional survey of subjects identified using electronic medical records. The survey link was e-mailed to a continuous sample of eligible participants 3-4 weeks following ED discharge...
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Amani Safwat El-Barazi
INTRODUCTION: Thousands of children and families are in danger after two powerful earthquakes and dozens of aftershocks struck the border between Turkey and Syria. Thus, earthquake survivors in Turkey and Syria have an urgent need for psychological help. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe the mental health support services offered to people affected by the earthquakes that ravaged parts of Turkey and Syria, (2) discuss the challenges faced by the psychological support services, and (3) highlight recommendations for improving mental health services for earthquake survivors...
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Chihiro Maekawa, Hiroki Nagasawa, Keiki Abe, Ikuto Takeuchi, Youichi Yanagawa
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2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Hiromichi Ohsaka, Marika Nunotami, Keiki Abe, Atsuhiko Mogami, Osamu Obayashi, Youichi Yanagawa
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Warawut Kittiwattanagul, Puthachad Namwaing, Sittichai Khamsai, Kittisak Sawanyawisuth
INTRODUCTION: Primary intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a stroke subtype with high morbidity and mortality. Surgical treatments for ICH may be one of the beneficial modalities. There are inconsistent clinical outcomes of surgical treatments in several randomized controlled trials. This study aimed to evaluate if surgical treatment can reduce mortality in patients with ICH in a real-world setting. METHODS: This was a retrospective analytical study. The inclusion criteria were consecutive adult patients aged 18 years or over admitted to neurosurgery ward due to ICH, and indicated for surgical treatment according to the 2015 guideline for the management of spontaneous ICH...
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Siti Nasrina Binti Yahaya, Abdul Hanif Khan Yusof Khan, Hairuddin Achmad Sankala
Snakebite is one of the most common complaints related to wilderness medicine. Venomous snakebite manifestation is divided into local and systemic envenomation. For the Elapidae group, the most feared complication is respiratory muscle paralysis due to neurotransmitter malfunction at the neuromuscular junction level which leads to respiratory insufficiency. However, there is a lack of evidence or case report incidence to suggest that it can potentially associate with the development of stroke disorder. We present a rare case of massive posterior circulation infarct in a middle-aged gentleman following a cobra bite ...
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
Noriko Torizawa, Hiroki Nagasawa, Ikuto Takeuchi, Hiromichi Ohsaka, Youichi Yanagawa
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
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