Journals Clinical Trials : Journal of t...

Clinical Trials : Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Javier Muñoz Laguna, Hyangsook Lee, Eduard Poltavskiy, Jeehyoung Kim, Heejung Bang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 13, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Pralay Mukhopadhyay, Douglas Schaubel, Mei-Cheng Wang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 30, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Richard J Cook, Jerald F Lawless
Clinical trials with random assignment of treatment provide evidence about causal effects of an experimental treatment compared to standard care. However, when disease processes involve multiple types of possibly semi-competing events, specification of target estimands and causal inferences can be challenging. Intercurrent events such as study withdrawal, the introduction of rescue medication, and death further complicate matters. There has been much discussion about these issues in recent years, but guidance remains ambiguous...
August 24, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Jonathan Kimmelman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 15, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Isabel M Astrachan, James Flory, Scott Yh Kim
Pragmatic clinical trials of standard-of-care interventions compare the relative merits of medical treatments already in use. Traditional research informed consent processes pose significant obstacles to these trials, raising the question of whether they may be conducted with alteration or waiver of informed consent. However, to even be eligible, such a trial in the United States must have no more than minimal research risk. We argue that standard-of-care pragmatic clinical trials can be designed to ensure that they are minimal research risk if the random assignment of an intervention in a pragmatic clinical trial can accommodate individualized, clinically motivated decision-making for each participant...
August 15, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Isabel M Astrachan, James Flory, Scott Yh Kim
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 15, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Christian Bustamante, Juan F Martinez, Alexander Navarro, Margarita Lopera, Gustavo Villegas, Sindy Duque, Natalia Acosta-Baena, Silvia Ríos-Romenets, Francisco Lopera
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Including women of childbearing age in a clinical trial makes it necessary to consider two factors from a bioethical perspective: first, the lack of knowledge about the potential teratogenic effects of an investigational product, and also, the principle of justice not to exclude any population from the benefits of research. The most common way to address this issue is by requiring volunteers to use contraceptives before, during, and a few weeks after the clinical trial...
August 14, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Rachel Marceau West, Gregory Golm, Devan V Mehrotra
Composite time-to-event endpoints are commonly used in cardiovascular outcome trials. For example, the IMPROVE-IT trial comparing ezetimibe+simvastatin to placebo+simvastatin in 18,144 patients with acute coronary syndrome used a primary composite endpoint with five component outcomes: (1) cardiovascular death, (2) non-fatal stroke, (3) non-fatal myocardial infarction, (4) coronary revascularization ≥30 days after randomization, and (5) unstable angina requiring hospitalization. In such settings, the traditional analysis compares treatments using the observed time to the occurrence of the first (i...
August 8, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Anne Eaton
Composite endpoints defined as the time to the earliest of two or more events are often used as primary endpoints in clinical trials. Component-wise censoring arises when different components of the composite endpoint are censored differently. We focus on a composite of death and a non-fatal event where death time is right censored and the non-fatal event time is interval censored because the event can only be detected during study visits. Such data are most often analysed using methods for right censored data, treating the time the non-fatal event was first detected as the time it occurred...
August 8, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Ying Cui, Bo Huang, Lu Mao, Hajime Uno, Lee-Jen Wei, Lu Tian
Duration of response is an important endpoint used in drug development. Prolonged duration for response is often viewed as an early indication of treatment efficacy. However, there are numerous difficulties in studying the distribution of duration of response based on observed data subject to right censoring in practice. The most important obstacle is that the distribution of the duration of response is in general not identifiable in the presence of censoring due to the simple fact that there is no information on the joint distribution of time to response and time to progression beyond the largest follow-up time...
August 8, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Terry M Therneau, Fang-Shu Ou
A clinical trial represents a large commitment from all individuals involved and a huge financial obligation given its high cost; therefore, it is wise to make the most of all collected data by learning as much as possible. A multistate model is a generalized framework to describe longitudinal events; multistate hazards models can treat multiple intermediate/final clinical endpoints as outcomes and estimate the impact of covariates simultaneously. Proportional hazards models are fitted (one per transition), which can be used to calculate the absolute risks, that is, the probability of being in a state at a given time, the expected number of visits to a state, and the expected amount of time spent in a state...
