Journals Applied Health Economics and H...

Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Ting Zhao, Michelle Tew, Talitha Feenstra, Pieter van Baal, Michael Willis, William J Valentine, Philip M Clarke, Barnaby Hunt, James Altunkaya, An Tran-Duy, Richard F Pollock, Samuel J P Malkin, Andreas Nilsson, Phil McEwan, Volker Foos, Jose Leal, Elbert S Huang, Neda Laiteerapong, Mark Lamotte, Harry Smolen, Jianchao Quan, Luís Martins, Mafalda Ramos, Andrew J Palmer
OBJECTIVE: This study leveraged data from 11 independent international diabetes models to evaluate the impact of unrelated future medical costs on the outcomes of health economic evaluations in diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Eleven models simulated the progression of diabetes and occurrence of its complications in hypothetical cohorts of individuals with type 1 (T1D) or type 2 (T2D) diabetes over the remaining lifetime of the patients to evaluate the cost effectiveness of three hypothetical glucose improvement interventions versus a hypothetical control intervention...
September 16, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Eva Rodríguez-Míguez, Antonio Sampayo
OBJECTIVE: We assess whether the preferences regarding dependency-related health states as stated by informal caregivers are aligned with those expressed by the general population. METHODS: The preferences of a sample of 139 Spanish informal caregivers of dependent patients are compared with those obtained via a sample of 312 persons, also from the Spanish general population. We assess 24 dependency states extracted from the DEP-6D using the time trade-off method...
September 10, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Kailu Wang, Ho-Man Shum, Carrie Ho-Kwan Yam, Yushan Wu, Eliza Lai-Yi Wong, Eng-Kiong Yeoh
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Patients may get more treatment options with off-label use of drugs while exposed to unknown risks of adverse events. Little is known about the public or demand-side perspective on off-label drug use, which is important to understand how to use off-label treatment and devise financial assistance. This study aimed to quantify public preference for off-label cancer treatment outcomes, process, and costs, and perceived importance of associated adverse events. METHODS: A discrete choice experiment and a best-worst scaling were conducted in Hong Kong in December 2022...
September 10, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
A Alex Levine, Daniel E Enright, Katherine A Clifford, Stacey Kowal, James D Chambers
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the association between characteristics of novel drugs and incremental health gains relative to standard of care, in terms of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). METHODS: This study's unit of analysis is the drug-indication pair. For pairs approved by the US FDA from 1999 to 2018, we quantified incremental health gains using QALYs from the published literature and characterized each pair's novelty in terms of a series of six binary (yes/no) characteristics of novel drugs given special consideration by Health Technology Assessment agencies: Novel mechanism of action, Indicated for a rare disease, Indicated for a pediatric population, Treats a serious condition, Offers meaningful improvement over available therapies, and Potential to address unmet clinical needs...
September 3, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Neil Hawkins, Janet Bouttell, Dmitry Ponomarev
BACKGROUND: Predictive biomarkers are intended to predict an individual's expected response to specific treatments. These are an important component of precision medicine. We explore measures of biomarker performance that are based on the expected probability of response to individual treatment conditional on biomarker status. We show how these measures can be used to establish thresholds at which testing strategies will be clinically superior. METHODS: We used a decision model to compare expected probabilities of response of treat-all and test-and-treat strategies...
September 2, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Samir Garg, Kirtti Kumar Bebarta, Narayan Tripathi, Vikash Ranjan Keshri
BACKGROUND: With its clear focus on financial protection, government-funded health insurance (GFHI) stands out among the strategies for universal health coverage (UHC) implemented by low-to-middle income countries globally. Since 2018, India has implemented a GFHI programme called the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), which covers 500 million individuals. The current study aims to evaluate the performance of GFHI in meeting its key objectives of improving access, quality and financial protection for hospital-based care in two large central Indian states: Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra...
