Journals International Journal for Equi...

International Journal for Equity in Health
Sezer Kisa, Adnan Kisa
BACKGROUND: Undocumented immigrants face many obstacles in accessing emergency healthcare. Legal uncertainties, economic constraints, language differences, and cultural disparities lead to delayed medical care and thereby exacerbate health inequities. Addressing the healthcare needs of this vulnerable group is crucial for both humanitarian and public health reasons. Comprehensive strategies are needed to ensure equitable health outcomes. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify and analyze the barriers undocumented immigrants face in accessing emergency healthcare services and the consequences on health outcomes...
September 14, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Augusta C Nkem, Susan Devine, Daprim S Ogaji, Stephanie M Topp
BACKGROUND: When managed effectively, oil wealth can drive economic development and improve wellbeing. Conversely, as has been the experience in Ogoniland in the Niger Delta, the presence of the oil industry can lead to environmental degradation and social and economic vulnerabilities with negative impacts on health and wellbeing. Few studies have explored the experiences and perceptions of these impacts among residents of host communities themselves. METHODS: This qualitative study explored Ogoni residents' experiences and perceptions of oil-industry related economic exclusion and associated impacts on health and wellbeing...
September 12, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Solomon Tessema Memirie, Muluken Argaw, Mieraf Taddesse Tolla, Frehiwot Abebe, Wubaye Walelgne Dagnaw, Ole F Norheim, Amanuel Yigezu
BACKGROUND: Efficiency, equity and financial risk protection are key health systems objectives. Equitable distribution of health care is among the priority strategic initiative of the government of Ethiopia. However, data on the distribution of interventions benefits or on disease burden disaggregated by subpopulations to guide health care priority setting is not available in Ethiopia. METHODS: Aligned with policy documents, we identified the following groups to be the worse off in the Ethiopian context: under-five children, women of reproductive age, the poor, and rural residents...
September 11, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Nancy Abdelmalak, Jacob Burns, Laura Suhlrie, Michael Laxy, Anna-Janina Stephan
BACKGROUND: The growing use of mobile health applications (apps) for managing diabetes and hypertension entails an increased need to understand their effectiveness among different population groups. It is unclear if efficacy and effectiveness trials currently provide evidence of differential effectiveness, and if they do, a summary of such evidence is missing. Our study identified to what extent sociocultural and socioeconomic inequalities were considered in effectiveness trials of mobile health apps in diabetic and hypertensive patients and if these inequalities moderated app effectiveness...
September 11, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Lisette Farias, Mai-Lis Hellenius, Gisela Nyberg, Susanne Andermo
INTRODUCTION AND AIM: Ethnically diverse neighborhoods encounter pronounced inequalities, including housing segregation and limited access to safe outdoor spaces. Residents of these neighborhoods face challenges related to physical inactivity, including sedentary lifestyles and obesity in adults and children. One approach to tackling health inequalities is through family-based programs tailored specifically to these neighborhoods. This study aimed to investigate parents' experiences and perceptions of the family-based Open Activities, a cost-free and drop-in program offered in ethnically diverse and low socioeconomic neighborhoods in Sweden...
September 11, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Schultz Sally, Beissmann Felicity, Zorbas Christina, Yoong Serene, Peeters Anna, Backholer Kathryn
BACKGROUND: Local governments have a critical role to play in addressing health inequities. Health equity impact assessments are recommended to help governments apply an equity lens to the development and implementation of policies and programs. Despite evidence of equity-positive benefits of such tools, adoption remains limited, prompting calls for evaluations to assess their impact and identify factors that will promote uptake across various contexts. METHODS: We conducted a mixed method study to evaluate the impact of an equity impact assessment (EIA) tool and process on policies and organisational capacity in a local government in Victoria, Australia, and identify factors that influenced this impact...