August 2, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Lu Mao
The win ratio has been increasingly used in trials with hierarchical composite endpoints. While the outcomes involved and the rule for their comparisons vary with the application, there is invariably little attention to the estimand of the resulting statistic, causing difficulties in interpretation and cross-trial comparison. We make the case for articulating the estimand as a first step to win ratio analysis and establish that the root cause for its elusiveness is its intrinsic dependency on the time frame of comparison, which, if left unspecified, is set haphazardly by trial-specific censoring...
July 30, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
John S Barbieri, Susan Ellenberg, Elizabeth Grice, Ann Tierney, Suzette Baez VanderBeek, Maryte Papadopoulos, Jennifer Mason, Anabel Mason, James Dattilo, David J Margolis
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Excessive use of antibiotics has led to development of antibiotic resistance and other antibiotic-associated complications. Dermatologists prescribe more antibiotics per clinician than any other major specialty, with much of this use for acne. Alternative acne treatments are available but are used much less often than antibiotics, at least partially because dermatologists feel that they are less effective. Spironolactone, a hormonal therapy with antiandrogen effects that can address the hormonal pathogenesis of acne, may represent a therapeutic alternative to oral antibiotics for women with acne...
July 27, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Gregory Vaughan, Roger Du, Fred D Ledley
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act mandating drug price negotiation by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have been criticized as a threat to pharmaceutical innovation. This study models potential impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on drug approvals based on the differential contributions of large pharmaceutical companies and smaller biotechnology firms to clinical trials and the availability of capital. METHODS: This study examined research and development expense, revenue, and new investment (sale of common and preferred stock) by public biopharmaceutical companies and sponsorship of phased clinical trials in ClinicalTrials...
July 24, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Emily A Largent, Steven Joffe, Neal W Dickert, Stephanie R Morain
There is growing interest in using embedded research methods, particularly pragmatic clinical trials, to address well-known evidentiary shortcomings afflicting the health care system. Reviews of pragmatic clinical trials published between 2014 and 2019 found that 8.8% were conducted with waivers of informed consent; furthermore, the number of trials where consent is not obtained is increasing with time. From a regulatory perspective, waivers of informed consent are permissible when certain conditions are met, including that the study involves no more than minimal risk, that it could not practicably be carried out without a waiver, and that waiving consent does not violate participants' rights and welfare...
June 25, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Mohammad Shahbaz, Jane E Harding, Barry Milne, Anthony Walters, Lisa Underwood, Martin von Randow, Lois Xu, Greg D Gamble
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Self-reported questionnaires on health status after randomized trials can be time-consuming, costly, and potentially unreliable. Administrative data sets may provide cost-effective, less biased information, but it is uncertain how administrative and self-reported data compare to identify chronic conditions in a New Zealand cohort. This study aimed to determine whether record linkage could replace self-reported questionnaires to identify chronic conditions that were the outcomes of interest for trial follow-up...
June 22, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Hanae K Tokita, Melissa Assel, Joanna Serafin, Emily Lin, Leslie Sarraf, Geema Masson, Tracy-Ann Moo, Jonas A Nelson, Brett A Simon, Andrew J Vickers
BACKGROUND: Performing large randomized trials in anesthesiology is often challenging and costly. The clinically integrated randomized trial is characterized by simplified logistics embedded into routine clinical practice, enabling ease and efficiency of recruitment, offering an opportunity for clinicians to conduct large, high-quality randomized trials under low cost. Our aims were to (1) demonstrate the feasibility of the clinically integrated trial design in a high-volume anesthesiology practice and (2) assess whether trial quality improvement interventions led to more balanced accrual among study arms and improved trial compliance over time...
June 19, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Theodore Karrison, Chen Hu, James Dignam
BACKGROUND: Restricted mean survival time is the expected duration of survival up to a chosen time of restriction <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>τ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>. For comparison studies, the difference in restricted mean survival times between two groups provides a summary measure of the treatment effect that is free of assumptions regarding the relative shape of the two survival curves, such as proportional hazards...
June 13, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Frank E Harrell
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Kelly Van Lancker, Frank Bretz, Oliver Dukes
There has been a growing interest in covariate adjustment in the analysis of randomized controlled trials in past years. For instance, the US Food and Drug Administration recently issued guidance that emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between conditional and marginal treatment effects. Although these effects may sometimes coincide in the context of linear models, this is not typically the case in other settings, and this distinction is often overlooked in clinical trial practice. Considering these developments, this article provides a review of when and how to use covariate adjustment to enhance precision in randomized controlled trials...
June 2, 2024: Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials
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