Kala K Blakely
Postpartum depression is one of the most common perinatal mood disorders. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral medication developed specifically for the treatment of postpartum depression in August 2023. Zuranolone, marketed under the brand name Zurzuvae, is thought to work similarly to other positive allosteric modulators of gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptors such as benzodiazepines. It can be used alone or as an adjunct to other oral antidepressant medication. Its 2-week regimen of once-daily oral administration provides women with postpartum depression the opportunity to maintain their daily routines in an outpatient setting...
May 17, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Beth Mann, Rhonda K Lanning
OBJECTIVE: To improve knowledge and competency in providing gender-affirming patient care among newly licensed registered nurses (RNs) working in sexual and reproductive health (SRH). DESIGN: Pilot, pretest/posttest, descriptive design. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Participating RNs were employed at a large academic health center in the southeastern United States. All RNs were providing SRH nursing and participating in the health center's new nurse residency program...
May 17, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Consuelo Grant, Sheila M Gephart, Nicholas Rattray
OBJECTIVE: To examine mothers' internet usage, in conjunction with social, health care, and virtual peer support navigations, when congenital anomalies were diagnosed in utero. DESIGN: Qualitative descriptive, consisting of semistructured interviews. SETTING: Interview data were collected over Zoom; mothers participated from locations of their choosing. PARTICIPANTS: Mothers of neonates discharged postoperatively from NICUs for uterine-diagnosed congenital anomalies...
May 17, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Hailey Bowser
A nurse helps a laboring woman feel empowered to express her wishes when her birth does not go according to plan.
May 16, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Anna Gale
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of an individualized educational intervention on women's health referral acceptance rates among Hispanic women. DESIGN: Quality improvement (QI) project. SETTING/LOCAL PROBLEM: Barriers to cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women include a lack of access to women's health services and a lack of knowledge related to cervical cancer risk factors. Primary care providers at two medical clinics in eastern Pennsylvania did not routinely discuss cervical cancer risk factors, provide well-woman care, or perform cervical cancer screening during office visits...
May 15, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Heidi Collins Fantasia
Patient-centered care for women acknowledges the unique differences between men and women, considers women's concerns, and allows for a partnership between women and providers.
May 10, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Annmarie Gennattasio
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a prevalent cause of acute lower respiratory tract illness that disproportionately affects older adults, young children, and infants, which can lead to hospitalizations and death. The health impact on the elderly and infants accentuates the need for effective preventive strategies. Arexvy is the first approved vaccine to prevent lower respiratory tract illness caused by RSV in older adults ages 60 and older. It contains recombinant respiratory syncytial virus glycoprotein F stabilized in the prefusion conformation...
May 1, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Maureen Dempsey
A nurse recounts how she and her patient both made similar mistakes as adolescents, but only one of them was dealt life-altering consequences.
April 12, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 29, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
(no author information available yet)
This guide has been prepared by the AWHONN Task Force to revise the AWHONN Education Guide, Basic, High-Risk, and Critical Care Intrapartum Nursing: Clinical Competencies and Education Guide. Education guides are reviewed periodically. This guide is not intended to be exhaustive; other sources of information and guidance are available and should be consulted. This guide is intended to encourage systematic education and ongoing skill development in basic, high-risk, and critical care obstetrics during the intrapartum period, immediate postpartum period, and newborn transition...
March 28, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Angela Feagan Clark
Hyperemesis gravidarum is the most common condition requiring hospital care for women during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and may lead to malnutrition, dehydration, and vitamin deficiencies. Depletion of vitamins such as thiamine may result in the development of Wernicke encephalopathy, a severe neurological disorder that can increase the risk for mortality and morbidity for the mother and fetus. A lack of awareness regarding the relationship of hyperemesis gravidarum and Wernicke encephalopathy may result in delayed treatment and disease management...
March 22, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Sangeeta Kharde, Arenlila Jamir
OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge and perceptions of midwifery students regarding a midwifery-led model of care. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: A nursing college in North Karnataka, India. The midwifery-led care model is a relatively new concept in India. In 2018, guidelines on midwifery services in India were released during the Partners Forum held in New Delhi as the initiation of the model and with the support of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare...