August 25, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Aikaterini Papadopoulou, Helen Mason, Cam Donaldson
BACKGROUND: Clinical healthcare is not the only way to improve an individual's health. Community-based interventions can have health and wellbeing impacts as well; however, the nature of these interventions, which have public good characteristics, poses challenges for the typical ways in which we value outcomes for use in (health) economic evaluations. The approaches to valuation of these type of interventions should allow for the incorporation of all types of values including option value, externalities and individual use-value...
August 20, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Aditya Goenka, Lin Liu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 14, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Claire Gorry, Maria Daly, Rosealeen Barrett, Karen Finnigan, Amelia Smith, Stephen Doran, Bernard Duggan, Sarah Clarke, Michael Barry
The Health Service Executive, responsible for operating the Irish health service, has introduced health technology management (HTM) initiatives to manage expenditure on medicines. One such approach is managed access protocols (MAPs) to support access to high-cost medicines, while providing oversight, governance and budgetary certainty to the payer. Herein we describe the development and operation of MAPs, using case studies of liraglutide (Saxenda® ), dupilumab (Dupixent® ) and calcitonin gene-related peptide monoclonal antibodies...
August 12, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Susanne Mayer, Michael Berger, Nataša Perić, Claudia Fischer, Alexander Konnopka, Valentin Brodszky, Silvia M A A Evers, Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen, Mencia Ruiz Guitérrez Colosia, Luis Salvador-Carulla, A-La Park, Joanna Thorn, Lidia García-Pérez, Judit Simon
BACKGROUND: Increasing healthcare costs require evidence-based resource use allocation for which assessing costs rigorously and comparably is crucial. Harmonized cross-country costing methods for evaluating interventions from a societal perspective are lacking. This study presents the development process and content of the service costing templates developed as part of the European project PECUNIA. METHODS: The six developmental steps towards technological readiness of the templates included (1) a common conceptual costing framework and review of methodological costing issues, (2) harmonization strategy formulation, (3) proof-of-concept with expert feedback, (4) piloting, (5) validation, and (6) demonstration in six European countries...
August 8, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Naijie Guan, Alessandra Guariglia, Patrick Moore, Hareth Al-Janabi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: While financial literacy is a plausible determinant of mental health, there are relatively few studies exploring the relationship between financial literacy and mental health, and the existing literature focuses on a single construct of financial literacy in high-income settings. Our study addresses this by investigating whether there is an association between financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours and mental health in Chinese adults. METHODS: We use data from the China Family Panel Studies, a nationally representative longitudinal survey...
July 30, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Michal Pruski, Susan O'Connell, Laura Knight, Rhys Morris
Intensive care unit (ICU) patients receive highly complex care and often require sedation as part of their management. ICU sedation has traditionally been delivered using intravenous (IV) agents due to the impractical use of anaesthetic machines in this setting, which are used to deliver volatile sedation. Sedaconda anaesthetic conserving device (ACD)-S (previously known as AnaConDa-S) is a device which allows for the delivery of volatile sedation via the majority of mechanical ventilators by being inserted in the breathing circuit where the heat and moisture exchanger is normally placed...
July 26, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Matt Wilkinson-Stokes, Michelle Tew, Celene Y L Yap, Di Crellin, Marie Gerdtz
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Globally, emergency medical services (EMSs) report that their demand is dominated by non-emergency (such as urgent and primary care) requests. Appropriately managing these is a major challenge for EMSs, with one mechanism employed being specialist community paramedics. This review guides policy by evaluating the economic impact of specialist community paramedic models from a healthcare system perspective. METHODS: A multidisciplinary team (health economics, emergency care, paramedicine, nursing) was formed, and a protocol registered on PROSPERO (CRD42023397840) and published open access...
July 17, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Maryia Zhdanava, Jacqueline Pesa, Porpong Boonmak, Samuel Schwartzbein, Qian Cai, Dominic Pilon, Zia Choudhry, Marie-Hélène Lafeuille, Patrick Lefebvre, Nizar Souayah
BACKGROUND: High healthcare costs could arise from unmet needs. This study used random forest (RF) and regression methods to identify predictors of high costs from a US payer perspective in patients newly diagnosed with generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG). METHODS: Adults with gMG (first diagnosis = index) were selected from the IQVIA PharMetrics® Plus database (2017-2021). Predictors of high healthcare costs were measured 12 months pre-index (main cohort) and during both the 12 months pre- and post-index (subgroup)...