September 10, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Yazan A Al-Ajlouni, Mohamed Abouzid, Mohammad Tanashat, Ahmed Ahmed Basheer, Omar Al Ta'ani, Naciye Bilgin-Badur, Mohammad Islam
BACKGROUND: Lower extremity amputations (LEAs) significantly contribute to mortality and morbidity, often resulting from peripheral artery disease and diabetes mellitus (DM). Traumatic injuries also account for many LEAs. Despite the global burden, the epidemiology of LEAs, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, remains underexplored. This study utilizes the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) dataset to analyze temporal trends in LEAs in the MENA region from 1990 to 2019...
September 3, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Nancy Kagwanja, Sassy Molyneux, Eleanor Whyle, Benjamin Tsofa, Hassan Leli, Lucy Gilson
BACKGROUND: Health system responsiveness to public priorities and needs is a broad, multi-faceted and complex health system goal thought to be important in promoting inclusivity and reducing system inequity in participation. Power dynamics underlie the complexity of responsiveness but are rarely considered. This paper presents an analysis of various manifestations of power within the responsiveness practices of Health Facility Committees (HFCs) and Sub-county Health Management Teams (SCHMTs) operating at the subnational level in Kenya...
September 2, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Olga P M Saweri, William S Pomat, Andrew J Vallely, Virginia Wiseman, Neha Batura
BACKGROUND: Although global poverty rates have declined in the last decade, the fall in the Asia-Pacific region has been slow relative to the rest of the world. Poverty continues to be a major cause of poor maternal and newborn health, and a barrier to accessing timely antenatal care. Papua New Guinea has one of the highest poverty rates and some of the worst maternal and neonatal outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region. Few studies have investigated equity in antenatal care utilization in this setting...
September 2, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Jignesh Patel, Sangita More, Pravin Sohani, Shrinath Bedarkar, Kamala Kannan Dinesh, Deepika Sharma, Sanjay Dhir, Sushil Sushil, Gunjan Taneja, Raj Shankar Ghosh
BACKGROUND: Equitable access to healthcare for rural, tribal, and underprivileged people has been an emerging area of interest for researchers, academicians, and policymakers worldwide. Improving equitable access to healthcare requires innovative interventions. This calls for clarifying which operational model of a service innovation needs to be strengthened to achieve transformative change and bring sustainability to public health interventions. The current study aimed to identify the components of an operational model of mobile medical units (MMUs) as an innovative intervention to provide equitable access to healthcare...
September 2, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Danae Rodríguez Gatta, Pamela Gutiérrez Monclus, Jane Wilbur, Johanna Hanefeld, Lena Morgon Banks, Hannah Kuper
BACKGROUND: Around 18% of the population in Chile has disabilities. Evidence shows that this population has greater healthcare needs, yet they face barriers to accessing healthcare due to health system failures. This paper aims to assess the inclusion of people with disabilities in health policy documents and to explore the perceptions of key national stakeholders regarding the policy context, policy processes, and actors involved. METHODS: A policy content analysis was conducted of 12 health policy documents using the EquiFrame framework, adapted to assess disability inclusion...
August 29, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Qian Wang, Ruiming Dai, Qianqian Yu, Tiantian Zhang
BACKGROUND: In China, retail pharmacies are critical sources for obtaining medications and play a vital role in residents' daily access to drugs and treatment of common illnesses. Effectively guiding the placement of these pharmacies in areas of need through government regulation is crucial for enhancing medication access. In this study, we used population and retail pharmacy spatial distribution data from Shanghai to design guidance and supplementary methods for optimizing the spatial layout of retail pharmacies and medical insurance designated pharmacies based on regional characteristics...
August 28, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Joshua Yusuf, Ninoshka J D'Souza, Hilary A T Caldwell, Sarah Meaghan Sim, Mark Embrett, Sara F L Kirk
BACKGROUND: Achieving health equity is important to improve population health; however, health equity is not typically well defined, integrated, or measured within health service and delivery systems. To improve population health, it is necessary to understand barriers and facilitators to health equity integration within health service and delivery systems. This study aimed to explore health equity integration among health systems workers and identify key barriers and facilitators to implementing health equity strategies within the health service and delivery system in Nova Scotia, ahead of the release of a Health Equity Framework, focused on addressing inequities within publicly funded institutions...
