Journals Travel Medicine and Infectious...

Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Christoffer Ellegård Christensen, Terese L Katzenstein, Marie Helleberg
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September 5, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Pierluigi Francesco Salvo, Alessia Sanfilippo, Gianmaria Baldin, Valentina Iannone, Arturo Ciccullo, Damiano Farinacci, Domenico Benvenuto, Alberto Borghetti, Simona Di Giambenedetto, Francesca Lombardi
BACKGROUND: High incidence mpox rates suggest asymptomatic individuals may contribute to virus transmission. We undertook this study to assess the seroprevalence of IgG anti-MPXV in a cohort of asymptomatic PLWH, to analyze the size of the phenomenon of asymptomatic infections. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From October 2022 to March 2023 we serially collected serum samples from PLWH attending our Clinic. IgG against MPXV have been assessed on stored cryopreserved samples with an ELISA...
September 4, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Luisa F Sánchez Sossa, Andrés Eduardo Prieto-Torres, Leidy J Medina-Lozano, Álvaro A Faccini-Martínez
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August 30, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Aonghus J Feeney, Jeffery A Goad, Gerard T Flaherty
BACKGROUND: The increasing prevalence of falsified and counterfeit medicines globally poses risks to international travellers. This narrative literature review examines the global challenge of falsified and counterfeit medicines, with a specific focus on risks for travellers. The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of this multidimensional issue, exploring potential solutions for effective intervention. METHODS: A comprehensive search of databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE, and Scopus, as well as relevant reports from international organisations, was undertaken...
August 30, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Junrong Liang, Biying Zhang, Zhongqiu Teng, Yuqing Cheng, Miao Lu, Qingzhu Huang, Xincheng Qin, JianGuo Xu, Tian Qin
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August 28, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
L Balerdi-Sarasola, C Parolo, P Fleitas, A Cruz, C Subirà, N Rodríguez-Valero, A Almuedo-Riera, L Letona, M J Álvarez-Martínez, M Eugenia Valls, I Vera, A Mayor, J Muñoz, D Camprubí-Ferrer
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August 24, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Ranjit Sah, Vasso Apostolopoulos, Rachana Mehta, Ranjana Rohilla, Sanjit Sah, Aroop Mohanty, Vini Mehta, Jack Feehan, Camila Luna, Francisco Javier Membrillo de Novales, Jaffar A Al-Tawfiq, Antonio Cascio, Ana Johanna Samayoa-Bran, D Katterine Bonilla-Aldana, Alfonso J Rodriguez-Morales
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August 22, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Ying Zhang, Yingzi Ming
BACKGROUND: Despite the gradual decline of schistosomiasis due to the efforts of the WHO and various countries, with the WHO setting a goal to eliminate schistosomiasis by 2030, a comprehensive global assessment of the current status of schistosomiasis has not been conducted. OBJECTIVES: To provide a detailed description of the changes in schistosomiasis from 1990 to 2019 by using the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 database...
August 20, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Mareen Braunstein, Markus Wörnle
BACKGROUND: Emergency departments (ED) are frequently visited after suspected rabies exposure (SRE) and the potential need for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (R-PEP). However, data on the number of visits, patients` demographics, travel history and the medical treatment is still rare. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the number of R-PEP and the appropriateness of medical management including wound treatment, vaccination regime and immunoglobulin application following SRE in a university hospital ED...
August 7, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Pauline DI Paola, Christine Ngo Gai, Margaux Froidefond, Barbara Doudier, Pierre Dudouet, Jean-Christophe Lagier, Coralie L'ollivier, Coline Mortier
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July 31, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
D Henares, V Monsalvez, Pedro Brotons, Maria Luisa Machado, Silvia Capilla, Aina Gomila, Paula Bierge-Cabrera, Meritxell Cubero, Oscar Quijada-Pich, Ana Requena, C Muñoz-Almagro, O Gasch
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether long stays in non-European countries influence the composition, diversity, and dynamics of gut microbiota, considering the potential impact of travelling, close contact with new people, and consumption of water and food. METHODS: Two prospective cohorts were analyzed: (i) A longitudinal cohort comprising long-term travellers who provided fecal samples before and after their travels. (ii) A cohort consisting of long-term travellers and recently arrived migrants from non-European countries, which was compared with non-traveller controls...
