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International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Mina Aghili, Meera Neelathahalli Kasturirangan
AIM: Medication errors jeopardize the safety of critically ill patients. Using only one method for the detection of medication errors may not reflect an existing picture of patient safety accurately. Therefore, we designed a clinical pharmacist-led integrated approach to evaluate incidence rate, type, and severity of medication errors and preventable adverse drug events (ADEs) and to assess the impact of the implementation of interventions recommended by the clinical pharmacist. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted from November 2017 to January 2019 in the medical ICU...
June 8, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Kent Johnson, Andrew Hayen, Marissa N D Lassere, Kerrie Mengersen
AIMS: The study of foundational features of meta-analysis is incomplete and continues to remain important. Using simulations we study bias and coverage and the asymptotic behaviour of the DerSimonian and Laird (D&L) meta-analysis with varying trial numbers and sizes, levels of risk, and extent of treatment effects. METHODS: With simulated data we model risk of untoward events in randomized controlled trials in meta-analyses. Treatment effect is expressed as relative risk reduction, with effect size estimated by the odds ratio which is then compared with the known population odds ratio...
June 8, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Lisa-Anabell Wenzel, Jenni White, Mitchell N Sarkies, Meg E Morris, Leeanne Carey, Cylie Williams, Nicholas Taylor, Jenny Martin, Anne Bardoel, Terry P Haines
AIM: The current study aimed to identify and understand the reasons why allied health professionals think certain areas of healthcare service provision are a high priority for implementation of evidence into practice. METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey using open-ended questions was conducted between April and May 2018 to identify potential areas for practice change and characterize how participants justified identified areas of priority. Eligible participants were invited by email and included allied health professionals from public or private health services, governance agencies and universities across Australia...
June 8, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Geraldine McLoughlin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Hanan Khalil, Kathryn Kynoch, Sonia Hines
BACKGROUND: Medication errors are one of the leading avoidable sources of harm to hospital patients. In hospitals, a range of interventions have been used to reduce the risk of errors at each of the points they may occur, such as prescription, dispensing and/or administration. Systematic reviews have been conducted on many of these interventions; however, it is difficult to compare the clinical utility of any of the separate interventions without the use of a rigorous umbrella review methodology...
June 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Zachary Munn, Linn Brandt, Ton Kuijpers, Craig Whittington, Louise Wiles, Torsten Karge
BACKGROUND: There are now over 140 tools/programs that can assist in developing systematic reviews or clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). It is currently unclear which tools are used by systematic reviewers and CPG developers, which development processes they are used for, and what facilitators or barriers to their use exist. METHODS: To determine which tools are currently being used by systematic reviewers and CPG developers, an online survey was administered during July-August 2017...
June 1, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Leila Karimi, Jodi Oakman
AIM: The current study aimed to assess the suitability of the Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire (WOAQ) for use in the healthcare sector, specifically for community nurses and paramedics. Community nurses and paramedics work in complex environments and are exposed to a range of psychosocial hazards linked with the development of musculoskeletal and mental health disorders. To reduce the incidence of these disorders, assessment and then control of psychosocial hazards is required...
June 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Carswella Phillips
AIM: These are turbulent times for hospitals, patients, and nurses. Nurse turnover is a global issue across all specialties but are exacerbated in medical-surgical areas where high nurse-patient ratios, use of point-of-care technologies, and stressful working conditions require sufficient numbers of highly trained nurses. These workload factors are further exaggerated by the current nursing shortage. The current nursing shortage crisis makes nursing job conditions more important than ever to examine...
June 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Zoe Jordan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 29, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Melinda Cooper, Helen Lowe, Adelle McArdle
AIM: To investigate the content and face validity of a patient-reported outcome measure used by Australian physiotherapists in the assessment of inflammatory conditions of the lactating breast. METHODS: Sixty one experts representing 'women who previously had inflammatory conditions of the lactating breast' (48%), 'clinicians' (38%) and 'academics' (8%) interested in women's health and 7% unidentified participants were invited to complete a three round Delphi study...
May 29, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
William Roberts, Craig Beavers, Samuel Jellison, Matt Vassar
AIM: Incomplete reporting of interventions in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) may hinder the replicability of studies and thus lead to adverse clinical outcomes for patients. Currently, little is known about the completeness of intervention reporting in neurology clinical trials. This study's primary objective was to determine the completeness of intervention reporting in neurology RCTs, as measured by the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist. The secondary objectives of this study were to compare the completeness of intervention reporting before and after TIDieR publication and to evaluate factors associated with intervention reporting...
