Rodrigo Feteira-Santos, João Fernandes, Ana Virgolino, Violeta Alarcão, Catarina Sena, Carlota P Vieira, Maria João Gregório, Paulo Nogueira, Andreia Costa, Pedro Graça, Osvaldo Santos
AIMS: Interpretive front-of-package nutrition labelling can contribute to healthier food habits. This systematic review aimed to examine the effectiveness of interpretive front-of-package nutrition labelling schemes on consumers' food choices, namely at the moment of food purchase, and to analyse if this potential front-of-package nutrition labelling's effect varies according to different socioeconomic groups. METHODS: Electronic databases (Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) search was performed to identify peer-reviewed articles describing longitudinal studies evaluating the effect of front-of-package nutrition labelling schemes on consumers' food choices, according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)-Equity 2012 Extension guidelines...
December 31, 2019: International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare