Raj Kumar Manchanda, Anjali Miglani, Amrit Kalsi, Smita Brahmachari, Kamsali Nadigadda Rama, Pawan Goel, Pallavi Kaushik, Anju Jethani, Cheshta Nagrath, Nirmal Yadav Pangtey, Jithesh Thavarayil Kannoth, Kavita Sharma, Shelly Arora, B Amitav, Pradip Kumar Roy, Ram Kumar Kudiyarasu, Lex Rutten
BACKGROUND: With the emergence of new variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, such as the Omicron variant, during the third wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there was a need to identify useful homeopathic medicines. This study aimed to identify such medicines and their indications using prognostic factor research (PFR). METHODS: This was an open-label, multi-centred observational study conducted in January 2022, on confirmed COVID-19 cases...
December 29, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy