Eric D Weinhandl, Derek Forfang
The number and percentage of patients dialyzing at home has steadily increased during the past decade, and federal policy initiatives have driven interest to a new high. However, the mere utilization of home dialysis does not ensure better outcomes for patients and care partners. Although public reporting systems for dialysis quality are mature and robust, the incorporation of home dialysis quality in those systems is immature; the advent of the End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Choices payment model brings this problem into sharp relief...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Cynthia Delgado, Neil R Powe
Racial and social unrest witnessed during 2020 ignited a national conversation about the appropriateness of the use of race in health care algorithms and in the estimation of kidney function in particular. The growing concerns over the use of race in kidney function-estimating equations prompted the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and American Society of Nephrology to launch an effort for change by establishing a task force on reassessing the use of race in diagnosing kidney disease. After nearly a year examining the evidence and obtaining testimony from experts and stakeholders, the task force recommended the immediate implementation of the 2020 Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology creatinine equation refit without race in all US laboratories; increased routine use of cystatin C for confirmation of estimated glomerular filtration rate in clinical decision-making and a call for research on glomerular filtration rate estimation with new endogenous filtration markers and on addressing disparities in health and health care...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
J Ganesh Bhat, Steven Weiss
The ETC model proposes to increase access to home dialysis and transplant for patients with ESRD. Implementation of this model is happening while many dialysis organizations are still suffering the far-reaching effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In addition, the model has the potential to negatively affect small and independent dialysis organizations disproportionately. It incentivizes home dialysis over transplant and promotes development of new home dialysis programs, rewards achievement over improvement, and places an excessive burden on small and independent dialysis organizations...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Jeffrey Giullian, Bryan Becker, Terry Ketchersid
Three years ago, the Advancing American Kidney Health executive order launched a substantial effort with the goals of delaying the progression of kidney disease while also increasing kidney transplantation and the utilization of home dialysis. Included among the initiatives created by this executive order are two new payment models under the supervision of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Innovation Center. The End Stage Renal Disease Treatment Choices model is a mandatory payment model impacting nephrologists and dialysis providers in many regions across the country...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Sri Lekha Tummalapalli, Mallika L Mendu
The United States health care system has increasingly embraced value-based programs that reward improved outcomes and lower costs. Health care value, defined as quality per unit cost, was a major goal of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amid high and rising US health care expenditures. Many early value-based programs were specifically designed for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and targeted toward dialysis facilities, including the ESRD Prospective Payment System, ESRD Quality Incentive Program, and ESRD Seamless Care Organizations...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Miriam Godwin, Eugene Lin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Siddhartha Mazumdar, Kathleen Blackwell, Tom Duvall, Gregory Boyer, Laura Missett
This article describes two new and complementary initiatives from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-the ESRD Treatment Choices and Kidney Care Choices Models-which focus on Medicare beneficiaries with CKD and ESRD. These models, or time-limited tests, are aimed at testing whether modifying Medicare payment methodologies, while also rewarding certain clinical outcomes, will improve treatment and outcomes and reduce costs. Together, these initiatives comprise a major part of the larger federal effort to improve the lives of people with kidney disease...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Miriam Godwin, Amber Pettis, Joseph A Vassalotti
The United States Preventive Services Task Force has no current recommendation to guide primary care physician screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD). This is misaligned with the scope of the CKD public health emergency, recommendations from clinical practice guidelines, health spending on CKD, the changing landscape of CKD detection and treatment, and the focus by policymakers on identifying tangible approaches to improving health equity. This review summarizes patient, clinician, health equity, and health system perspectives in support of screening adults with risk factors for CKD...