March 22, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Carrie Lingerfelt, Sadie Hutson, Sandra Thomas, Katherine Hope Morgan
OBJECTIVE: To explore the experience of drug withdrawal among pregnant women in jail. DESIGN: A qualitative interpretive descriptive approach. SETTING/PROBLEM: The care of incarcerated pregnant women constitutes a complex and significant public health problem. Many have substance use disorder (SUD) and cycle in and out of jails in their community, resulting in repeated experiences of drug withdrawal. Most jails do not provide medication-assisted therapy for management of withdrawal, a situation that violates standards of care set by leading health organizations...
March 21, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Marcy Hanson, Tracy Hellem, Julie Alexander-Ruff, Sophia R Newcomer
OBJECTIVE: To identify and evaluate barriers to and facilitators of screening for postpartum depression (PPD) during well-child visits in the United States. Additionally, to describe prior work on PPD screening tool evaluation and outcomes from PPD screenings conducted within the well-child setting. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review was conducted following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Five databases (Pub Med, PsycINFO, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library) were searched...
March 19, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Sheri Walker, Abigail Hebb
OBJECTIVE: To reduce surgical site infections (SSIs) after cesarean birth through a bundled approach. DESIGN: Quality improvement project. SETTING/LOCAL PROBLEM: In a community hospital obstetric unit, an increase in SSIs after cesarean birth was observed. PARTICIPANTS: Nursing leaders, obstetricians, certified nurse-midwives, physician assistants, nurses, scrub technicians, a nursing professional development specialist, and an infection prevention practitioner...
March 19, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Catherine Beeson Sullivan, Eleanor Stevenson, Tamer Yalcinkaya, Caitlyn Coates
OBJECTIVE: To improve screening for depression in patients who are initiating fertility treatment at a reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI) center by screening all patients at their initial visit using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). DESIGN: This quality improvement project was conducted using a plan-do-study-act cycle implemented with a postintervention study design. SETTING/LOCAL PROBLEM: A medium-size REI center in a mid-Atlantic U...
March 19, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Aparna Kumar, Kavisha Khanuja, Nancy Greene, Finola D McNelis, Amber Green, Angela Gerolamo
OBJECTIVE: To understand if Mini International Psychiatric Interview (MINI) scores in pregnancy are associated with higher scores on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). DESIGN: Cross-sectional pilot study of participants who completed the EPDS during pregnancy and were then invited to complete the MINI. SETTING/LOCAL PROBLEM: An urban outpatient clinic at an academic medical setting from November 2020 to June 2021. PARTICIPANTS: Convenience sample of 20 pregnant people...
March 11, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Robie Victoria Vickie Hughes, Krysia Warren Hudson, Erin Wright, Sandra M Swoboda, Jihane Frangieh, Rita F D'Aoust
Nursing burnout, a result of prolonged occupational stress, has always been a challenge in health care, but recently the COVID-19 pandemic made this issue into a national priority. In fact, burnout among health care workers is one of the four priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General. Health care leaders and organizations are eager to implement strategies to improve nurses' well-being and, thus, enhance their mental health. Much of the literature has focused on the antecedents and consequences of nursing burnout, but there is limited information on strategies that protect perinatal nurses from burnout...
March 7, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
Ijanae Holman-Allgood, Chloe Cline, Chanelle Durand, Rachel S Purvis, Philmar Mendoza Kabua, Britni L Ayers
OBJECTIVE: To explore health care providers' perspectives on the successes, challenges, and suggestions for future directions regarding the implementation of CenteringPregnancy for Marshallese women in Arkansas. DESIGN: A descriptive qualitative design was used as an exploratory method. SETTING/LOCAL PROBLEM: This study took place in northwest Arkansas. Arkansas is home to the largest Marshallese Pacific Islander population in the United States...
March 6, 2024: Nursing for Women's Health
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