Marie-France Deschênes, Éric Dionne, Laura Robert-Boluda
Questions persist regarding the evaluation of cognitive processes related to clinical reasoning when resolving situations in a learning by concordance tool. This Delphi technique study aimed to validate a clinical reasoning assessment rubric based on script theory. Seventeen experts participated in the study. Two rounds of consultation were conducted to obtain a consensus on the accuracy and clarity of the rubric descriptors (clarity index and content validity index ≥ 0.9). The results inform future research procedures and the intended use of the rubric to facilitate evaluator inferences, provide student feedback, and support the development of learners' clinical reasoning...
September 12, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Susan P McMullan, Kaitlen O Woodfin, Ryan Richey, Amy Yerdon
Advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) educational programs require students to complete many hours of clinical education to prepare them for their role. This article outlines the process of developing a novel nurse anesthesia preceptor training program that could be implemented by any graduate APRN program. Preceptors' requests for specific information about how to best educate students served as a catalyst to develop a customized preceptor training program tailored to the needs of the program, the preceptors, and students to optimize clinical education and improve quality of care...
September 11, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Janet Montague, Roya Haghiri-Vijeh, Joyce Tsui, Michelle Connell, Caitlin Cosgrove
AIM: The aim of the study was to explore undergraduate nursing students' experiences of belonging while studying online during the COVID-19 pandemic. BACKGROUND: The use of online learning platforms increased drastically during the pandemic. Limited research exists on nursing students' experiences of belonging while studying online. METHOD: An explanatory sequential mixed-methods design was used for this study. This article reports on phase two, the qualitative component, which employed interpretive description methodology to understand nursing students' experiences...
September 11, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Kimberly Battle, Katherine H Falls, Leland Waters, Patricia W Slattum, Pamela L Parsons, Jered M Wendte, Ana F Diallo
Nursing students participated in an interprofessional student-led prescription produce program (PPP) serving low-income older adults attending a community-based wellness and care coordination program. Students engaged in an online training module covering nutrition education and health promotion, integral components of a PPP. Ninety-five percent of students self-rated themselves as somewhat confident/very confident to participate in the PPP after completing an online learning module. Further investigation is needed on integrating students from diverse health professions to address the multifaceted factors related to nutrition and other social determinants of health affecting the management of chronic diseases...
September 11, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Elizabeth Li Sharpe, Alice M Teall, Tara Spalla King
Nursing students are frequently assigned to provide case or topical presentations in class. They are often nervous about presenting, which can distract them from learning from peers. Faculty introduced the role of the assigned discussant to enhance engagement and enable peer feedback in real time. After students presented a brief elevator-pitch style speech, peer discussants were instructed to respond following specific prompts to reflect on key takeaways and remaining questions. Faculty coached students to demonstrate focused, active listening skills and to provide quality feedback using this teaching-learning innovation...
September 2, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Sabra S Custer, Suzanne M Sutton
Nursing student attrition affects the nationwide nursing shortage. Interventions that improve student retention are needed. The Jeffreys nursing universal retention and success model provided a framework for an educational intervention that introduced students to validated study techniques and test-related anxiety management techniques. The intervention was evaluated using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Results from our pilot study suggest that this type of intervention may impact the use of learning strategies and motivation and may improve overall retention and program completion...
September 2, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Rebecca Bryant, Marjorie Vogt, Char Miller
Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are often gatekeepers and can recognize the warning signs of suicidality yet may lack adequate education or self-confidence in identifying people in crisis. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of an online suicide prevention simulation with 53 FNP students. Pre/post responses were found to be statistically significant across all preparedness and attitudinal items following the Kognito© training (p < .001). Online, avatar-based suicide prevention training with FNP students may be effective in improving participants' perceived preparedness and self-confidence with patients at risk for suicidality...
August 22, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Patricia A Sharpnack
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 12, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Martha M Libster, Leslie Evers
BACKGROUND: The change from clinical nurse specialist to nurse practitioner model with emphasis on the biomedical prescriber role significantly affected graduate education/practice. AIM/METHOD: This article reports solutions, lessons learned, and insights from faculty in a four-year Workforce Development Project supported by an academic-practice partnership. Lessons learned that are shared as administrative and clinical practice insights include use of experiential learning platform and interaction process recordings, confirmation of the state of nurse psychotherapy blocks to clinical placements, movement toward a salutogenic psychosocial nursing process, changing student evaluation language of preceptors, and implementation of an Advanced Practice Nursing model for clinical supervision...
August 7, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Martha M Libster, Leslie Evers
BACKGROUND: The change from a clinical nurse specialist to nurse practitioner model has significantly affected graduate education and practice because of emphasis on the dominant biomedical prescriber role, marginalizing the nurse-psychotherapy and consultation-liaison roles fundamental to quality psychiatric advanced practice nursing practice. AIM/METHOD: We report on a four-year Workforce Development Project supported by an academic-practice partnership to restore formation and skill building of the marginalized roles...
