Journals Journal of Studies on Alcohol ...

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Alison Looby, Katherine A Berry, Mark A Prince, Luke Herchenroeder, Adrian J Bravo, Bradley T Conner, Laura J Holt, Ty S Schepis, Ellen W Yeung
OBJECTIVE: Food and alcohol disturbance (FAD) is the use of any compensatory behavior (e.g., skipping meals) within the context of a drinking episode. FAD has two underlying motives: to enhance the effects of alcohol (FAD-AE) and/or compensate for calories consumed from alcohol (FAD-CC). Prior work finds that FAD is positively associated with alcohol-related outcomes; however, it is unclear whether FAD confers increased risk above alcohol use alone, and whether there are differences in alcohol outcomes by FAD motive...
September 14, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Bethany A Gray, Olivia L Bolts, Deborah Fidler, Mark Prince
OBJECTIVE: Patterns of psilocybin use in non-clinical settings are not well described in the literature. Psilocybin use can involve infrequent, large (i.e., macro) doses that produce hallucinogenic effects. In addition, some people report psilocybin use at particularly small (i.e., micro), sub-perceptual doses. Given the heterogeneity in reported use metrics, we sought to determine whether there are identifiable patterns of psilocybin use based on participants' self-described typical use frequencies and quantities and to describe how demographic characteristics are associated with each pattern of use...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Nanna F Skov, Gitte B Tygesen, Marianne Lisby
OBJECTIVE: Patients with alcohol-related diagnosis in emergency departments (ED) are at high risk of readmission. Evidence shows an association between alcohol related admissions and a wide range of diseases and disorders. Understanding the risk factors for readmission and the asso-ciation with length of stay in the ED may help identify those who would benefit from targeted interventions. Thus, the hypothesis of this study is that patients with alcohol-related diagnoses and a short length of stay in the ED have a higher risk for readmission...
August 22, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Danny Rahal, Kristin J Perry, Stephanie T Lanza
OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to characterize profiles of mental health, incorporating both indicators of psychopathology and well-being, among college students and determine whether institutional belonging differentially relates to past month substance use by mental health profile. METHOD: Students ( N = 4018; 59.5% female, 74.7% white) completed a survey regarding mental health (i.e., anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, stress, flourishing, academic confidence), institutional belonging, and whether they had engaged in any binge drinking of alcohol and use of cannabis and nicotine products, including nicotine vaping, over the past month...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
April C May, Lauren H Stephens, Eric P Kraybill, Dieter J Meyerhoff, Timothy C Durazzo
OBJECTIVE: To assess the viability of regional brain metabolite levels of individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) at treatment entry as a biomarker of post-treatment levels of alcohol use, categorized according to the World Health Organization risk drinking levels (WHO-RDL). METHOD: Eighty-five individuals initiating treatment for AUD (16 ± 13 days after last alcohol consumption), and 45 light/non-drinking controls (LN) completed a 1.5T proton multislice magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging study...
August 10, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Anne M Fairlie, Brian H Calhoun, Charles Fleming, Miranda L M Delawalla, Griselda Martinez, Max A Halvorson, Isaac C Rhew, Jason R Kilmer, Katarina Guttmannova
OBJECTIVE: It is unknown whether age-related decreases in substance use (maturing out) are observed in the legalized cannabis context. This study evaluated age-related changes in past-month alcohol use frequency, cannabis use frequency, and any simultaneous alcohol and marijuana/cannabis (SAM) use among young adults who engaged in the respective substance use behavior. METHOD: Young adults, residing in Washington State at enrollment (N=6,509; 68.3% female; ages 18-25), provided 3-5 years of annual data in a longitudinal, cohort-sequential design from 2015 to 2019, a period after nonmedical cannabis was legalized and implemented...
August 10, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Vi T Le, Jennifer A Bailey, Jessica A Heerde, Gabriel J Merrin, Ebru A Batmaz, Adrian B Kelly, John W Toumbourou
OBJECTIVE: To examine how alcohol availability, overserving, and enforcement in recreational and social settings are related to alcohol misuse and alcohol-impaired driving among young adults in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States. METHOD: Longitudinal data came from 1,430 participants in Victoria (n = 757; 52% female) and Washington (n = 673; 53% female), surveyed in 2014 (age 25) and 2018 (age 29) from the International Youth Development Study, a population-based, cross-national study to examine factors influencing substance use...
August 10, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Pamela J Trangenstein, Nancy F Berglas, Meenakshi S Subbaraman, William C Kerr, Sarah Cm Roberts
OBJECTIVE: Pregnancy-specific alcohol policies are widely adopted yet have limited effectiveness and established risks. It is unknown whether general population alcohol policies are effective during pregnancy. This study investigated associations between general population policies and alcohol treatment admission rates for pregnant people specifically. METHOD: Data are from the Treatment Episodes Data Set: Admissions and state-level policy data for 1992-2019 (n=1,331 state-years)...
August 6, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Robert Saltz, Mallie J Paschall
OBJECTIVE: This follow up study examines whether a multi-component, high-visibility alcohol enforcement intervention implemented in 12 California cities had long-term effects on alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes beyond the time period of the original study. Previous results indicated a significant reduction in single vehicle nighttime (SVN) crashes among 15 to 30-year-olds in intervention cities relative to controls (Saltz et al., 2021). METHOD: A randomized trial was conducted with 24 randomly chosen California cities from 2012 to 2017 to evaluate a multi-component intervention to reduce excessive drinking and driving while impaired among adolescents and young adults...
