Journals Homeopathy : the Journal of th...

Homeopathy : the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Alastair C Gray, Christine D Luketic, Parker Pracjek, Denise Straiges
BACKGROUND:  The Academy of Homeopathy Education is a US-based accredited teaching institution offering homeopathy education services to professional and medically licensed homeopathy students. This study reports on clinical outcomes from the teaching clinic from 2020 to 2021. METHODS:  Data collected using the patient-generated outcome measure, the Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCaW), were anonymized. Mean MYCaW values for initial and subsequent consultations were analyzed for the degree of change across the intervention period in 38 clients...
April 9, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Silvia Baur-Bernhardt, Annemarie Käsbohrer, Marcus Georg Doherr, Diana Meemken, Lena Sonnenschein-Swanson, Birgit Ursula Stetina, Mary-Ann Sommer, Petra Weiermayer
BACKGROUND:  Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious public health concern worldwide. The European Union requires a reduction in the use of antibiotics by 50% by 2030, with separate regulations on organic production that give preference to homeopathy and phytotherapy in organic farms before the use of conventional medicines (including antibiotics). We have therefore designed a two-phased project whose overarching aim is to investigate the potential role of homeopathic medicinal products (HMPs) in combating AMR in turkeys (the HOMAMR project): a two-cohort feasibility study using turkey-farm data that have been collected and analyzed retrospectively, followed by a prospective two-cohort study in turkey farms that would examine the impact of HMPs on changing antibiotic use...
April 4, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Giuliano Pereira de Barros, Denise Pereira Leme, Patrizia Ana Bricarello
BACKGROUND:  The blowfly Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) causes traumatic myiasis in farm animals, with deeply embedded larvae that lead to serious tissue damage and sometimes death. Treating this form of myiasis is difficult, often resulting in poor outcomes. As a homeopathic preparation that can mimic traumatic myiasis symptoms, Pyrogenium could potentially supplement treatment. This study aimed to describe the adjuvant effect that a Pyrogenium ointment might have in the treatment of sheep with traumatic myiasis...
March 28, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Ubiratan Cardinalli Adler, Maristela Schiabel Adler, Helen Nogueira Carrer, Deise Lilian Costa Dias, José Nelson Martins Diniz, Manoela Gomes Grossi, Neli Aparecida Martins Sugimoto, Edson Zangiacomi Martinez
BACKGROUND:  Chronic non-specific low back pain (CNSLBP) lacks identifiable anatomical pathology and effective pharmacological treatment. Alternative approaches in homeopathy, specifically clinical homeopathy, utilize ultra-diluted (potentized) biological products. In Brazil, standardized biotherapics from sheep tissues, particularly fifty-millesimal (LM) potencies of sheep Lumbar Vertebra , have shown promise in alleviating CNSLBP. OBJECTIVES:  Our objective is to present the study protocol of a clinical trial that will assess the efficacy and safety of the biotherapic Lumbar Vertebra LM2 in the short-term management of CNSLBP and to estimate its therapeutic duration...
March 20, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Hima Bindu Ponnam
BACKGROUND:  A rising incidence of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) in India has escalated the rate of lower limb amputations in the country. The present study aims to evaluate the potential healing properties of homeopathic medicines as a part of the integrative management of DFUs through two evidence-based case reports. METHODS:  Two patients with DFUs, identified as Wagner grade 2, having had diabetes for 12 years, were treated with individualized homeopathic medicine within a multi-disciplinary approach...
March 5, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Jéssica Amâncio Martins, Melina Castilho de Souza Balbueno, Cidéli de Paula Coelho
BACKGROUND:   Carduus marianus is a Mediterranean plant used for treating liver diseases. One of its properties is that it inhibits fat peroxidation, which can contribute toward the prevention of metabolites that are harmful to the liver. OBJECTIVE:  The aim of this study was to describe the treatment of fatty liver disease in an axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum ). METHODS:  An approximately 6-year-old female specimen of A...
February 29, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Seema Mahesh, Mahesh Mallappa, Vitalie Vacaras, Viraj Shah, Elena Serzhantova, Nadezhda Kubasheva, Dmitriy Chabanov, Dionysios Tsintzas, Latika Jaggi, Atul Jaggi, George Vithoulkas
BACKGROUND:  Fever is the hallmark of efficient acute inflammatory response, which may be disrupted in chronic inflammatory conditions. The "continuum theory" proposes that the return of acute inflammatory states with high fever predicts improvement in chronic diseases during treatment. Our objective was to investigate the observation made, during classical homeopathic treatment, that such an association exists between chronic inflammation and efficient acute inflammation. METHODS:  In a case-control study, the reports of patients diagnosed with chronic inflammatory conditions with at least 6 months of follow-up under homeopathic treatment were retrospectively sampled from homeopathic medical practices from Greece, India, Romania and Russia...