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Charuhas V Thakar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2022: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Maria P Martinez Cantarin
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common complications after kidney transplantation and is associated with unfavorable outcomes including death. DM can be present before transplant but post-transplant DM (PTDM) refers to diabetes that is diagnosed after solid organ transplantation. Despite its high prevalence, optimal treatment to prevent complications of PTDM is unknown. Medical therapy of pre-existent DM or PTDM after transplant is challenging because of frequent interactions between antidiabetic and immunosuppressive agents...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Supreet Sethi, Noriko Ammerman, Ashley Vo, Stanley C Jordan
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-incompatible kidney transplantation offers survival benefit compared with ongoing dialysis. There have been considerable advances in the last decade to allow for increased access to transplant for the HLA-sensitized kidney transplant candidates. These include increased priority in the kidney allocation system, kidney paired donation, and novel desensitization strategies. A better understanding of the role of B cells, plasma cells, and complement and inflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology of HLA antibody-mediated allograft injury has led to the use of novel therapeutics for desensitization and treatment of antibody-mediated rejection...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Christina Mejia, Anju Yadav
Nonkidney solid organ transplants (NKSOTs) are increasing in the United States with improving long-term allograft and patient survival. CKD is prevalent in patients with NKSOT and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality especially in those who progress to end-stage kidney disease. Calcineurin inhibitor nephrotoxicity is a main contributor to CKD after NKSOT, but other factors in the pretransplant, peritransplant, and post-transplant period can predispose to progressive kidney dysfunction. The management of CKD after NKSOT generally follows society guidelines for native kidney disease...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Ashton Chen
Young adult kidney transplant recipients experience poorer outcomes. Specifically worse allograft survival has been reported in the United States and worldwide. Pediatric to adult transition-related research has focused predominantly on medication nonadherence. However, the cause of worse graft outcomes in young adults is likely due to a multitude of complex factors. Consensus guidelines were issued to guide pediatric and adult transplant teams during the transition process. To what extent these transition guidelines are utilized and their impact on improving outcomes for young adult patients is unclear...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Scott G Westphal, Eric D Langewisch, Clifford D Miles
The incidence of kidney dysfunction has increased in liver transplant and heart transplant candidates, reflecting a changing patient population and allocation policies that prioritize the most urgent candidates. A higher burden of pretransplant kidney dysfunction has resulted in a substantial rise in the utilization of multiorgan transplantation (MOT). Owing to a shortage of available deceased donor kidneys, the increased use of MOT has the potential to disadvantage kidney-alone transplant candidates, as current allocation policies generally provide priority for MOT candidates above all kidney-alone transplant candidates...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Edward J Filippone, Rakesh Gulati, John L Farber
Transplantation remains the optimal mode of kidney replacement therapy, but unfortunately long-term graft survival after 1 year remains suboptimal. The main mechanism of chronic allograft injury is alloimmune, and current clinical monitoring of kidney transplants includes measuring serum creatinine, proteinuria, and immunosuppressive drug levels. The most important biomarker routinely monitored is human leukocyte antigen (HLA) donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) with the frequency based on underlying immunologic risk...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Fawaz Al Ammary, Beatrice P Concepcion, Anju Yadav
Access to transplant centers is a key barrier for kidney transplant evaluation and follow-up care for both the recipient and donor. Potential kidney transplant recipients and living kidney donors may face geographic, financial, and logistical challenges in engaging with a transplant center and maintaining post-transplant continuity of care. Telemedicine via synchronous video visits has the potential to overcome the access barrier to transplant centers. Transplant centers can start the evaluation process for potential recipients and donors via telemedicine, especially for those who have challenges to come for an in-person visit or when there are restrictions on clinic capacities, such as during a pandemic...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Joanna H Lee, Elysia O McDonald, Meera N Harhay
In this review, we discuss the increasing prevalence of obesity among people with chronic and end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) and implications for kidney transplant (KT) candidate selection and management. Although people with obesity and ESKD receive survival and quality-of-life benefits from KT, most KT programs maintain strict body mass index (BMI) cutoffs to determine transplant eligibility. However, BMI does not distinguish between visceral adiposity, which confers higher cardiovascular risks and risks of perioperative and adverse posttransplant outcomes, and muscle mass, which is protective in ESKD...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Dinushika Mohottige, Lisa M McElroy, L Ebony Boulware
Stark racial disparities in access to and receipt of kidney transplantation, especially living donor and pre-emptive transplantation, have persisted despite decades of investigation and intervention. The causes of these disparities are complex, are inter-related, and result from a cascade of structural barriers to transplantation which disproportionately impact minoritized individuals and communities. Structural barriers contributing to racial transplant inequities have been acknowledged but are often not fully explored with regard to transplant equity...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Jaime M Glorioso
Despite an increase in the number of kidney transplants performed annually, there remain more than 90,000 individuals awaiting transplantation in the United States. As kidney transplantation has evolved, so has kidney allocation policies. The Kidney Allocation System, which was introduced in 2014, made significant strides to improve utility and equity, but regional and geographic disparities remain. Further modifications eliminating donor service areas have been introduced. Moving forward, systems involving continuous distribution and artificial intelligence may provide further advancement toward an ideal allocation system...
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Scott G Westphal, Anju Yadav
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2021: Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
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