August 26, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Surendran Maheswari Simi, Regi Jose, Thekkumkara Surendran Anish
BACKGROUND: Kerala has a history of achievements in health through acting on the distal social determinants, but certain communities like tribals were pushed back from the stream of social development and health achievements. Subsequently, the lifestyle and the poor living conditions of tribes make them more prone to several diseases including skin diseases. However, neither the burden nor the situation of the same in the tribal population in several parts including Kerala is seldom assessed...
August 26, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Luke N Allen, Sarah Karanja, Michael Gichangi, Cosmas Bunywera, Hillary Rono, David Macleod, Min Jung Kim, Malebogo Tlhajoane, Matthew J Burton, Jacqueline Ramke, Nigel M Bolster, Andrew Bastawrous
BACKGROUND: Over 80% of blindness in Kenya is due to curable or preventable causes and 7.5 m Kenyans currently need eye services. Embedding sociodemographic data collection into screening programmes could help identify the groups facing systematic barriers to care. We aimed to determine the sociodemographic characteristics that were associated with access among patients diagnosed with an eye problem and referred for treatment in the Vision Impact Programme, currently operating in Meru County...
August 26, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Bénédique Paul, David Jean Simon, Vénunyé Claude Kondo Tokpovi, Mickens Mathieu, Clavie Paul
BACKGROUND: Despite many efforts to provide children with legal existence over the last decades, 1 in 4 children under the age of 5 (166 million) do not officially exist, with limited possibility to enjoy their human rights. In Latin America and the Caribbean, Haiti has one of the highest rates of undocumented births. This study aimed to analyze the prevalence and the determinant factors of undocumented childhood in Haiti. METHODS: For analysis of undocumented childhood and related socioeconomic determinants, data from the 2016/17 Haiti demographic and health survey were used...
August 26, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Elizabeth K Darling, Aisha Jansen, Bismah Jameel, Jean-Éric Tarride
BACKGROUND: Lack of evidence about the long-term economic benefits of interventions targeting underserved perinatal populations can hamper decision making regarding funding. To optimize the quality of future research, we examined what methods and costs have been used to assess the value of interventions targeting pregnant people and/or new parents who have poor access to healthcare. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review using methods described by Arksey and O'Malley...
August 22, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Jie-Ting Chen, Kai Yang, Yan Zhu, Xiang-Wei Wu
BACKGROUND: Ensuring that the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources are rational, and that medical services are efficient and fair, is an important task of practical significance. On this basis, examining the impact of health human resources on the level of medical services presents a new and formidable challenge. This study aims to delve into how the scale and hierarchical structure of health human resources in China's four major economic regions affect the fairness and efficiency of medical services, and to identify optimization strategies...
August 21, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Melissa J Opozda, Jason Bonson, Jahdai Vigona, David Aanundsen, Chris Paradisis, Peter Anderson, Garth Stahl, Daphne C Watkins, Oliver Black, Bryce Brickley, Karla J Canuto, Murray J N Drummond, Keith F Miller, Gabriel Oth, Jasmine Petersen, Jacob Prehn, Maria M Raciti, Mark Robinson, Dante Rodrigues, Cameron Stokes, Kootsy Canuto, James A Smith
BACKGROUND: Despite disproportionate rates of mental ill-health compared with non-Indigenous populations, few programs have been tailored to the unique health, social, and cultural needs and preferences of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males. This paper describes the process of culturally adapting the US-based Young Black Men, Masculinities, and Mental Health (YBMen) Project to suit the needs, preferences, culture, and circumstances of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males aged 16-25 years in the Northern Territory, Australia...
August 21, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Lisa Pagano, Nick Glenn, Karen Hutchinson, Janet C Long, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Mitchell N Sarkies
BACKGROUND: Healthcare triage policies are vital for allocating limited resources fairly and equitably. Despite extensive studies of healthcare equity, consensus on the applied definition of equity in triage remains elusive. This study aimed to investigate how the principles of equity are operationalised in Australian hospital physiotherapy triage tools to guide resource distribution. METHODS: A retrospective, qualitative content analysis of 13 triage policies from 10 hospitals across Australia was conducted...
August 21, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
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