February 9, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
E Rachel Roberts, Angelina J Mosley, Esther T van der Werf, Alexander L Tournier
The Homeopathy Research Institute's (HRI) 5th international research conference took place in the heart of London, from 16th to 18th June 2023. With 230 attendees from 27 countries, HRI's conferences remain truly international. HRI London 2023 will be remembered for its inspiring blend of 'old and new', with a programme notable for the maturity of the evidence presented by experienced names drawing on decades of work, as well as the enthusiasm and skill of up-and-coming researchers who took the floor to present their new findings...
February 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
E Rachel Roberts, Angelina J Mosley, Alexander L Tournier
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
(no author information available yet)
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February 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Gülin Renda, İçim Gökkaya, Gamze Kandemir, Tuğçe Özyiğit, Tuğba Kurt
BACKGROUND:  Homeopathy belongs to "Traditional and Complementary Medicine" (TCM) and is defined in the TCM regulation in Turkey as a holistic practice method that aims to improve health status with personalized medicines. The international and national literature includes a limited number of studies that examine individuals' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward homeopathy. Although in Turkey the Regulation on Pharmacists and Pharmacies states that the sale of homeopathic medicines is allowed only in pharmacies, no study was found that evaluated awareness about homeopathy among pharmacy students...
February 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Nisanth K M Nambison, Narendra Sharma, Abhishek D Dwivedi, Nisha Chakravarty
BACKGROUND:  Sickle cell disorder (SCD) is a hereditary blood disease characterized by an abnormality in the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin present in red blood cells. Genetic abnormality causes these cells to become sickle-shaped, with shorter lifespan. Vaso-occlusive crisis is a major symptom of SCD: it is a sudden and severe episode of pain, and occurs when sickle-shaped cells block blood flow. This blockage can lead to tissue damage, inflammation and pain. OBJECTIVES:  This case series aims to observe the clinical outcomes from prescribing individualized homeopathic medicines along with organopathic supportive medicine in the management of SCD through the analysis of case studies of six patients from a particularly vulnerable tribal group (PVTG) in India that manifests genetic predisposition for the disease...
January 30, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Josef M Schmidt
By means of a historical, classical philological and philosophical approach, this paper attempts to demonstrate that homeopathy is based on three powerful traditions of thinking, which can be traced back to Ancient Greece's pre-Socratic era. Actually, it seems to be constituted by what may be termed lógos -, hómoion - and iásthai -thinking: that is, thinking in terms of rationality, similarity and healing. By contrast, modern medicine tends to be aligned with just one of these traditions, at the expense of the others, this being not without risk and adverse effects...
January 29, 2024: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Raj Kumar Manchanda, Anjali Miglani, Amrit Kalsi, Smita Brahmachari, Kamsali Nadigadda Rama, Pawan Goel, Pallavi Kaushik, Anju Jethani, Cheshta Nagrath, Nirmal Yadav Pangtey, Jithesh Thavarayil Kannoth, Kavita Sharma, Shelly Arora, B Amitav, Pradip Kumar Roy, Ram Kumar Kudiyarasu, Lex Rutten
BACKGROUND:  With the emergence of new variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, such as the Omicron variant, during the third wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there was a need to identify useful homeopathic medicines. This study aimed to identify such medicines and their indications using prognostic factor research (PFR). METHODS:  This was an open-label, multi-centred observational study conducted in January 2022, on confirmed COVID-19 cases...
December 29, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Steven J Cartwright, Tony S Pinkus
BACKGROUND:  Whilst it is assumed that water plays a crucial role in homeopathy, it is unclear what specific functions water has in the generation, propagation and maintenance of homeopathic potencies. Solvatochromic dyes have demonstrated themselves to be reliable indicators of the presence of potencies and so are well placed to begin to address these questions. OBJECTIVE:  The aim of the current study was to ascertain whether pure water could be potentised...
December 13, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Parth Aphale, Avinash Sanap, Dharmendra Sharma, Avinash Kharat, Supriya Kheur, Chinmay Gawade, Indumati Somasundaram, Ramesh Bhonde
BACKGROUND:  The therapeutic effectiveness of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and their secretome can be enhanced by means of physical, chemical and biological preconditioning. Arsenicum album 30C (AA30) has been one of the leading homeopathic medicines used in prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 infection. AIMS:  This study aimed to investigate whether AA30 preconditioning could influence the growth factors and cytokine profile of the human dental pulp-derived MSC (DPD-MSC) secretome...
December 7, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Abhijit Dutta
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 4, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Daniel M O Campos, Maria K Silva, Gabriel C F Morais, João F R Neto, Jonas I N Oliveira
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Peter Gregory
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
Ashish Kumar Dixit, Danish Javed, Amit Srivastava, Renu Bala, Nibha Giri
BACKGROUND:  Dermatophytosis is a common fungal infection of the skin and nails. Insufficient data exist regarding the clinico-epidemiological profile of dermatophytosis and the usefulness of individualized homeopathic medicines (IHMs) for patients visiting a homeopathy outpatient department (OPD). OBJECTIVES:  This article undertakes a clinico-epidemiological profiling of dermatophytosis and the usefulness of IHMs in its management. METHODS:  This open-label, pre-post, comparative observational study was conducted in a homeopathy OPD from November 2018 to February 2020...
November 1, 2023: Homeopathy: the Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
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