July 13, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Oscar Espinosa, Paul Rodríguez-Lesmes, Giancarlo Romano, Esteban Orozco, Sergio Basto, Diego Ávila, Lorena Mesa, Hernán Enríquez
The article offers a comparative analysis of the influence of cost-effectiveness thresholds in the decision-making processes in financing policies, coverage, and price regulation of health technologies in nine countries. We investigated whether countries used cost-effectiveness thresholds for public health policy decision making and found that few countries have adopted the cost-effectiveness threshold as an official criterion for financing, reimbursement, or pricing. However, in countries where it is applied, such as Thailand, the results have been very favorable in terms of minimizing health technology prices and ensuring the financial sustainability of the health system...
July 12, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Alice Minhinnick, Francisco Santos-Gonzalez, Michelle Wilson, Paula Lorgelly
OBJECTIVE: To identify how value is defined in studies that focus on the value of molecular testing in cancer and the extent to which broadening the conceptualisation of value in healthcare has been applied in the molecular testing literature. METHODS: A scoping review was undertaken using Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) guidance. Medline, Embase, EconLit and Cochrane Library were searched in August 2023. Articles were eligible if they reported costs relative to outcomes, novel costs, or novel outcomes of molecular testing in cancer...
July 9, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Margherita Neri, Patricia Cubi-Molla, Graham Cookson
Improving efficiency and productivity are key aspects to ensure that general practices in England can meet the needs of a growing population with increasingly demanding and costly healthcare needs. However, current evidence on the efficiency and productivity of general practices is weak, partly due to suboptimal approaches to measure their 'valued' output. To overcome this limitation, this paper presents a multi-dimensional framework and indicators of valued output from the healthcare decision-maker's perspective...
July 6, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Rituparna Basu, Simon Eggington, Natalie Hallas, Liesl Strachan
It is well accepted that medical devices (MDs) and procedures have several unique characteristics compared with pharmaceuticals, such as learning curve (LC), incremental innovation (II), dynamic pricing (DP), and organizational impact (OI). The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which these MD characteristics are routinely assessed by health technology assessment (HTA) agencies and incorporated in their guidelines and reports. Three approaches were taken. First, a review of the most recent HTA methods guidelines from 14 selected HTA agencies and 5 HTA networks was undertaken...
July 4, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Madhumitha Haridoss, Akhil Sasidharan, Sajith Kumar, Kavitha Rajsekar, Krishnamurthy Venkataraman, Bhavani Shankara Bagepally
INTRODUCTION: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a progressive and debilitating disease, causing persistent joint pain that limits daily activities requiring long-term treatment. Newer targeted therapies expand RA treatment options, but their high cost necessitates a focus on cost effectiveness. To address this, we aim to conduct a cost-utility analysis of these newer RA pharmacotherapies to support evidence-based policy decision-making. METHODS: We analyzed the cost-utility of sequential treatment with TNF-α, B cell and JAK-inhibitors compared with conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDs) for RA treatment in methotrexate (MTX) nonresponders...
July 1, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Amber Salisbury, Joshua Ciardi, Richard Norman, Amelia K Smit, Anne E Cust, Cynthia Low, Michael Caruana, Louisa Gordon, Karen Canfell, Julia Steinberg, Alison Pearce
PURPOSE: Genetic and genomic testing can provide valuable information on individuals' risk of chronic diseases, presenting an opportunity for risk-tailored disease screening to improve early detection and health outcomes. The acceptability, uptake and effectiveness of such programmes is dependent on public preferences for the programme features. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of discrete choice experiments assessing preferences for genetic/genomic risk-tailored chronic disease screening...
June 25, 2024: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
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