August 6, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Dominic Parrott, Ruschelle M Leone, Amy Hequembourg, Ryan C Shorey, Christopher Eckhardt, Gregory L Stuart
OBJECTIVE: Sexual and gender diverse (SGD) individuals are at heightened risk for intimate partner aggression (IPA) perpetration relative to their heterosexual and cisgender peers. Alcohol is a well-established cause of IPA perpetration in cisgender, heterosexual couples; however, minimal research has investigated the alcohol-IPA perpetration link in SGD couples. The relative lack of work in this area is a major barrier to addressing this health disparity. SGD individuals experience unique stressors related to their and/or their partner's intersecting minoritized identities that are critical to understanding alcohol-IPA etiology and informing culturally affirming intervention programming...
August 6, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Selime R Salim, Prachi H Bhuptani, Emily Tilstra-Ferell, Christine Hahn, Terri L Mesman
OBJECTIVE: Bisexual women experience disparities in alcohol use outcomes compared to both lesbian and heterosexual women. Bisexual women also experience higher rates of sexual violence (SV) and alcohol use following SV. We examined whether coping drinking motives mediate the link between adult SV severity and alcohol use and whether dimensions of binegativity (i.e., hostility, instability, irresponsibility) moderate the effects of SV. METHOD: The sample consisted of 355 young (ages 18-35) cisgender bisexual women drinkers ( M age=25...
August 6, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Dominique Morisano, Thomas F Babor, Brian Rush, Doris Payer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Sara Rodríguez-Espinosa, Ainhoa Coloma-Carmona, Ana Pérez-Carbonell, José Francisco Román-Quiles, José Luis Carballo
OBJECTIVE: Withdrawal syndrome stands out as the strongest risk factor for Prescription Opioid-Use Disorder (POUD) and is related to psychological and pain impairment in chronic pain population. This study aimed to identify profiles of chronic pain patients with opioid withdrawal based on psychological factors, and to explore the association between the classes and demographic, clinical, and substance use variables. METHOD: This cross-sectional descriptive study involved 391 patients, 221 of them with interdose withdrawal (mean age=57...
July 23, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
M Kathryn Dahlgren, Deniz Kosereisoglu, Kelly A Sagar, Rosemary T Smith, Celine El-Abboud, Ashley M Lambros, Staci A Gruber
OBJECTIVE: Previous research has demonstrated different cannabis-related outcomes depending on the goal of cannabis use (i.e., recreational, medical, hybrid of both), underscoring the need to identify variables associated with specific goals of use, particularly in understudied populations. METHOD: This report utilized data from a national survey of menopausal individuals using non-probability sampling. Respondents reporting current regular (≥1x/month) cannabis use (medical n =35, recreational n =61, and hybrid n =102) were included in multivariate logistic regression analyses examining demographic, clinical (e...
July 23, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Eric Janssen, Stanislas Spilka, Antoine Philippon, Olivier Le Nézet, Guillaume Airagnes
OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of alcohol use among French adolescents over time and factors associated with heavy episodic drinking (HED) among drinkers. METHOD: Our analysis relies on six waves of a standardized cross, sectional survey conducted in mainland France between 2005 and 2022. The overall sample size comprises 179905 adolescents aged 17 (90166 males and 89739 females). Two outcomes were considered: declaring past month HED (at least one) and repeated HED (at least three) in the past month between 2005 and 2022...
July 15, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
L M Ranney, S D Kowitt, K L Jarman, R M Lane, A O Goldstein, Ross J Cornacchione, A Y Kong, M Cox
OBJECTIVE: People who use both alcohol and combustible tobacco have an increased risk of developing cancer. Few interventions have been developed to inform people about the risks of co-use. This study developed and tested messages about the risks of alcohol and combustible tobacco co-use among adults. METHOD: In June-July 2021, we surveyed 1,300 U.S. adults who used both alcohol and combustible tobacco products within the past 30 days. After reporting their awareness of diseases caused by tobacco and alcohol co-use, participants were randomly assigned to four between-subjects experiments that manipulated specific cancer health effects vs...
July 15, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Lucy E Napper, Shannon R Kenney, Laura C Wolter, Nicole L Johnson, Lindsay M Orchowski, Prachi H Bhuptani, Nancy Barnett
OBJECTIVE: Prevention programs that address the intersecting health problems of risky alcohol use, unsafe sexual behaviors, and sexual violence are needed. This pilot project assessed the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a two-session group-based intervention, Sex Positive Lifestyles: Addressing Alcohol & Sexual Health (SPLASH), targeting these highly interconnected risks for college students across genders. METHOD: A total of 217 participants (51...
July 15, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
David H Gustafson, Todd Molfenter, Thomas Kunes, Lisa Langdon, Michael Koplin, Francis Parker, Kasia Branny, Udi Ghitza, Gavin Bart
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 12, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Cassidy R LoParco, Doug Henry, Zachary Prater, Carlton Bone, Matthew E Rossheim, Carla J Berg
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 12, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Zhaleh Jamali, Ahmad Salimi, Saleh Khezri, Pirasteh Norozi, Behzad Garmabi, Mehdi Khaksari
OBJECTIVE: Ellagic acid (EA) exerts, neuroprotective, mitoprotective, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects. We evaluated protective effect of EA on ethanol-induced fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). METHODS: A total of 35 newborn male rats were used, divided into five groups, including; control (normal saline), ethanol (5.25 g/kg per day), ethanol (5.25 g/kg per day) + EA (10 mg/kg), ethanol (5.25 g/kg per day) + EA (20 mg/kg) and ethanol (5.25 g/kg per day) + EA (40 mg/kg)...
July 3, 2024: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
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