Jacqueline W Lucas, Xun Wang
Objectives-This report examines changes in telemedicine use among U.S. adults between 2021 and 2022 by selected sociodemographic and geographic characteristics. Methods-Data from the 2021 and 2022 National Health Interview Survey were used to assess changes between these 2 years in the percentage of adults who used telemedicine in the previous 12 months, by sex, age, race and Hispanic origin, family income, education, region of residence, urbanization level, and health insurance coverage. Results-Overall, the percentage of adults who used telemedicine in the past 12 months decreased from 37...
June 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Ellen A Kramarow
Objectives-This report presents estimates of diagnosed dementia in the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population age 65 and older by selected sociodemographic characteristics. Methods-Data from the 2022 National Health Interview Survey were used to estimate the percentage of noninstitutionalized older adults with a dementia diagnosis. Information was self-reported unless a knowledgeable proxy responded to questions when the respondent was physically or mentally unable to answer. Prevalence of diagnosed dementia among older adults is presented by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, veteran status, education, family income as a percentage of the federal poverty level, urbanization, and region...
June 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Susan M Schappert, Loredana Santo
Objectives-This report describes emergency department (ED) visits by homeless status and sex. Methods-Nationally representative estimates were calculated from data collected in the 2016-2021 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, an annual national probability sample survey of ED visits in the United States. Visits by people experiencing homelessness were defined using data on patient residence from medical records. Visits by males and females experiencing homelessness are compared with each other and with visits by males and females not experiencing homelessness...
June 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Colleen N Nugent, Anjani Chandra
Objectives-Using National Survey of Family Growth data from 2015-2019, this report presents updated national estimates of infertility in U.S. women and men and estimates of impaired fecundity (physical ability to have children) in U.S. women. Detailed demographic breakdowns are also presented, and overall estimates for 2015-2019 are compared with those for 2011-2015. Methods-Data for this report come primarily from the 2015-2019 National Survey of Family Growth, which consisted of 21,441 interviews with men and women ages 15-49, conducted from September 2015 through September 2019...
April 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Josephine M Alford, Lello Guluma, Doreen M Gidali, Geoffrey Jackson
Objectives-Objective-This report demonstrates the use of linked National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administrative data to examine demographic characteristics and maternal health outcomes among both patients who received and did not receive housing assistance. Methods-Administrative claims data and electronic health records data from the 2016 NHCS were linked to 2015-2017 HUD administrative data using patient identifiers. HUD administrative data for Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing, and Multifamily housing program participation were used to identify patients who received housing assistance before, during, or after their delivery hospitalization...
March 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Amanuel Melekin, Manisha Sengupta
Objectives-Emergency operations plans that are specific to or include response to pandemics, approaches to implement the plans, and related infection control policies and practices vary among residential care communities (RCCs). This report presents nationally representative percentages of RCCs with infection control programs by selected characteristics. Methods-Data are from the RCC component of the 2020 National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study, conducted biennially by the National Center for Health Statistics...
February 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Laryssa Mykyta
Objectives-This report presents national estimates of self-reported feelings of depression among adults by whether they lived alone or with others. Methods-Data from the 2021 National Health Interview Survey were used to describe differences in self-reported feelings of depression and living arrangement by selected sociodemographic characteristics and social and emotional support among adults age 18 and older. The measure of living arrangement was categorized as living alone or living with others. Results-Overall, 16...
February 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Priyanka Singh, Jessica P Lendon, Manisha Sengupta
Objectives-Alzheimer disease or other dementias are among the most common chronic conditions of adult day services center (ADSC) participants. This report compares prevalence of these conditions (referred to collectively as dementia) among participants in ADSCs that provide specialized care for dementia with other ADSCs, by census region, metropolitan statistical area status, chain affiliation, and ownership type. Methods-This report uses data from the ADSC component of the 2020 National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study...
January 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Loredana Santo, Susan M Schappert, Jill J Ashman
Purpose-This report describes trends in emergency department visits among people younger than age 65 from 2010 through 2021, by health insurance status and selected demographic and hospital characteristics. Methods-Estimates in this report are based on data collected in the 2010-2021 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Data were weighted to produce annual national estimates. Patient and hospital characteristics are presented by primary expected source of payment. Results-Private insurance and Medicaid were the most common primary expected sources of payment at emergency department visits by people younger than age 65 from 2010 through 2013...
January 2024: National Health Statistics Reports
Joyce C Abma, Gladys M Martinez
Objective-This report presents national estimates of sexual activity and contraceptive use among males and females ages 15-19 in the United States, based on data from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). Methods-NSFG data were collected through in-person interviews with nationally representative samples of males and females ages 15-49 in the household population of the United States. NSFG 2015-2019 interviews were conducted between September 2015 and September 2019 with 21,441 males and females, including 3,812 teenagers (1,894 females and 1,918 males ages 15-19)...
