Aneesa Moolla, Michael Galvin, Constance Mongwenyana, Jacqui Miot, William Magolego, Patricia Leshabana, Nkosinathi Ngcobo, Nalini Naidoo, Lezanie Coetzee
BACKGROUND: The HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has a disproportionate gender impact, with women bearing the brunt of the epidemic. South Africa carries the largest share of the global HIV burden, with similar trends seen for women due to unequal socio-cultural and economic status. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to understand 30-49 year-old women's barriers and facilitators to accessing HIV services in order to maximize health in resource limited settings and reach women missing from HIV care...
2024: Women's Health
Motoharu Ohno, Iwaho Kikuchi, Noriko Kagawa, Ikumi Shinozaki, Yuka Shirosaki, Takuhiko Ichiyama, Shintaro Makino, Koyo Yoshida
BACKGROUND: With the trend toward late marriages and late childbearing, cryopreservation of oocytes for fertility preservation is attracting attention as a method to counteract the declining birthrate. OBJECTIVES: To examine the impact of social oocyte cryopreservation on local communities by assessing the significance of government assistance for cryofreezing and capturing the participants' subsequent feelings regarding this assistance. DESIGN: Descriptive study...
2024: Women's Health
Uzoamaka Nwakaego Akobundu, Mmunachiso Stephanie Onuzulu, Sochima Johnmark Obiekwe, Christopher Olusanjo Akosile, Jovita Ada Daniel, Mmaduabuchukwu Joseph Nwankwo, Ogochukwu Mary-Theodora Ochiabuto
BACKGROUND: Urinary incontinence (UI) is a highly prevalent condition in women with a profound influence on their well-being and quality of life. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is a widely accepted conservative management of incontinence. Adequate knowledge of PFMT can enhance the ability of individuals to perform them effectively unsupervised. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of UI and knowledge of PFMT among older women in a selected suburban community in Nigeria...
2024: Women's Health
Roza Girma, Abera Cheru, Dechasa Adare Mengistu, Kefelegn Bayu, Gebisa Dirirsa, Sina Temesgen, Negga Baraki, Aklilu Tamire, Jerman Dereje
BACKGROUND: Inadequate water supply, poor sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools, insufficient puberty education and a lack of hygienic menstrual hygiene management (MHM) items (absorbents) cause girls in developing countries like Ethiopia to view menstruation as shameful and uncomfortable. However, there was little evidence of female MHM practice and associated factors among secondary school girls in eastern Ethiopia. OBJECTIVE: To assess MHM practice and associated factors among secondary school girls in eastern Ethiopia...
2024: Women's Health
Nikki Kasal, Samantha Devlin, Amy K Johnson, Alicia Dawdani, Ososese E Enaholo, Geoffroy Liegeon, Maria Pyra, Lisa R Hirschhorn, Sadia Haider, Kelly Ducheny, Jodi Simon, Jessica P Ridgway
BACKGROUND: Awareness and uptake of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) remains low among Black/African American cisgender women, partly due to low self-reported PrEP knowledge and comfort among primary care providers. Ensuring providers are trained on PrEP is crucial, as increased PrEP knowledge is associated with higher rates of PrEP prescription. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to develop a PrEP training for providers to improve their self-efficacy in discussing and prescribing PrEP for Black women, with the ultimate goal of increasing PrEP awareness and utilization among Black women...
2024: Women's Health
Shilpa M Darivemula, Kelley Ec Massengale, Catalina Montiel, Alison M Stuebe, Kristin P Tully
BACKGROUND: Despite the universal nature of postpartum vaginal bleeding after childbirth and the importance of managing vaginal bleeding in the postpartum period to monitor health status, little is known about the information or products that birthing individuals are provided. Investigating current practices may offer insights to enacting more supportive and equitable postpartum care. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the patterns and content of vaginal bleeding counseling provided to birthing parents while on a postnatal inpatient unit...