July 31, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Daniel Celis-Giraldo, María Alejandra Fajardo, Diana Camila Romo Arteaga, Álvaro A Faccini-Martínez
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July 29, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Joaquín Salas-Coronas, María D Bargues, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel J Soriano-Pérez, Patricio Artigas, José Vázquez-Villegas, Antonio Villarejo-Ordoñez, José C Sánchez-Sánchez, María I Cabeza-Barrera, Begoña Febrer-Sendra, Alejandra De Elías-Escribano, Beatriz Crego-Vicente, María C Fantozzi, Juan García-Bernalt Diego, Nerea Castillo-Fernández, Jaime Borrego-Jiménez, Antonio Muro, María P Luzón-García
BACKGROUND: Species hybridization represents a real concern in terms of parasite transmission, epidemiology and morbidity of schistosomiasis. It is greatly important to better understand the impact of species hybridization for the clinical management. METHODS: A prospective observational study was carried out in sub-Saharan migrants who were diagnosed with confirmed genitourinary schistosomiasis. A tailored protocol was applied, including Schistosoma serology, a specific urine LAMP tests for schistosomiasis and an ultrasound examination before treatment with praziquantel...
July 23, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Antoine Alvarez, Olivier Maillard, Yves-Marie Diarra, Antoine Bertolotti, Patrick Gérardin
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July 23, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Pierluigi Francesco Salvo, Gianmaria Baldin, Elena Visconti, Simona Di Giambenedetto
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July 22, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Ariela Mota Ferreira, Léa Campos de Oliveira-da Silva, Clareci Silva Cardoso, Cláudia Di Lorenzo Oliveira, Bruno Oliveira de Figueiredo Brito, Ana Luiza Bierrenbach, Ana Clara de Jesus Santos, Dardiane Santos Cruz, Sâmara Fernandes Leite, Andréia Brito de Jesus, Renata Fiúza Damasceno, Maria Carmo Pereira Nunes, Israel Molina, Desirée Sant' Anna Haikal, Ester Cerdeira Sabino, Antonio Luiz Pinho Ribeiro
BACKGROUND: Chagas Disease (CD) can cause Chagas cardiomyopathy. The new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) also affects the cardiovascular system and may worsen Chagas cardiomyopathy. However, the cardiac evolution of patients with CD infected by COVID-19 is not known. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess, within one year, whether there was cardiac progression after COVID-19 in CD. METHODS: Longitudinal study with CD patients. The outcome was cardiac progression, defined as the appearance of new major changes in the current ECG compared to the previous ECG considered from the comparison of electrocardiograms (ECGs) performed with an interval of one year...
July 22, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Li Yuan, Si-Min Huang, Jia-Hao Yang, Qiang Qu, Ying Liu, Yi-Wen Xiao, Jian Qu
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July 16, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Lisanne A Overduin, Jan Pieter R Koopman, Corine Prins, Petra H Verbeek-Menken, Cornelis A De Pijper, Fiona Heerink, Perry J J van Genderen, Martin P Grobusch, Leo G Visser
BACKGROUND: Travellers visiting rabies-endemic countries are at risk of rabies infection. Assessing travellers' knowledge and risk perception of rabies and risk behaviour during travel can help identify knowledge gaps and improve pre-travel risk education. METHODS: Cohort study in Dutch adult travellers, using two surveys: one before travel to assess knowledge and perception of rabies, and one after return to identify risk behaviour during travel. RESULTS: The pre-travel and post-travel survey were completed by 301 and 276 participants, respectively...
July 13, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Lou-Ann Francois, Laurent Bret, Jonathan Wong So, Camelia Gubavu, Feriel Touafek, Morgane Vinsonneau, Khaoula Kochbati, Véronique Avettand-Fenoel, Clemence Guillaume, Etienne Carbonnelle, Jérôme Guinard, Gilbert McHantaf
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July 12, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Leire Balerdi-Sarasola, Jose Muñoz, Pedro Fleitas, Natalia Rodriguez-Valero, Alex Almuedo-Riera, Alba Antequera, Carme Subira, Ignacio Grafia-Perez, Maria Ortiz-Fernández, Tessa de Alba, Miriam J Álvarez-Martínez, M Eugenia Valls, Claudio Parolo, Pedro Castro, Daniel Camprubí-Ferrer
BACKGROUND: The current definition of severe malaria in non-endemic areas follows WHO criteria, which mainly target children in malaria-endemic areas, potentially misclassifying cases in non-endemic regions. We assessed the performance of a modified severe malaria classification criteria within our patient cohort. METHODS: A cohort study of patients managed for malaria in a non-endemic setting(2005-2023) was analyzed. We classified patients into severe malaria (SM) using WHO 2013 criteria except for hyperparasitemia, where 2% threshold was applied...
July 11, 2024: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
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