Journals Circulation. Cardiovascular Qu...

Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Aishwarya Vijay, Xiaoning Huang, Mark D Huffman, Namratha R Kandula, Donald M Lloyd-Jones, Powell O Jose, Eugene Yang, Abhinav Goyal, Sadiya S Khan, Nilay S Shah
BACKGROUND: National-level differences in myocardial infarction (MI) quality of care among Asian patients in the United States are unclear. We assessed the quality of MI care in the 6 largest US Asian ethnic groups. METHODS: Patients aged ≥18 years with ST-segment-elevation MI or non-ST-segment-elevation MI in the Get With The Guidelines-Coronary Artery Disease registry (711 US hospitals, 2015-2021) were assessed. The odds of MI-related quality of care and process outcomes were evaluated in Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asian adults compared with non-Hispanic White adults...
September 10, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Robert C Kaplan, Kwun Chuen Gary Chan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 10, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Evangelos K Oikonomou, Veer Sangha, Lovedeep S Dhingra, Arya Aminorroaya, Andreas Coppi, Harlan M Krumholz, Lauren A Baldassarre, Rohan Khera
Background: Risk stratification strategies for cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) rely on serial monitoring by specialized imaging, limiting their scalability. We aimed to examine an application of artificial intelligence (AI) to electrocardiographic (ECG) images as a surrogate for imaging risk biomarkers, and its association with early CTRCD. Methods: Across a U.S.-based health system (2013-2023), we identified 1,550 patients (age 60 [IQR:51-69] years, 1223 [78.9%] women) without cardiomyopathy who received anthracyclines and/or trastuzumab for breast cancer or non-Hodgkin lymphoma and had ECG performed ≤12 months before treatment...
September 2, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Jacob Christensen, Niklas Dyrby Johansen, Daniel Modin, Kira Hyldekaer Janstrup, Joshua Nealon, Sandrine I Samson, Matthew M Loiacono, Rebecca Harris, Carsten Schade Larsen, Anne Marie Reimer Jensen, Nino E Landler, Brian L Claggett, Scott D Solomon, Gunnar H Gislason, Lars Køber, Martin J Landray, Pradeesh Sivapalan, Jens Ulrik Stæhr Jensen, Tor Biering-Sørensen
Background: Influenza vaccination reduces the risk of adverse outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). We sought to evaluate whether the presence of CVD modified the relative effectiveness of high-dose (QIV-HD) vs. standard-dose (QIV-SD) quadrivalent influenza vaccine in this prespecified analysis of the DANFLU-1 trial. Methods: DANFLU-1 was a pragmatic, open-label, randomized feasibility trial of QIV-HD vs. QIV-SD in adults aged 65-79 years during the 2021/2022 influenza season in Denmark. Vaccines were allocated in a 1:1 ratio...
August 31, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Martin Seifert, Daniel Meretz, Anja Haase-Fielitz, Christian Georgi, Marwin Bannehr, Viviane Moeller, Gerhard Janßen, Peter Bramlage, Hans Heinrich Minden, Dirk Grosse-Meininghaus, Christian Butter
BACKGROUND: Arrhythmia recurrence after pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) is common. We conducted a multicenter, randomized trial to determine the impact of increased physical activity on atrial fibrillation recurrence after PVI. METHODS: From 2018 to 2020, we randomly assigned 200 patients with atrial fibrillation to the ACTION or NO-ACTION group in 4 different centers in the local country of Brandenburg, Germany. Patients were eligible if they were scheduled to undergo PVI, aged ≥50 to ≤77 years, body mass index ≥23 to ≤35 kg/m2 , and accepted wearing an activity tracker allowing 24-hour activity monitoring via mobile app...
August 30, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Alanna A Morris, Frederick A Masoudi, Abdul R Abdullah, Amitava Banerjee, LaPrincess C Brewer, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Peter Cram, Sarah C DeSilvey, Anika L Hines, Nasrien E Ibrahim, Elizabeth A Jackson, Karen E Joynt Maddox, Amgad N Makaryus, Ileana L Piña, Carla Patricia Rodriguez-Monserrate, Véronique L Roger, Fran F Thorpe, Kim A Williams
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 26, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Michael L O'Byrne
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 26, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Devin M Parker, Meagan E Stabler, Todd A MacKenzie, Meghan S Zimmerman, Xun Shi, Allen D Everett, Emily M Bucholz, Jeremiah R Brown
BACKGROUND: Congenital heart defects (CHD) are the most common birth defects and previous estimates report the disease affects 1% of births annually in the United States. To date, CHD prevalence estimates are inconsistent due to varied definitions, data reliant on birth registries, and are geographically limited. These data sources may not be representative of the total prevalence of the CHD population. It is therefore important to derive high-quality, population-based estimates of the prevalence of CHD to help care for this vulnerable population...
August 26, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Chandler Beon, Lanjing Wang, Vihaan Manchanda, Pratheek Mallya, Haoyun Hong, Holly Picotte, Kathie Thomas, Jennifer L Hall, Juan Zhao, Xue Feng
BACKGROUND: The American Heart Association's Get With The Guidelines (GWTG) has emerged as a vital resource in advancing the standards and practices of inpatient care across stroke, heart failure, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, and resuscitation focus areas. The GWTG registry data have also created new opportunities for secondary use of real-world clinical data in biomedical research. Our goal was to implement a scalable database with an integrated user interface (UI) to improve GWTG data management and accessibility...
