Journals South Dakota Medicine : the Jo...

South Dakota Medicine : the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Casey Risinger, Luke Merrill, David Jensen, Susan M Anderson
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July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Cole D Tessendorf, Nathan W Skelley
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July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Andrew L Guymon, Donald P Keating, Andrew Reuter, David Fromm, Brendan Feehan
Gas embolization is a rare but potentially deadly complication of any laparoscopic surgery. There has only been one other report of gas emboli in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. We present a case of gas embolization in a young female patient undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Onset of gas embolus was identified by a dramatic drop in End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) followed by drops in blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation over the following 15 minutes before the patient was stabilized and transferred to the ICU...
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Cole D Tessendorf, Jared F Hueser, Brendan Wechsler, Nessim N Amin
We report a Native American male in his 50s with a complex medical history including alcohol use disorder and seizure disorder who presented with complaints of generalized weakness and multiple falls. The patient was admitted for altered mental status, community acquired pneumonia, sepsis, and bacteremia. On hospital day 23, the patient reported a sudden onset of sensation of food stuck in his upper chest. Brain MRI confirmed osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) within the central pons. Further workup revealed this finding was likely due to malnutrition, alcoholism, hypoalbuminemia, and vitamin B6 deficiency...
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Sena Uzunlar, Alexander Haitham Turaihi, Amity Peterson, Andrew Skattum, Thavam Thambi-Pillai
Abdominal wall endometriosis is a rarely reported condition with increasing incidence linked to pelvic surgery, and is also referred to as incisional endometriosis. Here we report two cases of women with previous history of Cesarean section who presented with abdominal wall masses years after surgery. In both cases, CT imaging was used to visualize the masses and surgical exploration and tissue examination revealed the excised masses to be endometriosis of the abdominal wall. Etiology of this ectopic endometrial tissue may be iatrogenic and caused by implantation of endometrial tissue during operative proceedings...
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Andrii Maryniak, Filip Oleszak, Jiannan Huang, David Maziarz, Tomasz Stys, Adam Stys
Non-ischemic papillary muscle rupture (PMR) is rare. PMR caused by myocarditis in the presence of concurrent infective endocarditis (IE) and myocardial infarction (MI) has not been described. We report a 46-year-old male with recurrent MRSA bacteremia who presented in septic shock and suffered cardiac arrest. Echocardiography revealed acute mitral valve regurgitation resulting from posteromedial PMR. An intra-aortic balloon pump was implanted. Angiography revealed thrombotic occlusion of a small distal left circumflex artery...
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Jacquelyn Em Grev, Mallary Van Tol, Brooke Welker, Bette Schumacher, Lori Mulder, Andrea Dykstra, Laurie Richards
BACKGROUND: Rates of neonatal early onset sepsis (EOS) in term infants have recently decreased. The 2018 AAP guidelines for the management of infants at risk for early onset sepsis allows for using a multivariate risk assessment to determine need for empiric antibiotics in infants 35 weeks or greater, including those exposed to chorioamnionitis. METHODS: A quality improvement (QI) project was undertaken to implement use of EOS calculator in chorioamnionitis exposed infants with an aim to safely decrease antibiotic exposure...
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Henry Travers
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Wendell W Hoffman
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July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Henry Travers
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July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Wendell W Hoffman
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July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Jason J Kemnitz
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
David Jensen, Anthony Drazick, Rochelle Boote, Peter Paul Lim
Raoultella planticola is a Gram-negative, aerobic, nonmotile bacterium that is ubiquitous in the environment usually implicated in opportunistic infections. There have been very few reported cases of Raoultella planticola infection in the pediatric population. Most of these reports have been in cases of neonatal septicemia. This case report describes a case of a 3-day-old Hispanic full-term male that presented with recalcitrant hyperbilirubinemia despite maximal phototherapy found to have urinary tract infection with Raoultella planticola on multiple cultures...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Dawood Shehzad, Mitchell Van Kalsbeek, Mustafa Shehzad, Mamoon Ahmed
Critical care advancements have allowed clinicians to discover the many functional disabilities that survivors suffer. Recent research has focused on improving the long-term outcomes of critical illness survivors and optimizing their functional recovery. Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) describes the disability that remains in those surviving critical illness following discharge from the intensive care unit (ICU). This comprises impairment in cognition, neuropsychiatric health, and physical function of the ICU survivor...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Jennifer Boleyn, Madison McLaury, Stephanie Wieman
BACKGROUND: Pseudocholinesterase (butyrylcholinesterase) deficiency is an acquired or inherited condition in which decreased plasma levels of the pseudocholinesterase enzyme lead to an inability to metabolize the neuromuscular blocking agents succinylcholine and mivacurium, prolonging their paralytic effects. This often results in delayed extubation and additional intensive care requirements in the postoperative period. CASE DESCRIPTION: We describe a case of suspected pseudocholinesterase deficiency in a previously healthy 59-year-old female who underwent a left thyroid lobectomy and isthmusectomy...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Logan Johnke, Sanyogita Chandra, Anthony Breemo
Nocardia paucivorans is a rarely cultured bacteria most commonly found in immunocompromised hosts, and rarely, may result in dissemination across multiple organ systems. Infection and subsequent clinical manifestations are often vague and nonspecific, making timely diagnosis difficult. Due to the infrequency of N. paucivorans infection, no consensus treatment has yet been established. We report a case of an immunocompromised patient with disseminated nocardiosis with infective endocarditis and other extrapulmonary involvement...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Jiannan Huang, Muhammad Hamza Saad Shaukat, Ibrahim Munaf Ahmed, Scott Pham
Takotsubo syndrome (TTS), also known as stress-induced cardiomyopathy, is characterized by acute heart failure, reversible left ventricular dysfunction, and other complications such as life-threatening arrhythmias. The management of TTS is challenging due to its unpredictable clinical course and the lack of evidence-based treatment recommendations. In this case report, we present a 71-year-old female who developed TTS with ventricular tachycardia (VT) cardiac arrest following septic shock and an exploratory laparotomy for appendicitis...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Zachary Edward Lawrence, Sydney Bormann, Li Cao, Hoang Lawrence Nguyen
INTRODUCTION: Facial lacerations are a common reason for emergency department (ED) visits in the U.S. Proper laceration repair is imperative as poor wound management can lead to functional and aesthetic impairment and significantly impact patient quality of life. For the best outcomes and long-term scar reduction, treatment by and follow-up with a plastic surgeon or facial trauma specialist is recommended. The present study examines variations in facial trauma specialist consultation and referral by ED provider type for adult patients at hospitals within a large rural South Dakota health system...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Brandon Vander Zee, Omar Zineldine, Lien Diep-Plagie
Internuclear ophthalmoparesis (INO) is a horizontal eye movement disorder that is associated with a lesion at the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). One-and-a-half syndrome occurs when the lesion involves the MLF and the ipsilateral abducens nuclei or the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) in the dorsomedial tegmentum of the pons. When the lesion is large enough, the fascicles of the facial nerve (CNVII) can also be involved, resulting in an ipsilateral facial nerve palsy. In combination with one-and-a-half syndrome, this condition becomes eightand- a- half syndrome (EHS)...
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
Jerome W Freeman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: South Dakota Medicine: the Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
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