Arian Zaboli, Serena Sibilio, Magdalena Massar, Gloria Brigiari, Gabriele Magnarelli, Marta Parodi, Michael Mian, Norbert Pfeifer, Francesco Brigo, Gianni Turcato
AIM: This study aimed to compare the performance in risk prediction of various outcomes between specially trained triage nurses and the Manchester Triage System (MTS). DESIGN: Prospective observational study. METHODS: The study was conducted from June 1st to December 31st, 2023, at the Emergency Department of Merano Hospital. Triage nurses underwent continuous training through dedicated courses and daily audits. We compared the risk stratification performed by expert nurses with that of MTS on various outcomes such as mortality, hospitalisation, and urgency defined by the physicians...
June 26, 2024: International Emergency Nursing