Lijin Lin, Yulian Hu, Fang Lei, Xuewei Huang, Xingyuan Zhang, Tao Sun, Weifang Liu, Ru Li, Xiao-Jing Zhang, Jingjing Cai, Zhi-Gang She, Guoping Wang, Hongliang Li
BACKGROUND: The American Heart Association recently introduced a novel cardiovascular health (CVH) metric, Life's Essential 8 (LE8), for health promotion. However, the relationship between LE8 and cancer mortality risk remains uncertain. METHODS: We investigated 17,076 participants from US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (US NHANES) and 272,727 participants from UK Biobank, all free of cancer at baseline. The CVH score, based on LE8 metrics, incorporates four health behaviors (diet, physical activity, smoking, and sleep) and four health factors (body mass index, lipid, blood glucose, and blood pressure)...
September 5, 2024: BMC Medicine