2024: Women's Health
Teketel Ermias Geltore, Tesfahun Simon Hadaro, Woldetsadik Oshine, Merkin Bekele, Lakew Lafebo Foto
BACKGROUND: Labor pain is the nastiest conceivable pain women are involved in during labor and delivery. In this way, the end of labor pain is frequently outlined by myths and equivocalness. Hence, giving a compelling absence of pain in labor remained a challenge specifically in developing countries including Ethiopia. OBJECTIVES: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to explore the pooled prevalence of labor analgesia and associated factors to pregnant women in Ethiopia...
2024: Women's Health
Sharon Lawn, Elaine Waddell, Louise Roberts, Liz McNeill, Pilar Rioseco, Ben Wadham, Tiffany Sharp, Tiffany Beks, Jon Lane, Miranda Van Hooff, Leila Mohammadi
BACKGROUND: The military is a male-dominated environment and culture in which women veterans can experience significant institutional prejudice. Transition can be confusing and isolating for women veterans. Group programs are an important source of transition support. However, we know little about the specific group program needs of women veterans. OBJECTIVES: To examine mental health and well-being support group programs delivered to women veterans, to understand what they value and find most helpful...
2024: Women's Health
Camilla Wahida Norazman, Lai Kuan Lee
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a mental health disorder that affects 10%-15% women globally. Longitudinal and meta-analyses have consistently demonstrated the negative impacts of PPD on both the affected mothers and subsequent infant development. Given the consideration that antidepressant side effects in breastfeeding infants and the cost-effectiveness considerations of psychotherapies, attention has been paid towards the promising role of social support interventions in order to prevent and reduce the PPD symptoms...
2024: Women's Health
Ana Luiza Vilela Borges, Christiane Borges do Nascimento Chofakian, Cristiane da Silva Cabral, Astha Ramaiya
BACKGROUND: Although menstruation is a monthly biological phenomenon, it is shrouded in stigma and shame which directly impacts health, education, gender equality, decent work, and economic growth. However, there is scarce evidence on how personal agency, an individual's ability to access resources, may act as a protective factor to adequate menstrual health and hygiene practices. Therefore, we assess the association between attitudes toward menstruation and personal agency among very young adolescent girls...
2024: Women's Health
Christy L Erving, Cleothia Frazier, K J Davidson-Turner
BACKGROUND: Older Black women experience structural and intersectional disadvantages at the intersection of age, race, and gender. Their disadvantaged social statuses can translate into serious psychological health consequences. One concept that may aid in understanding psychosocial determinants of older Black women's depression risk is the "Strong Black Woman," which suggests that Black women have supernatural strength amidst experiencing adversity and are expected to "be strong" for others by providing self-sacrificial aid without complaint...
2024: Women's Health
Lorraine Kit Ying Ho, Sahima Jafari, Tamara Crittenden, Phillipa van Essen, Andrea Smallman, Nicola R Dean
BACKGROUND: Developmental breast asymmetry (DBA) is a largely underreported condition where the natural growth of one breast is smaller than the other. While some degree of asymmetry or difference in size and shape is present in most women, DBA can result in more profound differences that can impact a woman's psychosocial well-being. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to better understand the experiences of women living with DBA, their experiences seeking treatment, and their reconstructive surgical journey and outcomes...
2024: Women's Health
Simon Gabriël Beerten, Kristien Coteur
Dysorgasmia in women is an infrequent reason for consulting a clinician. In this article, the authors describe the case of a woman with right-sided pelvic pain immediately after orgasm. Dysorgasmia is likely to negatively impact sexual health but is rarely discussed in medical literature. Furthermore, assessment and treatment guidelines for clinicians are currently lacking. Therefore, the authors conducted a literature review and created a preliminary assessment guide, considering both medical and gray literature...
2024: Women's Health
Zemenu Yohannes Kassa, Vanessa Scarf, Sabera Turkmani, Deborah Fox
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic, drought and internal conflict have worsened Ethiopia's already weak healthcare system. Antenatal and intrapartum care are especially prone to interruption under these circumstances. OBJECTIVE: To explore women's experiences receiving antenatal and intrapartum care during the pandemic. DESIGN: A descriptive qualitative approach was utilised. METHODS: We conducted in-depth interviews with 17 women and held 4 focus group discussions with women who gave birth at 4 public hospitals during the pandemic...
