Journals International Journal of Healt...

International Journal of Health Geographics
Jani Selin, Pasi Okkonen, Susanna Raisamo
BACKGROUND: Gambling and its harmful effects on human health and well-being represent a significant public health concern in many countries, with electronic gambling machines (EGMs) recognized as one of the most detrimental forms of gambling. Previous research has established an association between EGM accessibility, expenditure, gambling harm, and the socioeconomic status (SES) of neighborhoods. However, there is limited understanding of the direct impact of SES and EGM accessibility on individual player expenditures...
August 31, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Dustin Fry, Lara A Roman, Michelle C Kondo
An important consideration in studies of the relationship between greenspace exposure and health is the use of mapped data to assign geographic exposures to participants. Previous studies have used validated data from municipal park departments to describe the boundaries of public greenspaces. However, this approach assumes that these data accurately describe park boundaries, that formal parks fully capture the park and greenspace exposure of residents, and (for studies that use personal GPS traces to assign participant exposures) that time spent within these boundaries represents time spent in greenspace...
August 31, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Claire Teillet, Rodolphe Devillers, Annelise Tran, Thibault Catry, Renaud Marti, Nadine Dessay, Joseph Rwagitinywa, Johana Restrepo, Emmanuel Roux
BACKGROUND: The spread of mosquito-transmitted diseases such as dengue is a major public health issue worldwide. The Aedes aegypti mosquito, a primary vector for dengue, thrives in urban environments and breeds mainly in artificial or natural water containers. While the relationship between urban landscapes and potential breeding sites remains poorly understood, such a knowledge could help mitigate the risks associated with these diseases. This study aimed to analyze the relationships between urban landscape characteristics and potential breeding site abundance and type in cities of French Guiana (South America), and to evaluate the potential of such variables to be used in predictive models...
July 7, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Aislinn Hoy, Gretta Mohan, Anne Nolan
The link between exposure to air pollution and adverse effects on human health is well documented. Yet, in a European context, research on the spatial distribution of air pollution and the characteristics of areas is relatively scarce, and there is a need for research using different spatial scales, a wider variety of socioeconomic indicators (such as ethnicity) and new methodologies to assess these relationships. This study uses comprehensive data on a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic indicators, matched to data on PM2...
July 6, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Kimberly Yuin Y'ng Wong, Foong Ming Moy, Aziz Shafie, Sanjay Rampal
BACKGROUND: The escalating trend of obesity in Malaysia is surmounting, and the lack of evidence on the environmental influence on obesity is untenable. Obesogenic environmental factors often emerge as a result of shared environmental, demographic, or cultural effects among neighbouring regions that impact lifestyle. Employing spatial clustering can effectively elucidate the geographical distribution of obesity and pinpoint regions with potential obesogenic environments, thereby informing public health interventions and further exploration on the local environments...
June 26, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Marzieh Ghanbari, Martin Dijst, Roderick McCall, Camille Perchoux
BACKGROUND: Geographical environments influence people's active mobility behaviors, contributing to their physical and mental health. The use of Virtual Reality (VR) in experimental research can unveil new insights into the relationship between exposure to geographic environments and active mobility behaviors. This systematic review aims to (1) identify environmental attributes investigated in relation with walking and cycling, using VR, (2) assess their impacts on active mobility behaviors and attitudes, and (3) identify research gaps, strengths and limitations in VR-based experimental research...
June 8, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Juliette F E van Beek, Laurent Malisoux, Olivier Klein, Torsten Bohn, Marion Tharrey, Frank J Van Lenthe, Mariëlle A Beenackers, Martin Dijst, Camille Perchoux
BACKGROUND: Greenness exposure has been associated with many health benefits, for example through the pathway of providing opportunities for physical activity (PA). Beside the limited body of longitudinal research, most studies overlook to what extent different types of greenness exposures may be associated with varying levels of PA and sedentary behavior (SB). In this study, we investigated associations of greenness characterized by density, diversity and vegetation type with self-reported PA and SB over a 9-year period, using data from the ORISCAV-LUX study (2007-2017, n = 628)...
May 21, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Fedra Trujillano, Gabriel Jimenez, Edgar Manrique, Najat F Kahamba, Fredros Okumu, Nombre Apollinaire, Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar, Brian Barrett, Kimberly Fornace
BACKGROUND: In the near future, the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases may expand to new sites due to changes in temperature and rainfall patterns caused by climate change. Therefore, there is a need to use recent technological advances to improve vector surveillance methodologies. Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), often called drones, have been used to collect high-resolution imagery to map detailed information on mosquito habitats and direct control measures to specific areas. Supervised classification approaches have been largely used to automatically detect vector habitats...
May 19, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
T Remmers, P Koolwijk, I Fassaert, J Nolles, W de Groot, S B Vos, S I de Vries, R Mombarg, D H H Van Kann
BACKGROUND: Previous research indicates the start of primary school (4-5-year-old) as an essential period for the development of children's physical activity (PA) patterns, as from this point, the age-related decline of PA is most often observed. During this period, young children are exposed to a wider variety of environmental- and social contexts and therefore their PA is influenced by more diverse factors. However, in order to understand children's daily PA patterns and identify relevant opportunities for PA promotion, it is important to further unravel in which (social) contexts throughout the day, PA of young children takes place...
May 14, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Oluwafemi John Ifejube, Sekhar L Kuriakose, T S Anish, Cees van Westen, Justine I Blanford
A growing number of studies have linked the incidence of leptospirosis with the occurrence of flood events. Nevertheless, the interaction between flood and leptospirosis has not been extensively studied to understand the influence of flood attributes in inducing new cases. This study reviews leptospirosis cases in relation to multiple flood occurrences in Kerala, India. Leptospirosis data were obtained for three years: 2017 (non-flood year) and two years with flooding-2018 (heavy flooding) and 2019 (moderate flooding)...
