S Dzotsenidze, L Pkhaladze, J Kristesashvili, N Davidovi, S Hammoude, M Zurmukhtashvili
AIM OF THE STUDY: To evaluate the functional state of the reproductive system following unilateral oophorectomy (UO). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-three patients (aged 7 to 38 years) who underwent unilateral oophorectomy were divided into three groups based on their age at the time of surgery: Group I (7-15 years), Group II (16-30 years), and Group III (30-38 years). The functional state of the reproductive system was assessed 3 months and 1 year after the procedure...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
Y Jin, Z Luo, H Su, C Li, C Wang, L Zhang, F Peng, L He, X Wang
INTRODUCTION: The progression of ferroptosis has been found to be associated with the onset and progression of many diseases. Disruption of iron homeostasis can lead to ferroptosis. We had previously hypothesized that vitamin D may affect serum calcium levels, which in turn regulates ferroptosis by regulating serum iron levels. However, the relationship between serum calcium level and serum iron level is unclear. The purpose of our study was to explore the relationship between serum calcium level and serum iron level among general population in Taizhou, China...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
L Stepanyan, D Khitaryan
This study explores the relationship between psychological well-being and emotional profiles of adolescents in the context of school bullying. Bullying, characterized by repeated aggressive behavior, has severe psychological impacts, including anxiety, depression, and reduced self-esteem. The research involved 71 adolescents (ages 10-13) from various regions of Armenia. Using tools such as the Psychological Well-Being Study Method, Spielberger-Khanin Anxiety Inventory, Izard's Differential Emotions Scale, and Norkina's Bullying Structure Test, the study found that most adolescents have average psychological well-being, with higher social and spiritual health...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
Q Qasim
One of the four main non-communicable illnesses, diabetes mellitus, calls for immediate attention from all key stakeholders worldwide to address its prevalence and related consequences. Hyperglycemia and hyperglycemic-induced oxidative stress and inflammation are thought as the third largest risk factor for early mortality throughout the globe, killing an estimated 1.6 million people annually. Hyperglycemia hyperglycemic-induced oxidative stress, inflammation, and the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus are all intricately connected...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
S Shahbazyan
INTRODUCTION: The effective techniques of surgical intervention that ensure the desired level of weight reduction outcomes (decreased level of obesity) not always improve QOL outcomes, explained by a range of post-surgery complications. There are the specific complications, strongly impacting the QOL of the patients after bariatric surgery and increasing postoperative comorbidity. AIM: The aim of this retrospective case control study was to evaluate the relative safety of primary LSG performed with standard and modified LSG techniques according to the Clavien-Dindo complication grading system and the rate of long-term complications in patients with BMI>40...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
I Voloshyn-Gaponov, I Lantukh, N Mikhanovska, O Gulbs, O Malieieva, S Dikhtiarenko, O Kobets, D Malieiev
UNLABELLED: Physiological process of aging causes a slight deterioration in memorization, learning, and the speed of cognitive processes. There is often a big gap between established standards, norms that work for mass and individual cases, for which standards are no more than guidelines, not prescriptions and dementia could be caused by many factors, the most important of which are degenerative, vascular, and toxic. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the commonest non-traumatic disabling disease to affect young adults...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
N Ailbayeva, A Аlimbaeva, S Rakhyzhanova, N Kudaibergenova, D Berikuly, S Tanatarov, Z Dushimova, T Saliev, Sh Tanabayeva, S Lee, I Fakhradiyev
INTRODUCTION: Recognizing the importance of birth weight is fundamental to addressing public health challenges associated with maternal and child health. Birth weight serves as a critical indicator, offering insights into mortality, stunting, and the development of chronic diseases later in life. This study delves into fertility and infant mortality trends in Kazakhstan, with a specific focus on understanding urban-rural disparities and gender variations in mortality rates. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of birth weight on infant mortality in Kazakhstan, considering demographic and regional nuances...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
G Tchernev, L Ivanov
Contamination of a heterogeneous class of drugs with nitrosamines of an also different type underlies or defines the occurrence of drug-induced skin cancer Nitrosogenesis or keratinocyte cancer Oncopharmacogenesis. Further identification of some of these carcinogens in drugs as both phototoxic and genotoxic in turn defines concepts such as Drug-Mediated Nitroso-Photo Carcinogenesis. Its first formal representative was and remains at present Nitrosomorpholine (Nmor). Unfortunately, further data on the propensity of individual nitrosamines and/or their derivatives to absorb photons and generate phototoxicity are lacking...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
S Salih, N Hilal
BACKGROUND: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) traditionally refers to abnormal glucose tolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. The objectives: The study is designed to measure vaspin in the serum of women with GDM and estimate its association with insulin resistance, HbA1c, HDL, LDL, triglyceride and total cholesterol. METHODS: This study was a case-control study conducted on 90 pregnant women (26 weeks and more), 60 of them patients with GDM, and 30 normal pregnant women as the control group, The blood sample was taken from participating women, and an interview was carried out with them using questionnaire form...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
A Karapetyan, M Danielyan, B Badalyan, K Simonyan, V Grigoryan, M Simonyan, A Dallakyan, G Simonyan, R Simonyan
Thermal burns are the most common type of burn injuries. Medical treatment for burns is crucial, especially for third-degree burns and when a significant surface area of the body is affected. One of the most pressing issues in modern medicine is the search for new effective means to accelerate the healing of burn wounds. Oxygen radicals play a significant role in maintaining homeostasis, forming the body's resistance to infection, and ensuring the regeneration of organs and tissues. In this study, a superoxide (O2-)-producing enzyme (SPE) from raspberries was applied (topically to the skin, injected under the wound surface, with solution concentrations of 12...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
