Journals European Journal of Esthetic D...

European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry : Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Francesca Vailati, Urs Christoph Belser
Minimally invasive principles should be the driving force behind rehabilitating young individuals affected by severe dental erosion. The maxillary anterior teeth of a patient, class ACE IV, has been treated following the most conservatory approach, the Sandwich Approach. These teeth, if restored by conventional dentistry (eg, crowns) would have required elective endodontic therapy and crown lengthening. To preserve the pulp vitality, six palatal resin composite veneers and four facial ceramic veneers were delivered instead with minimal, if any, removal of tooth structure...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Arndt Happe, Gerd Körner
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Gerd Körner, Arndt Happe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Aquaviva Fernandes, Dron Lakhani, Manisha Herekar
PURPOSE: To evaluate the variability in shade selection for general practitioners (GPs) and postgraduate (MDS) practitioners and to assess if a shade selection bias exists. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 2070 samples of the chosen shade(s) by 31 GPs and 18 MDS practitioners in the form of work authorization forms and slips were collected from dental laboratories. The mouth was divided into four quadrants: maxillary anteriors and posteriors, and mandibular anteriors and posteriors...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Patrice Margossian, Gilles Laborde, Stephen Koubi, Gullaume Couderc, Paul Mariani
Prosthetic restoration of the anterior teeth is a major esthetic challenge. Esthetic treatment consists of creating pleasantly proportioned teeth and integrating them harmoniously into the patient's gingiva, lips, and face. The communication of clinical data to the laboratory is critical to the success of any esthetic treatment. The purpose here is to present a straightforward, efficient, and reproducible means of communicating esthetic specifications to ceramists, allowing them to work as though the patient was actually in front of them, with access to all of the major facial esthetic criteria...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Didier Dietschi, Alessandro Devigus
Veneering anterior teeth is a well-established technique, which was brought to Dentistry by Dr Pincus as early as 1937. From the mid-1970s, boosted by the development of composites and adhesive techniques, various concepts emerged including direct composite restorations, prefabricated composite veneers and of course, individualized porcelain indirect veneers. The prefabricated composite veneer option was however soon abandoned due to former technological limitations. Recently, the creation of a new shade guide comprising enamel shells revitalized this "old idea," and in combination with a high pressure and temperature molding process followed by a laser surface vitrification, a novel, improved composite prefabricated system (Venear, Edelweiss Dentistry) was born...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Nuno Sousa Dias, Foteini Tsingene
UNLABELLED: Today, physical appearance plays a major role in self-esteem and, as a result, also in the overall satisfaction of the person. Facial esthetics plays a crucial role, with the smile being the protagonist. A multidisciplinary approach, including several specialties of dentistry, is usually needed in order to create a pleasing end result. With the Smile's Aesthetic Evaluation Form (SAEF), the authors propose a new evaluation of the esthetics of the smile. It uses both static (photographs) and dynamic (videos) analysis, followed by several objective and subjective items, thus improving the communication between the different dental specialists and laboratory technicians...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Didier Dietschi, Ana Argente
This article proposes a comprehensive and conservative approach to the treatment of tooth wear, based on the application of minimally invasive composite restorations to treat both anterior and posterior decay. Three treatment options were considered, in relation to the severity of tissue loss and size of existing posterior restorations. Posterior tooth status actually will guide the clinician toward the most appropriate restorative option. In the presence of limited tissue loss and small fillings, only direct restorations are considered...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Gabriel Krastl, Andreas Filippi, Nicola U Zitzmann, Clemens Walter, Roland Weiger
Endodontic and restorative considerations are of primary significance in the treatment of tooth fractures. Since exposed dentinal tubules permit invasion of bacteria into the endodontic system, a protective dressing must be applied as part of the emergency treatment. Provided the dentin wound has been sealed, restorative treatment can also be carried out at a later stage. The fractured tooth fragment can be reattached using adhesive protocols in order to restore function and esthetic appearance. If reattachment is difficult or impossible, eg, in cases of multiple or missing fragments, current composite materials enable excellent esthetic results...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Alessandro Devigus
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Helene J Haddad, Ziad Salameh, Walid Sadig, Moustafa Aboushelib, Holger A Jakstat
PURPOSE: To determine the color space and the coverage error of two manual shade guide systems in four age groups of a selected population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 174 patients were divided into four age groups and the shade of their natural teeth was measured (2067 teeth) with a spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade). Color parameters in terms of L*, a*, b* values, chroma, and hue were recorded for each tooth. Color difference (ΔE*min) between each natural tooth and the closest match using two manual shade guide systems were calculated (3D Master shade guide standard and 3D Master shade guide with intermediate values)...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Takeshi Nozawa, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Yasuhisa Ookame, Koichi Shimada, Koji Tanaka, Koichi Ito