August 6, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Kathryn E Phillips, Karen J Corcoran
Graduate students are faced with many stressors, including school, work, and home roles. They may not have the self-care skills and support to manage the increased stress from school. Self-care goal setting check-ins were implemented in a graduate course to support students' stress management. Student resilience levels, wellness, and burnout were moderate. Students indicated the check-ins were helpful, yet still found challenges in completing self-care. They also stated less assignments and integrating more wellness into the curriculum would be helpful in supporting their self-care goals...
August 6, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Sara Gifford, Andrea Kwasky
Prelicensure nursing students manage various stressors, including a rigorous curriculum, physically and psychologically demanding clinical rotations, supplementary work, family responsibilities, and an evolving licensure exam. Because of these stressors, nursing programs must address students' mental health concerns and the potential impact on academic performance. At a private university in the Midwest, a student-centered care plan reflection was implemented to support mental health concerns about the National Council Licensure Examination and promote coping skills...
August 6, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Kelley Strout, Rebecca Schwartz-Mette, Kayla Parsons, Maile Sapp
An educational innovation centered on mindfulness was developed to support the well-being of first-year nursing students at a large public university. Students participated in a week-long experiential learning program before their first semester. They then enrolled in a one-credit course that fostered well-being through research and evidence-based mindfulness practices. The course was highly ranked because of the quality of learning, environment, and theories presented, indicating that supportive wellness initiatives are acceptable and feasibility for future implementation...
August 6, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Cherrill Stockmann, Theresa Adelman-Mullally, Joanna Willett, Mary J Dyck
The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is effective for the evaluation of clinical competence. Studies examining the use of OSCEs in undergraduate mental health nursing education in the United States are limited. A pilot study and a follow-up study were conducted to establish the reliability and validity of a mental health OSCE to evaluate the clinical competence of prelicensure nursing students. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Standards of Best Practice were used to guide the design and implementation...
July 31, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Catherine A Stubin, Thomas A Dahan
AIM: The aim of the study was to explore relationships between perceived faculty support and prevalence of severe/extremely severe depression, anxiety, and stress levels among undergraduate baccalaureate nursing students. BACKGROUND: Emerging research supports nursing students suffering from extreme psychological distress. Educational success and mental health wellness are influenced by external support. METHOD: A mixed-methods design was used for this descriptive, cross-sectional study...
July 30, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Katherine Pfeiffer, Shaquita Starks, Aparna Kumar, Avi Wofsy, Kalisha Bonds Johnson, Kylie Smith
With deep historical roots in psychiatry, structural racism persists in psychiatric nursing today. Psychiatric nurses may hold implicit biases and stereotypical beliefs that influence how they perceive, assess, and interact with people from different racial backgrounds, leading to discrimination, poor treatment, and misdiagnosis. To eliminate discrimination in clinical care and diversify the workforce, there is an urgent need to integrate teaching and learning strategies that address influences of racism and racial identity in psychiatric nursing education...
July 23, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Anita L Peters, Lisa A Weber, Nancy Cichra, Laura Goliat
The number of people facing mental health issues continues to grow in the aftermath of COVID-19. Nurses are challenged with providing care for an increasing number of patients, including veterans, with complex mental health needs across healthcare settings. Of concern, many students transitioning into practice feel they lack the necessary confidence, education, and skills to competently care for patients with mental health illness. This article discusses an innovative mental health immersion experience strategically integrated within a new-nurse residency program...
July 23, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Briana L Snyder, Mary Sharon Curran, Caroline Cooney
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although the prevalence of dissociative disorders (DDs) is up to 10 percent of the general population, psychiatric-mental health (PMH) registered nurses lack education on how to care for individuals diagnosed with these disorders. METHOD: Sixty-two PMH nurse educators completed an anonymous online survey about their perceptions of teaching DDs to nursing students. Braun and Clarke's six-phase framework was used to conduct an inductive, reflexive thematic analysis of the data...
July 17, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Wanda R Gibbons, Shannon M Stevenson, Abby D Mutic
The purpose of this course innovation was to introduce Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)-style questions and create supplemental cooperative learning assignments (CLAs) to enhance content mastery in a prelicensure maternity course. The course itself is divided into three modules focusing on maternal, newborn, and women's health. Three CLAs and two Canvas quizzes were developed to reinforce the course content and integrate NGN-style case studies and questions. The CLAs and quizzes aligned with the course module content...
July 16, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Vicki Gamez, Thomas Gunning
As more patients seek help for acute mental health conditions in all sectors of health care, the demand for nurses trained to care for this population is outpacing the supply. Nursing schools have not been successful in educating students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to provide care. The purpose of this study was to integrate mental health concepts throughout the entire curriculum in a two-year associate degree nursing program and examine its effects on developing mental health literacy in prelicensure students...
July 16, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
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