May 13, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Yasemin Inaç, Suzannah D'Hooghe, Delfien Van Dyck, Sarah Dury, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Benedicte Deforche, Eva M De Clercq, Nico Van de Weghe, Karin De Ridder
Obesity, a significant public health concern, disproportionately affects people with lower socioeconomic status (SES). Food environments have been identified as part of the causal chain of this disparity. This study investigated variations in the food environment across groups with different SES profiles residing in peri-urban municipal settings. In addition, it examined the association of the perceived and objective food environments with eating behaviour and assessed if these associations were moderated by SES...
May 9, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Shuangming Zhao, Yuchen Fan, Pengxiang Zhao, Ali Mansourian, Hung Chak Ho
BACKGROUND: Taxi drivers in a Chinese megacity are frequently exposed to traffic-related particulate matter (PM2.5 ) due to their job nature, busy road traffic, and urban density. A robust method to quantify dynamic population exposure to PM2.5 among taxi drivers is important for occupational risk prevention, however, it is limited by data availability. METHODS: This study proposed a rapid assessment of dynamic exposure to PM2.5 among drivers based on satellite-derived information, air quality data from monitoring stations, and GPS-based taxi trajectory data...
April 13, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Sara Mazzilli, Gianluca Paparatto, Antonio Chieti, Anna Maria Nannavecchia, Lucia Bisceglia, Pier Luigi Lopalco, Domenico Martinelli, Lara Tavoschi
BACKGROUND: It has been shown that COVID-19 affects people at socioeconomic disadvantage more strongly. Previous studies investigating the association between geographical deprivation and COVID-19 outcomes in Italy reported no differences in case-hospitalisation and case-fatality. The objective of this research was to compare the usefulness of the geographic and individual deprivation index (DI) in assessing the associations between individuals' deprivation and risk of Sars-CoV-2 infection and disease severity in the Apulia region from February to December 2020...
April 4, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Feifan Gao, Hanbei Cheng, Zhigang Li, Le Yu
Current research on public spaces and mental health often focuses on the independent relationship of one or more social mediators, neglecting the nuanced implications and serial mechanisms inherent in the progressive social process. Using Wuhan city, China, as a study case with multi-source data, this research applies Multilevel Generalized Structural Equation Modeling and deep learning techniques to explore the differential effects of public spaces with varying degrees of publicness (i.e., typical, semi-, and privately owned) on rural migrants' mental health...
March 7, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Jacob Hassler, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Krisjanis Steins, Vania Ceccato
BACKGROUND: Assuring that emergency health care (EHC) is accessible is a key objective for health care planners. Conventional accessibility analysis commonly relies on resident population data. However, the allocation of resources based on stationary population data may lead to erroneous assumptions of population accessibility to EHC. METHOD: Therefore, in this paper, we calculate population accessibility to emergency departments in Sweden with a geographical information system based network analysis...
March 2, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Marie Bonal, Cindy Padilla, Guillaume Chevillard, Véronique Lucas-Gabrielli
BACKGROUND: Increasing inequalities in accessibility to primary care has generated medical deserts. Identifying them is key to target the geographic areas where action is needed. An extensive definition of primary care has been promoted by the World Health Organization: a first level of contact with the health system, which involves the co-presence of different categories of health professionals alongside the general practitioner for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Previous analyses have focused mainly on a single type of provider while this study proposes an integrated approach including various ones to define medical deserts in primary care...
February 28, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Rashmi Rashmi, Sanjay K Mohanty
BACKGROUND: Increasing disability is of global and national concern. Lack of evidence on disability across socioeconomic groups and geographic levels (especially small areas) impeded interventions for these disadvantaged subgroups. We aimed to examine the socioeconomic and geographic variations in disabilities, namely hearing, speech, visual, mental, and locomotor, in Indian participants using cross-sectional data from the National Family Health Survey 2019-2021. METHODS: Using data from 27,93,971 individuals, we estimated age-sex-adjusted disability rates at the national and sub-national levels...
February 18, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Noreen Z Siddiqui, Lai Wei, Joreintje D Mackenbach, Maria G M Pinho, Marco Helbich, Linda J Schoonmade, Joline W J Beulens
BACKGROUND: Geographic access to food may affect dietary choices and health outcomes, but the strength and direction of associations may depend on the operationalization of exposure measures. We aimed to systematically review the literature on up-to-date evidence on the association between food environment exposures based on Global Positioning System (GPS) and diet-related and cardiometabolic health outcomes. METHODS: The databases PubMed,, APA PsycInfo (via Ebsco), Cinahl (via Ebsco), the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, and the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (via ProQuest) were searched from inception to October 31, 2022...
February 6, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Sanwei He, Shan Yu, Lina Ai, Jingya Dai, Calvin King Lam Chung
The impact of objective and subjective environmental factors on health outcomes has been a topic of significant debate, with a growing body of research acknowledging the role of a physically active lifestyle in promoting health. However, consensus regarding their precise influence remains elusive. This study contributes to these discussions by exploring how individual health outcomes correlate with transport and leisure walking behaviours, set against both the objective and subjective aspects of environmental influences in the context of Wuhan, an inland Chinese megacity...
January 25, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
Jennifer Lord, Agricola Odoi
BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis, control of blood glucose levels and cardiovascular risk factors, and regular screening are essential to prevent or delay complications of diabetes. However, most adults with diabetes do not meet recommended targets, and some populations have disproportionately high rates of potentially preventable diabetes-related hospitalizations. Understanding the factors that contribute to geographic disparities can guide resource allocation and help ensure that future interventions are designed to meet the specific needs of these communities...
January 6, 2024: International Journal of Health Geographics
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