Journals Journal of Occupational Medici...

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Caroline Quartucci, Razan Wibowo, Viet Do, Stephan Bose-O Reilly, Dennis Nowak, Veronika Weilnhammer, Tobias Weinmann, Stefan Rakete
BACKGROUND: Due to climate change, the increasing frequency of hot summer days and heat waves can result in occupational heat strain, especially in non-air-conditioned workplaces. Healthcare workers (HCW) engaged in patient care are particularly affected, as they are additionally exposed to physical stress. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) can aggravate heat strain in HCW. This study aimed to examine the subjective well-being of HCW when exposed to heat and PPE under controlled conditions...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Stefan Sammito, Beatrice Thielmann, Andre Klussmann, Andreas Deußen, Klaus-Michael Braumann, Irina Böckelmann
This updated guideline replaces the "Guideline for the application of heart rate and heart rate variability in occupational medicine and occupational health science" first published in 2014. Based on the older version of the guideline, the authors have reviewed and evaluated the findings on the use of heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) that have been published in the meantime and incorporated them into a new version of this guideline.This guideline was developed for application in clinical practice and research purposes in the fields of occupational medicine and occupational science to complement evaluation procedures with respect to exposure and risk assessment at the workplace by the use of objective physiological workload indicators...
May 13, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Susanne Unverzagt, Annekatrin Bergmann, Kathleen Denny, Thomas Frese, Selamawit Hirpa, Johannes Weyer
BACKGROUND: Hip osteoarthritis (HOA) is a leading cause of disability increasing with age and is more prevalent in women and in various physically demanding occupations. This systematic review identifies and summarises occupational exposures for women in physically demanding occupations and discusses sex differences and consequences. METHODS: In this systematic review, we searched various electronic databases for reports published between date of database inception and October 2022...
May 6, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Felix Alexander Neumann, Lukas Belz, Dorothee Dengler, Volker Harth, Chiara Reck, Marcus Oldenburg, Birgit-Christiane Zyriax
BACKGROUND: Seafarers' diets are often high in fat, sugar and calories, thus contributing to an increased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. The multitude of obstacles to healthy eating in the on-board environment on merchant ships makes it essential to find new approaches for health promotion. This study explored seafarers' attitudes, the status quo of support measures and chances to improve nutrition on merchant ships from the perspective of crews and cooks...
May 2, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Lorenz Scheit, Jan Schröder, Selina Will, Rüdiger Reer, Manuela Andrea Hoffmann
BACKGROUND: Obesity rates are rising in the armed forces of Western democratic countries, impacting military readiness and health. This highlights the need for preventive health risk assessments and countermeasures. METHODS: Using mandatory health examination data from 2018 to 2022, we analyzed the prevalence of obesity, health risks, and associated specific military risk factors (rank and unit) in 43,214 soldiers of the German Armed Forces. Statistical methods included χ2 contingencies and binary logistic regressions...
April 15, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Béla Eckhardt, Andrea Kaifie
BACKGROUND: Although several studies analyzed the impact of e-waste recycling on human health, most publications did not differ between e-waste workers and bystanders, such as residents. This could lead to an underestimation of health effects in workers. In addition, frequently reported surrogate findings do not properly reflect clinical significant health outcomes. The aim of this review was to analyze the direct health effects of informal e-waste recycling in informal e-waste workers...
April 15, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Romain Freund, Jean-Jacques Sauvain, Guillaume Suarez, Pascal Wild, Thomas Charreau, Amélie Debatisse, Kirushanthi Sakthithasan, Valérie Jouannique, Jacques A Pralong, Irina Guseva Canu
BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affecting 334 million people in the world remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Proper diagnosis of COPD is still a challenge and largely solely based on spirometric criteria. We aimed to investigate the potential of nitrosative/oxidative stress and related metabolic biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) to discriminate COPD patients. METHODS: Three hundred three participants were randomly selected from a 15,000-transit worker cohort within the Respiratory disease Occupational Biomonitoring Collaborative Project (ROBoCoP)...
April 4, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
T H An Dang, Karla Romero Starke, Falk Liebers, Hermann Burr, Andreas Seidler, Janice Hegewald
INTRODUCTION: Sedentary behavior (including prolonged sitting) is a form of physical inactivity that has a negative impact on health, possibly including musculoskeletal complaints (MSCs). The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which time spent sitting at work is associated with the one-year prevalence of MSCs in the neck, shoulder, upper back/thoracic spine, and lower back among workers from the Study of Mental Health in the Workplace (S-MGA). In addition, the study also examined whether leisure time, physical activity, and sex modify the relationship between occupational sitting and MSCs...
March 27, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Veruscka Leso, Claudio Candia, Daniela Pacella, Antonio Molino, Caterina Nocera, Mauro Maniscalco, Ivo Iavicoli
BACKGROUND: Severe asthma can cause poor health status, poor health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and an impaired functioning at work. However, to date, limited data are available on the impact of the biological therapies on such outcomes. Therefore, aim of the present study was to prospectively assess the clinical, quality of life and work functionality issues in severe asthma patients both at baseline and after 6 months of biological therapies and determine which individual, pathological and occupational factors can influence such parameters...
March 20, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Krister Aune Teigen, Anje Christina Höper, Solveig Føreland, Merete Åse Eggesbø, Marit Nøst Hegseth
BACKGROUND: The objective was to investigate self-reported hand eczema, and skin complaints at other skin locations among workers exposed to particulate matter, especially ultrafine particles. METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional study on workers from one ferro-silicon smelter plant, eight chimney sweeper stations and one firefighter station across Norway. Participants answered an extended version of the Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ-2022), with additional questions about whole-body skin complaints and visible dust deposition...