S Dubivska, Y Hryhorov, V Lazyrskyi, D Dotsenko, P Lebid
UNLABELLED: Topicality: Providing assistance to patients with polytrauma, in a state of alcohol intoxication, complicated by alcoholic delirium, is a serious problem when providing anesthesia care and, in particular, choosing drugs for sedation. Considering the severity of mechanical damage, complications associated with alcohol intoxication and serious biochemical disorders of the body, namely carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, electrolyte changes, on which the activity of all systems depends, it is necessary to study the influence on the course of these processes, depending on the choice of their medicinal corrections...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
Nino Kiria, T Avaliani, N Bablishvili, N Chichiveishvili, G Phichkhaia, L Sharvadze, Nana Kiria
BACKGROUND: Control of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-MTB) requires novel technologies for restoring the anti-TB efficacy of priority drugs. We sought to evaluate the ability of nanotechnology application in the recovery of the anti-tuberculosis efficacy of rifampicin. METHODS: Nanocomposite- standard dose of rifampicin and 20 nm silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) suspension solution of 6 different concentrations: 0.25%; 0.5%; 1%; 2.5%; 5%; and 10%, were supplemented to 70 rifampicin-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis (RR-MTB) isolates...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
R Xu, Sh Li, A Zheng, L He
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to explore the effect of Xiaoyao Pills combined with alendronate on bone density in postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis. METHODS: The data of postmenopausal osteoporosis patients admitted to Taizhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2022 to January 2023 were retrospectively collected. According to the treatment method, patients were randomly divided into study group and control group. Finally, 54 cases were selected for each group...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
R Tuama, E Sarhat
BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a chronic devastating disease characterized by remarkable tissue damage. AIM: This prospective study conducted in Tikrit City aimed to investigate the role of myonectin and glycemic control parameters in type 2 diabetes (T2DM). METHODS: The study enrolled 60 patients with T2DM and 30 controls participants. Blood withdrawn, serum separated, serum myonectin and glycemic control parameters were quantified using Cobas C 111 analyzer...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
D Khitaryan, L Stepanyan, M Khachatryan, M Barbaryan
This pilot study investigates the effectiveness of a school judo program as an alternative intervention model for bullying prevention. Conducted with 61 schoolchildren aged 10 to 13, the study employed psychological tests and a structured judo curriculum to assess changes in anxiety levels, bullying roles, and psychological traits. Results revealed a significant reduction in situational anxiety and a trend towards decreased personal anxiety among participants. Additionally, a significant decrease in direct and indirect victimization was observed, although no substantial changes were noted in bullying behaviors themselves...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
Zh Ispayeva, R Bekmagambetova, M Mustafina, E Kovzel, G Tusupbekova, M Morenko, T Saliev, Sh Tanabayeva, I Fakhradiyev
BACKGROUND: To date, several questionnaires have been developed as easy-to-use screening tools for assessing and monitoring asthma control as the Asthma Control Test (ACT). However, the assessment of the reliability of the ACT questionnaire translated into the Kazakh language has not been carried out yet. The study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Kazakh-language ACT questionnaire as an asthma control tool. METHODS: A multi-centre study was conducted in three Kazakhstan medical institutions for the period: from 02...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
L Sosonna, O Boiagina, N Yurevych, O Schevtsov, O Avilova, N Konoval, I Sukhina
UNLABELLED: Despite the significance of anatomical variability in various specialties, there is currently limited research dedicated to this topic. Most studies focus on the brain, with only a small number examining the human skull, primarily in relation to anatomical variability in childhood. AIM: Therefore, the aim of our work is to determine the individual anatomical variability of the lateral dimensions of the facial section of the adult human skull. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 115 skulls of mature individuals, comprising 35 dry bone specimens from the anatomy museum collection and 80 results from human head CT scans without bone tissue pathologies...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
T Du, G Zhou, Sh Wu, H Ni
Constitutional issues raised by college students have received increasing domestic attention. At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic caused students to take online classes at home, and their physical conditions worsened. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the physical fitness test data collected in 2019 and 2020 year, identify existing problems, and explore feasible methods to improve the physical fitness test scores of college students. This article uses inspection, mathematical statistics, logical analysis and other methods to analyze and discuss the physical examination data of college students in 2019 and 2020 and analyze various data of university students...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
M Faiq, N Hilal, M Dawood
BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis (OP) is a highly prevalent disorder affecting 50 million individuals around the world. It is also a typical skeletal disorder described by low bone mass, which leads to reduced bone strength and an enhanced risk of fractures. Osteoprotegerin As a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, osteoprotegerin is well recognized for its protective effect against excessive bone resorption. Irisin is Irisin is a muscle-secreted hormone that is generated by the cleavage of membrane protein FNDC-5 (fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5) (FNDC5)...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
G Tchernev, L Ivanov, V Broshtilova
The pathogenesis of cutaneous tumors has been known for decades yet remains largely unexplained or incompletely understood. The reason for this mystery lies in the concepts of photosensitivity and phototoxicity: how do they arise or what actually causes them? Recently published data in the medical literature link certain nitrosamines such as nitrosomorpholine, for example, to gene and phototoxicity in humans. A number of other nitrosamines analogous in action and structure are found as contaminants in about 300 of the most widely distributed pharmaceuticals worldwide: NDEA, NDMA, NMBA and many others...
June 2024: Georgian Medical News
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