William O Roberts
A 23-year-old woman completing her first marathon collapsed near the finish line at 4 hours 6 min with a rectal temperature of 41.8°C. She was in good health before the race with no recent illness, had completed a full training program, and was taking no medications or supplements. On the initial exam, she was unconscious with a response to painful stimulus, spontaneous breathing, rapid pulse, eyes closed, fully dilated pupils, poor muscle tone, and pale skin that was warm to touch. The medical team initiated whole-body cooling using rapidly rotating ice water towels and ice packs placed in the neck, axilla, and groin...
May 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Ryan Narciso, Lawrence Venis, Nathan Cardoos
While injuries to the abdominal oblique muscles near their origin at the lower ribs are commonly seen in sports that require explosive trunk rotational movements such as baseball and tennis, there are few reports in the literature of avulsion injuries to these muscles from their distal attachments at the iliac crest. We present the case of two collegiate male hockey players who suffered such injuries as a result of a direct impact mechanism while rotated at the waist. These injuries should be suspected when patients have significant pain in the lower abdominal region worsened by flexion and rotation of the trunk and can be accurately characterized by musculoskeletal ultrasound or MRI...
May 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Matthew D Sedgley, Korin B Hudson, Cheri Blauwet, Clifford Marc Madsen, Paul Seales, Christopher Troyanos, Michele Weinstein, David Dj Cormier, Francis G O'Connor
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Matthew Migliozzi
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May 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
E Randy Eichner
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May 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Stanley A Herring, W Ben Kibler, Margot Putukian, Cheri Blauwet, Lori A Boyajian-O'Neill, Joel Boyd, R Rob Franks, Peter A Indelicato, Lance E LeClere, Catherine Logan, Francis G O'Connor, Jason Matuszak, William O Roberts, Robert E Sallis
Mass participation events include endurance events (e.g., marathon, triathlon) and/or competitive tournaments (e.g., baseball, tennis, football (soccer) tournaments). Event management requires medical administrative and participant care planning. Medical management provides safety advice and care at the event that accounts for large numbers of participants, anticipated injury and illness, variable environment, repeated games or matches, and mixed age groups of varying athletic ability. This document does not pertain to the care of the spectator...
April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Jonathan Bailey, Collin Hu, Brian Merrigan, Steve Gillis
Present-day diving comes in various forms, from utilizing sophisticated diving equipment to relying solely on one's ability to hold their breath. The diver and physician must be aware of the many common medical conditions and environmental considerations of this unique activity. While barotrauma remains the most common dive-related injury, injuries and accidents also are related to diving equipment-related accidents and exposure to marine flora and fauna. In addition, breath-hold diving, which includes free diving, snorkeling, and tasks, is an activity humans have done for thousands of years for recreation or survival...
April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Terrance Leighton, Edgar VanHorne, Dale Parsons
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a treatment for conditions like traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, and migraines would seem intuitive, given its effect on condition-related ischemia and inflammation. However, hyperbaric therapeutic impacts for these in acute and chronic, or prolonged symptoms are elusive. This narrative review of hyperbaric's utility provided in sections per disease renders first a review of conventional pathological mechanisms and then articulates hyperbaric treatment targets versus their respective impacts...
April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Stephen Steele, Sunny Brahmbhatt, Devak Patel
Swimming-induced pulmonary edema (SIPE) is a rare but life-threatening acute illness that can occur in otherwise healthy athletes and individuals. Also known as immersion pulmonary edema, SIPE presents in swimmers, snorkelers, and SCUBA divers. It occurs in persons under heavy exertion in cold water temperatures, leading to coughing, shortness of breath, and sometimes blood-tinged sputum. Under these conditions, there is increased pulmonary vascular pressure, which may ultimately lead to pulmonary edema. This article synthesizes the latest data on the prevalence, pathophysiology, etiology, risks, short- and long-term complications, and the efficacy of supportive medical treatment interventions...
April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
M Justin Willcox, Blair B Rhodehouse, David W DeGroot
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April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Morgan Chambers, Stephanie Carey, Matthew Silvis
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Sheeva Shahinfar, Jessica Saganowich, Anuruddh Misra
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Abhishek Chandra, Jack Goldstein, Krystina Peters, William O Roberts, David J Satin
The prevalence of sexual abuse in competitive sports is increasing worldwide and requires a united call to action. The underreporting of such abuses gained media attention resulting from recent high-profile cases. In this article, we report the results of a systematic literature review, identifying root causes of underreporting sexual abuse in competitive sports. We identify that biases and conflicts of interest work against effective reporting of abuse by athletes at the individual, organizational, and cultural levels...
March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Stanley A Herring, W Ben Kibler, Margot Putukian, Lori A Boyajian-O'Neill, Cindy J Chang, R Rob Franks, Mark Hutchinson, Peter A Indelicato, Francis G O'Connor, Amy Powell, Ryan Roach, Marc Safran, Siobhan M Statuta, Karen Sutton
Musculoskeletal injuries occur frequently in sport during practice, training, and competition. Injury assessment and management are common responsibilities for the team physician. Initial Assessment and Management of Musculoskeletal Injury-A Team Physician Consensus Statement is title 23 in a series of annual consensus documents written for the practicing team physician. This statement was developed by the Team Physician Consensus Conference, an annual project-based alliance of six major professional associations...
March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Hans Christian Haverkamp, Bryce N Balmain
An understanding of the normal pulmonary responses to incremental exercise is requisite for appropriate interpretation of findings from clinical exercise testing. The purpose of this review is to provide concrete information to aid the interpretation of the exercise ventilatory response in both healthy and diseased populations. We begin with an overview of the normal exercise ventilatory response to incremental exercise in the healthy, normally trained young-to-middle aged adult male. The exercise ventilatory responses in two nonpatient populations (females, elderly) are then juxtaposed with the responses in healthy males...
March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Jeremy Loescher, Joshua Blomgren, Kathleen Weber
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March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Anthony Ruzga, Adam Gorra
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March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Garrett S Dennis, Rod J Turner, Rehal A Bhojani
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Lauren S Butler, Joseph Janosky, Gregory Knell, Sophia Ulman, Kevin Latz
Children's participation in sport is a critical component to their physical and social development and as such, efforts should be made to provide all children with the opportunity to play. In recent years, there has been an observed shift in the focus of youth sports from that of participation for the health benefits of physical activity and fun to that of winning and competing. As a result, there has been a rise in club sports offerings and a subsequent reduction in recreational sports opportunities. This change presents unique challenges to children's access to sport and may not adequately support their overall physical, social, and emotional development...
March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Paul Kehoe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
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