March 14, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Anja P G Wijnands, Irma de Vries, Tim Verbruggen, Maxim P Carlier, Dylan W de Lange, Saskia J Rietjens
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 14, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Fabian Holzgreve, Celine Nazzal, Rasem Nazzal, Rejane Golbach, David A Groneberg, Christian Maurer-Grubinger, Eileen M Wanke, Daniela Ohlendorf
BACKGROUND: Work-related forced postures, such as prolonged standing work, can lead to complaints in the lower back. Current research suggests that there is increased evidence of associations between patients with low back pain (LBP) and reduced lordosis in the lumbar spine and generally less spinal tilt in the sagittal plane. The aim of this study is to extend the influence of LBP to other parameters of upper body posture in standing, taking into account the rotational and frontal planes...
February 14, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Pierre-Marie Wardyn, Jean-Louis Edme, Virginie de Broucker, Nathalie Cherot-Kornobis, David Ringeval, Philippe Amouyel, Annie Sobaszek, Luc Dauchet, Sébastien Hulo
OBJECTIVE: To describe the proportions of subjects exposed to crystalline silica and the sectors of activity concerned between 1965 and 2010 in a sample of the general French population. METHODS: We included 2942 participants aged 40 to 65 years, recruited at random from electoral rolls, from the French general population in the cross-sectional ELISABET study between 2011 and 2013. The proportions of subjects exposed to crystalline silica and their sectors of activity were determined on the basis of their career history and the use of the Matgéné job-exposure matrix...
January 31, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Jeffrey A Russell, Elizabeth A Beverly, Lori J Stewart, Leslie P McMichael, Ariana B Senn
BACKGROUND: Mild traumatic brain injuries receive voluminous attention in the research literature, but this is confined almost entirely to sports and military contexts. As an occupation, performing stunts in film, television, and entertainment places the head at high risk of repetitive impact and whiplash, but stunt performers do not enjoy the same level of healthcare supervision and access as that provided to sports participants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate stunt performers' qualitative perceptions of reporting and management of head trauma in their industry...
January 31, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Sophie Teborg, Lena Hünefeld, Tomke S Gerdes
PURPOSE: Disabled people are often overlooked in considerations about work design, which contributes to their exclusion from the labor market. This issue also reflects within research, as the body of knowledge on the working conditions of disabled employees remains relatively limited. METHODS: A scoping review was conducted to assess the research landscape concerning the working conditions of disabled employees. Five databases have been searched, focusing on relevant studies published between 2017 and 2022...
January 30, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Daniel Hryhorczuk, Barry S Levy, Mykola Prodanchuk, Oleksandr Kravchuk, Nataliia Bubalo, Alex Hryhorczuk, Timothy B Erickson
BACKGROUND: Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 ignited the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II. Ukrainian government agencies, civil society organizations, and international agencies have gathered an unprecedented amount of data about the impact of war on the environment, which is often the silent victim of war. We review these data and highlight the limitations of international governance for protection of the environment during time of war. METHODS: We performed an integrative review of academic, institutional, and media information resources using the search terms "Ukraine", "Russia", "war", "environment", "health", "human rights", "international humanitarian law", "international human rights law", "ecocide", and "war crimes"...
January 5, 2024: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Alexander Michael Kraft, Marcial Velasco Garrido, Robert Herold, Volker Harth, Alexandra Marita Preisser
PURPOSE: Waste collection is considered particularly heavy work, although no previous study has yet investigated the strain of bulk waste collection. The aim of this study is to determine the workload of bulk waste workers in practice. METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional field-study. Fourteen male volunteers from the bulk waste collection of the municipal sanitation department in Hamburg, Germany, were included. Performance was determined by cardiopulmonary exercise testing under laboratory conditions...
December 15, 2023: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Fabian Holzgreve, Bettina Bredereck, Christopher Heim, Britta Weber, Rolf Ellegast, David A Groneberg, Christian Gaum, Daniela Ohlendorf
BACKGROUND: The research project GAIN (working healthy in inclusion companies) deals with the topics of health and work in inclusive companies. Due to a great need for research on (occupational) health (e.g. physical and mental health status) and workplace design in companies employing people with disabilities, this project pursues the primary goal of generating information for the development and implementation of health-preserving measures within the framework of occupational health and safety, and risk assessment, for employees with and without impairments in inclusive companies...
December 15, 2023: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Lorenzo Ippoliti, Luca Coppeta, Giuseppina Somma, Giuseppe Bizzarro, Francesco Borelli, Teresa Crispino, Cristiana Ferrari, Ilaria Iannuzzi, Andrea Mazza, Agostino Paolino, Andrea Magrini, Antonio Pietroiusti
COVID-19 typically presents with flu-like symptoms due to the viral infection itself. The most severe cases are characterised by lung damage, an important factor in fatal outcome due to alveolar damage. In some cases, patients develop a long COVID with persistent symptoms of chest pain and fatigue. Causes, including organ damage or inflammation, are being investigated. Clinical outcomes are variable and permanent lung damage is not fully understood, while vaccination is effective against severe infection but its effect on respiratory function in mild cases remains uncertain...
December 15, 2023: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Thomas C Erren, Jonas Wallraff, Ursula Wild, David M Shaw, Philip Lewis
BACKGROUND: Many systematic reviews identify support animals or animal assisted activity as a beneficial and standard practice in several medical disciplines for patients (children, adolescents, and adults) and residents in care homes. A variety of animals are used such as dogs, cats, ponies, horses, alpacas, reindeer, penguins, rabbits, and tarantulas. Our objective was to explore the evidence regarding effects of animal assisted activity on a further population of interest; namely, healthcare staff...
December 12, 2023: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
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