August 22, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Eduardo Bossone, Kim A Eagle, Christoph A Nienaber, Santi Trimarchi, Himanshu J Patel, Thomas G Gleason, Chih-Wen Pai, Daniel G Montgomery, Reed E Pyeritz, Arturo Evangelista, Alan C Braverman, Derek R Brinster, Dan Gilon, Marco Di Eusanio, Marek P Ehrlich, Kevin M Harris, Truls Myrmel, Eric M Isselbacher
BACKGROUND: Over the past 25 years, diagnosis and therapy for acute aortic dissection (AAD) have evolved. We aimed to study the effects of these iterative changes in care. METHODS: Patients with nontraumatic AAD enrolled in the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (61 centers; 15 countries) were divided into time-based tertiles (groups) from 1996 to 2022. The impact of changes in diagnostics, therapeutic care, and in-hospital and 3-year mortality was assessed...
August 15, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Michelle M Kittleson, Khadijah Breathett, Boback Ziaeian, David Aguilar, Vanessa Blumer, Biykem Bozkurt, Rebecca L Diekemper, Michael P Dorsch, Paul A Heidenreich, Corrine Y Jurgens, Prateeti Khazanie, George Augustine Koromia, Harriette G C Van Spall
This document describes performance measures for heart failure that are appropriate for public reporting or pay-for-performance programs and is meant to serve as a focused update of the "2020 ACC/AHA Clinical Performance and Quality Measures for Adults With Heart Failure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures." The new performance measures are taken from the "2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines" and are selected from the strongest recommendations (Class 1 or Class 3)...
August 8, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Donglan Zhang, Jun Soo Lee, Adebola Popoola, Sarah Lee, Sandra L Jackson, Lisa M Pollack, Xiaobei Dong, Nicole L Therrien, Feijun Luo
BACKGROUND: Telehealth has emerged as an effective tool for managing common chronic conditions such as hypertension, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of state telehealth payment and coverage parity laws on hypertension medication adherence remains uncertain. METHODS: Data from the 2016 to 2021 Merative MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database were used to construct the study cohort, which included nonpregnant individuals aged 25 to 64 years with hypertension...
July 29, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Yasser M Sammour, John A Spertus
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 29, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Rayan S El-Zein, Moghniuddin Mohammed, Daniel D Nguyen, C Larry Hill, Laine Thomas, Michael Nassif, Adam D DeVore, Nancy M Albert, Javed Butler, J Herbert Patterson, Fredonia B Williams, Adrian Hernandez, Gregg C Fonarow, John A Spertus
BACKGROUND: The foundation for managing heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is adherence to guideline-directed medical therapy. Finding an association between medication adherence and patients' health status (their symptoms, function, and quality of life) can be used to underscore its importance to patients. METHODS: The association of self-reported medication adherence in US outpatients with HFrEF enrolled in the Change the Management of Patients with Heart Failure registry from 2015 to 2017 was compared with their health status at baseline and 12 months later...
July 24, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Ross T Tsuyuki, Florian Rader
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 19, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Katherine T Mills, Samantha S O'Connell, Meng Pan, Katherine M Obst, Hua He, Jiang He
BACKGROUND: Globally, only 13.8% of patients with hypertension have their blood pressure (BP) controlled. Trials testing interventions to overcome barriers to BP control have produced mixed results. Type of health care professional delivering the intervention may play an important role in intervention success. The goal of this meta-analysis is to determine which health care professionals are most effective at delivering BP reduction interventions. METHODS: We searched Medline and Embase (until December 2023) for randomized controlled trials of interventions targeting barriers to hypertension control reporting who led intervention delivery...
July 19, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Chantal L Rytz, Badal S B Pattar, Sara J Mizen, Parker Lieb, Jeanna Parsons Leigh, Nathalie Saad, Sandra M Dumanski, Lauren B Beach, Zack Marshall, Amelia M Newbert, Lindsay Peace, Sofia B Ahmed
BACKGROUND: Transgender and nonbinary individuals face substantial cardiovascular health uncertainties. The use of gender-affirming hormone therapy can be used to achieve one's gender-affirming goals. As self-rated health is an important predictor of health outcomes, an understanding of how this association is perceived by transgender and nonbinary individuals using gender-affirming hormone therapy is required. The objective of this research was to explore transgender and nonbinary individuals' perceptions of cardiovascular health in the context of using gender-affirming hormone therapy...
July 18, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Kent P Simmonds, James Burke, Alan Kozlowski, Michael Andary, Zhehui Luo, Mathew J Reeves
BACKGROUND: There is substantial hospital-level variation in the use of Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs) versus Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) among patients with stroke, which is poorly understood. Our objective was to quantify the net effect of the admitting hospital on the probability of receiving IRF or SNF care for individual patients with stroke. METHODS: Using Medicare claims data (2011-2013), a cohort of patients with acute stroke discharged to an IRF or SNF was identified...
July 18, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Carl G Streed, Asa E Radix
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 18, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Robin L A Smits, Fleur Heuvelman, Karen Nieuwenhuijsen, Patrick Schober, Hanno L Tan, Irene G M van Valkengoed
BACKGROUND: Long-term effects of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) may affect the ability to work and mental health. Our aim was to analyze 5-year changes in socioeconomic and mental health outcomes after OHCA in women and men. METHODS: We included 259 women and 996 men from North Holland, the Netherlands, who survived 30 days after OHCA occurred between 2009 and 2015. We assessed changes in employment, income, primary earner status, and anxiety/depression (using medication proxies) from the year before the OHCA to 5 years after with generalized linear mixed models, stratified by sex...
July 8, 2024: Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
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