December 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Kimberly Daniels, Joyce C Abma
Objective-This report describes methods of contraception ever used by U.S. women ages 15-49 who had ever had sexual intercourse with a male partner. Estimates are shown overall and by Hispanic origin and race, education, religious affiliation and importance, and urban-rural residence. Discontinuation of selected contraceptive methods is also described. Methods-This report focuses on information collected from the 11,695 women ages 15-49 interviewed in the 2015-2019 National Survey of Family Growth, a nationally representative survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics...
December 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Emily P Terlizzi, Robin A Cohen
Objectives-This report presents state, regional, and national estimates of the percentage of people who were uninsured, had private health insurance coverage, and had public health insurance coverage at the time of the interview. Methods-Data from the 2022 National Health Interview Survey were used to estimate health insurance coverage. Estimates were categorized by age group, state Medicaid expansion status, urbanization level, expanded region, and state. Estimates by state Medicaid expansion status, urbanization level, and expanded region were based on data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia...
November 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Robin A Cohen, Emily P Terlizzi
Objectives-This report presents national estimates of different types of health insurance coverage and lack of coverage (uninsured). Estimates are presented by selected sociodemographic characteristics, including age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, family income, education level, employment status, and marital status. Methods-Data from the 2022 National Health Interview Survey were used to estimate health insurance coverage. Estimates were categorized by selected sociodemographic characteristics. Additionally, those who were uninsured were categorized by length of time since they had coverage, private coverage was further classified by source of plan, and public coverage was categorized by type of public plan...
November 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Amanda E Ng, Dzifa Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kristen Cibelli Hibben
Objective-Previous work has established life satisfaction as an important indicator of overall health and well-being. This report describes differences in life dissatisfaction by selected characteristics, grouped by family income. Methods-Data from the 2021 National Health Interview Survey were used to examine the percentage of adults that were dissatisfied with life by selected demographic characteristics (age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and nativity status [born in the United States or U.S. territory]), grouped by family income...
November 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Lindsey I Black, Amanda E Ng, Benjamin Zablotsky
Objective-Associations between stressful life events (SLEs) during childhood and suboptimal healthcare access and use has been documented. Recent changes to the National Health Interview Survey's questionnaire enabled the inclusion of SLEs in the child sample, resulting in an additional national data source where SLEs can be tracked. In this report, the latest SLE estimates are examined for children aged 2-17 years in the United States and their associations with healthcare utilization. Methods-Data from the 2021 National Health Interview Survey were used to examine the percentage of children who experienced one or more SLEs-emotional abuse, unmet basic needs, experiences of racism, household mental illness, household substance abuse, parental incarceration, and exposure to neighborhood violence-and describe the association between SLEs and selected healthcare utilization indicators over the past 12 months (as in no well-child visit, emergency room visits, urgent care visits, unmet medical care needs due to cost, use of prescription medications for mental health, and use of any mental health therapy)...
August 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Matthew F Garnett, Nazik Elgaddal, Merianne Rose Spencer
Objectives-This report describes the percentage of adults aged 18 and over who reported injuries from repetitive strain in the past 3 months by selected sociodemographic characteristics, including age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and family income. The impacts of these injuries-limitation of usual activity for at least 24 hours and whether a medical professional was consulted for the injuries-are also examined. Methods-Data from the 2021 National Health Interview Survey were used to estimate the percentage of adults who had repetitive strain injuries in the past 3 months by sociodemographic characteristics...
July 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Leanna P Moron, Katherine E Irimata, Jennifer D Parker
Objectives-This report compares national and subgroup estimates of any (mild, moderate, or severe) level of major depressive disorder (depression) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms among the U.S. adult population from two data sources, the 2019 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the third round of the Research and Development Survey (RANDS 3). Methods-Data from the 2019 NHIS (n = 31,997) and RANDS 3 (n = 2,646) were used. The eight-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8), scores ranging from 0 to 24, and the seven-item GAD scale (GAD-7), scores ranging from 0 to 21, were used to measure the severity of depression and GAD symptoms, respectively...
July 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Merianne Rose Spencer, Donielle G White, Geoffrey Jackson
Objective-This report provides a descriptive analysis of a sample of adult patients who visited the emergency department (ED) for nonfatal opioid overdose (NOO), using restricted-use 2016 National Hospital Care Survey data linked to the 2016-2017 National Death Index and the 2016-2017 Drug-Involved Mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
May 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Jessica M Keralis, Cindy Zhang, Christine S Cox, Lisa B Mirel
Objective-Linking data is a powerful mechanism to provide policy-relevant information. The National Center for Health Statistics' Data Linkage Program produces linked mortality files (LMFs) for research by linking data from the National Center for Health Statistics' surveys, including the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), to mortality data from the National Death Index. Assessing the accuracy of the linked data is an important step in ensuring its analytic use. This report compares the cumulative survival probabilities estimated with the 2006-2018 NHIS LMFs to those from the annual U...
May 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
Amanda E Ng, Dzifa Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Anjel Vahratian
Objective-This report presents estimates for selected health conditions and health care use among American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) adults by tribal land residential status.
May 2023: National Health Statistics Reports
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