2024: Women's Health
Jessy Rizk, Eleni Andreou, Dona Hileti, Ali Ghaddar, Antonis Zampelas
BACKGROUND: Women's knowledge of the nutritional guidelines during pregnancy can affect the health and nutritional status of both mother and child. Having good nutritional information related to maternal dietary intake and healthy lifestyles is therefore of great importance. However, there is limited published research that demonstrates pregnant women's knowledge of the nutritional guidelines during pregnancy in Lebanon. OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge on food sources and energy recommendations as well as food safety practices and diet-health relationship among women during pregnancy in Lebanon...
2024: Women's Health
Cecilia Bergström, Matilda Ngarina, Muzdalifat Abeid, Hussein Kidanto, Kristina Edvardsson, Sophia Holmlund, Rhonda Small, Jean Paul Semasaka Sengoma, Joseph Ntaganira, Pham Thi Lan, Ingrid Mogren
BACKGROUND: Obstetric ultrasound is considered important for determining gestational age, identifying single or multiple pregnancies, locating the placenta and fetal anomalies and monitoring fetal growth and pregnancy-related complications in order to improve patient management. OBJECTIVES: To explore health professionals' perspectives on different aspects of obstetric ultrasound in Tanzania regarding self-reported skills in performing ultrasound examinations and what could improve access to and utilization of obstetric ultrasound in the clinical setting...
2024: Women's Health
Lea Sacca, Yasmine Zerrouki, Sara Burgoa, Goodness Okwaraji, Ashlee Li, Shaima Arshad, Maria Gerges, Stacey Tevelev, Sophie Kelly, Michelle Knecht, Panagiota Kitsantas, Robert Hunter, Laurie Scott, Alexis Piccoli Reynolds, Gabriela Colon, Michele Retrouvey
There is a lack of standardized measurement tools globally to assess knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of expecting women toward prenatal screening. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify reasons women pursue or decline prenatal screening and compare the strengths and limitations of available measurement tools used to assess pregnant women's perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes toward prenatal screening. This review followed the five-step York methodology by Arksey and O'Malley and incorporated recommendations from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis checklist for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results...
2024: Women's Health
Megan Pound, Heather Massey, Sasha Roseneil, Ruth Williamson, Mark Harper, Mike Tipton, Jill Shawe, Malika Felton, Joyce Harper
BACKGROUND: Cold water swimming is growing in popularity, especially among women. We have previously reported that women felt that cold water swimming helps with their menstrual and menopause symptoms. But little is known about the habits of women who cold water swim. OBJECTIVES: To determine the habits of women who cold water swim. DESIGN: This was a mixed-methods study. METHODS: An online survey asked women who cold water swim about their experience of swimming and how this affected their menstrual and menopause symptoms...
2024: Women's Health
Sophie C Matheson, Hannah Durand
BACKGROUND: Dysmenorrhoea, or period pain, is a prevalent gynaecological condition that can result in functional interference during menstruation. Despite the significant disruption dysmenorrhoea can have on functioning and well-being, medical help-seeking rates are low. Little is known about what factors may predict help-seeking for dysmenorrhoea. OBJECTIVES: The current study aimed to test the predictive validity of the Behavioural Model of Health Services Use (BMHSU) for help-seeking behaviour in dysmenorrhoea, whereby help-seeking behaviour was operationalised as having attended to a healthcare professional for dysmenorrhoea-related care...
2024: Women's Health
Ryota Ishiwata, Abdelrahman AlAshqar, Mariko Miyashita-Ishiwata, Mostafa A Borahay
BACKGROUND: Women with gynecologic disorders requiring a hysterectomy often have co-existing psychiatric diagnoses. A change in the dispensing pattern of antidepressant (AD) and antianxiety (AA) medications around the time of hysterectomy may be due to improvement in gynecologic symptoms, such as pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding, or the emotional impact of the hysterectomy. Unfortunately, these dispensing patterns before and after hysterectomy are currently undescribed. OBJECTIVES: To model the dispensing patterns of AD and AA medications over time among women with psychiatric disorders before and after benign hysterectomy for endometriosis and uterine fibroids; and to characterize clusters of patients with various dispensing behaviors based on these patterns...
2024: Women's Health
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