This study examined the distances between the facial and palatal papillae (DFPP) in the maxillary anterior dentition. A total of 360 filled interdental papillae in 72 study models were examined (Group A: 36 young patients, Group B: 36 adult patients). The DFPP was measured directly on alginate impressions. In Group A, the average DFPP was 1.27 ± 0.6, 1.53 ± 0.42, and 1.83 ± 0.56 mm between the central incisors (CI-CI), central and lateral incisors (CI-LI), and lateral incisor and canine (LI-CA), respectively...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Giacomo Fabbri, Roberto Mancini, Valentina Marinelli, Giorgio Ban
UNLABELLED: The most common esthetic challenge associated with endodontics is the discoloration of natural tooth structure. Also in fixed prosthesis, discolorations represent an esthetic limit, particularly in the case of all-ceramic restorations. In fact, the final esthetic result can be compromised by the grey radiated through the coping and soft tissue. PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the masking ability of Procera alumina restorations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical evaluation was investigated by using tests of discolored teeth...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Jean-Christophe Paris, Stéphanie Ortet, Annick Larmy, Jean-Louis Brouillet, André-Jean Faucher
The clinical case presented is the demonstration of a multidisciplinary approach to a complex treatment. A precise methodology is important to ensure that the treatment objectives are clear to all the teams. The aim of the treatment is to restore dentofacial harmony to a young, 22-year-old, female patient showing severe attrition of the anterior teeth. The direct effect of this is an ageing of the smile. This type of multidisciplinary treatment, which seems complicated at first, is greatly simplified once time has been spent on the diagnosis and treatment plan: it thereby becomes a succession of clinical stages...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Andrea Ricci, Federico Ferraris
The objective of dental treatment is the elimination of the etiologic factors, the rehabilitation of function and esthetics, and, when possible, the maintenance of vitality and structure of the natural dentition. After the loss of the periodontal support, as a consequence of periodontal disease, it may be necessary to splint the residual teeth in order to improve their stability, and sometimes it is also necessary to modify the morphology to optimize the final esthetic outcome. In many periodontally treated teeth, prosthodontic treatment on the residual dentition will be required with an important loss of tooth structure as an unavoidable consequence...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Didier Dietschi, Ana Argente
Tooth wear represents a frequent pathology with multifactorial origins. Behavioral changes, unbalanced diet, various medical conditions and medications inducing acid regurgitation or influencing saliva composition and flow rate, trigger tooth erosion. Awake and sleep bruxism, which are widespread nowadays with functional disorders, induce attrition. It has become increasingly important to diagnose early signs of tooth wear so that proper preventive, and if needed, restorative measures are taken. Such disorders have biological, functional, and also esthetic consequences...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Panaghiotis Bazos, Pascal Magne
A thorough understanding of the histoanatomic structures and dynamic light interaction of the natural dentition provides dental practitioners with the ultimate strategic advantage with regard to optical integration of the final restoration. The first part of this article will attempt to provide insight on the threedimensional coronal configuration of natural teeth and on the utilization of this knowledge in the clinical and technical restorative approach. The main goals for this article are to identify and reveal previously unreported histo-anatomic interrelationships and to explain existing ones: the sigmoid curve distribution (convex enamel/concave dentin), the distinction between dentinoenamel "junction" (DEJ, visual interface) and dentinoenamel "complex" (DEC, functional interphase), and the structural significance of DEC preservation...
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Alessandro Devigus
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2011: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Akhil Rajput, Ida Ataide, Rajan Lambor, Jeanne Monteiro, Malika Tar, Neeraj Wadhawan
Reattachment of the fractured fragment of a traumatized tooth (whenever available and usable) has become the treatment of choice in cases of uncomplicated crown fractures. Despite the presence of various bonding materials and techniques, laboratory data evaluating the biomechanical aspects of such procedures is largely lacking in the literature. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the fracture strength recovery of incisors, following fragment restoration with three different techniques. A total of 90 extracted human maxillary central incisors were subjected to crown fractured under standard conditions...
2010: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Deniz C Can-Karabulut, Baris Karabulut
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate enamel bond strength of a composite resin material after hydrogen peroxide bleaching, activated by a diode laser (LaserSmile), an ozone device (HealOzone), a light-emitting diode (BT Cool whitening system), and a quartz-Plus. Fifty extracted caries-free permanent incisors were used in this study. Thirty-eight percent hydrogen peroxidegel was applied to sound, flattened labial enamel surfaces and activated by different sources. Enamel surfaces that had received no treatment were used as control samples...
2010: European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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