May 29, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Vere Borra, Augusta Darius, Kim Dockx, Veerle Compernolle, Paul Lambrechts, Philippe Vandekerckhove, Emmy De Buck
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The deferral policy for blood donation after dental care is based on the precautionary principle. The aim of this systematic review is to give an overview of the scientific evidence concerning the risk of transfusion transmissible infections (TTIs) after dental care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four databases were searched: Medline, the Cochrane Library, Embase and Web of Science. Screening was independently performed by two reviewers. The quality of evidence was evaluated using the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation principle...
March 5, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Craig Lockwood, Daphne Stannard, Zoe Jordan, Kylie Porritt
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Kale Goerke, Matthew Parke, Jarryd Horn, Chase Meyer, Kody Dormire, Brad White, Trevor Bright, Corbin Walters, Matt Vassar
AIM: In anesthesiology, the findings from randomized controlled trials often underpin guidelines influencing clinical decision-making and therefore directly affect patient care. The aim of this study is to evaluate the fragility index and fragility quotient of randomized controlled trials published in the eight highest ranked anesthesiology journals. In addition, we assess the extent to which risk of bias scores, loss to follow-up, Web of Science Citation Index, and journal impact factor influence fragility index and fragility quotient...
March 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Gary Denham, Tony Smith, Daphne James, Sharmaine McKiernan, Tiffany-Jane Evans
AIM: Previous studies, some dating back several decades, have recommended that the use of plain abdominal radiography should be curbed, particularly with the growth of more accurate imaging modalities. However, evidence from referral data suggests that plain abdominal radiography continues to be a commonly requested examination. The aim of this review was to explore the gap between evidence and practice by re-examining the evidence using a robust methodology, investigating the diagnostic accuracy of plain abdominal radiography...
February 7, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Kelli Borges Dos Santos, Caroline S Campos, Ana Carolina Amaral de São José Perrone, Camila M de Araújo Silva Vieira, Davi Pereira Coelho, Abrahão Elias Hallack-Neto, Craig Lockwood, Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püschel
AIM: The aim of this evidence implementation project was to improve the documentation of chemotherapy administration by nursing staff in a bone marrow transplant unit, to improve patient care and safety, as well as meet the legal and educational responsibilities of the nursing staff. METHODS: This evidence implementation project used the Joanna Briggs Institute's Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System and Getting Research into Practice audit and feedback framework for the design and development of an evidence-based audit and feedback change project...
January 31, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Dominiek Coates, Danielle Coppleson, Virginia Schmied
BACKGROUND: Comorbid physical and mental health problems are common across the age spectrum. However, services addressing these health concerns are typically siloed and disconnected. Over the past 2 decades efforts have been made to design integrated services to address the physical and mental health needs of the population but little is known about the characteristics of effective integrated care models. The aim of the review was to map the design of integrated care initiatives/models and to describe how the models were evaluated and their evaluation findings...
January 3, 2020: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Rodrigo Feteira-Santos, João Fernandes, Ana Virgolino, Violeta Alarcão, Catarina Sena, Carlota P Vieira, Maria João Gregório, Paulo Nogueira, Andreia Costa, Pedro Graça, Osvaldo Santos
AIMS: Interpretive front-of-package nutrition labelling can contribute to healthier food habits. This systematic review aimed to examine the effectiveness of interpretive front-of-package nutrition labelling schemes on consumers' food choices, namely at the moment of food purchase, and to analyse if this potential front-of-package nutrition labelling's effect varies according to different socioeconomic groups. METHODS: Electronic databases (Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) search was performed to identify peer-reviewed articles describing longitudinal studies evaluating the effect of front-of-package nutrition labelling schemes on consumers' food choices, according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)-Equity 2012 Extension guidelines...
December 31, 2019: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Zhen Zheng, Jennifer Layton, Wanda Stelmach, Julie Crabbe, Jason Ma, Juris Briedis, Jeanette Atme, Debra Bourne, Raphael Hau, Charlie C Xue
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a common surgical complication, affecting 30-50% of patients and 80% in high risk populations. Successful prevention and management of PONV relies on accurately assessing individual risk prior to surgery. A valid and reliable Apfel score is commonly used to assess patients' risk. It is however challenging to translate this evidence into clinical practice. This evidence-based project aimed to identify the current practice of assessing and documenting the risk factors of PONV prior to surgery, and to develop strategies to improve the practice...
December 30, 2019: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
Suhail A R Doi, Luis Furuya-Kanamori
Studies included in meta-analysis can produce results that depart from the true population parameter of interest due to systematic and/or random errors. Synthesis of these results in meta-analysis aims to generate an estimate closer to the true population parameter by minimizing these errors across studies. The inverse variance heterogeneity (IVhet), quality effects and random effects models of meta-analysis all attempt to do this, but there remains controversy around the estimator that best achieves this goal of reducing error...
December 4, 2019: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare
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